item: #1 of 20 id: A03922 author: Barclay, William, 1570?-1630? title: Callirhoe, the nymph of Aberdene, resuscitat by William Barclay M. of Art, and Doctor of Physicke. What diseases may be cured by drinking of the well at Aberdene, and what is the true vse thereof date: 1615.0 words: 3899 flesch: 52 summary: I lay then as a ground , that of all liquours , there is none more apt then water to receiue the qualities and vertues of any simple : for which cause the Physicians most ordinarily make their infusions and decoctions in water : the reason of this is , because water of it selfe is voyde of taste , and so much the more fit to receiue both the taste ▪ and all other second qualities from all simples : yea , not onely second qualities , which are manifest and knowne by the senses , but also hidden and occult qualities , of which , some doe alter the taste : as the infusion of Rheubarbe : some doe not alter the taste , as the infusion of Antimonium , or the decoction of golde . Notwithstanding that water be a fitte subject to receiue the impression of diuerse tastes , yet doth it not receiue so commodiously the diuersitie of odours : and in that respect the perfumers doe not infuse their sweete odoriferous drogges in water , but in oyle , which we call oleum Balaninum , which oyle is as voyde it selfe of all odours , as water is of sapours : this is the reason also why the daintie , delicate & sawcie victuallers or cookes in their restoring and Venerian pasties put the roote called Petatos , which of it selfe is tastelesse and vnsauourie to receiue the temper and pickle of all the other spices & nourishing aliments . keywords: aberdene; barclay; bladder; body; books; characters; cure; discourse; diseases; doctor; doe; drinke; drinking; early; eebo; encoding; english; euery; good; hath; haue; health; hee; images; land; liuer; man; matter; men; nature; neuer; nymphe; online; oxford; parte; partnership; passages; people; phase; physician; physicke; qualities; reason; second; selfe; subject; tcp; tei; text; true; vertue; vse; water; william; works; xml cache: A03922.xml plain text: A03922.txt item: #2 of 20 id: A12654 author: Fuchs, Gilbert, 1504-1567. De acidis fontibus sylvae Arduennae, praesertim eo qui in Spa visitur, libellus. title: A briefe discourse of the hypostasis, or substance of the water of Spaw; containing in small quantity many pots of that minerall water Verie profitable for such patients, as cannot repaire in person to those fountaines, as by perusing this discourse, it will plainly appeare. Translated out of French into English, by G.T. This abouesaide hypostasis, or substance of the water of Spaw, is to be sold by Doctor Hieronimus Seminus, Italian, dwelling in S. Paules Alley, in Red-crosse-street. date: 1612.0 words: 3401 flesch: 58 summary: But this way is found by experience , no lesse troublesome , then chargeable in the carriage ; considering , that a huge quantity of water , containeth but a very little of the Minerall substance , wherein the vertue of the water consisteth ; and the saide substance being so thinly diuided into a great quantity of water , looseth much of the force and vertue , before it can bee brought into so farre distant places ; the which hath beene the cause , why the persons before insinuated , haue employed their studye and Trauaile , to reduce the pure Hypostasis or substance of the saide Minerals , into so little a quantitie , as that one pot may supply for farre more then an hundred pots ; and withall , that no part of the force or vertue of the saide Minerals should bee impaired . Take a dram weight of this Liquor , which is the eight part of an Ounce ; and contayneth as much in quantity , as will fill a great Thimble ; poure this into a glasse or stone Bottle , & poure thereunto fifty Ounces of the best and clearest water that is to be had ; whether it be Fountaine water , Riuer water , or Well water : This water is to be put vnto the dram weight of the other liquor , at the time that the Patient is ready to drinke it , and not before ; not that any inconuenience may ensue thereof , but because the fresher the water is , the more grateful it is vnto the taste , and the Minerall substance in length of time , will descend vnto the bottom of the glasse : and albeit it may bee newly stirred and mingled with the water , and so taken ; yet will it notwithstanding , be more to the liking of the Patient , as before is noted , to haue his water brought fresh from the Spring , &c. keywords: agues; bee; better; books; characters; discourse; diseases; doctor; dram; drinke; early; eebo; english; fountaines; french; gilbert; glasse; good; hath; haue; hee; hypostasis; minerall; morning; ounces; patient; persons; pots; profitable; pure; quantity; saide; spaw; stomacke; substance; tcp; tei; text; thereof; time; verie; vnto; vse; water; works cache: A12654.xml plain text: A12654.txt item: #3 of 20 id: A14325 author: Venner, Tobias, 1577-1660. title: The baths of Bathe: or, A necessary compendious treatise concerning the nature, vse and efficacie of those famous hot vvaters published for the benefit of all such, as yeerely for their health, resort to those baths: with an aduertisement of the great vtilitie that commeth to mans body, by the taking of physick in the spring, inferred vpon a question mooued, concerning the frequencie of sicknesse, and death of people more in that season, then in any other. Whereunto is also annexed a censure, concerning the water of Saint Vincents rocks neere Bristoll, which begins to grow in great request and vse against the stone. By To. Venner, Doctor in Physick in Bathe. date: 1628.0 words: 9587 flesch: 51 summary: But Baths naturally hot ( as these our Baths are ) to bodies naturally hot and drie , are generally hurtfull ; and so much the more , as the body is drier , and the Bath hotter , because it distempereth and consumeth the very habit of the body , and maketh it carrion-like leane . But to draw to an end , when you shal for your health repaire to the Baths , be cautelous , and suffer not your selfe to be taken vp by such as will presse vpon you ; but rest your selfe at your Inne , and be well aduised by a Physician that knowes the nature and vse of the Baths , and can well iudge of your infirmities and state of body , what Bath shall be fitting for your vse , and then vp your lodging accordingly : which course if it were obserued , and the Physician carefully and learnedly performe his part , I am perswaded that many mo then now doe , would , for their infirmities , finde remedie at the Baths , to the great honour of the place , and that scarcely any would depart thence , but much eased and bettered in their state of body . keywords: aduertisement; affected; age; bathing; baths; bee; benefit; best; bodies; body; cause; cold; conuenient; cure; diseases; diuers; doe; eebo; effects; effectuall; efficacie; empericks; end; english; euery; excellent; fall; fit; goe; good; great; haue; health; heate; helpe; hot; hotter; humors; hurt; infirmities; kings; lesse; like; little; matter; moist; morning; nature; neere; occasion; oftentimes; parts; people; physician; physicke; preposterous; reason; receiue; regard; resort; saint; sicknesse; spring; state; stomacke; stone; subiect; summer; taking; tcp; text; themselues; time; true; venner; vnto; vpon; vse; water; way; winter; yeerely cache: A14325.xml plain text: A14325.txt item: #4 of 20 id: A14591 author: G. W., fl. 1600. title: Newes out of Cheshire of the new found well date: 1600.0 words: 8299 flesch: 47 summary: And of all things in the world found to be medicinable and helpfull to Mans health , no one thing may challenge so great a preeminence ( as an instrumentall cause ) as Water , wherein euen from the worlds beginning hath euer been found most excellent soueraigntie of preseruation and recouerie of mens decaied health , and remedie against seuerall diseases . Naamans washing him seuen times in Iordan at the Prophets commandement , to be healed of his leprosie , implieth the fitnes of Water in the curing of so grieuous a disease , and albeit the Almightie power , who indeede performed that cure miraculouslie , could as well haue done it by the vse of any other matter , yet herein was shewed the fit vse and application of Water aboue all other things , for the effecting of that glorious worke : and may not the like be affirmed touching that lame Cripple in the Gospell , which had lyen so long by the Poole , wanting meanes to be put into it , whereof he was still preuented by those who thrust in before him for recouerie of infinite infirmities ? keywords: able; againe; anie; benefit; best; books; cause; characters; cheshire; common; credit; cures; discourse; diseases; diuers; doe; drinking; early; earth; eebo; english; euen; farre; fewe; finding; forrest; fountaine; foure; gentleman; giue; good; great; hand; hath; haue; hauing; health; helpe; hill; himselfe; honest; infirmities; iohn; knowledge; knowne; labour; late; leaue; like; little; man; manner; mans; master; meanes; medicinable; men; nature; neere; new; newes; north; past; people; persons; place; pleasure; poore; proofe; reason; remedie; report; selfe; set; seuerall; sight; situation; sort; spring; stone; straunge; tcp; tei; text; themselues; thing; time; true; truth; verie; vertue; vnto; vpon; vse; vvell; washing; water; works; world; yeeres cache: A14591.xml plain text: A14591.txt item: #5 of 20 id: A19316 author: Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624. title: The colde spring of Kinghorne Craig his admirable and new tryed properties, so far foorth as yet are found by experience. Written by Patrik Anderson D. of Physick. date: 1618.0 words: 9263 flesch: 69 summary: When they were thristie they called vpon thee , and thou gaue them water out of the high Rock , and their thirst was quenched out of the hard stone . Upon the east syde of the same Rock , in a hollow corner is perceived a certaine white cleir congealed water snotting through the moyst clifts of the Craig ▪ much resembling the geile of fishe , or representing the stryne of ane evill rosted egge , called of those who are skilfull in metalles , Sperma , seu mater Metallorum . keywords: a19316; admirable; althogh; anderson; ane; aqua; bee; best; better; betwix; bodie; books; cap; cause; certaine; characters; cleir; cold; coole; copper; course; cōmoun; craig; crystall; dayes; disseases; diverse; doe; doeth; doubt; drinck; drying; early; edinburgh; eebo; effects; encoding; english; est; euen; excellent; experience; eyes; face; faire; far; fevers; foorth; good; great; greater; gypsum; hard; hath; haue; heale; heat; hee; helpe; helpeth; high; honourable; hote; humors; idem; images; inquit; inward; iron; kinghorne; knowne; kynds; lead; lesse; lever; lib; litle; long; lord; lyke; man; meane; med; mee; men; metall; minerall; mixed; modo; moneths; mouth; naturall; nature; neere; new; niter; nitri; nitrum; noble; non; number; onlie; oxford; paines; partnership; parts; people; phase; physicall; physick; physition; place; plumbi; plumbum; poore; power; prepared; properties; quae; qualities; rare; reason; red; refreshing; remedie; right; rock; runneth; salpeter; salt; sayeth; scotland; selfe; semi; short; silver; skinne; spring; springes; stomach; stones; sunt; tcp; tei; text; thing; tinne; true; tryed; tyme; veines; vel; verie; vlcers; vpon; vse; water; way; wee; whereof; wholsome; whyte; works; writeth; xml; yea; ● ● cache: A19316.xml plain text: A19316.txt item: #6 of 20 id: A20002 author: Deane, Edmund, 1582?-1640. title: Spadacrene Anglica Or, the English spavv-fountaine. Being a briefe treatise of the acide, or tart fountaine in the forest of Knaresborow, in the west-riding of Yorkshire. As also a relation of other medicinall waters in the said forest. By Edmund Deane, Dr. in Physicke, Oxon. dwelling in the city of Yorke. date: 1626.0 words: 11130 flesch: 59 summary: As also a relation of other medicinall waters in the said forest. As also a relation of other medicinall waters in the said forest. keywords: aboue; acide; bee; better; blood; body; books; bottome; briefe; cause; chance; chap; characters; city; cleare; cold; commodious; contrary; countries; dayes; deane; diseases; diuers; doe; dog; doth; drinke; dry; early; earth; edmund; eebo; effects; end; english; euery; farre; fit; forest; forth; fountaine; giue; good; great; hath; haue; hauing; head; heat; hee; himselfe; hippocrates; hot; humours; ill; infirmities; knaresborow; lesse; like; little; manner; meats; medicinall; medicines; minerall; moe; nature; new; obseruation; ouer; parts; passe; people; physicke; physitian; place; proportion; pure; purging; qualities; quality; reason; remedies; riding; right; said; saith; salt; sauuenir; selfe; seuerall; simple; small; spaw; spirits; spring; stone; strong; tart; tcp; tei; text; thing; time; towne; treatise; true; vertues; vitrioll; vnto; vrine; vse; water; wee; west; whereof; worthy; yea; yeare; yorke cache: A20002.xml plain text: A20002.txt item: #7 of 20 id: A23627 author: Allen, Benjamin, 1663-1738. title: The natural history of the chalybeat and purging waters of England with their particular essays and uses : among which are treated at large, the apoplexy & hypochondriacism : to which are added some observations on the bath waters in Somersetshire ... / by Benjamin Allen ... date: 1699.0 words: 51399 flesch: 54 summary: eng Mineral waters -- England. Both the Chalybeat and Purging Waters have some Virtues in common to restore the Appetite , remove nauseousness of the Stomach , Pains of that and the Head , to cool , to allay Flatulencies , and the Cramps and disorderly Motions in the Body , and flatness of the Spirits that attends them : And this the Nature of the Principles well accounts , which are thus far the same ; for as Water , the common Vehicle in both , demands Consideration , as being most unfermentative , and so a great assistant in suppressing Flatulencies from ill Concoction , and other Failings of the parts occasion'd by fermented Liquors ; so the main Principle of the Purging Waters , I have detected to be a Chalybeat Juyce . keywords: account; acid; acidity; acton; affected; affectio; agreeable; air; alkalisate; alkalys; allow'd; alteration; animal; apoplexies; apoplexy; appear'd; appears; appetite; apt; aqua; aut; author; bath; benefit; best; better; black; blew; blood; bodies; body; boyl'd; brain; calcarious; cases; catamenia; cause; cephalick; chalk; chalybeat; chalybeat waters; change; chlorosis; chyle; clay; clear; cloves; cold; coldness; colour; common salt; common water; confirm'd; consider'd; considerable; consideration; constant; constitution; contain'd; course; crasis; curdled; cure; dark; days; dead; deep; degree; deliquium; design; differ'd; differences; different; discover'd; discovery; diseases; disposition; distemper; distill'd; distinct; distinguish'd; doth; drinking; dropsie; dusky; earth; easie; effect; effectual; efflorescence; elasticity; elastick; end; england; english; epsam; equal; essays; essex; evident; examination; experience; extraordinary; face; fair water; farther; feavers; ferrugineous; ferrys; figure; fine; fit; flatulent; fluxes; form'd; fortis; frequent; gall; general; glands; glass; good; gout; grains; grand; gravel; gravelly; great; greater; green; grosser; ground; half; hand; hard; hath; head; heat; heavy; help; high; history; hours; humour; hypochondriacal; ill; increase; inform'd; infusion; ingredients; inquiry; instances; iron; jaundies; judge; judgment; juyce; kind; knaresborow; known; lambeth; large; learned; life; light; lighter; lignum; like; lime; liquor; little; living; loam; logwood; long; longer; lungs; lye; making; manner; matter; means; measure; melancholy; metalline; method; milky; mind; mineral; mineral waters; mix'd; mixture; motion; natural; nature; necessary; need; nephriticum; nerves; new; nitre; nitrous; notice; nourishment; observable; observation; obstructions; occasion; ones; open; original; origine; ounces; oyl; pain; pale; particles; particular; parts; passions; patient; peculiar; persons; place; plethora; power; precipitate; precipitation; present; principles; proceed; production; proper; proportion; pump; purging; purple; qualifications; qualities; quality; quantity; reason; red; reddish; regard; remedy; remove; rest; rhomboid; richmond; rise; rock; saline; salt; saltpetre; saturni; scarborow; scarce; scum; scurvy; seat; second salt; selenites; selenitical; self; sense; seu; sides; signs; silver; small; soft; solution; sort; species; spirit; spring; state; steel; stomach; stone; subject; sublimate; success; sudden; sufficient; sulphur; symptoms; syrup; tartar; taste; tcp; text; thick; thing; thought; time; tincture; trouble; true; tunbridge; ulcers; understanding; understood; use; uses; ventricles; vertigo; vessels; violets; virtues; vitriol; vitrioline; void; want; water; way; weakness; weigh'd; weight; wells; white; wine; woodham; years; yellow; ● ● cache: A23627.xml plain text: A23627.txt item: #8 of 20 id: A27372 author: Belon, P. (Peter) title: The Irish spaw, being a short discourse on mineral waters in general with a way of improving by art weakly impregnated mineral waters ... / by P. Bellon ... date: 1684.0 words: 8501 flesch: 45 summary: The Irish spaw, being a short discourse on mineral waters in general with a way of improving by art weakly impregnated mineral waters ... / by P. Bellon ... Belon, P. (Peter) 1684 Approx. The Irish spaw, being a short discourse on mineral waters in general with a way of improving by art weakly impregnated mineral waters ... / by P. Bellon ... Belon, P. (Peter) keywords: acid; alum; best; body; books; characters; city; colour; common; crude; cure; days; discourse; diseases; divers; doth; drinking; early; earth; easie; eebo; english; essential; external; general; glass; good; grace; great; heat; impregnated; impregnated waters; inconveniencies; iron; large; learned; like; little; long; mars; matter; metals; milk; mineral; mineral waters; mixed; natural; nature; new; obstructions; odour; particular; parts; persons; place; powder; powerful; proportion; qualities; quality; quantity; red; said; salt; sediment; self; short; sick; small; sorts; spirit; springs; stay; stomach; strong; subject; sulphur; taking; tcp; tei; text; things; time; universal; use; veins; vessels; virtues; vitriolick; waters; way; weakly; weakness; weight; work; yielding cache: A27372.xml plain text: A27372.txt item: #9 of 20 id: A28830 author: Borlase, Edmund, d. 1682? title: Latham Spaw in Lancashire with some remarkable cases and cures effected by it : together with a farther account of it as may conduce to the publick advantage with ease and little expence. date: 1672.0 words: 10846 flesch: 42 summary: Latham Spaw in Lancashire with some remarkable cases and cures effected by it : together with a farther account of it as may conduce to the publick advantage with ease and little expence. Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 46166) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1144:2) Latham Spaw in Lancashire with some remarkable cases and cures effected by it : together with a farther account of it as may conduce to the publick advantage with ease and little expence. keywords: abheers; account; advantage; advice; appetite; aquae; belly; benefit; better; bladders; bodies; body; books; borlase; bowels; case; characters; charity; clear; cold; countess; course; cures; daies; day; derby; diseases; distempers; drinking; drunk; early; eebo; effects; encoding; english; evacuations; excellent; exercise; gall; general; glass; good; gravel; great; hath; head; health; hist; ill; images; lancashire; large; late; latham; latham spaw; learned; legs; length; like; little; long; lord; lordships; man; matter; means; medicines; minerals; months; morning; natural; nature; nay; non; observations; observes; obstructions; old; online; opinion; orderly; oxford; oyl; page; pains; partnership; parts; patient; person; phase; physician; physick; present; publick; quality; reason; remarkable; right; roots; rules; seeds; self; set; shells; short; spaw; spaw water; spirits; spring; stomach; stone; strength; sufficient; tcp; tei; text; thighs; time; treatise; urine; use; usual; vapours; vertue; vitriol; warm; water; way; weak; weeks; white; winter; womb; works; xml; years cache: A28830.xml plain text: A28830.txt item: #10 of 20 id: A29026 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters addressed by way of letter to a friend / by Robert Boyle. date: None words: 22802 flesch: 59 summary: The powder of Galls fitter to produce a new colour in Mineral Wa●●●● than their infusion . Upon this dry'd Paper ye may let fall , but not all on the same place , some drops of the Mineral Liquor to be examin'd , especially if it be of a Saline nature , and by the Changes of Colour , effected by these Drops on the Parts of the Paper , they fell and spread themselves upon , a heedful observer may be assisted to guess , what kind of Mineral impregnates the Liquor , and how much it does so ; especially if on the same Sheet of Paper some other fit Mineral Water or idoneous Liquor be likewise dropt , that the changes of colour produc'd by the two Fluids , may be survey'd and compar'd together . keywords: able; account; acid; acidity; air; apt; arsenic; article; author; best; better; blackish; bodies; body; books; cap; certain; change; circumstances; colour; common; common water; considerable; contain'd; copper; cum; dark; degree; difficulty; discover'd; dissolv'd; divers; doubt; drinking; dry; earth; easy; eebo; effects; english; evaporation; experiments; fall; far; ferruginous; fire; fit; form; galls; german; glass; good; grain; great; greater; ground; guess; hath; having; heat; help; history; humane; impregnated; infusion; inquiry; iron; kind; knowledge; large; learned; leaves; light; lighter; like; liquor; little; london; long; manifest; martial; matter; means; med; medicinal; memoirs; men; mention'd; metalline; mineral water; minerals; mort; natural; nature; near; necessary; new; notes; notice; number; observations; occasion; odour; ones; opera; oyl; paper; particular; parts; peculiar; phaenomena; physicians; place; powder; predominant; present; probable; produc'd; produce; producing; proportion; propos'd; purple; qualities; quality; quantity; reason; receptacle; red; saline; salt; second; self; set; short; small; solution; sorts; spaw; spaw water; spirit; spring; strong; subject; substance; subterraneal; sulphur; sulphureous; tartar; tast; tcp; text; thing; tho; thô; time; tincture; titles; tryals; tunbridge; turn; urine; use; useful; vertue; vessels; vitriol; vitriolate; volatile; vvater; water propos'd; waters; way; wayes; weight; work cache: A29026.xml plain text: A29026.txt item: #11 of 20 id: A30805 author: Byfield, T. (Timothy) title: The artificial spaw, or, Mineral-waters to drink imitating the German spaw-water in its delightful and medicinal operations on humane bodies, &c. / by T. Byfield. date: 1684.0 words: 7632 flesch: 54 summary: But I shall not here discourse of the productions from Waters ; what Vegetables , Minerals and Animals are generated by it : neither shall I treat of the various kinds of Water , as River-Water , Rain-Water , Pump , Lake , Pond-Water , &c. That is the best and most wholsome which is void of taste or odour , and is clear , pure , most light , soon heated , soon cold , and in which Flesh is soonest Boil'd . The Learned Helmont saith , ( p. 55. ) Semina salium cuncta in aquis sita sunt , attamen nondum saporem induerunt nisi corporum principia consentanea uterosque terrae debitos repererunt , &c. ( viz. ) That all the Seeds of Salts are plac'd in Water , yet are not endued with taste , unless they find agreeable Principles of Bodies , and suitable Matrices of the Earth ; then , and not till then , they manifest their Saltness , and become determined in a Saline Body ; in one place into Allom , in another Salmarine , in a third in Nitre , &c. keywords: account; acid; air; allom; artificial; best; better; bin; blood; bodies; body; books; business; byfield; call'd; chap; characters; cool; design; diseases; drink; early; earth; eebo; english; esurine; excellent; fit; general; gentle; good; great; greater; gross; house; humane; humours; labour; large; little; long; marcasites; matter; medicinal; medicinal waters; medicines; metals; mineral; mineral waters; natural; nature; necessary; nitre; nitrous; operations; parts; physician; physick; prepar'd; preparation; principles; proper; qualities; quantity; requisite; salt; self; skill; spaw; spirit; springs; strength; taste; tcp; tei; text; things; tincture; use; useful; vehicle; veins; virtues; vitriol; waters cache: A30805.xml plain text: A30805.txt item: #12 of 20 id: A30807 author: Byfield, T. (Timothy) title: A short and plain account of the late-found Balsamick Wells at Hoxdon, and of their excellent virtues above other mineral waters, which make 'em effectually cure most diseases, both inward and outward with directions how to use 'em / by T. Byfield, M.D. date: 1687.0 words: 6603 flesch: 63 summary: That all the Seeds of Salts are placed in Water , yet are not endued with Taste , unless they find agreeable Principles of Bodies and sutable Matrices of the Earth ; then , and not till then they manifest their Saltness , and become determined in a Saline Body ; in one place into Allom ; in another Sal-marine , in a Third Nitre . &c. A short and plain account of the late-found Balsamick Wells at Hoxdon, and of their excellent virtues above other mineral waters, which make 'em effectually cure most diseases, both inward and outward with directions how to use 'em / by T. Byfield, M.D. Byfield, T. (Timothy) 1687 Approx. keywords: account; acid; air; alkali; balsamick; best; better; blood; bodies; body; books; bowels; byfield; chap; characters; cold; common; cool; cure; design; directions; diseases; distempers; early; earth; eebo; embryonate; english; esurine; excellent; fit; general; good; great; hoxdon; humours; little; lively; long; medicinal; medicines; metals; method; mineral; mineral waters; nature; new; nitre; open; original; page; parts; physicians; plain; principles; proper; pure; quantity; salt; scurvey; self; short; spirit; sulphur; tcp; tei; text; use; veins; virtues; vitriol; viz; volatile; waters; wells; work; wou'd cache: A30807.xml plain text: A30807.txt item: #13 of 20 id: A31676 author: Chapman, Henry, fl. 1673. title: Thermæ redivivæ, the city of Bath described with some observations on those soveraign waters, both as to the bathing in, and drinking of them, now so much in use / by Henry Chapman ... date: 1673.0 words: 6389 flesch: 40 summary: In the Body whereof one thing is most remarkable , that although it be of a vast Dimension taking its height , bredth , and length , and lying uncovered for above 100 years , the Windows so large , the Walls so thin , ( that I presume many Mansion-houses equal it ) yet this Noble Pile , notwithstanding it hath no sloaping Buttresses , on the outside to support and strengthen it , which the great Churches usually have , shews no Flaw , Crack , not settling , but stands firm and entire , evidencing thereby , not only the profound Skill of the Architect , but the goodness of the Stone , whose quality is , when taken up green out of the Quarry , of such a softness , that a Pen-knife ( comparatively ) may work it , without turning its edge , but when exposed to any building in the open Air , nothing more lasting , nothing more permanent , for neither Age nor time can deface it , witness the whole Pile , which notwithstanding it hath stood near two Centuries , yet to this day , remains as firm and beautiful as at first , near the midst whereof , under an Arch to the Northward , lyes interred the Noble and Charitable Benefactor Bishop Montague , on whom his Executors ( his Brothers ) men of great Honor and Places , rear'd a stately Monument , answerable to the Dignity of that Honourable and Religious Prelate , over against this Noble Monument , the City in Testimony of the respects they owed to the then Rector Mr. John Pelling erected another to him , this Reverend Divine , notwithstanding he had a numerous Issue ; yet was so indefatigably zealous in forwarding the reparation of this Fabrick , that when at any time ( and that was not seldom in that generous and benefactory Age ) any Persons of Honour offer'd to him , as to his private , refused it with his , Non mihi sed Ecclesiae , which occasion'd that Motto over his Tomb , which self-denyal ( its possible ) the good God hath ( secondarily paid into his own bosom , by a blessing on his Posterity , who ( some of them especially ) notwithstanding the few mites they had to begin the World , have now the value of Talents in their Possession ; but this I take notice of , only for the Readers satisfaction , not for other Ministers Imitation . THe City of Bath is seated in the North North-East part of Somersetshire , environ'd ( almost ) all ) round with pleasant and fruitful Hills full of excellent Springs of Waters , in so much as 't is observed that on many of their Sumits , there are rare Christal Waters , gushing out especially in one Village adjoyning to the Southwards of it , there are near Fifty ( if not more ) Habitations , where scarce one House makes use of that Water that served another , each one enjoying a particular to its self . keywords: a31676; author; bath; bathing; benefactors; bladud; body; books; bounty; care; chapman; characters; church; city; cold; creation; cross; day; drinking; early; eebo; encoding; english; fame; famous; general; gentleman; god; good; great; greater; hath; henry; higher; hills; honour; hot; house; images; kings; known; life; like; little; london; mayor; miles; monument; near; noble; observations; online; oxford; partnership; people; phase; pig; places; present; quality; quantity; reason; round; self; small; soveraign; springs; stately; stone; sufficient; tcp; tei; text; time; use; vertues; wall; waters; whereof; works; world; xml; years cache: A31676.xml plain text: A31676.txt item: #14 of 20 id: A40451 author: French, John, 1616-1657. title: The York-shire spaw, or, A treatise of foure famous medicinal wells viz. the spaw, or vitrioline-well, the stinking, or sulphur-well, the dropping, or petrifying-well, and S. Mugnus-well, near Knare borow in York-shire : together with the causes, vertues and use thereof : for farther information read the contents / composed by J. French, Dr. of Physick. date: 1654.0 words: 31432 flesch: 58 summary: Now although this his experiment of the aforesaid glass doth prettily illustrate the busines of condensation , and rarefaction in close vessels , yet it doth not demonstrate sufficiently the raising of waters from the deep subterraneall channells to the superficies of the earth , for it is apparent , as I have shewed in the former part of this chapter , that some springs swell more in summer than in winter ; Secondly if springs do rise higher in time of frost than in hot seasons , it is onely either because some subterraneall vapours , which could not evaporate by reason of the earth being constringed with cold , are condensed into water , and so make for the present some small addition to springs , or because the subterraneall waters are rarified , and swell by that heat which is occasioned through the aforesaid binding of the earth , for we see by experience that springs are hotter in frosty weather than in summer . And Fallopius saith that in the territories of Mutina is a short plat of ground , out of which comes fire and smoke , and the ground is all like dust , which if you kindle , you cannot quench again with water : so that these kind of fires are perpetual , and very long lasting in waters . keywords: account; acid; acidity; advise; aforesaid; air; aristotle; bathing; baths; bed; best; better; betwixt; bitumen; bituminous; black; bladder; bloud; bodies; body; bowels; burning; cases; cause; causeth; caverns; certain; chap; chapter; cold; cold water; coldness; common; concoction; consequence; contrary; copper; corroded; crudities; cures; day; dayes; deep; difference; digestion; directions; diseases; distempers; distilled; divers; doth; drink; drinking; dropping; dry; earth; effects; esurine; exercise; famous; feaver; feet; fire; fit; force; fountain; galen; general; generation; glass; glasses; good; great; greater; ground; habit; half; hath; head; heat; heated; high; hot; hot water; humours; impregnated; inward; iron; kind; knaresborow; lake; like; little; long; manner; matter; means; medicinal; mention; metals; milk; mineral; mixed; mixture; morning; mugnus; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; new; night; nitre; non; obstructions; odour; oftentimes; onely; open; operations; opinion; original; pag; particular; parts; passages; passing; philosophers; physick; place; pliny; pouder; proportion; pure; quantity; rain; reason; reports; river; roman; said; saith; saline; salt; saltness; sea; second; self; shire; simple; small; sol; spaw; spaw water; spirit; springs; stand; stomack; stones; stopt; strange; strength; subject; substance; subterraneal; subtile; sufficient; sulphur; sulphurious; summer; sun; superficies; sweat; symptomes; taking; tast; text; therewith; things; time; treatise; true; use; uses; vapours; veins; vertues; vessels; vitrial; vitrioline; viz; want; warm; water; way; weather; wells; whilest; white; wind; wine; winter; withall; women; year; york cache: A40451.xml plain text: A40451.txt item: #15 of 20 id: A41104 author: Faber, Albert Otto, 1612-1684. title: A relation of some notable cures accounted incurable as followeth. date: 1663.0 words: 2372 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Yet upon the earnest desire of several persons , the Cures hereafter mentioned , being in truth effectively performed ; it hath been resolved , hereby once more to give publick notice of it , and its particular virtues , according to late experience , since that general account given of it about 2. years past . keywords: age; bladder; body; books; characters; cure; early; eebo; encoding; english; ens; faber; good; gout; hath; health; images; manner; medicine; online; otto; oxford; paracelsus; partnership; phase; primum; said; spirit; stone; tcp; tei; text; weeks; works; xml; years cache: A41104.xml plain text: A41104.txt item: #16 of 20 id: A42118 author: Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712. title: A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt contain'd in Epsom and such other waters by Nehemiah Grew. date: 1697.0 words: 11917 flesch: 64 summary: When the Concoction of the Stomach is Vitiated by too much , or improper Meat and Drink , Vomiting often follows ; for the quieting which , the Bitter Purging Salt , or Waters , is a most excellent Remedy , for the same reason that the Salt of Wormwood , and Juice of Lemons , is so Famous , tho' this Salt is highly preferrable to it , with one stroke destroying and carrying off the Peccant Salts . A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt contain'd in Epsom and such other waters by Nehemiah Grew. keywords: acid; add; air; alkaline; allom; apozem; bitter; bitter salt; bleeding; blood; body; boil; boiling; calcin'd; calx; chalybeate; chap; cold; colour; common; common salt; common water; cream; crucible; day; days; different; disease; dissolv'd; distill'd; dram; draught; drink; eebo; english; epsom; figure; fire; following; fore; glass; good; greater; half; heat; hot; hours; humours; like; lime; little; lixivial; mace; manner; medicine; milk; mix'd; morning; nature; nitre; oil; ounce; parts; patient; persons; physicians; pills; pints; place; principles; proper; purge; purging; quantity; remedies; salt; scruple; self; silver; spirit; spring; stomach; stone; substance; success; syrup; tartar; tast; tcp; text; tho; time; use; vessel; water; white; wine cache: A42118.xml plain text: A42118.txt item: #17 of 20 id: A42303 author: Greaves, Edward, Sir, 1608-1680. title: A letter concerning some observations lately made at Bathe written to his much honoured friend Sir E.G., Knight and Baronet, M.D. in London / by Thomas Guidott ... date: 1674.0 words: 4775 flesch: 44 summary: And because I am now fallen on this Subject I shall crave leave to remind you of what you well enough understand already , that not only Dulcius but Vtilius ex ipso Fonte , &c. and Waters especially impregnated with volatile Spirits , such as most acid are , and peculiarly Vitrioline , to avoid the inconvenience and expence , not so much of Money as Virtue , in the Carriage , must be drunk on the place where they are , which in some kind resembling Children , that must live by sucking , if once removed from their Mother , or Nurse , by degrees dwindle away , and at last die . In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: advantage; bath; bathes; body; books; characters; colour; considerable; contents; doctor; early; eebo; encoding; english; experiments; fire; galls; glass; good; greater; guidott; hath; henry; honoured; images; infusion; iron; letter; little; london; making; matter; nature; observations; online; oxford; particular; partnership; persons; phase; places; proportion; quantity; regard; saline; salt; satisfaction; self; sir; small; subject; tast; tcp; tei; text; thing; thomas; time; true; use; waters; way; willing; xml; yellow cache: A42303.xml plain text: A42303.txt item: #18 of 20 id: A42309 author: Guidott, Thomas, fl. 1698. title: A true and exact account of Sadlers Well, or, The new mineral-waters lately found out at Islington treating of its nature and virtues : together with an enumeration of the chiefest diseases which it is good for, and against which it may be used, and the manner and order of taking of it / published for publick good by T.G., Doctor of Physick. date: 1684.0 words: 2332 flesch: 56 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A42309) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 94134) In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: account; books; characters; diseases; early; eebo; english; exact; good; great; images; islington; mineral; nature; new; online; oxford; partnership; phase; physick; sadler; taking; tcp; tei; text; thomas; true; waters; work cache: A42309.xml plain text: A42309.txt item: #19 of 20 id: A46281 author: Guidott, Thomas, fl. 1698. Appendix concerning Bathe. title: A discourse of natural bathes, and mineral waters wherein, the original of fountains in general is declared, the nature and difference of minerals with examples of particular bathes, the generation of minerals in the earth, from whence both the actual heat of bathes, and their virtues proceed, by what means mineral waters are to be discover'd, and lastly, of the nature and uses of bathes, but especially of our bathes at Bathe, in Someerset-shire / by Edw. Jorden, Doctor in Physick. date: 1669.0 words: 67275 flesch: 69 summary: ●●●igerata , or ex mistis per putredinem in fimum ●●●versis , or ex lapidibus sole aut ●alore cockis & ●●●de aqua solutis , &c. Cicero mentioneth the the same of the Pythagoreans , but in another sense , because Beans were thought by their flatulency , to disturb our Dreams , and so to hinder the divination which might be gathered from them , as also Middendorpius judgeth : But t● return to water : And it is requisite that wa●e should have these qualities , in regard of the manifold and necessary uses of it , both for M●● and Beast , and Plants : keywords: a46281; able; abound; abundance; account; actual; actual heat; addition; adustion; affirm; agent; agitation; agricola; agro; air; akmanchester; alchymists; allum; alterations; alwayes; animals; answer; antient; antimony; antipathy; antiperistasis; antiquity; appendix; applyed; apt; aqua; aquis; arabians; argument; aristotle; army; arsenick; arthur; artifice; artificial; ashes; astringent; author; baccius; balnea; balneum; bathes; bathing; beams; beer; bellonius; benefit; best; better; bishop; bitumen; bitumina; bituminous; bladud; blood; bodies; body; bold; bones; book; borneo; bowels; breed; brief; brimstone; britains; broken; brother; brute; brutus; burning; cadmia; caer; caesar; calcination; cambden; camphir; cap; cases; cause; celestial; center; certain; chap; chapter; chief; christ; church; city; cleansing; clear; co ●; coal; cold; coldness; collision; colour; combustible; common; conceit; concoction; concrete; confused; congelation; considerable; consistence; constant; contain; continual; contrary; convenient; cool; copper; copperass; cornwall; corrosive; corruption; countrey; creatures; cross; cure; daily; daughter; day; dead; death; deep; degree; desire; difference; dimensions; discourse; diseases; dissolution; dissolve; distempers; distinct; div; divers; doctor; doth; doubt; doubtfull; downwards; drink; dry; drying; dryness; dust; early; earth; easie; edgar; edition; edward; eebo; effects; elementary; elements; elias; emperour; end; england; english; epist; evaporation; evident; examples; excellent; exhalations; experience; extent; external; extract; extream; faculties; faculty; fall; fallopius; father; favour; fermentation; fewel; fire; fit; flame; foot; form; forth; fountains; free; french; frequent; fresh; friend; fro; fuel; fuliginous; fusion; galen; general; generation; germany; glass; globe; god; gold; good; government; grant; great; greater; ground; gums; haec; half; hand; hard; hath; head; heat; heavens; help; herbs; higher; hills; history; hoc; hold; honour; hot; hot bathes; hot waters; hotter; house; huge; humours; hypocrates; idle; ignis; ignorance; images; imperfect; individuals; inferiour; inscription; intent; inward; iron; island; italy; item; john; jorden; judge; judgement; judgeth; juices; juleps; julius; juyce; kind; kindled; kindling; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; labour; lake; large; late; lead; learned; learning; leave; left; lib; libavius; life; light; like; likely; liquid; liquor; little; living; london; long; longer; lord; lyeth; lyme; m ●; making; malleable; malt; man; manifest; manner; married; material; matter; means; measure; medicinal; medicines; memory; mention; mercury; metalline; metals; middle; mind; mineral waters; minerals; minerva; mines; miracles; mixed; mixt; mixture; moist; moon; moses; motion; motus; moysture; mud; names; naphtha; natural; natural heat; nature; near; nec; necessity; need; neer; nerves; new; nitre; nitrous; noble; non; notes; nourishment; number; o ●; oars; observations; obstructions; occasion; oftentimes; omnia; open; opening; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; original; ovid; oxford; oyle; pag; page; pains; particular; parts; passages; patient; peeter; people; perfect; perfection; perpetual; perpetuity; persons; philosophers; philosophy; physick; physitian; place; plants; plato; plentiful; plenty; pliny; point; poor; potential; power; present; principal; probable; proceed; proceeding; procure; profitable; proper; prophet; proportion; proved; pure; purgative; purgeth; purging; purpose; quae; quakes; qualities; quality; quantity; queens; quench; quick; rain; rare; read; reason; receive; reckon; red; reflection; regard; region; reign; remedies; remote; reports; respect; rest; river; robert; rocks; roman; rules; saint; saith; salt; saltness; satisfaction; saxons; scaliger; scotland; sea; sea water; search; second; sed; seeds; seldome; self; seminary; senensi; sense; set; shew; shire; silver; simple; simple water; small; snow; solid; solinander; sorts; sour; spain; species; spirit; springs; standing; steel; stomach; stone; strange; streams; strength; strong; sua; subject; substances; subterranean; sufficient; sulphur; sulphurous; summer; sun; sunt; superficies; superiour; supply; sweat; tamen; taste; tcp; temperate; tenor; tenuity; terrestrial; text; th ●; thick; things; thomas; tibi; time; tin; tincture; touch; tree; true; truth; tumors; turks; unctuous; understanding; universal; urine; use; useful; uses; valesius; vapours; vegetables; vel; venomous; vent; vid; violent; virgil; virtues; vitriol; viz; volatile; want; warm; water; way; wayes; weak; weight; wells; whereof; white; wholsome; wife; william; wind; wine; winter; wombs; women; wood; words; work; working; world; worthy; years; yield; york; ● e; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A46281.xml plain text: A46281.txt item: #20 of 20 id: A91342 author: Puech, David. title: The virtues and uses of the Queen of Hungary's water date: 1690.0 words: 1230 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A91342) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 133361) keywords: books; characters; david; early; eebo; english; hungary; montpellier; online; oxford; partnership; perfumer; phase; puech; queen; tcp; tei; text; use; virtues; water cache: A91342.xml plain text: A91342.txt