item: #1 of 26 id: 12901 author: Verne, Jules title: The Moon-Voyage date: None words: 107121 flesch: 72 summary: These audacious travellers, Michel Ardan, President Barbicane, and Captain Nicholl were to accomplish their journey in ninety-seven hours thirteen minutes and twenty seconds; consequently they could not reach the lunar disc until the 5th of December, at midnight, at the precise moment that the moon would be full, and not on the 4th, as some wrongly-informed newspapers had given out. It seems to me that I see our brave countrymen encamped at the bottom of a valley, on the borders of a Selenite stream, near the projectile, half buried by its fall, amidst volcanic remains, Captain Nicholl beginning his levelling operations, President Barbicane putting his travelling notes in order, Michel Ardan performing the lunar solitudes with his Londrès cigar-- Oh, it must be so; it is so! keywords: air; atmosphere; attraction; barbicane; bullet; cannon; captain; club; columbiad; day; days; disc; distance; earth; eyes; fact; fall; feet; friends; globe; gun; half; heat; hours; j.t; leagues; light; long; lunar; man; maston; means; michel; michel ardan; miles; moment; moon; mountains; movement; new; nicholl; order; place; point; president; president barbicane; projectile; question; rays; round; satellite; sea; space; speed; sun; surface; terrestrial; time; town; travellers; velocity; water; weight; work; world cache: 12901.txt plain text: 12901.txt item: #2 of 26 id: 16457 author: Verne, Jules title: All Around the Moon date: None words: 100199 flesch: 71 summary: Terra Mater_ herself, friend Ardan. Dear boys! interposed Ardan-- --The _eccentricity_ is _equal_ to _unity_! keywords: air; ardan; asked; atmosphere; attraction; barbican; captain; companions; continued; course; day; disc; distance; earth; eyes; fact; fall; feet; frenchman; friends; good; great; half; head; heat; hours; idea; left; life; light; long; lunar; m'nicholl; man; mare; marston; matter; means; miles; minutes; moment; moon; mountains; nature; new; north; observed; point; present; projectile; question; rays; reply; satellite; sea; second; space; sun; surface; terrestrial; thing; time; travellers; velocity; water; way; world cache: 16457.txt plain text: 16457.txt item: #3 of 26 id: 17712 author: Elger, Thomas Gwyn title: The Moon: A Full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features date: None words: 70426 flesch: 67 summary: In the Catalogue, N. S. E. W. are used as abbreviations for the cardinal points. Near the N. end are many bright little craters, many of them unrecorded. keywords: border; bright; central; cleft; crater; deg; diameter; feet; fine; floor; formation; height; interior; light; mare; miles; moon; mountain; n. border; n.e; n.w; object; plain; ridges; ring; s.e; s.w; schmidt; surface; valley; w. wall; wall cache: 17712.txt plain text: 17712.txt item: #4 of 26 id: 23791 author: Leinster, Murray title: Scrimshaw date: None words: 6136 flesch: 88 summary: Sometimes, in the shack on the far side of the Moon, Pop Young had odd fancies about Sattell. Sattell clearly remembered the crime Pop Young hadn't yet recalled. keywords: air; earth; lunar; man; moon; pop; sattell; shack cache: 23791.txt plain text: 23791.txt item: #5 of 26 id: 27228 author: Harley, Timothy title: Moon Lore date: None words: 75583 flesch: 73 summary: Hone tells us that in Berkshire, at the first appearance of a new moon, maidens go into the fields, and, while they look at it, say:-- 'New moon, new moon, I hail thee! Sir Thomas Browne remarks, The sun and moon are usually described with human faces: whether herein there be not a pagan imitation, and those visages at first implied Apollo and Diana, we may make some doubt. keywords: account; air; atmosphere; belief; bodies; century; chief; children; china; chinese; crescent moon; day; days; deity; earth; east; eclipse; evil; eyes; fact; folk; following; form; god; gods; good; hare; heaven; history; ibid; iii; influence; inhabitants; john; language; life; london; look; lord; lore; lunar; m.a; man; men; moon; moon god; moon worship; mythology; myths; nature; new; night; opinion; origin; people; place; power; present; question; reason; religion; science; scotland; sir; spirit; stars; subject; sun; superstition; surface; things; time; water; woman; world; worship; writer; years cache: 27228.txt plain text: 27228.txt item: #6 of 26 id: 31327 author: Mullen, Stanley title: Master of the Moondog date: None words: 12725 flesch: 89 summary: Tod Denver and Charley, the moondog, made ideal companions as they set a zigzag course for the Martian diggings--paradise for fools._ [Illustration] Tod Denver glared at Charley, who was a moondog and looked like one, and Charley glared back. keywords: big; caltis; charley; darbor; denver; earth; girl; inside; light; man; martian; moondog; ship; space; time; tod; tod denver cache: 31327.txt plain text: 31327.txt item: #7 of 26 id: 32654 author: Tenn, William title: Project Hush date: None words: 2541 flesch: 84 summary: Major Monroe Gridley prepared the big rocket, with its tiny cubicle of living space, for the return journey to Earth which he alone would make. Monroe and I started work on building the dome. keywords: dome; monroe; project; ship; tom cache: 32654.txt plain text: 32654.txt item: #8 of 26 id: 32903 author: Walton, Bryce title: The Victor date: None words: 6269 flesch: 88 summary: Marquis sought the protection of personal darkness behind closed eyelids as the monorail car moved faster and faster through the high clean air. He looked at some papers, then up at Marquis. keywords: bells; food; man; marquis; pain; system; time; work cache: 32903.txt plain text: 32903.txt item: #9 of 26 id: 37448 author: Gallun, Raymond Z. title: Comet's Burial date: None words: 47 flesch: 67 summary: research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. page 62 original: Many hours later, and may miles farther changed to: Many hours later, and many miles farther page 69 no change: Embitted, there was no warmth in Copeland - retained Embitted keywords: hours cache: 37448.txt plain text: 37448.txt item: #10 of 26 id: 40961 author: Fyfe, H. B. (Horace Bowne) title: Luna Escapade date: None words: 5142 flesch: 92 summary: [Illustration] With over an hour to go before he needed to start braking for his landing on Luna, Pete Dudley sat at the controls of the rocket freighter and tried to think of anything else that needed checking after his spinning the ship. Are we nearly there? Dudley's brown eyes opened so wide that the whites gleamed in the dim light from his instruments. keywords: dudley; fisher; kathi; luna; mars; rocket; thought cache: 40961.txt plain text: 40961.txt item: #11 of 26 id: 41029 author: Ruch, Monroe K. title: The Moon Destroyers date: None words: 10084 flesch: 80 summary: I move that Mr. Holden be given permission to make use of all the necessary resources to carry out his plan, and that he be placed in sole charge, assisted by an advisory board of which Professor Erickson shall be chairman. The Interplanetary Transportation Company recommended several of their best men for the positions on board requiring technical knowledge of the handling of space ships, and Captain Linet also picked up a few of his friends--brave, strong men. keywords: captain; earth; edwards; erickson; holden; linet; man; men; moon; professor; room; ship; space cache: 41029.txt plain text: 41029.txt item: #12 of 26 id: 43235 author: Sutton, Jeff title: First on the Moon date: None words: 58291 flesch: 88 summary: The only Man. Colonel Crag, Commanding Officer, Pickering Field. It was, Crag thought, applied mathematics. keywords: adam crag; agent; arzachel; aztec; bandit; base; black; body; cabin; chief; colonel; crag; crater; dog; drone; earth; eyes; face; feet; floor; going; good; gotch; head; know; larkwell; life; man; mind; moment; moon; nagel; night; oxygen; plain; prochaska; red; richter; rocket; space; suit; thought; time; voice; way; work cache: 43235.txt plain text: 43235.txt item: #13 of 26 id: 46547 author: Cyrano de Bergerac title: A Voyage to the Moon date: None words: 42800 flesch: 67 summary: Original _of All Things; of Atomes_; _and of the Operation of the Senses_. Cyrano, at first in the position rather of the Christian than of the Cyrano of M. Rostand's play, by his gallantry and wit compelled them to accept him, and even won among these braves the title of _démon de la bravoure_. keywords: air; author; bodies; body; company; country; cyrano; day; death; doubt; earth; fire; god; good; hand; hath; heat; life; little; man; manner; matter; men; moon; nature; people; place; reason; self; soul; sun; things; thought; time; voyage; water; way; work; world; years cache: 46547.txt plain text: 46547.txt item: #14 of 26 id: 46591 author: Godwin, Francis title: The Strange Voyage and Adventures of Domingo Gonsales, to the World in the Moon date: None words: 17535 flesch: 55 summary: But now give me leave to go on quietly in my Journey for eleven or twelve Days, during all which Time I was carried directly toward the Globe or Body of the Moon, with such a violent Whirling as is inexpressible, for I cannot imagine a Bullet out of a Cannon could make Way through the vaporous and muddy Air near the Earth with half that Celerity; which is the more strange, since my _Gansas_ moved their Wings but now and then, and sometimes for a quarter of an Hour not at all, only holding them stretched out, as we see Kites, and Eagles sometimes do for a short Space, during which Pauses, I suppose they took their Naps, and Times of Sleeping, for other Times I could perceive they never had any; for myself I was so fastened to mine Engine, that I durst slumber enough to serve my Turn, which I took with as great Ease, as if I had lain on the best Down-bed in _Spain_. Count coming from the _West-Indies_, published triumphant Declarations of a great Victory he had obtained against the _English_ near the _ keywords: air; birds; day; divers; earth; gansas; island; light; little; man; men; moon; people; place; pylonas; sea; sun; thing; time; way; world cache: 46591.txt plain text: 46591.txt item: #15 of 26 id: 49901 author: Smith, Richard Rein title: The Snare date: None words: 4979 flesch: 90 summary: We went single file, first Kane, then his wife Marie. Each of us had reacted differently: Kane's wife was frightened, Verana was calm because of an inner serenity that few people have, I was resigned and Kane was angry. keywords: door; kane; marie; moon; room; ship; verana cache: 49901.txt plain text: 49901.txt item: #16 of 26 id: 50713 author: Wollheim, Donald A. title: One Against the Moon date: None words: 51276 flesch: 87 summary: Robin slung his own helmet from his shoulder--its vision plate, being homemade, was fixed in place. Next Robin went to work on Korree's bonds and broke them off one by one. keywords: air; borck; bubble; cave; cavern; cheeky; dark; earth; eyes; feet; floor; glassies; hand; head; korree; light; man; men; monkey; moon; near; new; nose; outside; peter; robin; rocket; sands; saw; set; space; surface; thought; time; von; wall; water; way; white; work cache: 50713.txt plain text: 50713.txt item: #17 of 26 id: 50892 author: Ludens, Magnus title: My Lady Selene date: None words: 2684 flesch: 81 summary: Al Marcusson, just turned sixteen that Saturday in June, that green-leafed day his father had called him out to the back yard. Al Marcusson had gone up quietly to his room. keywords: capsule; earth; lady; marcusson; moon; swans; white cache: 50892.txt plain text: 50892.txt item: #18 of 26 id: 51483 author: Robinson, Frank M. title: The Reluctant Heroes date: None words: 7205 flesch: 96 summary: Well, look, Mr. Chapman, is there any place where we can talk together privately? They walked over to one corner of the bunker. They feel if they're going to enlarge it, add more bunkers and have more men up here, that a man of practical experience should be running things. keywords: chapman; dahl; donley; home; klein; people; stay; time cache: 51483.txt plain text: 51483.txt item: #19 of 26 id: 59267 author: Peattie, Edward title: The Laboratorians date: None words: 5340 flesch: 80 summary: He looked at the broad-shouldered young giant, Dr. Whitemarsh, and reflected that this man was rated the most promising scientist the Interspatial Corporation ever had. Here Dr. Whitemarsh was able to have a luxurious apartment in the New Dome sector, could hear lectures and concerts, and could even indulge in winter sports such as skiing in the lava around the craters (protected of course by a heated suit and an oxygen mask.) keywords: chester; laboratorians; laboratory; research; sally; whitemarsh; work; years cache: 59267.txt plain text: 59267.txt item: #20 of 26 id: 59587 author: Wallot, Lee title: Corbow's Theory date: None words: 6662 flesch: 88 summary: All you have to do right now is forget about space ships and concentrate on a rifle and a bullet. Is it our fault they have to make the blasted stuff instead of mining it out of the ground? The words ringing in the quiet of the laboratory seemed to pound in Bronsen's ears and he found he could hold his tongue no longer. keywords: blast; bronsen; drive; man; mars; rocket; ship; space; vern cache: 59587.txt plain text: 59587.txt item: #21 of 26 id: 61242 author: Neville, Kris title: The Winning of the Moon date: None words: 6167 flesch: 91 summary: Major Winship got down and Capt. Wilkins got up. They passed it over to Major Winship, who handed it out to Capt. Wilkins. keywords: capt; chandler; lawler; major; wilkins; winship cache: 61242.txt plain text: 61242.txt item: #22 of 26 id: 61674 author: Davies, Linton title: War-Lords of the Moon date: None words: 9263 flesch: 96 summary: Slowly Ross nodded. * * Ross and Moore exchanged startled glances. keywords: artana; earth; head; horta; jorgens; moon; moore; peak; queen; ray; ross cache: 61674.txt plain text: 61674.txt item: #23 of 26 id: 61805 author: Reynolds, John Murray title: Goddess of the Moon date: None words: 20196 flesch: 87 summary: It was the steady vibration of the Diesels that brought Larry Gibson back to an awareness of his surroundings. The time would come when men would forget that an unlucky person named Larry Gibson had ever existed, but in this year 2332 there were still plenty of people who would recognize his face. keywords: air; caverns; colton; control; diana; earth; girl; gral; insect; larry; man; men; moon; pyatt; ripon; room; ship; sky; space; thala; time; xylon cache: 61805.txt plain text: 61805.txt item: #24 of 26 id: 62260 author: Bond, Nelson S. title: Trouble on Tycho date: None words: 5576 flesch: 89 summary: The answer that caused the bagpipes to slip from Isobar's fingers as Isobar Jones passed out in a dead faint: After you? Six sad, dreary months! thought Isobar, Locked up in an airtight Dome like--like a goldfish in a glass bowl! keywords: brown; commander; dome; eagan; earth; grannies; isobar; jones; riley; roberts; sparks cache: 62260.txt plain text: 62260.txt item: #25 of 26 id: 7089 author: Defoe, Daniel title: The Consolidator; or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon date: None words: 64105 flesch: 39 summary: 'Tis true these were great things, but 'twas thought all this might have been obtain'd in Conjunction with their Prince, rather than by putting Affronts and Mortifications upon the Man that had next to the Influence of Heaven been the only Agent of restoring them to a Power and Capacity of enjoying, as well as procuring, such things as National Priviledges. The Composition of this Engine is very admirable; for, as is before noted, 'tis all made up of Feathers, and the quality of the Feathers, is no less wonderful than their Composition; and therefore, I hope the Reader will bear with the Description for the sake of the Novelty, since I assure him such things as these are not to be seen in every Country. keywords: author; body; call'd; case; church; country; crolians; crown; design; eagle; ebronia; enemies; engine; feathers; general; good; government; having; head; high; interest; king; law; man; matter; men; moon; nation; nature; party; peace; people; power; prince; publick; reason; religion; right; self; set; solunarian; things; tho; thought; time; tis; title; trade; war; way; world cache: 7089.txt plain text: 7089.txt item: #26 of 26 id: 7473 author: Rockwood, Roy title: Lost on the Moon; Or, in Quest of the Field of Diamonds date: None words: 50893 flesch: 89 summary: Diamonds on de moon! As Washington turned to leave the room, for he had entered it when Jack and Mark were talking to aim, the latter lad asked: Did you want to see us about anything particular, Wash? Why, I suah did, was the reply, I did come t' tell yo' dat Perfesser Henderson would be pleased to hold some conversations wid yo', but when Massa Jack done mentioned about dem diamonds, I clean fo'got it. Diamonds on de moon, eh? Well, if the professor wants us we'd better go, suggested Mark. I'll ask---- At that moment the door of the library, in which Jack and Mark were seated, was cautiously opened, and a black, woolly head was thrust in. keywords: air; andy; boys; chum; diamonds; earth; good; henderson; house; jack; know; look; man; mark; moon; motor; place; professor; projectile; right; room; roumann; stone; time; want; washington; water; way cache: 7473.txt plain text: 7473.txt