item: #1 of 9 id: 12291 author: Abbott, Jacob title: The Teacher Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young date: None words: 115677 flesch: 69 summary: They transfer to the cause of piety itself the dislike which was first awakened by exceptionable means to promote it; and other teachers, seeing these evil effects, are deterred from attempting what they might easily have accomplished. These, or the most interesting of them, should be made known to other teachers. keywords: attention; boys; business; case; children; class; course; day; duty; effect; exercise; fact; general; good; hour; individual; influence; interest; manner; means; mind; new; number; order; plan; pupils; right; room; scholars; school; sir; study; subject; teacher; thing; time; way; wish; work; wrong cache: 12291.txt plain text: 12291.txt item: #2 of 9 id: 16305 author: Griswold, B. J. (Bert Joseph) title: Crayon and Character: Truth Made Clear Through Eye and Ear Or, Ten-Minute Talks with Colored Chalks date: None words: 58116 flesch: 81 summary: [Illustration: Fig. 15] No right-thinking man has a good word for the business which makes good men into brutes, transforms honorable citizens into murderers, and brings many a prosperous family to rags and misery. It is a part of his duties to direct the work of many men in his department. keywords: book; boys; children; day; draw; drawing; earth; fig; girls; god; good; hands; heart; home; illustration; know; lesson; life; light; lines; look; love; man; men; mother; new; paper; people; picture; place; school; talk; things; thought; time; today; tree; use; way; words; work; world; years cache: 16305.txt plain text: 16305.txt item: #3 of 9 id: 19432 author: Mapes, Victor title: Heart and Soul by Maveric Post date: None words: 75761 flesch: 66 summary: There are a lot of other men around me, about the same as I am. Among other things, they saw a Chinaman smoking opium and this gave rise to a desire on her part to experience the sensation for herself. keywords: boy; character; children; consideration; day; experience; faith; father; feelings; good; heart; individual; influence; intellect; interest; kind; life; love; man; matter; men; mind; mother; nature; new; people; point; present; principle; purpose; question; reason; right; school; science; scientific; self; sort; soul; things; time; way; women; world cache: 19432.txt plain text: 19432.txt item: #4 of 9 id: 22251 author: Abbott, Jacob title: The Teacher Or, Moral Influences Employed in the Instruction and Government of the Young date: None words: 114725 flesch: 71 summary: They transfer to the cause of piety itself, the dislike which was first awakened by exceptionable means to promote it; and other teachers, seeing these evil effects, are deterred from attempting what they might easily and pleasantly accomplish. These or the most interesting of them should be made known to other teachers. keywords: attention; boys; business; case; children; class; course; day; duty; exercise; fact; general; good; hour; individual; influence; interest; manner; means; mind; new; number; order; plan; pupils; right; room; scholars; school; sir; study; subject; teacher; thing; time; way; wish; work; writing; wrong cache: 22251.txt plain text: 22251.txt item: #5 of 9 id: 28330 author: Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus) title: Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Education, 1853 date: None words: 5691 flesch: 56 summary: Before, then, moral education can be successfully promoted, the right kind of teachers must be employed. That defect consists in the want of moral instruction in our schools. keywords: children; education; instruction; life; object; public; schools; system; teacher cache: 28330.txt plain text: 28330.txt item: #6 of 9 id: 32355 author: Stall, Sylvanus title: With the Children on Sundays Through Eye-Gate and Ear-Gate into the City of Child-Soul date: None words: 89766 flesch: 82 summary: NUTS--God Means that We Must Work 46 5. BANKS--Gathered and Guarded Treasures 51 6. A POCKET RULE--How God Measures Men 81 11. keywords: bible; body; book; boys; children; christ; church; day; desire; earth; eye; father; find; girls; glass; god; good; heart; home; illustration; jesus; kind; law; life; light; look; magnet; man; men; money; object; people; place; shall; sunday; things; time; use; want; water; way; words; work; world; years cache: 32355.txt plain text: 32355.txt item: #7 of 9 id: 34200 author: Bates, Loïs title: Story Lessons on Character-Building (Morals) and Manners date: None words: 39573 flesch: 91 summary: Little child with eyes so blue, What has mother done for you? Taught your little feet to stand, Led you gently by the hand, Perhaps you think it is only grown-up people who can be brave, but that is not so; little children can be brave also, as you will see from this story of a little boy, about whom we read in the papers not long ago, and who lived not far from London. keywords: blackboard; boy; boys; children; day; door; girl; good; home; kind; lady; lesson; little; man; mother; people; queen; round; school; story; things; thought; time; way cache: 34200.txt plain text: 34200.txt item: #8 of 9 id: 38372 author: Carlile, Richard title: The Character of the Jew Books Being, a Defence of the Natural Innocence of Man, Against Kings and Priests or Tyrants and Impostors date: None words: 2963 flesch: 2 summary: Men are the creatures of education, they act consistently with what they are taught; impostors and fools promulgating false principles are amenable to reason, and they should be to laws made by the whole of the people; men are criminal in consequence of a fallacious education adopted by regal and religious impostors, with a view of reaping other meu's harvests; the object is firstly, to debase, to enslave, to degrade the mind, and secondly, to plunder the victim; such scoundrels constantly preach up the deficiency of human nature, that more authority may be granted to those earthly saviours; a nation governed by Kings and Priests must be always in a state, of barbarism, of shameful indifference, and of crime; such nations are inhabited by an inferior race of men, when it may be presumed only a few scintillations of Philosophy have reached; States governed by Kings and Priests show the sun of reason is still below the horizon; if human nature is criminal in appearance, it is not so in fact, such cases are confounded with the errors of educators, which are instilled into man from the moment of his birth; if he is ever revengeful, vindictive, and sanguinary, attribute it to the licensed villains that blot the face, of the earth; reflect upon this you pampered; you bloated impostors, who riot upon the poor man's industry; you hypocrites, who carouse upon the sweat of his brow, and who sack the spoil of the criminal your rapacity has created; _Tyrants and impostors! If a male child is shut up in a dungeon and fed through a chink, from twelve months old, he would know nothing beyond his cell, nothing further than its walls; he would know nothing of Kings, or Priests, or Peers, or prayers, or tithes, or taxes, or blasphemy; he would know nothing beyond softness and hardness, roughness and smoothness, heat and cold; he would know nothing beyond experience, nothing but by examination, and could have no conception of any thing beyond his hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling; he would only have conception of such things as would be produced by a combination of his few ideas; even the man in the world without information knows nothing about the superstition of Mahomet, of Zoroaster, of Brahma, and an _Old Jew_; the child in the dungeon would know nothing of the cruelty of _Jew Moses_, the licentious ferocity of David, or the amiable gallantry of Solomon; he would know nothing about the incest, the polygamy and murder of the Jew fellows, he would knew nothing beyond simple sensations; let the experiment be continued, let the subject be placed in another situation, let him be taken at ten years of age from his dungeon and placed in a disused cell unfrequented by any person but his keeper, his instructor, his director, a monk and a eunuch; let his keeper be directed to teach him nothing but the _Jew Books_, let all his information, let all his ideas, let all his impressions be from those famous books of law, of morality, and of religion; he will be taught that incest, adultery, fornication, hypocrisy, drunkenness, perjury, indecent exposure of women, rapine, and assassinations, are acts of religion, inculcated, enforced, patronized and practised, by Jew Kings and Jew Prophets, the chosen people of God; the subject could think of nothing but what resulted from his education, nothing but what was consistent with his theory; he could not speak of colours never seen, describe the people never known, prefer nations never heard of. keywords: books; impostors; jew; men; people; priests cache: 38372.txt plain text: 38372.txt item: #9 of 9 id: 38730 author: Adler, Felix title: The Moral Instruction of Children date: None words: 70918 flesch: 71 summary: The moral fanatic in every case is a person whose attention is wholly engrossed by some one moral interest, and who sees this out of its relation to other moral interests. There are persons in whom moral principle seems to have completely triumphed; whose conduct, so far as one can judge, is determined solely by moral rules; but whom, nevertheless, we do not wholly admire. keywords: brothers; case; child; children; course; duties; duty; evil; fable; father; good; hand; heart; history; human; instruction; knowledge; life; love; means; men; mind; moral; nature; new; order; parents; people; person; place; point; pupils; respect; right; rule; school; self; sense; spirit; state; stories; story; teacher; thy; time; training; use; view; way; words; wrong cache: 38730.txt plain text: 38730.txt