item: #1 of 6 id: 18138 author: Kobbé, Gustav title: The Loves of Great Composers date: None words: 25618 flesch: 70 summary: Frontispiece Mozart at the Age of Eleven Constance, Wife of Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven Countess Therese von Brunswick Beethoven at Heiligenstadt Félix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Fanny Hensel, Sister of Mendelssohn Cécile, Wife of Mendelssohn The Mendelssohn Monument in Leipsic Frédéric Chopin [missing from book] Countess Potocka The Death of Chopin Robert Schumann Robert and Clara Schumann, in 1847 Clara Schumann at the Piano The Schumann Monument in the Bonn Cemetery Franz Liszt Liszt at the Piano The Princess Carolyne, in her Latter Years at Rome The Altenburg, Weimar, where Liszt and Carolyne lived Richard Wagner Cosima, Wife of Wagner Richard and Cosima Wagner Richard and Cosima Wagner entertaining in their Home Wahnfried, Liszt and Hans von Wolzogen Mozart and His Constance Nearly eight years after Mozart's death his widow, in response to a request from a famous publishing house for relics of the composer, sent, among other Mozartiana, a packet of letters written to her by her husband. When Liszt was producing Lohengrin, aiding Wagner pecuniarily, and cheering him in his exile, Cosima Liszt was a young girl in Paris, where she, her elder sister Blandine (afterward the wife of Emile Ollivier, who became the war minister of Napoleon the Third) and her brother Daniel lived with Liszt's mother. keywords: beethoven; chopin; clara; composer; constance; cosima; countess; cécile; day; death; delphine; father; felix; genius; letter; life; liszt; long; love; mother; mozart; music; princess; schumann; therese; time; wagner; wife; woman; years cache: 18138.txt plain text: 18138.txt item: #2 of 6 id: 34582 author: Tapper, Thomas title: Mozart : The story of a little boy and his sister who gave concerts date: None words: 1709 flesch: 88 summary: The violin was the instrument he liked best and little Mozart had daily lessons in his home. Little Mozart loved to hear his sister play. keywords: illustration; mozart; play cache: 34582.txt plain text: 34582.txt item: #3 of 6 id: 43411 author: Jahn, Otto title: Life of Mozart, Vol. 1 (of 3) date: None words: 170111 flesch: 64 summary: The entire music, sung by the choir of orphans, was composed for the occasion by Wolfgang Mozart, son of Dr. L. Mozart, Kapellmeister at Salzburg, a boy twelve years of age, well known for his extraordinary talent; it was conducted by the composer with the utmost precision and accuracy, and was received with universal applause and admiration. I must remark, by the way, that my version cannot be verified by Nissen, since his is neither accurate nor entire; and in order to avoid any misunderstanding, I may also mention, that besides the collections referred to above, many single letters of Leopold and Wolfgang Mozart have come to hand, to which I was able to make more exact reference. keywords: 1777; accompaniment; account; air; allegro; archbishop; aria; artistic; bass; book; boy; buffa; burney; character; children; chorus; church; church music; circumstances; clavier; comic; composer; compositions; concerto; court; day; december; development; doubt; effect; elector; execution; expression; family; father; february; following; footnote; form; friend; genius; german; good; hand; haydn; heart; herr; honour; idea; iii; image; influence; instruments; interest; italian; italy; journey; kind; l. mozart; left; leopold mozart; letter; life; little; love; major; mannheim; mass; means; melody; metastasio; milan; mind; mother; movement; mozart; munich; music; musical; october; opera; orchestra; order; organ; original; page; parts; passages; people; performance; piece; place; play; playing; point; present; public; recitative; reise; salzburg; schubart; second; seria; service; set; singers; sister; solo; song; stay; study; style; subject; success; symphonies; symphony; taste; tenor; thought; time; tone; treatment; use; vienna; violin; voices; von; way; wolfgang; words; work; years cache: 43411.txt plain text: 43411.txt item: #4 of 6 id: 43412 author: Jahn, Otto title: Life of Mozart, Vol. 2 (of 3) date: None words: 190221 flesch: 64 summary: Through the good offices of Grimm, Mozart was recommended to the Duc de Guines, who had been recalled from his post as Ambassador in London after his notorious lawsuit with secretary Tort[5] in 1776, and stood high in favour with the Queen.[6] L. Mozart wrote (March 28, 1778):[7]-- My dear Son,--I beg that you will do your best to gain the friendship of the Duc de Guines, and to keep well with him; I have frequently read in the papers of his high place in the royal favour; the Queen being now _enceinte_, there are sure to be grand festivities when the child is born; you may get something to do, and make your fortune; for in these cases everything depends upon the pleasure of the Queen. I mention this only to illustrate the fact that many of Mozart's earlier works were ascribed to L. Mozart after his death. keywords: accompaniment; account; archbishop; artist; bach; bass; berlin; case; character; chorus; clavier; composer; composition; concert; constanze; court; day; dear; death; december; development; doubt; effect; emperor; expression; fact; family; father; flat; footnote; form; french; friends; genius; german; gluck; good; grand; great; grimm; hand; haydn; heart; house; idea; idomeneo; iii; independent; influence; instruments; interest; italian; kind; know; l. mozart; leopold mozart; letter; life; litt; love; madame; major; man; manner; march; means; mind; minor; movement; mozart; munich; music; nature; new; november; old; opera; orchestra; order; original; paris; passages; people; performance; pianoforte; piece; place; play; point; power; present; public; reichardt; salzburg; score; second; service; set; simple; sister; sonata; song; striking; style; subject; success; taste; thought; time; tone; treatment; use; vienna; violin; voice; vol; von; way; weber; wife; wind; wolfgang; words; work; year cache: 43412.txt plain text: 43412.txt item: #5 of 6 id: 43413 author: Jahn, Otto title: Life of Mozart, Vol. 3 (of 3) date: None words: 164143 flesch: 62 summary: At last Mozart makes the horns strike in unexpectedly and finish the phrase for him in a manner full of musical fun. London Novello, Ewer & Co. FAC-SIMILES Fac-similé No. 1 is of Mozart's letter to Bullinger from Paris, after the death of his mother (see Vol. II., p. 53). keywords: account; air; alfonso; bass; beauty; berlin; character; characterisation; chorus; close; come; comic; composer; compositions; contrast; count; day; death; der; die; don; don giovanni; don juan; don ottavio; donna; doubt; duet; effect; elvira; emperor; end; enters; expression; father; feeling; figaro; finale; flat; footnote; form; german; hand; haydn; heart; idea; iii; image; instruments; interest; italian; king; left; leporello; libretto; life; light; love; lovers; major; manner; march; master; means; melody; mind; minor; motif; movement; mozart; music; musical; nature; new; opera; orchestra; order; original; ottavio; overture; page; papageno; parts; passage; passion; performance; piece; place; play; plot; point; ponte; power; prague; present; public; quartet; representation; requiem; scene; schikaneder; score; second; set; situation; song; stage; subject; success; susanna; tamino; terzet; theatre; time; tone; treatment; und; use; vienna; voice; vol; von; way; wien; wife; wind; words; work; zauberflöte; zerlina; ztg cache: 43413.txt plain text: 43413.txt item: #6 of 6 id: 5307 author: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus title: The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart — Volume 01 date: None words: 90633 flesch: 82 summary: I know already all that you write to me about Mannheim, but I never wish to say anything prematurely; all in good time. I don't, however, think that I shall close with the offer; I must take the advice of good friends on the subject. keywords: aria; augsburg; cannabich; cause; che; concert; count; day; days; dec; doubt; elector; father; footnote; friend; god; good; great; half; heart; herr; home; honor; hope; house; journey; kind; leave; left; letter; life; madame; madlle; mamma; mannheim; mean; milan; moment; morrow; mother; mozart; munich; music; new; nov; o'clock; opera; papa; paris; people; piano; place; play; pleasure; present; raaff; room; salzburg; second; sister; son; subject; thing; thought; time; voice; von; way; weber; wish; wolfgang; words; writing; yesterday; young cache: 5307.txt plain text: 5307.txt