item: #1 of 23 id: A01868 author: Goodcole, Henry, 1586-1641. title: The adultresses funerall day in flaming, scorching, and consuming fire, or, The burning downe to ashes of Alice Clarke, late of Vxbridge in the county of Middlesex, in West-smith-field on Wensday the 20 of May, 1635 for the unnaturall poisoning of Fortune Clarke her husband a breviary of whose confession taken from her owne mouth is here unto annexed, as also what she sayd at the place of her execution / by her daily visiter H.G. in life and death ; and now published by authority and commaund. date: 1635.0 words: 5260 flesch: 52 summary: Shee thus replyed with harty thankefulnesse unto God , that shee had better resolutions unto death , then formerly she had , and by her countenance , which was very ruddy confirmed her inward new begotten chearfulnesse , and that with harty prayer , and sweet tone of voice , surrenderd her soule into the hands of the Lord Iesu , who will have mercy on whom he will have mercy , unto whom wee all stand and fall . Thirdly , she said , that she was not the cause of her Husbands death , because shee gave not unto him the poyson whereof he died , but he tooke it himselfe violently out of her pockets , which her Husband had rifled , upon hope to finde some chinke or money there : keywords: alice; betweene; blood; body; books; cause; characters; clarke; confession; creation; day; death; early; eebo; encoding; english; execution; fact; fire; fortune; god; good; hand; hath; heart; himselfe; husband; images; life; little; man; mans; mercury; mouth; nay; old; online; owne; oxford; page; partnership; phase; place; poysoning; present; said; second; selfe; shee; smithfield; tcp; tei; text; time; true; vxbridge; wensday; west; white; wife; words; work; xml cache: A01868.xml plain text: A01868.txt item: #2 of 23 id: A13515 author: Taylor, John, 1580-1653. title: The vnnaturall father, or, The cruell murther committed by [one] Iohn Rowse of the towne of Ewell, ten m[iles] from London, in the county of Surry, vpon two of his owne children with his prayer and repentance in prison, his arrai[gn]ment and iudgement at the Sessions, and his execution for the said fact at Croydon, on Munday the second of Iuly, 1621. date: 1621.0 words: 6112 flesch: 56 summary: This false friend of his ( as he said ) did perswade him to leaue his Wife for altogether , and did lodge and boord him and his paramore certaine weekes in his house , and afterward caused him and her to be lodged ( hauing chang'd his name ) as Man and Wife in an honest mans house neere Bishopsgate , at Beuis Marks , where they continued so long , till his money was gone , ( as indeede he neuer had much , but now and then small petty summes from his secret friend aforesaid ) and he being fearefull to bee smoak'd out by his Creditors , was counselled to leaue his Country , and depart for Ireland ; and before his going ouer-Sea , his friend wrought so , that all his Land was made ouer in trust to him , and Bonds , Couenants , and Leases made , as fully bought and sold for a summe of two hundred and threescore pounds ; of all which money the said Rowse did take the Sacrament and his death , that hee neuer did receiue one penny , but hee said that now and then he had fiue or ten shillings at a time from his said friend , and neuer aboue twenty shillings , and that all that euer he had of him , being summ'd together , was not aboue three & twenty pounds , the which moneys his friend did pay himselfe out of his Rents . By this mans fall , we may see an example of Gods Iustice against Drunkennes , Whoredome , and Murder ; the Diuel being the first Author , who was a Murtherer from the beginning : who fil'd Cain with Enuy , that hee murdered his brother Abel : who tempted Dauid first to Adultery , and afterwards to Murther ; who prouoked Herod to cause the blessed Seruant of God Iohn Baptist to lose his head , because hee told him it was not lawfull for him to marry his brother Philips Wife ; and who was the prouoker of the aforesaid Herod to murther all the innocent male children in his Kingdome . keywords: aboue; age; bee; body; books; characters; children; conscience; credit; croydon; death; doth; early; eebo; english; estate; ewell; false; father; fearefull; friend; god; gods; goe; good; great; haue; hauing; heart; heauen; hee; himselfe; honest; house; innocent; iohn; iudgement; land; life; like; liues; london; man; mans; meanes; mee; mercy; miserable; murder; murther; neuer; oath; ouer; owne; poore; pounds; prison; rowse; said; saith; saue; second; seller; sessions; shee; sinnes; soule; surry; tcp; tei; text; time; vnnaturall; vnto; vpon; wife; woman; yeeres cache: A13515.xml plain text: A13515.txt item: #3 of 23 id: A14129 author: Musket, Anne. title: The Penitent sonnes teares for his murdered mother / by Nathaniel Tyndale, sicke both in soule and body, a prisoner now in Newgate. The much-afflicted mothers teares for her drowned daughter / [by?] Anne Musket, the wofull mother for her lost daughter date: 1624.0 words: 1877 flesch: 76 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). Mee thinkes , I heare her tell mee , those pale Hands Haue gently lapt mee in my swathing bands ; Haue dandled mee ; and , when I learn'd to goe , Haue propt mee , weake , till I too-strong did grow . keywords: anne; bloud; body; books; characters; daughter; doth; early; eebo; english; forgot; haue; image; lord; lost; mee; mothers; musket; nathaniel; online; oxford; partnership; penitent; phase; soule; tcp; teares; tei; text; thee; thinkes; tyndale cache: A14129.xml plain text: A14129.txt item: #4 of 23 id: A19001 author: Crimsal, Richard. title: A cruell murther committed lately upon the body of Abraham Gearsy who liv'd in the Parish of Westmill, in the County of Harford; by one Robert Reeve, and Richard Reeve, both of the same Parish: for which fact Robert was prest to death, on Munday the 16. of March, and the Tuesday following Richard was hang'd; and after both of them were hang'd up in chaines, where now they doe remaine, to the affrightment of all beholders. 1635. To the tune of Fortune my Foe. date: 1635.0 words: 1942 flesch: 74 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: abraham; books; characters; cruell; death; doe; early; eebo; english; fact; god; hang'd; harford; murder; murther; online; oxford; parish; partnership; phase; prest; reeve; richard; robert; tcp; tei; text; tune cache: A19001.xml plain text: A19001.txt item: #5 of 23 id: A19025 author: Closse, George. title: The parricide papist, or Cut-throate Catholicke A tragicall discourse of a murther lately committed at Padstow in the countie of Cornewall by a professed papist, killing his owne father, and afterwardes himselfe, in zeale of his popish religion. The 11 of March last past. 1606. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. date: 1606.0 words: 4956 flesch: 53 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. Written by G Closse, preacher of the word of God at Blacke Torrington in Deuon. keywords: beeing; better; blood; books; catholicke; cause; characters; christian; church; closse; countie; cut; deuill; dwelling; early; eebo; encoding; english; examples; father; god; hath; haue; hee; himselfe; holy; ieanes; images; inigo; king; late; like; maister; man; march; math; murther; murthered; nature; neuer; online; ouer; owne; oxford; padstow; papist; parricide; partnership; past; people; phase; popes; popish; prince; professed; profession; professors; reason; religion; rome; romish; said; state; tcp; tei; text; themselues; theyr; throate; time; tragicall; true; vnto; vpon; wee; works; world; xml cache: A19025.xml plain text: A19025.txt item: #6 of 23 id: A19288 author: Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1626. title: The cry and reuenge of blood Expressing the nature and haynousnesse of wilfull murther. Exemplified in a most lamentable history thereof, committed at Halsworth in High Suffolk, and lately conuicted at Bury assize, 1620. date: 1620.0 words: 22993 flesch: 61 summary: Doth not the close conuayance of sinne , and long concealing thereof prouoke him to challenge the Omnipresence of God , as if he were hid in the clouds , and could not see it ? And if now it please the righteous Lord , to giue him his desire , and send leanenesse into his soule , that not onely that which he seemed to haue , shall be taken away from him , the light hee hath shall be quenched , and by degrees extinguished ; yea , the spirit of God instead of restrayning him formerly from some outward euils , and so happily affrighting his conscience with sense of inward rottennesse , shall now giue him vp to his owne lusts , euen to commit sinne with greedinesse : Is not this the happinesse that hee specially dreames of , to be past feeling of sinne , that so hee may make vp his measure without controulement . keywords: againe; atheist; bee; bene; best; better; blood; bloudy; bodies; brother; carnall; case; cast; causes; chap; children; christ; comfort; confusion; conscience; contrary; conuicted; conuiction; cry; day; death; desire; desperate; discouery; doe; doth; earth; eebo; end; ends; english; euen; euidence; euill; execution; fact; farre; feare; fire; flesh; giue; giuing; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; gospell; grace; great; greater; hand; hath; haue; heart; hee; high; himselfe; history; holy; hope; howsoeuer; image; iniquity; instruments; inward; iohn; iudgement; iustice; iustifie; iustifying; labour; land; leaue; length; lesse; life; light; like; long; lord; magistrate; man; manner; meanes; measure; mercy; mouth; murther; murtherers; nature; obserue; obstinacy; obstinate; occasions; onely; outward; owne; particular; passe; patience; peace; pond; poore; power; pray; present; prouidence; punishment; reason; regard; repentance; rest; reuenge; righteous; roote; satisfie; scoene; second; secure; sentence; shame; sinne; sinners; sorrow; soules; strange; subiect; sufficient; tcp; text; themselues; thereunto; things; thou; time; tragedy; triall; true; truth; vengeance; vnder; vnto; vpon; vse; vses; want; way; wayes; wee; wicked; wickednesse; wisedome; word; worke; yea cache: A19288.xml plain text: A19288.txt item: #7 of 23 id: A26716 author: Franklin, Robert, 1630-1684. title: A Murderer punished and pardoned, or, A true relation of the wicked life and shameful-happy death of Thomas Savage imprisoned, justly condemned, and twice executed at Ratcliff for his bloody fact in killing his fellow-servant on Wednesday, Octob. 28, 1668 / by us who were often with him in the time of his imprisonment in Newgate and at his execution, Robert Franklin ... [et al.]. To which is annexed a sermon preached at his funeral. date: 1671.0 words: 25206 flesch: 68 summary: If the Wrath of God , if Hell and Damnation , if everlasting Misery be to be avoided , then Sin is : for as sure as God is true , Sinners must be damned if they flee not sin . And lastly , be careful to spend the Lords day , and all other spare time in the service of God , as Reading , Praying , Hearing the Word Preached , &c. which may be a means to preserve thee from the guilt of sins of this nature ; and other sins likewise , if thou apply thy self seriously to this work . keywords: account; bar; blessed; blood; body; children; christ; company; conscience; cry; cursed; damned; day; death; devil; discourse; doth; dreadful; drink; drunkenness; duty; dying; end; eternal; eternity; execution; fact; father; fear; free; friend; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; guilty; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; hope; house; jesus; leave; life; like; little; live; long; lord; love; lusts; maid; man; master; men; mercy; ministers; morning; murder; nay; newgate; night; old; ones; pardon; people; place; poor; prayer; prison; psal; ratcliff; ready; repentance; rest; sabbath; saith; savage; saying; scripture; self; servant; set; shameful; sin; sinner; sins; soul; sure; tcp; tears; text; thee; thing; thomas; thou; thought; time; true; way; wicked; words; work; world; wrath; young; youthful cache: A26716.xml plain text: A26716.txt item: #8 of 23 id: A31750 author: Caesar, Peter. title: The last speech and confession of Peter Cæsar, a Portugal, at the place of execution together with his confession at Justice-Hall in the Old Bailey ... likewise the tryal of the Frenchmen for ravishing a gentlewoman near Holborn ... as also a true relation concerning Mary Smith, who cut off her childs' head, with her examination and confession before Justice Swallow ... date: 1664.0 words: 2351 flesch: 52 summary: 2006-01 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2006-02 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2006-03 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread 2006-03 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion The last SPEECH AND CONFESSION , Of Peter Caesar , a Portugal , at the Place of Execution : Together with his Confession at Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayley , who in a most barbarous and bloody manner , shot his own dear Lord and Master a Portugese through the Head , as he sate at Dinner in his Chamber . The Tryal , Examination , and Confession of Peter Caesar , who most barbarously murtherd his Lord and Master , a Portugese , as he sate at Dinner eating of a Dish of Fish , &c. AT Justice-Hall in the Old-Bayley , the last Sessions , Peter Cesar a Portugese was called to the Bar , to answer an Indictment exhibited against him for killing of his own dear Lord and Master , a most barbarous and cruell Act ; but the miraculous Effects , in Discovery thereof , is worthy of Remark , by the Judicious Reader : For no sooner had this bloudy Villain contrived the Dissolution of his Masters life , but Terrour possessed his guilty Conscience , and the Grand Serjeant Death appeared obvious for a high Arrest ; but Cesar thinking to make his Escape , was prevented : keywords: body; books; caesar; characters; chest; childs; confession; dinner; early; eebo; english; examination; execution; hall; head; holborn; justice; mary; master; old; online; peter; phase; place; smith; tcp; tei; text; time; true; tryal cache: A31750.xml plain text: A31750.txt item: #9 of 23 id: A46098 author: Ireland. Lord Lieutenant (1677-1685 : Ormonde) title: Whereas a most barbarous and outragious murder and robbery was committed, on Sunday the seventh day of this instant October in the evening, in the town of Radrom in the county of Wicklow ... by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Ormond. date: 1677.0 words: 1513 flesch: 61 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A46098) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 104801) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: books; characters; council; day; dublin; early; eebo; english; ireland; lieutenant; lord; majesties; murder; october; online; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; robbery; said; tcp; tei; text; wicklow cache: A46098.xml plain text: A46098.txt item: #10 of 23 id: A49649 author: Elestone, Sarah, d. 1678. title: The last speech and confession of Sarah Elestone at the place of execution who was burned for killing her husband, April 24. 1678. With her deportment in prison since her condemnation. With allowance. date: 1678.0 words: 2086 flesch: 66 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A49649) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 32804) keywords: blood; books; characters; confession; day; early; eebo; elestone; english; execution; god; good; husband; man; online; oxford; partnership; phase; place; sarah; sins; speech; tcp; tei; text; time; works cache: A49649.xml plain text: A49649.txt item: #11 of 23 id: A50164 author: Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728. title: Speedy repentance urged a sermon preached at Boston, December 29, 1689 : in the hearing and at the request of one Hugh Stone, [a mis]erable man [under a just sen]tence of [death] for a [tragical and] hor[rible murder : together with some account concerning the character, carriage, and execution of that unhappy malefactor : to which are added certain memorable providences relating to some other murders, & some great instances of repentance which have been seen amonst us / by Cotton Mather.] date: 1690.0 words: 19723 flesch: 76 summary: In the Hearing , and at the Request of One Hugh Stone , 〈◊〉 ●●●erable Man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●●●tence of 〈◊〉 for a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hor●●●●● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 COnscientia mea meruit Damnationem , & paenitentia mea non sufficit ad Satisfactionem : Sed 〈◊〉 est quod mis●ricordi● 〈◊〉 super at 〈…〉 THE Introduction . Whether or no our Good Neighbours will acknowledge our Government , which we Esteem to be not at all De●potio● but wholly Ministerial , and would rejoice 〈◊〉 we could therein , with more universal Edi●●●cation enjoy the Assistence of those that mig●● Rule well , though they Labour 〈◊〉 Word and D●ctrine ; yet I am sure 〈◊〉 ought with a very sollicitous Fidelity to 〈…〉 our Stewardship , in that 〈…〉 which conc●rns the Feeding of the Houshold . keywords: answer; apostle; arms; better; blessed; blood; books; broken; burden; certain; characters; children; christ; concerned; conclusion; condition; confession; course; cry; day; dead; death; dust; eebo; end; english; eternal; eternity; execution; faith; father; fire; free; glorious; god; gods; good; grace; great; great god; greater; guilty; hands; hast; hath; hearing; heart; heaven; holy; hope; house; hugh; iniquity; iudgment; iustification; jesus; kingdom; late; law; let; life; like; little; living; long; lord; lord god; lord jesus; love; malefactor; man; men; mercy; min; morning; murderer; new; o lord; o ●; old; original; pardon; pardoned; people; place; poor; prayer; pride; psal; psalmist; repentance; request; rest; right; righteousness; saviour; saying; season; secret; self; selves; sensible; sermon; set; sick; sin; sinner; sins; sleep; soul; spirit; stone; sure; t ●; tcp; terms; text; thee; thing; thou; thought; time; transgression; true; use; way; wayes; wicked; wickedness; wife; words; work; world; years; ● ● cache: A50164.xml plain text: A50164.txt item: #12 of 23 id: A63587 author: England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (London) title: A true narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly; from Friday the 14th of this instant January, to Munday the 17th; being a full and true account of the tryals, examinations, and condemnations of several malefactors, for several crimes. And also an account of the tryal of four several persons for committing four several murthers. A man for killing a bayliff, a boy for killing his fellow prentice, a man for killing his fellow-workman, and another for killing a man in Black fryers. With an account how many are condemn'd, how many burn'd in the hand, to be transported, whipt at the carts tail, and to stand in the pillory. With permission, Roger L'Estrange date: 1676.0 words: 2990 flesch: 56 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Readers , what can subdue , what can asswage The bloody hands of men this sinful age ? A fervent Prayer from a religious heart . keywords: account; bayliff; bayly; black; books; characters; deceased; early; eebo; english; fellow; guilty; hand; house; jury; man; master; men; old; online; permission; persons; quality; said; sessions; shop; silver; tcp; tei; text; true; woman; works cache: A63587.xml plain text: A63587.txt item: #13 of 23 id: A63589 author: England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (London) title: A true narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly at a sessions there held; which began on Wednesday the 13th of this instant Decemb. and ended on Saturday the 16th, 1676. Setting forth the several facts and tryals of several malefactors. With the tryal of the maid that set her master's barns on fire at Harrow on the Hill, at Michaelmas last. With an account how many are condemned, burn'd in the hand, to be whipt, and transported. With allowance. Roger L'Estrange. date: 1676.0 words: 2724 flesch: 61 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A63589) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 38178) keywords: barns; bayly; books; characters; court; early; eebo; english; evidence; guilty; hand; harrow; house; jury; london; man; master; michaelmas; narrative; old; onely; online; phase; prisoner; proceedings; said; sessions; set; tcp; tei; text; tryal; whipt; works cache: A63589.xml plain text: A63589.txt item: #14 of 23 id: A63590 author: England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (London) title: A true narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly at a sessions there held on Wednesday the 17th of January 1676/7. Giving a full account of the true tryal and sentence of Lodowick Muggleton for blasphemous words and books. As also the tryals and condemnation of a vvoman for killing her bastard-child; and of a man for personating another person in giving bayl before a judge. With an account how many are condenmed, burn'd in the hand, to be whipt, and transported. With allowance. Roger L'Estrange. date: None words: 2029 flesch: 60 summary: Early English books online. (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A63590) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 38180) keywords: -england; account; bastard; bayly; books; characters; child; early; eebo; english; hand; house; january; lodowick; man; muggleton; old; online; phase; proceedings; sessions; tcp; tei; text; true; tryal; wednesday; works cache: A63590.xml plain text: A63590.txt item: #15 of 23 id: A63608 author: England and Wales. Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (London) title: The true narrative of the proceedings at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly which began on Wednesday the 13th of this instant April and ended on Thursday the 14th following Giving an account of most of the remarkable trials there, viz. for murder fellonies and burglaries, &c. with a particular relation of their names, and the places of their committing their facts, with the number of those condemned to die, burn'd in the hand, transported and to be whipt. But more especially of the trial and condemnation of that notorious highway-man Randolph Poulson, and John Francis Dickison for high-treason, who received sentence to be hang'd drawn and quartered, and Ann Price for murther date: 1681.0 words: 2871 flesch: 52 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A63608) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 30213) keywords: ann; books; characters; child; deceased; dickison; early; eebo; english; evidence; francis; guilty; high; house; instant; john; man; mary; murther; parish; poulson; pounds; price; prisoner; randolph; servant; sessions; silver; tcp; tei; text; trial; works cache: A63608.xml plain text: A63608.txt item: #16 of 23 id: A76061 author: Franklin, Robert, 1630-1684. title: A murderer punished and pardoned, or, A true relation of the wicked life, and shameful-happy death of Thomas Savage imprisoned, justly condemned, and twice executed at Ratcliff, for his bloody fact in killing his fellow-servant, on Wednesday, Octob. 28, 1668 / by us who were often with him in the time of his imprisonment in Newgate, at at his execution, Robert Franklin, Thomas Vincent, Thomas Doolitel, James Janeway, Hugh Baker ; to which is annexed a sermon preached at his funeral. date: 1679.0 words: 25268 flesch: 68 summary: If the wrath of God , if Hell and Damnation , if everlasting Misery be to be avoided , then Sin is : for as sure as God is true , Sinners must be damned if they flee not sin . And lastly , be careful to spend the Lords-day , and all thy other spare time in the service of God , as reading , Praying , hearing the Word preached , which may be a means to preserve thee from the guilt of sins of this nature , and other sins likewise , if thou apply thy self seriously to this work . keywords: account; barr; blessed; blood; body; children; christ; company; conscience; cry; damned; day; death; devil; discourse; doth; dreadful; drink; drunkenness; duty; dye; end; eternal; eternity; execution; fact; fear; flee; free; friend; glory; god; gods; good; grace; great; guilty; hast; hath; heart; heaven; hell; hope; house; jesus; leave; life; like; little; long; lord; love; lusts; maid; man; master; men; mercy; mind; ministers; money; morning; murder; murther; nay; newgate; night; ones; pardon; people; place; poor; prayer; prison; psal; ratcliff; ready; repentance; rest; sabbath; saith; savage; saying; scripture; self; servant; shameful; sin; sinner; sins; soul; sure; tcp; tears; text; thing; thomas; thou; thought; time; true; way; ways; wicked; words; work; world; wrath; young; youthful cache: A76061.xml plain text: A76061.txt item: #17 of 23 id: A84971 author: Harris, Tho., High-Constable, fl. 1688. title: A Full and true account of the proceedings of Tho. Harris, Gent. high constable of the Hundred of Oswaldstone, in the county of Middlesex. Being the manner of finding the head of the late murder'd person, who was cut to pieces: it being found between twelve and one a clock at night, in the House of Office, near the house of Mr. Fresnear, a fringe-maker, near Exeter-Exchange, on Sunday-night, the 5th instant February, 1687. date: 1688.0 words: 1408 flesch: 67 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: account; books; characters; constable; county; early; eebo; english; february; harris; head; high; house; night; office; person; tcp; tei; text; tho; true cache: A84971.xml plain text: A84971.txt item: #18 of 23 id: A92663 author: Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. title: A proclamation anent the murtherers of the late Archbishop of St. Andrews, and appointing magistrates and councils of burghs royal to sign the declaration at Michaelmas next date: 1679.0 words: 1644 flesch: 57 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A92663) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 153562) keywords: andrews; archbishop; books; burghs; characters; councils; declaration; early; edinburgh; edition; eebo; english; image; late; magistrates; murtherers; online; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; privy; proclamation; tcp; tei; text; works cache: A92663.xml plain text: A92663.txt item: #19 of 23 id: A92956 author: Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1724. title: Epilogue to the French midwife's tragedy who was burnt in Leicester-Fields, March 2, 1687/8, for the barbarous murder of her husband Denis Hobry / this may be printed, R.P. date: 1688.0 words: 1438 flesch: 72 summary: Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). EEBO-TCP is a partnership between the Universities of Michigan and Oxford and the publisher ProQuest to create accurately transcribed and encoded texts based on the image sets published by ProQuest via their Early English Books Online (EEBO) database ( keywords: barbarous; books; characters; denis; early; eebo; elkanah; encoding; english; fields; great; hobry; husband; image; leicester; march; murder; online; oxford; page; partnership; phase; settle; tcp; tei; text; tragedy; xml cache: A92956.xml plain text: A92956.txt item: #20 of 23 id: B00984 author: Bruton, Edward, d. 1633. title: The lamentation of Edward Bruton, and James Riley, who for the bloody murder committed on the bodies of Henry Howell, and his wife, vpon Queenes Downe, were executed and hanged in chaines, neere the same place on the 18. day of March. 1633. To the tune of, Fortune my foe. date: 1633.0 words: 2235 flesch: 75 summary: And hearing of the murther done of late , Would vnderstand how he came by this state , And t●reatning him , he ●he●●oufest 〈◊〉 way , Both him and th●m which that same man did 〈◊〉 They were conui●ted , 〈◊〉 by Law were tride , And for the same all foure ●● the act ●●y di●e , And ●e that last ●●●●t●●●e , did suffer 〈◊〉 , Iust in the place ●e spirit the true mans brea●h . The Lord ( no doubt ) to them did mercy ●end , Who were so peni●ent before their and , Their soules I hope in Heauen sho●● 〈◊〉 dwell ▪ But yet another bloody sale I●e ●ell . keywords: bloody; bodies; books; bruton; characters; day; early; edward; eebo; english; great; henry; howell; image; james; mercy; murder; neere; online; oxford; partnership; phase; place; riley; tcp; tei; text; title; tune; vpon; works; ● ● cache: B00984.xml plain text: B00984.txt item: #21 of 23 id: B05634 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: Proclamation, for apprehending Fergus Tempeltoun a murderer. date: 1694.0 words: 1364 flesch: 62 summary: Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179065) Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: apprehending; books; characters; council; early; edinburgh; eebo; english; fergus; murderer; online; oxford; partnership; persons; phase; privy; proclamation; said; scotland; tcp; tei; templetoun; text; works cache: B05634.xml plain text: B05634.txt item: #22 of 23 id: B05637 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: Proclamation, for apprehending Patrick Grahame of Inchbraco, with promise of a reward. date: 1695.0 words: 1255 flesch: 65 summary: Proclamation, for apprehending Patrick Grahame of Inchbraco, with promise of a reward. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English Books, 1641-1700 ; 2776:57) Proclamation, for apprehending Patrick Grahame of Inchbraco, with promise of a reward. keywords: books; characters; council; early; edinburgh; eebo; english; grahame; image; inchbraco; online; oxford; partnership; patrick; phase; privy; promise; scotland; tcp; tei; text; works cache: B05637.xml plain text: B05637.txt item: #23 of 23 id: B05639 author: Scotland. Privy Council. title: A proclamation for apprehending the Lord Bellendine. Edinburgh the fourth day of July, 1689. date: 1689.0 words: 1214 flesch: 63 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 179069) keywords: bellendine; books; characters; council; early; edinburgh; eebo; english; leidges; lord; majesties; online; oxford; partnership; phase; privy; proclamation; scotland; tcp; tei; text cache: B05639.xml plain text: B05639.txt