item: #1 of 25 id: A08534 author: Dowland, John, 1563?-1626. title: Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus, or Introduction: containing the art of singing Digested into foure bookes. Not onely profitable, but also necessary for all that are studious of musicke. Also the dimension and perfect vse of the monochord, according to Guido Aretinus. By Iohn Douland lutenist, lute-player, and Bachelor of Musicke in both the Vniuersities. 1609. date: 1609.0 words: 33950 flesch: 77 summary: Among those things wherwith the mind of man is wont to be delighted , I can finde nothing that is more great , more healthfull , more honest , than Musicke : DEre Arnold , whereas mans intellect in it beginning is naked and without forme , and hath nothing in it , but a possibility to receiue formes , many haue doubted why the high Creatour did not giue knowledge naturally to man as well as to other sensible creatures . keywords: aboue; accent; acute; alteration; altus; alwayes; ancients; anima; appeareth; art; augmentation; authenticall; away; base; bassus; beginning; bernard; betwixt; body; booke; boêtius; breefe; cap; cause; certaine; chapter; chiefe; church; circle; close; coelius; colour; concent; concords; coniuncts; consonance; contrary; counter; counterpoint; cunning; definition; degrees; delighted; desire; diapason; diapente; difference; diminution; discantus; discords; diuers; diuine; diuision; doe; doth; downe; duple; eares; eebo; eights; elements; end; english; equall; euen; euery; euery song; example; exercise; falling; fals; famous; fashions; fift; figure; finall; fit; fiue; flat; fold; followeth; following; forme; foure; fourth; franchinus; gafforus; generall; giue; god; goe; good; graue; greater; guido; harmonicall; harmony; hath; haue; hauing; hee; high; higher; himselfe; imperfect; imperfection; inequalitie; instruments; interuals; iohn; ioyned; iudge; iudgement; keyes; kinde; knowledge; knowne; large; laudate; left; lesser; letter; lib; like; little; long; making; man; manner; marked; matter; meane; measure; melodie; men; mensurall; middle; minime; moll; monochord; moode; motion; multiplex; musicall; musicke; musitians; mutation; names; naturall; nature; necessary; neuer; notes; number; onely; order; ornithoparchus; ouer; parts; perfect; place; plagall; plaine; point; pontifex; power; pract; practise; praise; precepts; pricke; principall; profit; progression; prolation; proper; proportion; psalmes; quantitie; reason; receiue; regular; relation; rest; right; rules; saint; saith; saue; saying; scale; second; selfe; semibreefe; semitone; sence; sentence; set; seuenth; sharpe; short; signes; sillable; singer; singing; sixe; sixt; small; sol; song; sound; speciall; speculation; speech; sub; super; syllables; syncopation; table; tact; tcp; tenor; tenth; text; themselues; things; thinke; thou; thought; time; tone; transposed; transposition; true; tuning; value; verses; viz; vnder; vnison; vnlesse; voices; voyce; vpon; vse; vsed; wee; whereof; wherfore; wit; word; worke; worthy; writes; writeth cache: A08534.xml plain text: A08534.txt item: #2 of 25 id: A09578 author: Bevin, Elway, ca. 1554-1638. title: A briefe and short instruction of the art of musicke to teach how to make discant, of all proportions that are in vse: very necessary for all such as are desirous to attaine to knowledge in the art; and may by practice, if they can sing, soone be able to compose three, foure, and five parts: and also to compose all sorts of canons that are usuall, by these directions of two or three parts in one, upon the plain-song. By Elvvay Bevin. date: 1631.0 words: 4188 flesch: 81 summary: Canon . Canon per Aug. Another example . keywords: arsin; aug; base; bevin; books; canon; crochet; diapente; difficult; discant; eebo; english; euery; example; fift; fiue; following; foure; good; haue; higher; lower; meane; musicke; mynome; note; parts; placitum; plain; plainsong; principall; proportions; recte; reply; retro; second; semibriefes; set; song; tcp; tenor; text; thesin; treble; vnison; voc; wayes cache: A09578.xml plain text: A09578.txt item: #3 of 25 id: A25223 author: Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1588-1638. title: Templum musicum, or, The musical synopsis of the learned and famous Johannes-Henricus-Alstedius being a compendium of the rudiments both of the mathematical and practical part of musick, of which subject not any book is extant in our English tongue / faithfully translated out of Latin by John Birchensha ... date: 1664.0 words: 20349 flesch: 74 summary: Therefore this doth as it were garnish these three Dimensions of a Song with various Gems and flowers : so that pure Composition may rightly be compared to Grammer , which teach●th to ●peak purely : and adorned Composition to Rhetorick , which teacheth to speak Elegantl● . 2. Artificial Licenses are used in adorned Compos●tion . For although the Form of a Song occur there , yet the End which perfecteth the Instrument , is not there discerned : The●efore in such Musick there is the first perfection but not the ultimate ; which necess●rily is ●equired in an Instrument , because the Virtue ther●of is placed in the use . CHAP. keywords: acute; affections; altus; alwayes; ariseth; arithmetical; authent; author; bass; breve; cause; certain; chap; chords; chromatic; comma; composition; compounded; consist; consonances; consonant; crassitude; diapason; diapente; diatessaron; difference; discantus; disposition; distant; ditone; division; doth; double; dupla; dyads; eebo; elements; end; english; equal; example; fifth; flat; fourth; genus; grave; greater; half; harmonical; harmonical song; harmony; hath; hypo; imperfect; instruments; intervalls; ionic; keyes; latitude; lesser; letters; like; lines; long; longitude; major; man; manner; mathematical; matter; melodies; middle; mind; minor; mixed; monads; mood; motion; musical; musicians; musick; mutation; natural; nature; new; notes; numbers; octave; old; order; parts; perfect; perfection; place; plagal; practical; precepts; principal; principles; progression; proportion; quality; quantity; radical; radix; ration; reason; respect; rest; rules; runneth; scale; science; second; self; semitone; sesquialtera; sesquitertia; seventh; sharp; signs; simple; sixth; sol; song; sound; subject; syntonian; system; tcp; tenor; text; thereof; things; time; tone; touch; triade; trias; triple; unison; use; virtue; viz; voices cache: A25223.xml plain text: A25223.txt item: #4 of 25 id: A26830 author: Battell, Ralph, 1649-1713. title: The lawfulness and expediency of church-musick asserted in a sermon preached at St. Brides-Church upon the 22d. of November, 1693 being the anniversary meeting of gentlemen, lovers of musick / by Ralph Battell ... date: None words: 5799 flesch: 54 summary: WE have in these Words a Direction how to behave our selves in the publick Worship of God ; and I have made Choice of them at this time to justify the Practice of our own Church in her laudable Use of Musick , both Vocal and Instrumental , in her solemn Assembles . For in short it was not Moses but David who first applied Instruments of Musick to Religious Purposes , as I have before shewed , and this he might do partly out of a Sence of Natural Religion , and also farther as we may piously believe , ( he being an inspired Man and a Prophet ) by the Spirit of God : keywords: affections; available; battell; books; characters; christians; church; custom; david; devotion; divine; early; eebo; english; expediency; god; good; great; harmony; harp; holy; hymn; instruments; kind; lawfulness; like; lord; man; matter; mention; mind; moses; musick; natural; practice; praise; prophets; psalm; publick; purposes; ralph; religious; set; singing; solemn; song; soul; spirit; spiritual; tcp; tei; text; things; time; use; work; worship; yea cache: A26830.xml plain text: A26830.txt item: #5 of 25 id: A28384 author: A. B., Philo-Mus. title: Synopsis of vocal musick containing the rudiments of singing rightly any harmonical song, delivered in a method so solid, short and plain, that this art may now be learned more exactly, speedily and easily, than ever heretofore : whereunto are added several psalms and songs of three parts, composed by English and Italian authors for the benefit of young beginners / by A.B., Philo-Mus. date: 1680.0 words: 16160 flesch: 84 summary: EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( But because the Operation and Experience of the Practical Part of Composing , require the study and expence of many years , and so many excellent Tunes for Air , Variety , and Substance are at present Composed by divers eminent Authors , amongst several Nations : to condescend to the meanest Capacity of Beginners , who intend onely to spend but a small portion of time , and to reap the benefit of the Works of those eminent Composers , there are in this Treatise delivered so Solid , Short and Plain Principles and Rules , that whosoever desires to learn to Sing any composed harmonical Song , may now more exactly , speedily and easily , than ever heretofore attain thereunto . keywords: acuter; altitude; bassus; blessed; cantus; castoldi; certain; chap; cliffs; common; common time; consisteth; cupid; day; degree; depression; distant; ditone; division; doth; eighth; elevation; english; eyes; fair; fifth; flat; fly; fourth; giac; gio; god; good; greater; half; hand; harmony; hath; health; heart; higher; intervals; joyn; joys; kisses; laud; length; lesser; light; like; long; lord; love; man; mean; merry; musick; notes; onely; order; pag; parts; pauses; people; pleasant; poor; praise; primary; primus; psalm; respect; return; scale; seals; second; secundus; self; semitone; sense; sesquialtre; seventh; sharp; signs; singing; sixth; slower; sol; song; sounds; stay; sweet; swifter; syllables; tcp; tenor; term; text; thee; thine; things; thou; time; tone; triple; tune; voc; vocal; voice; wit; yield cache: A28384.xml plain text: A28384.txt item: #6 of 25 id: A29150 author: Brady, Nicholas, 1659-1726. title: Church-musick vindicated a sermon preach'd at St. Bride's church, on Monday, November 22, 1697, being St. Caecilia's day, the anniversary feast of the Lovers of musick / by Nicholas Brady. date: 1697.0 words: 5568 flesch: 41 summary: WE do not ( I think ) meet in the whole Book of God , with a more Signal Instance of his favourable Acceptance , of that Devout Employment in which we are now Conversant , ( our praising him , and giving him Thanks , with Voices and Instruments of Musick ) than we have in those words which I have now read to you , and which I have chosen for the Subject of my following Discourse ; where we find it makes up a very considerable part , of one of the most Eminent Solemnities of Religion , that we ever heard of under the Legal Dispensation : A Solemnity Regulated by the Wisest amongst Men ; and in which we cannot suppose anything to have been allowed of , but what was suitable to the Gravity and Majesty of the occasion : It was Solomon's Dedicating that Glorious Temple , which was justly Reputed the Noblest Structure in the World ; and his Solliciting the Almighty , that he would Arise into his Resting-place , We may observe yet farther , that the proper Office of Musick in the Service of God , is to praise him , and give him thanks , because he is good ; and because his Mercy endureth for ever . keywords: acts; approbation; books; brady; caecilia; characters; church; cloud; day; delightful; devout; discourse; divine; early; eebo; employment; english; esq; favour; general; glory; god; good; great; heaven; heavenly; holy; house; instruments; lord; mercy; musick; nature; nicholas; occasion; people; performance; place; practice; praise; presence; priests; reason; religion; religious; sacred; service; set; signal; solemn; tcp; tei; temple; text; use; voices; words; worship cache: A29150.xml plain text: A29150.txt item: #7 of 25 id: A34693 author: Cotton, John, 1584-1652. title: Singing of Psalmes a Gospel-ordinance, or, A Treatise wherein are handled these particulars 1. Touching the duty itselfe, 2. Touching the matter to be sung, 3. Touching the singers, 4. Touching the manner of singing / by John Cotton ... date: 1650.0 words: 30176 flesch: 71 summary: But singing with heart and voyce is a morall worship , such as is written in the hearts of all men by nature : As to pray in distresse , so when we are mercy , and have cause of solemne thankesgiving unto God , then to sing Psalmes , which the Holy Ghost by the Apostle James approveth and sanctifieth , Jam. 5.13 . Or suppose singing with Instruments were not typicall , but onely an externall solemnitie of worship , fitted to the solace of the outward sences of children under age , ( such as the Israelites were under the Old Testament , Gal. 4.1 , 2 , ● . ) So here , some that were altogether against singing of Psalmes at all with lively voyce , yet being convinced , that it is a morall worship of God warranted in Scripture , then if there must be a Singing , one alone must sing , not all , ( or if all ) the Men onely , and not the Women . keywords: acts; answ; apostle; asaph; blessing; carnall; chap; christ; christians; church; churches; commandement; common; confusion; congregation; david; davids psalmes; day; dayes; disciples; doe; doth; dutie; duty; edification; end; english; expresse; extraordinary; faith; farre; fit; formes; forth; ghost; gift; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; grace; hand; hath; hearing; heart; hebrew; helpe; himselfe; hold; holy; hymnes; instruments; israel; jesus; jewes; joyfull; joyne; lambe; language; lesse; like; lively; lord; making; man; manner; matter; measure; meeter; melody; members; men; morall; moses; nature; new; new testament; non; noyse; object; old; onely; order; ordinance; ordinary; outward; pagans; paul; people; personall; place; practise; praise; prayer; preaching; private; prophane; prophecy; prophets; prose; psalmes; publique; question; reade; reading; rest; roman; saints; scripture; second; sence; set; singers; singing; singing psalmes; songs; speake; speaketh; spirituall; spirituall songs; temple; testament; text; thankesgiving; times; tongues; true; truth; tunes; understanding; use; ver; voyce; way; wee; wit; women; word; worship; yea cache: A34693.xml plain text: A34693.txt item: #8 of 25 id: A36257 author: Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. title: A treatise concerning the lawfulness of instrumental musick in holy offices by Henry Dodwell ... ; to which is prefixed, a preface in vindication of Mr. Newte's sermon concerning the lawfulness and use of organs in the Christian church, &c. ... date: 1700.0 words: 51344 flesch: 63 summary: l. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . So the Inspiration of the Good Spirit , is call'd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , a putting us in Mind of what we knew before , on the Season wherein we are to Practice . keywords: able; account; acts; admit; adversaries; adversary; affections; age; ages; allow'd; answerer; apostles; apostolical; argument; assemblies; authority; baptism; benefits; bishop; bloody; bodies; bodily; body; book; capable; case; certain; christian; christian church; christianity; church; church musick; churches; circumcision; clear; command; common; communion; concern'd; condition; consequence; constitution; contrary; cor; covenant; customs; david; design; devils; devotion; discipline; discourse; dislike; dispute; divine; doctrine; duty; early; ecclesiastical; england; english; establishment; evangelical; everlasting; evident; evil; excellent; express; external; false; farther; fathers; fit; free; gal; general; gentiles; god; gods; good; gospel; government; great; greater; heavenly; heb; help; holiness; holy; homily; hymns; imagination; imitation; impos'd; impositions; inconsistent; influences; institutions; instrumental; instrumental musick; jerusalem; jewish; jews; judgment; kind; large; law; lawfulness; letter; life; like; likely; literal; little; long; lord; magnificence; man; matter; means; mention; mind; moral; mosaical; mosaick; moses; mount; musick; mystical; nation; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; number; objection; oblig'd; obligation; observation; occasions; offices; old; opinion; oppos'd; opposition; order; ordinary; organs; original; papists; parish; particular; parts; passions; paul; peculiar; peculium; people; persons; philo; place; plain; pleas'd; pleased; popery; popish; positive; power; practice; prayer; present; pretended; primitive; principles; proper; prophecy; prophets; protestant; providence; publick; purpose; raising; reason; reasoning; receiv'd; reformation; reformed; regard; relation; religion; revelations; right; rites; rome; rules; sacred; sacrifices; sanction; saviour; scriptures; second; self; sense; sensible; separation; sermon; service; shadow; shew; signifie; singing; sort; spirit; spiritual; state; subject; sufficient; suppos'd; symbols; synagogue; tabernacle; tcp; temple; terms; testament; text; things; tho; thought; time; treatise; true; truth; uncircumcis'd; unlawful; us'd; use; useful; viii; vocal; way; withal; words; world; worship; writers; xii; zeal cache: A36257.xml plain text: A36257.txt item: #9 of 25 id: A38686 author: Estwick, Sampson, d. 1739. title: The usefulness of church-musick a sermon preach'd at Christ-Church, Novemb. 27, 1696, upon occasion of the anniversary-meeting of the lovers of musick, on St. Cæcilia's Day / by S. Estwick ... date: 1696.0 words: 5984 flesch: 56 summary: To say we are pleas'd with Harmonious Sounds , is to say very little in comparison of what our Apostle has suggested to us , who carries this Matter much higher , and teaches us the true use and benefit of Divine Musick in the Worship of God. How this is done by this Divine Exercise will be more fully made out in this ensuing Discourse ; in the mean time it ought not to be forgot , that in a large sense we may be said to be taught and admonish'd by whatever renews , revives , and calls to remembrance former Thoughts , and Idea's ; we certainly may be admonish'd of what we knew before , and I think may not improperly be said to be Taught and Instructed by whatever excites and enlarges our Desires of Goodness , by whatever enflames in our Hearts the Love of God and our Neighbour ; and whatsoever Instruction serves to confirm our Faith , to enliven our Hope , and quicken our Graces , and to render our Souls more Humble , more Holy , and more like to God than they were before , may in a large Sence be deem'd Teaching ; tho' all this while we gain no fresh Supplies of new Idea's , but having an Occasion offer'd us of reviving those old ones that before lay dormant , we are thereby enabled to turn 'em to a better use , and to reduce our Knowledge to Practice . keywords: advantages; apostle; books; characters; christ; church; creation; devotion; divine; early; eebo; english; estwick; excellent; exercise; god; good; goodness; great; harmony; hearts; help; holy; house; hymns; life; manner; matter; measure; meeting; men; mind; musick; nature; occasion; online; oxford; people; pleasure; power; praises; preach'd; psalms; self; selves; sense; sermon; set; songs; sort; sounds; spiritual; subject; tcp; teaching; tei; text; tho; time; true; understanding; use; usefulness; works; worship cache: A38686.xml plain text: A38686.txt item: #10 of 25 id: A42318 author: Guilford, Francis North, Baron, 1637-1685. title: A philosophical essay of musick directed to a friend. date: 1677.0 words: 12113 flesch: 56 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: air; base; blast; bodies; body; breaks; cause; cavity; chords; coincident; compass; discord; discording; divided; division; ear; eebo; end; english; fifth; flat; force; formality; fourth; great; harmony; included; instruments; intermediate; key; key note; keys; manner; measure; memory; mind; motion; mouth; musick; nature; new; note; octave; parts; pipe; proportion; pulses; reason; relation; scale; second; semitone; set; sharp; shew; single; sixth; small; solid; sound; space; string; string tone; tcp; text; time; tone; treble; true; trumpet; tune; vibrations; way cache: A42318.xml plain text: A42318.txt item: #11 of 25 id: A44855 author: Hudgebut, John. title: Thesaurus musicus being, a collection of the newest songs performed at Their Majesties theatres; and at the consorts in Viller-street in York-buildings, and in Charles-street Covent-Garden. With a thorow-bass to each song for the harpsichord, theorbo, or bass-viol. To which is annexed a collection of airs, composed for two flutes, by several masters. The first book. date: 1693.0 words: 4683 flesch: 81 summary: But Sights and Tears bring no re — dress , and Love that sees , that sees me greive , con — spires with Sil — via to op — press the heart he shoul'd re — lieve . No art can Fic — kle Man re — Love to find ? no art can fic — kle , can fic — kle Man re — tain , or fix a Ro — ving mind : Yet fond — ly we , — tain , or fix a Ro — ving mind : keywords: bass; baulk; beast; beau; beauteous; books; bowl; care; characters; collection; con; drink; early; eebo; english; false; flutes; fond; good; hearts; john; king; life; long; love; man; masters; mind; musick; musicus; peat; praise; ris; set; shou'd; song; street; tcp; tei; text; ther; thesaurus; tho; true; try; ver; voices; way; wine; wonders; works cache: A44855.xml plain text: A44855.txt item: #12 of 25 id: A47361 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: An answer to Mr. Marlow's Appendix Wherein his arguments to prove that singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, was performed in the primitive church by a special or an extraordinary gift, and therefore not to be practised in these days, are examined, and clearly detected. Also some reflections on what he speaks on the word hymnos, hymnos: and on his undue quotations of divers learned men. By a learned hand. By B. Keach. date: 1691.0 words: 15035 flesch: 67 summary: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is render'd by Scapula , Carmine celebro , praise in Verse , Hymnis decanto , I sing in Hymns : and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 celebratio quae fit hymnis ●el carmine , i. e. praising by Hymns or Verse ; ●ecantatio laudum , a singing of Praises , Greg. 24. is expresly render'd ; for though 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be render'd simply to Praise , yet it s most frequent use , when it respects God as its Object , is to praise by Hymns or Psalms , as the Apostle here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , sibi hymnos canam , I will sing Hymnes unto thee ; or , te hymnis celebrabo , I will praise thee with Hymns ; which was the principal way of setting forth God's Praise under the Old Testament . keywords: account; answer; apostle; appendix; author; better; brethren; brother; cause; christ; church; churches; congregation; days; doctor; doth; duties; duty; essence; extraordinary; gift; god; good; gospel; grace; great; greek; hath; heart; help; holy; hymns; joy; learned; like; lord; love; man; manner; marlow; matter; men; moral; ordinance; pag; people; practice; praise; praising; prayer; preaching; primitive; psalms; saints; saith; scripture; self; sense; signification; singing; song; special; spirit; spiritual; tcp; teaching; text; thing; time; tongues; translators; truth; viz; way; ways; women; word; work; worship; years cache: A47361.xml plain text: A47361.txt item: #13 of 25 id: A47407 author: Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704. title: The breach repaired in God's worship, or, Singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, proved to be an holy ordinance of Jesus Christ with an answer to all objections : as also, an examination of Mr. Isaac Marlow's two papers, one called, A discourse against singing, &c., the other, An appendix : wherein his arguments and cavils are detected and refuted / by Benjamin Keach ... date: 1691.0 words: 69189 flesch: 70 summary: ●●ken from its being a part of Natural Religion , p. 41. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , Psalmis & Hymnis , in Psalms and Hymns , and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , & Canticis spiritalibus , and in spiritual Songs , 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , cantantes & psallentes , singing and psalming in your Hearts to the Lord. keywords: acceptable; account; acts; administration; affirm; angels; answ; answered; apostle; appendix; argument; assemblies; assistance; authority; baptism; better; bible; blessed; blessings; body; book; bread; breaking; brethren; brother; carnal; cause; chap; chapter; children; christ; christians; church; churches; clear; close; col; common; communion; congregation; cor; cotton; creation; david; days; disciples; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; doubtless; duties; duty; earth; end; ephes; essence; evident; example; exercise; exod; express; external; extraordinary; form; formal; forth; found; general; ghost; gifts; giving; glorious; glory; god; godly; good; gospel; grace; grant; great; greater; greek; ground; hath; heart; heaven; heb; help; highest; holy; honour; hope; hymns; institution; instruments; inward; israel; jesus; jewish; joy; joyful; kind; known; late; law; learned; left; light; like; little; lord; love; manner; marlow; matter; melodious; melody; men; mention; mercies; mind; ministers; mistake; moral; moses; musical; musick; natural; nature; nay; need; new; noise; notwithstanding; object; objection; observe; occasions; old; order; ordinance; pag; particular; parts; paul; people; performance; persons; place; plead; poor; practice; praises; praising; prayer; praying; preaching; precepts; presence; present; primitive; proper; proper singing; proved; psalms; publick; purpose; reason; religion; reply; respect; rule; sacred; saints; saith; saviour; saying; scripture; second; self; selves; sense; sermons; set; shall; shewed; signification; silas; singing; singing psalms; songs; souls; speaking; special; spirit; spiritual; spiritual singing; spiritual songs; stars; strange; sufficient; sung; supper; sure; sweet; teaching; temple; testament; text; thanks; thing; tho; thy; time; tongue; translators; treatise; true; truth; united; vers; viz; vocal; vocal singing; voice; want; way; ways; weak; wisdom; women; word; work; worship; worthy; years; ● t; ● ● cache: A47407.xml plain text: A47407.txt item: #14 of 25 id: A48911 author: Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2-1677. title: The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon, M.A. &c. by Matthew Locke ... ; to which is added Duelium musicum, by John Phillips, Gent. ; together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his essay, &c. date: 1673.0 words: 20073 flesch: 56 summary: The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon, M.A. &c. by Matthew Locke ... ; to which is added Duelium musicum, by John Phillips, Gent. ; together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his essay, &c. Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2-1677. 1673 Approx. The present practice of musick vindicated against the exceptions and new way of attaining musick lately publish'd by Thomas Salmon, M.A. &c. by Matthew Locke ... ; to which is added Duelium musicum, by John Phillips, Gent. ; together with a letter from John Playford to Mr. T. Salmon by way of confutation of his essay, &c. Locke, Matthew, 1621 or 2-1677. keywords: absurdity; account; advancement; advantages; ancestors; answer; argument; art; author; bass; beginner; beginning; bmt; body; book; brains; buff; cann't; case; certain; characters; cliffs; common; compass; confidence; confusion; contrary; credit; design; different; discourse; early; eebo; end; english; essay; essayer; example; excellent; experience; eye; face; fair; favours; following; gamut; gentleman; god; good; great; greater; guilty; half; hands; hard; hath; higher; honour; hope; hypothesis; ignorance; ignorant; impertinent; ingenious; invention; john; judge; kind; knowledge; language; learning; leave; letter; like; lines; little; locke; long; lower; majesties; man; master; matthew; mean; meaning; men; musical; musicians; musick; names; nature; new; noble; non; notes; notice; number; observations; observer; occasion; octave; old; old way; opinion; pag; page; parts; person; phillips; piece; pity; places; plain; playford; poor; practical; practice; present; prety; prick'd; proper; publisher; purpose; quoth; reason; reformation; right; rise; rule; salmon; scale; scholars; school; second; self; sense; set; shew; short; sillogism; singing; sir; sol; song; space; strange; subject; sure; tcp; tei; terms; text; thing; thomas; time; title; transposition; treble; trinity; trouble; true; tuning; understanding; unisons; use; venerable; vindicator; viz; way; wit; wonder; words; work; world; writing; young cache: A48911.xml plain text: A48911.txt item: #15 of 25 id: A55066 author: Campion, Thomas, 1567-1620. Art of descant. title: An introduction to the skill of musick in two books : the first, the grounds and rules of musick, according to the gam-ut, and other principles thereof, the second, instructions & lessons for the bass-viol, and instruments & lessons for the treble-violin / by John Playford ; to which is added, The art of descant, or composing musick in parts, by Dr. Tho. Campion ; with annotations thereon, by Mr. Chr. Simpson. date: 1674.0 words: 31192 flesch: 74 summary: If this Discourse of Cordt under the Bass do trouble the young Beginner , let him think no more upon them ( for it is not intended that he should place any Notes below the Bass ) but let him look for his Cords , reckoning always from his Bass upward ; which that he may more easily perform , let him draw eleven lines ( which is the whole compass of the Scale ) and set the three used Cliffs in their proper places ; this done , he may prick his Bass in the lowest five lines , and then set the other three parts in their orderly distances above the Bass , Note against Note , as you see in this following Example . But because the Theorie of these Writings c●nduceth unto the attaining of that degree ; and because in the profession of a Singer ( in regard of the excellence thereof ) not only particular things are of use , but they all together do better it ; therefore to proceed in order , thus I will say : That the chiefest foundations , and most important Grounds of this Art are , the Tuning of the Voice in all the Notes ; not only that it be neither too high nor too low , but that there be a good manner of Tuning it used . Which Tuning being used for the most part in two fashions , we will consider both of the one and the other ; and by the following Notes will shew that which to me seemeth more proper to other effects . keywords: apollo; ascending; ayres; b fa; b mi; bass; beginners; beginning; better; book; bow; c. o; certain; chap; cliff; close; compass; composing; concords; contrary; counterpoint; crotchets; d la; day; degrees; delight; descant; directions; divine; doth; double; e la; ear; easie; eighth; english; example; excellent; explan; falling; falls; fifth; finger; flat; following; fourth; fret; g sol; gam; god; good; grace; greater; half; hand; harmony; hath; help; higher; highest; holy; imperfect; instrument; introduction; key; kind; king; la la; la mi; large; leaps; lesser; lessons; letters; like; lines; little; long; lord; love; lower; lowest; making; manner; mean; measure; men; mercy; mind; minims; mood; musick; names; nature; necessary; new; notes; observe; open; order; organ; pag; parts; passionate; perfect; pipe; place; plain; play; playford; practice; praise; price; priest; proper; psal; psalms; quire; reason; rejoyce; rest; right; rising; rule; said; scale; second; self; semibreve; service; set; sharp; short; sing; singing; sixth; sol; sol la; songs; sound; stop; strength; string; sung; table; tcp; tenor; text; thee; thereof; thirds; thy; time; treble; trill; true; tune; tuning; understanding; upper; use; usual; variety; viol; violin; voc; voice; way; words; young; ● ● cache: A55066.xml plain text: A55066.txt item: #16 of 25 id: A58211 author: Reading, John, 1588-1667. title: A sermon delivered in the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, concerning church-musick by John Reading ... date: 1663.0 words: 6281 flesch: 73 summary: 3. As Musick was appointed by God , to praise him in his Tabernacle and Temple , to which Christ in the days of his flesh often resorted ; so was it used by Christ , as at his last Supper , and institution of that great Mystery appointed by him to represent and shew his death and passion till he come ; wherein Christ sung his pare with his Apostles , ( for we may not think , that he sat by them onely to keep time , or as an Auditor . ) Add hereto , that even under the Gospel , Musick is expresly commanded , for edification in Christ , and therefore must still be lawfull and necessary : of which the Apostle faith , Ephes. 5.19 , 20 — Be filled with the spirit ; speaking to your selves in psalms and hymns , and spiritual songs , singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord : giving thanks always for all things unto God , and the father , in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. keywords: affections; body; books; causes; characters; christ; church; churches; david; divine; early; eebo; english; evil; faith; god; gods; good; gospel; great; hand; harp; heaven; heavenly; holy; hymns; instruments; israel; john; king; law; lawfull; lord; man; means; men; minstrel; moses; musick; necessary; people; power; praise; prophets; psal; psalms; reading; reason; saul; service; singing; solemn; songs; soul; spirit; sweet; tcp; tei; text; thereto; things; thou; thy; time; use; vocal; water; word; work cache: A58211.xml plain text: A58211.txt item: #17 of 25 id: A59892 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: A sermon preach'd at St. Paul's Cathedral, November 22, 1699 being the anniversary meeting of the Lovers of Musick / by W. Sherlock ... date: 1699.0 words: 6088 flesch: 61 summary: I would not have you mistake me ; I do not appear in this place at this time to decry or disparage the use of Musick in the Worship of God , which would neither become this Presence , nor my own Character ; but to persuade and direct you to turn the Delights and Charms of Musick , into the Raptures of Devotion , which would the most effectually silence all the Enemies of Church-Musick , and Cathedral-Worship , while as a Divine Poet of our own Sings , This would visibly turn Delight into a Sacrifice . Now since Musick , whatever it be , and how well soever performed , is of no Use or Value in Religion , but as it serves the true Ends of Devotion ; we must Enquire , What that Harmony and Melody is , which is so acceptable to God ; How fit External and Sensible Melody is to promote this ; And how it may and ought to be improved to that purpose . keywords: answer; anthems; best; books; cathedral; christian; church; devotion; devout; divine; early; edition; eebo; end; english; excellent; glory; god; good; great; greatest; heaven; holy; hope; hymns; iewish; images; lord; lovers; melody; men; mind; musical; musick; natural; nature; notes; passions; paul; powers; praise; proper; quarto; reason; religion; sermon; sherlock; singing; songs; sounds; state; tcp; text; thing; time; true; use; vindication; voices; way; worship cache: A59892.xml plain text: A59892.txt item: #18 of 25 id: A60536 author: Salmon, Thomas, 1648-1706. title: A proposal to perform musick in perfect and mathematical proportions containing I. the state of musick in general, II. the principles of present practice ..., III. the tables of proportions, calculated for the viol ... / by Thomas Salmon ... ; with large remarks upon this whole treatise by the reverend and learned John Wallis ... date: 1688.0 words: 15346 flesch: 73 summary: Before , it signified one particular Sound or Note , as la , mi , fa , &c. but here , when we speak of Notes and Half-notes , it signifies an Interval between Note and Note . Only this will be worth our Observation , that whereas in the Scale of Musick , there are three Octaves , ( besides the double Notes and Notes in Alt ) viz. keywords: 10th; 16th; 9th; acuteness; ancients; best; chromatick; constitution; diatonick; different; division; exact; fifth; finger; flats; fourth; fret; good; gradual; greater; greatest; half; higher; instrument; intervals; john; key; keys; learned; length; lesser; letters; like; little; mathematical; mean; middle; musicians; musick; natural; note; nut; octave; open; order; parts; perfect; place; practical; practice; practiser; present; proportions; proposal; reader; reason; rest; second; set; seventh; sharps; sixth; sol; sound; string; tables; tcp; text; things; time; tone; true; tune; tuning; use; viol; viz; voice; world cache: A60536.xml plain text: A60536.txt item: #19 of 25 id: A60542 author: N. E. title: A vindication of an Essay to the advancement of musick from Mr. Matthew Lock's Observations, by enquiring into the real nature and most convenient practise of that science / by Thomas Salmon ... date: 1672.0 words: 18934 flesch: 58 summary: Which , if you please to review according to the Observer's own delineation , more plainly discovers in every Column that old mistake of making six notes to be the compass of Musick ; as also the beginning every sett of Syllable ▪ ( when my abusive Octave did not ●●oil their sport ) at a Fourth , ; are in five Different Places at the same time The Essay allows them but once Different when thay stand irregularly upon their leiger lines out of their own Octaves as the Observer Sherveth in this following Scheme Now with all my power I have endeavoured rightly to understand the Observer's chief Objection , laid it down in his own words ; and if he gets any thing by it , let him save his Lapis calaminaris , and put it in his eye . keywords: able; account; advancement; advantages; alphabet; angry; answer; argument; author; base; body; book; business; capable; character; circle; cliffs; compass; compleat; design; diagram; different; double; doubt; early; easie; eebo; eminent; english; essay; excellent; eye; false; flats; foresaid; future; gamut; general; good; great; greater; guido; half; hand; happy; hath; head; hypothesis; impossible; ingenious; intervals; john; key; kind; knowledg; known; learn'd; lesson; letters; life; like; lines; little; long; lute; man; matter; men; mistake; musical; musicians; musick; names; natural; nature; nay; need; new; notes; notice; objection; observations; observer; octave; old; order; page; parts; people; person; place; pleased; poor; practical; practise; present; print; proportions; purpose; reader; reason; regular; salmon; scale; scholar; science; second; self; sharps; signifie; sing; sir; sol; sound; spaces; speculative; stop; string; tcp; text; theory; thing; time; trouble; true; turn; universal; use; vindication; way; words; world; writ; years; young; ● ● cache: A60542.xml plain text: A60542.txt item: #20 of 25 id: A60946 author: South, Robert, 1634-1716. title: Musica incantans, or, The power of music written originally in Latin by Dr. South, translated ; with a preface concerning the natural effects of musick upon the mind. date: 1700.0 words: 5931 flesch: 65 summary: I must confess , that tho' the Fiction is very well Contriv'd , and contains abundance of Wit , yet being design'd in Praise of Musick , it may be thought an Unhappiness , that the very Foundation of the Story seems tacitly to oppose the Reputation of that Noble Art : For here Musick is represented as of dangerous Consequence , in occasioning the Distraction and Death of a Young Man ; whereas it may be objected that this Art seems rather Adapted and design'd , for quite contrary Effects , viz. And thus tho' They greatly esteemed , and recommended this Art in General , yet still it was with this Caution , that some sorts of Airs were dangerous to Morality . keywords: animal; antient; art; artist; blood; books; cause; characters; charm'd; charming; charms; crime; cure; death; early; ears; eebo; effects; english; ev'n; fatal; fate; force; great; greater; hand; harmonious; harmony; imagination; invain; king; latin; life; like; lyre; lyrist; madness; main; mind; musick; natural; nature; notes; orpheus; poem; power; powerful; praise; preface; probable; rage; sea; seas; self; senses; skill; soft; song; sounds; spirits; strains; strait; strange; strings; sweet; tcp; tei; text; tho; time; trembling; tuneful; voice; waves; youth cache: A60946.xml plain text: A60946.txt item: #21 of 25 id: A69841 author: Playford, Henry, b. 1657. title: A curious collection of musick-books, both vocal and instrumental, (and several rare copies in three and four parts, fairly prick'd) by the best masters formerly designed to have been sold by way of auction, but the reason of its being put off, was, that several gentlemen, lovers of musick, living remote from London, having a desire for some of this collection, and could not be there, they are here set down in order, with the rates, being lower than could be afforded otherwise : the collection is to be sold by Henry Playford ... date: 1690.0 words: 3408 flesch: 57 summary: a Tune to every Ps. 0 5 0 112 Wilby's first and second set of Madrigals , printed in quarto 0 3 0 113 Mr. Lawes Airs bound in Folio printed 0 4 0 114 Ditto 0 4 0 115 Several Songs fairly pricked , in quarto 0 2 0 116 A Book of Lessons for the Virginal and Organ , fairly pricked in Folio 0 2 6 117 Mr. Lawes Harp ▪ Consort , and his Little Consort , in 4 parts , quarto , fairly pr. 0 4 0 118 Mr. Lawes and Dr. Rogers Airs of 4 parts , in quarto , fairly prick'd 0 4 0 119 Divine Songs for 4 Voices and Organ , part by M. Jenkins and M. Lock , &c. 0 5 0 5 Mr. Lawes 2 and 3 parts , Fancies , Almanis , and Galliards for 2 Trebles , and Basses to the Organ , in Folio , fairly prick'd 0 15 0 6 Several Lessons for the Bass-Viol and Treble-Violin alone , fairly prick'd 0 16 0 7 Coperarios 2 parts , Treble and Bass , fairly prick'd 0 10 0 8 Divisions for 1 Treble-Violin , with a Thorow-Bass , also several Symphonies done by Mr. Baptist and Senior Nich●la , fairly prick'd , in Folio 0 6 0 9 Airs , two parts , Treble and Base , bound in Folio 0 10 0 10 Songs for 3 Voices to the Organ , by Mr. Ford and others , with an Organ part 0 5 0 11 Songs in five parts , fairly prick'd 0 4 0 12 Dr. Wilson's and other Songs fairly prick'd and bound , in Folio 0 5 0 13 Musick of the Score for Violins of 4 parts , by Senior Baptist of France , prick'd 0 10 0 14 English Songs the Bass by Dr. Wilson , fairly prick'd and bound , in quarto 0 4 0 15 Tunes of 4 parts by Mr. Banister , Mr. Lock , and others , in quarto , fairly prick'd 0 4 0 16 Songs for 3 Voices to the Bass , in Folio , fairly prick'd 0 10 0 17 Songs and several Tunes to the Harpsichord , prick'd in Folio 0 2 0 18 The 2 Treble ( to the Divisions for 1 Treble-Violin ) done by Dr. Wilson 0 4 0 19 English and Latin Divine Words set to Musick , by Mr. Lock , Mr. Deering , and others , in quarto , fairly prick'd 0 10 0 20 Dr. Wilson's 3 Books , English Songs , in 3 parts , fairly prick'd and bound , in Fol 0 9 0 21 All the Psalms of David fairly writ in Latin , and set to Musick for the Organ 0 12 0 22 Several Divine Words set for 2 parts , Treble and Bass , with an Organ part 0 4 0 23 Select Songs for 2 Voices with the Organ part fairly prick'd 0 3 0 24 Several Tunes of Mr. Banister's Treble and Bass , in quarto , fairly prick'd 0 2 0 25 French Musick for Treble and Bass , fairly prick'd 0 2 0 26 Divine Hymns , Latin and English , for 3 Voices , in quarto , fairly prick'd 0 3 0 27 Airs and Phantasticks for 3 Voices , by Mr. Thomas Weelks , in quarto , prick'd 0 3 0 28 Mr. East's , 7 sets , 4 parts for Instruments , in quarto , printed 0 2 6 29 Songs for 3 Voices by Thomas Pierce , fairly prick'd , in quarto 0 2 0 30 Mr. Lawes Songs , and Mr. Jacksons Hymns on K. Charles I. in 4 parts , prick'd 0 2 0 31 Songs of 3 parts by M. Gibbins , M. Lock , and others in Lat. keywords: airs; bass; best; books; collection; ditto; eebo; english; folio; henry; lawes; lessons; lock; lyra; musick; organ; oxford; parts; playford; prick'd; psalms; quarto; second; set; sets; songs; tcp; text; treble; tunes; voices cache: A69841.xml plain text: A69841.txt item: #22 of 25 id: A75767 author: Atkinson, Christopher. title: Davids enemies discovered. VVho of him make songs, but without the Spirit and without understanding, as the drunkard did which he declares of in Psal. 69.12. Or, a true discovery of that custome and forme which the priests of this generation would make an ordinance of, to blind the eyes of the simple, as this priest Clapham: in his 6 arguments, which is here answered, / by us who suffer for the truth, whose names according to the flesh are [brace] Christopher Atkinson. George Whitehead. Also a brief reply unto Frederick Woodall's three principles and resolves; and with replies to his answers, to several queries propounded to him, that to the simple the truth may be cleared, from one who for the captivated seeds sake suffers now in outward bonds in Norwitch Castle, whose name in the flesh is Richard Hubberthorne. date: 1655.0 words: 8963 flesch: 68 summary: Here thou would make God and Christ two images , and so utters forth one lye after another , and denies the Scripture , which saith he , is the express Image of the Father , and thou sayest the first Image is naturall , the second is spirituall , and here let all behold thy blasphemy who would make the Image of God naturall , and the Image of Christ spirituall , and calls them two Images : stop thy mouth , and be ashamed for ever , for being a Teacher , who seeks to resolve people of such things as to deny God and Christ , and make them two Images , the one naturall , and the other spirituall , and saith , something of the image of God is found in man after the fall ▪ but nothing of the Image of Christ ▪ O blinde guide , that ever England should be deceived by such , but the Lord is now making you manifest , and in the light thou art comprehended , and thy subtlety is seen ▪ and thou art now met withall , who hath long blinded the eyes of poor people with thy fained words and subtle pretences , but here thou art discovered to be an enemy to that which in word thou professes , and so thy words will cover thee no longer , for the life hath found thee out ▪ and by it thy spirit is tryed to be the spirit of errour , and voice to be the voice a stranger . Where did thou ever read of a naturall light which did witnesse unto God in that which is holy , and that which did witness unto God , where dost thou prove that ever the same witness which did witness God in holiness did ever witness against the spirit of God , read thy confesion , and let thy mouth be stopped , who speakes of a naturall light , and of a naturall holiness , which neither of them is mentioned in the scripture , nor from any of the ministers of Christ , therefore from them all art thou shut out , who art in a naturall darkness . keywords: adam; answer; art; blind; christ; church; clapham; conditions; conscience; custome; davids; doth; end; generation; god; hath; image; john; law; life; light; lord; man; men; naturall; naturall light; new; people; priests; psalmes; querie; reply; saints; saith; sayest; scripture; seed; singing; songs; spirit; spirituall; text; thee; things; thou; thou art; thy; truth; understanding; unto; witness; words; world cache: A75767.xml plain text: A75767.txt item: #23 of 25 id: A87955 author: Lacy, John, d. 1681. title: A song in the Taming the Shrew or Sawny the Scot, sung by Mrs. Ciber set by Mr. Purcell and exactly engrav'd by Tho: Cross date: 1699.0 words: 987 flesch: 68 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 134688) Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 2430:15) keywords: books; characters; early; edition; eebo; encoding; english; image; online; oxford; pains; partnership; phase; set; tcp; tei; text; xml cache: A87955.xml plain text: A87955.txt item: #24 of 25 id: A89391 author: Bracegirdle, Anne, ca. 1663-1748. title: A song in the Mad Lover, set by Mr. G: Eccles, sung by Mrs. Bracegirdle date: 1700.0 words: 1060 flesch: 69 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A89391) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 133297) keywords: books; bracegirdle; characters; early; eccles; eebo; english; love; mad; online; oxford; partnership; phase; set; swain; tcp; tei; text cache: A89391.xml plain text: A89391.txt item: #25 of 25 id: A89392 author: Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660-1718. title: A two part song between Cupid & Bacchus in Timon of Athens set by Mr. Henry Purcell date: 1700.0 words: 1000 flesch: 68 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A89392) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 132559) keywords: books; characters; divine; early; eebo; english; henry; love; online; phase; pleasures; purcell; set; tcp; tei; text; wine cache: A89392.xml plain text: A89392.txt