This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 10095
- author: Garnett, Richard
- title: The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales
- date: None
- words: 81587
- flesch: 71
- summary: Their money does not appear different from other men's, said the Treasurer. Thou knowest how beyond other men he is devoured by the craving for sympathy.
- keywords: abdallah; able; account; adeliza; affection; age; aged; air; alcibiades; alexander; amazement; amphitheatre; ananda; ancient; anno; apartment; apollo; apostle; appearance; arm; arms; army; art; aspect; attention; aurelia; authority; aware; basil; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; belial; bell; benedetto; best; better; bishop; black; blood; body; bones; bonze; book; bore; borgia; bosom; brahmins; brethren; brilliant; broken; brother; buddha; burst; business; butterflies; butterfly; cardinal; care; case; cast; caterpillar; cavern; century; certain; chamber; character; chief; child; christian; chrysostomus; church; circumstances; citizens; city; closed; cloud; come; company; comparison; compassion; condition; consideration; contents; continued; contrary; cornelius; couch; counsel; countenance; country; course; court; courtiers; creature; credit; crowd; cry; daniel; dark; darkness; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deep; deity; demon; deprived; desire; desmotes; devil; didst; die; difficulty; dignity; direction; disciple; distinguished; divine; dominions; door; doth; doubt; drink; duke; dungeon; dust; dying; eagle; early; earth; ecclesiastical; effect; eighth; elenko; elixir; elysium; eminent; emir; emperor; empire; enemies; enemy; enormous; entire; entrance; epicurean; epinal; ere; eubulides; eucherius; eulogius; euphronius; euprepia; euschemon; eustachio; evening; example; exchange; existence; experience; expression; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fallen; farewell; father; favour; features; feeling; feet; fell; fellow; female; figure; fine; finger; fire; firefly; fit; flame; floor; flower; followers; following; folly; fool; foot; form; fortune; friend; future; gaddo; gallienus; gaze; general; gentleman; gerbert; glass; gods; gold; golden; good; governor; grasp; grave; great; greek; grey; ground; hair; half; hand; handsome; happy; hath; having; head; health; heart; heathen; heaven; helladia; help; history; hitherto; hold; holiness; holy; homer; honour; hope; horror; hour; house; human; idea; ignorant; illusion; immortality; imperial; inasmuch; india; indians; infernal; innocent; instant; interest; invisible; iridion; jogi; judge; jupiter; king; knowest; knowledge; lady; lamp; land; lao; large; late; law; leaena; learned; learning; leave; left; length; leonardo; letters; liberty; life; light; like; lily; lips; little; live; living; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; love; loveliness; lovers; lucifer; madam; magician; maiden; majesty; man; manifest; mankind; manner; manto; mantua; master; mayest; means; memory; men; middle; mind; minister; minutes; miracle; miserable; mistress; mithridata; moment; monarch; money; moon; morning; mother; multitude; napoleon; natural; nature; nay; necessary; need; new; nigh; nonnus; number; object; occasion; officers; old; old man; open; opinion; opportunity; oracle; order; ordinary; otto; pachymius; pain; pair; pan; panopolis; pass; path; people; peradventure; period; persian; person; personage; personal; philosopher; phoebus; photinius; physician; pieces; pious; place; plato; plotinus; poet; point; pointed; poison; poor; pope; porphyry; position; possession; possible; potion; power; precepts; predecessor; presence; present; priest; princess; principal; prometheus; promise; property; prophet; public; purple; purpose; question; ratcatcher; rats; read; reason; regions; relief; religion; respect; rest; return; revelation; ring; robe; room; rose; royal; sacred; sage; saint; sake; sanctity; science; scrolls; sea; second; secret; sect; self; sense; sergius; service; set; shape; shoulders; shrine; silence; silent; silver; sin; single; singular; sister; sixth; skin; sky; small; society; son; sorcerer; sorianus; sort; soul; sound; speech; spirit; spiritual; spot; standing; star; state; stone; stranger; strength; strong; student; study; subject; sun; supernatural; sure; surprise; sword; taking; tale; tall; temple; thee; theocles; thine; things; thinking; thou; thou art; thou wilt; thought; thy; tiger; time; timon; tis; tongue; treasurer; true; trust; truth; tsze; unable; unconscious; vase; venerable; vessels; view; violent; virgil; virtue; voice; wand; want; water; way; white; wife; wild; willing; wilt; wine; wisdom; wise; woman; words; work; world; worth; wretched; years; young; young man; youth; youthful; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 1061
- author: Fiske, John
- title: Myths and Myth-Makers Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
- date: None
- words: 78473
- flesch: 63
- summary: It was a trap-door, below which a flight of marble steps descended into a spacious hall, where many men were sitting in solemn silence amid piles of gold and diamonds and long rows of enamelled vases. They are the offspring of other stories which were sun-myths; they are stories which conform to the sun-myth type after the manner above illustrated in the paper on Light and Darkness.
- keywords: account; achilleus; adventures; agamemnon; ages; alive; american; analogy; ancestors; ancient; animals; antiquity; aphrodite; apollo; apparent; appearance; apple; applied; arabian; archer; arrow; aryan; ash; association; athene; attention; attributes; author; barbaric; baring; battle; bear; beast; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; belief; believe; better; bird; black; blood; blue; body; book; boots; boy; brahman; bride; bright; brinton; brother; brute; cacus; candle; cannibal; captive; case; castle; cavern; celestial; centuries; century; certain; change; character; characteristics; charlemagne; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; cit; civilization; civilized; classic; clear; close; cloud; coat; coming; command; common; comparative; compare; comparison; conception; conclusion; countries; country; course; cover; cows; cox; crime; culture; curious; dark; darkness; dasent; date; daughter; dawn; day; daybreak; days; dead; death; deeds; deities; deity; demon; descent; destruction; details; development; devil; different; difficult; divining; divinities; divinity; doctrine; dog; door; doubt; dozen; dragon; dreams; druid; dyaus; earlier; earliest; early; earth; egg; elements; england; english; entire; essential; etymology; european; evening; events; evidence; example; excellent; existence; explanation; expression; extent; eyes; face; fact; fairy; fall; familiar; family; famous; far; farmer; fate; father; fearful; features; fell; fetichistic; field; fire; flesh; flower; folk; footnote; force; forest; forked; form; french; friend; future; general; genesis; german; ghost; giant; girl; gladstone; goat; god; goddess; gods; golden; good; gould; great; greece; greek; grimm; grote; grotesque; ground; habits; hair; half; hand; hard; hare; hat; hazel; head; heart; heaven; helena; herakles; hercules; hermes; hero; hidden; high; hindu; historical; history; hold; home; homeric; house; howling; human; husband; hypothesis; ideas; identical; identity; iii; iliad; illustration; imagination; incidents; indian; indo; indra; inference; intelligence; interesting; interpretation; irish; jack; john; journey; jupiter; kindred; king; kinship; knowledge; kuhn; lady; lake; land; language; large; late; latin; laws; lay; leaves; left; legend; life; lightning; like; likely; literature; little; lived; living; long; look; looking; lord; lore; luck; magic; magician; maiden; makers; making; man; mankind; manner; mara; marvellous; master; max; meal; meaning; means; mediaeval; men; mental; merchant; mere; metamorphosis; michabo; middle; mighty; mind; modern; moment; money; moon; morning; mortals; mother; mountain; mouth; muller; myth; mythical; mythology; names; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; night; norse; north; northern; notion; number; numerous; nursery; nymph; objects; observes; obvious; ocean; odin; odysseus; odyssey; offspring; oidipous; old; open; opinion; order; ordinary; origin; original; pair; panis; paper; parents; parts; people; period; persons; phenomena; philology; philosophy; physical; picture; piece; place; plants; play; poems; poet; point; pointed; poor; popular; portion; possessed; possession; possible; power; present; preserved; previous; priest; primeval; primitive; prince; princess; principles; probable; process; punchkin; pure; purpose; queen; question; race; rain; rats; reach; reader; reason; recent; red; reference; regard; religious; remains; resemblance; respect; rest; results; return; rise; road; robber; rock; rod; room; root; sacred; saint; sanskrit; sarama; satan; savage; save; scene; schamir; scholar; science; scientific; sculloge; sea; second; secret; self; sense; serpent; servants; set; shadow; shape; shepherd; ships; short; shows; significance; sigurd; similar; similarity; simple; single; skin; sky; slain; slays; sleep; sleeping; small; snake; solar; son; soul; sound; spear; spirit; spite; spot; spread; standing; stars; state; stick; stones; stories; story; strange; striking; student; study; style; subject; summer; sun; superstition; supreme; swan; sword; tale; tannhauser; tell; terrible; terror; teutonic; theory; thief; thieves; things; thinking; thought; thunder; time; tortoise; tradition; treasures; tree; tribes; troll; true; truth; turn; twilight; tylor; uthlakanyana; vast; veda; vedic; venus; version; victory; view; village; violet; virtue; vol; vritra; war; water; way; weird; werewolf; werewolves; western; white; wicked; wife; wild; william; wind; window; winter; wish; wolf; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worm; worship; wrath; writers; years; young; zeus; zulu
- versions: original; plain text
- 12261
- author: Frazer, James George
- title: Balder the Beautiful, Volume I. A Study in Magic and Religion: the Golden Bough, Part VII., The Fire-Festivals of Europe and the Doctrine of the External Soul
- date: None
- words: 164418
- flesch: 76
- summary: At Ensival old folks tell young folks that they will have as many Easter eggs as they see bonfires on this day.[267] At Pâturages, in the province of Hainaut, down to about 1840 the custom was observed under the name of _Escouvion_ or _Scouvion_. It has been described as follows by the parish minister of the time: Upon the first day of May, which is called _Beltan_, or _Bal-tein_ day, all the boys in a township or hamlet, meet in the moors.
- keywords: 249; 318; aberglaube; aborigines; abruzzi; abundant; account; africa; agriculture; air; alaska; alive; america; ancient; animals; annual; anthropological; antiquities; antiquity; appearance; apples; approach; april; ardennes; arms; ashes; association; august; aus; australia; austria; bad; baganda; baked; balder; bamboo; baptist; bare; bark; barrels; basket; bathe; baumkultus; bavaria; bay; beads; bear; beasts; beating; beautiful; bed; beginning; beiträge; belief; bells; beltane; beltane fires; berlin; best; better; bewitched; birch; bird; black; blaze; blazing; blessed; blood; blow; blue; body; bohemia; boiled; bone; bonfires; book; bore; bough; box; boys; branches; brand; brauch; break; breast; bride; bright; britain; british; brittany; broken; brothers; brushwood; bundles; burning; burns; cake; calendar; calf; california; cambridge; campbell; candle; care; carrying; cart; case; cast; catch; catholic; cattle; celebrated; celebration; celtic; celts; central; centre; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chaco; change; chapter; character; charcoal; charms; charred; chief; children; christian; christianity; christmas; church; circle; circumstances; cit; city; clean; close; clothes; cold; collected; columbia; coming; common; company; compare; comté; condition; conjecture; consequence; contact; continued; corn; corner; cornwall; cortet; country; couples; course; coutumes; cows; creek; cries; cross; crowd; cure; curious; custom; customary; cut; damsel; dance; dancing; dangerous; dans; dark; darkness; date; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; death; december; dem; demons; department; der; des; description; deutsche; die; different; direction; discs; disease; distance; district; divination; divine; domestic; door; doubt; drink; drive; dry; e.j; early; earth; easter; easter fires; edda; edinburgh; edition; effect; effigies; effigy; eggs; eighteenth; embers; end; ends; energy; england; english; escape; esquimaux; essai; ethnology; europe; european; european fire; eve; evening; evidence; evil; evolution; example; expedition; explanation; extinguished; eyes; face; faggots; fairies; fall; family; farmer; fastened; fasting; fatal; fate; father; fear; feast; features; feet; female; festival; fever; fields; fiery; fifth; figure; fine; fire; fish; flames; flax; flesh; flint; flocks; floor; flowers; folk; folklore; following; follows; food; foot; force; foregoing; forest; form; fourth; france; free; french; fresh fire; friction; friend; fro; fruit; fuel; future; für; gardens; garlands; gebräuche; general; germany; girl; glasgow; glowing; god; gods; golden; good; grandmother; grass; great; great fire; greatest; green; gregor; grimm; grown; guard; guinea; gun; guthrie; hail; hair; half; hallowe'en; hallowe'en fires; hammock; hand; happy; hare; harvest; harz; head; health; heap; heat; heathen; heathendom; heaven; heavy; hebrides; heights; help; hemp; herds; hide; high; highest; highlands; hill; histoire; historical; history; hold; holding; hole; holy; holy fire; home; honour; horses; hours; house; household; huge; human; hunter; husband; hut; huts; i. p.; i. pp; i.e.; idea; ignited; iii; imitation; important; indians; influence; inhabitants; inside; institute; intention; intercourse; intervals; ireland; irish; iron; islands; isle; j.g; james; john; journal; judas; june; kindled; kindling; kinds; king; kitchen; knees; known; kuhn; l'amérique; l.c; lads; lady; lake; language; large; large fire; late; leap; leaves; left; legs; leipsic; length; lent; life; lighted; lightning; lights; like; lincolnshire; little; lives; living; living fire; lodge; log; logs; london; long; longer; look; lore; lost; luck; lyons; magic; magical; maidens; making; male; man; mango; manner; mannhardt; manx; march; marie; marriage; married; mass; mats; means; meat; medicine; member; menstruation; menstruous; mere; mexico; middle; midnight; midst; midsummer; midsummer bonfires; midsummer day; midsummer eve; midsummer festival; midsummer fire; midwinter; miles; milk; mind; misfortune; miss; mistletoe; mixed; mode; modern; moment; month; monthly; moon; morning; morocco; mother; mountains; mrs; munich; murrain; museum; mysterious; mythes; mythologie; märchen; n.d; native; natural; nature; near; nearest; necessary; neck; need; neid; neighbourhood; neighbouring; neighbours; new fire; new year; night; nineteenth; nord; nore; normandy; north; northern; northumberland; norway; notes; notice; notion; november; number; nut; nuts; oak; object; occasion; old; old fire; old man; old woman; oldenburg; omens; open; orchards; ordeal; order; original; outside; oxford; pacific; pagan; pain; panzer; parents; paris; particular; pass; passage; past; path; peasantry; peasants; peculiar; people; period; person; perthshire; peter; piece; pigs; pile; pinkerton; pitch; place; plague; plants; platform; pliny; pointed; points; poitou; pole; poor; popular; population; portion; position; possible; post; power; powerful; practice; prayers; present; priest; primitive; prince; principal; probable; proceedings; procession; professor; property; protection; provinces; puberty; public; purification; purificatory; purpose; pyre; quarter; queen; question; races; ramsay; real; reason; recent; regard; relations; religieuses; religion; religious; relish; remains; remarkable; remedy; remote; report; rest; return; rev; revolve; revue; rhys; rich; rites; ritual; river; road; roasted; rolling; roof; room; roscoe; round; royal; rubbing; rule; run; running; russia; sacred; sacred fire; sacrifice; safe; safety; sagen; said; saint; sake; salmon; salt; saturday; savage; saying; scene; schwaben; scotland; scottish; scratch; seasons; secluded; seclusion; second; seed; separate; september; serpents; servia; service; set; setting; sexes; shape; sheep; shot; shoulders; shouting; shouts; shut; sickness; sides; signal; silesia; similar; singing; single; sir; sirius; sitten; sixteenth; skin; sky; small; smoke; social; society; société; solar; solemn; solstice; songs; sort; soul; south; southern; sparks; special; spell; spirits; spot; spread; spring; sprinkled; sqq; square; stand; state; statistical; step; sticks; stones; stories; strackerjan; straits; straw; streets; strength; stroke; strong; style; subject; success; sun; sunday; sunrise; sunshine; superstitions; supply; supposed; sur; sure; swabia; sweden; switzerland; symptoms; table; taboo; tabooed; tall; tar; teeth; tell; temple; theory; things; thomas; thompson; thought; thrice; thunder; time; tinneh; tops; torches; torres; touch; town; traditions; travels; tree; trevelyan; tribes; true; trunk; turn; twelfth; unclean; united; upper; usual; valley; van; vessel; vienna; view; vii; viii; village; villagers; virgin; virtue; vol; volksglaube; volkskunde; von; vosges; voyages; wales; walk; war; washington; water; way; weather; welsh; west; westermarck; western; wheel; white; wicked; wide; wife; wild; wild fire; wind; window; wine; winter; wish; witchcraft; witches; witness; wolf; wolves; women; wood; wooden; words; work; working; world; wounds; wrapt; wreaths; writer; writing; xvi; year; york; yorkshire; young; young folk; young men; young people; yule; yule log; zeitschrift; zur
- versions: original; plain text
- 14080
- author: Lang, Andrew
- title: Custom and Myth
- date: None
- words: 81056
- flesch: 69
- summary: Our position is, on the other hand, that the germs of the religious sense in early man are developed, not so much by the vision of the Infinite, as by the idea of Power. Again, it is wrongly applied, because it has some modern religious associations, which are covertly and fallaciously introduced to explain the supposed emotions of early men.
- keywords: account; action; actual; adoration; advanced; adventures; africa; aid; alien; america; analysis; ancestors; ancestral; ancient; animal; answer; apollo; argument; arrow; art; aryan; attempt; australians; author; aymar; badge; ballads; bear; beasts; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; bheki; birds; black; blood; bodies; body; bone; book; boy; bride; broken; brosses; brother; brown; bull; bushmen; calls; capable; case; causes; central; century; certain; change; character; chief; children; christian; circumstances; civilisation; civilised; claim; class; clay; close; clouds; coincidence; colour; come; common; comparative; conclusion; condition; confused; connected; connection; constellations; contemporary; corruption; countries; country; course; cronus; cultivated; culture; cupid; curious; custom; dance; dark; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; deal; death; deity; demeter; descent; development; different; difficulty; diffused; disease; distant; divine; divining; dochter; dog; eagle; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; effect; egypt; egyptian; elements; ends; enemy; england; english; epic; eskimo; essay; etiquette; etymological; etymology; european; euthyphro; events; evidence; evil; example; existence; exogamous; exogamy; explanation; expression; eyes; face; fact; fairy; faith; familiar; families; family; famous; fancy; far; father; feeling; female; fetiches; fetichism; field; fig; figure; find; finnish; fire; fish; flesh; flight; flint; folklore; following; forbidden; force; form; france; frog; gens; ghosts; giant; girl; goab; god; gods; golden; good; great; greece; greek; habit; hahn; half; hand; hard; harvest; heads; heart; heaven; heavenly; help; henry; herb; hero; herodotus; heroes; heroic; hidden; high; historical; history; hold; holy; home; homeric; hostile; hottentots; human; hunter; husband; hymn; hypothesis; ideas; identical; iliad; image; important; incidents; indian; infinite; influence; institutions; instrument; intelligible; interpretation; iron; iroquois; jason; kalevala; khoi; kind; kindred; king; kinship; knowledge; known; kronos; kuhn; lady; lands; language; large; law; laws; learned; legend; life; lightning; like; lines; little; living; local; long; look; lord; lost; love; m'lennan; magical; maiden; maine; making; man; mandrake; manner; maori; marchen; marriage; materials; matter; max; meaning; means; medea; medicine; men; mentions; mere; method; mexico; mice; mind; modern; moly; moment; moon; morgan; morning; mortal; mother; mouse; muller; mysteries; mystic; myth; mythologists; mythology; naked; names; narrative; natives; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; night; noise; north; number; objects; old; oldest; opinion; origin; original; palaeolithic; parents; passage; past; path; patriarchal; pausanias; peculiar; people; period; persons; peruvian; phenomena; philological; picture; piece; place; plant; pliny; poem; poetry; pohjola; point; polyandry; popular; position; possible; potato; power; practical; practice; presence; present; pretty; primitive; probable; process; professor; prohibition; proof; proved; psyche; purpose; pururavas; queen; question; race; real; reason; recognised; red; regarded; relics; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; resemblance; result; return; review; rites; ritual; river; roarer; rod; romans; rome; root; round; rude; rule; sacred; samoa; sanction; sanskrit; savage; savagery; saw; sayce; saying; scarcity; scholars; school; science; scientific; scotch; sea; search; second; secret; semitic; sense; serpent; set; shape; similar; simple; single; singular; sir; sister; sky; small; smith; society; soil; song; sorcerer; sort; south; speech; spirit; spring; stage; stars; stock; stone; stories; story; strange; strong; studies; study; sun; supernatural; superstitions; supposed; survival; swan; system; taboo; tale; temples; term; thee; theory; things; thought; thunder; time; totemism; touch; traces; tree; tribes; true; truth; tsui; turndun; turning; tutenganahau; twig; tylor; united; universal; unknown; uranus; urvasi; usual; veda; vedic; view; wainamoinen; wand; war; water; way; ways; weapons; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wives; wolf; wolves; women; wood; words; work; world; worship; writing; years; young; zealand; zealanders; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 14576
- author: Lang, Andrew
- title: Modern Mythology
- date: None
- words: 58069
- flesch: 72
- summary: Yet anthropologists and folk-lorists, 'agriologists' and 'Hottentotic' students, must regret that Mr. Max Muller did not state their general theory, as he understands it, fully and once for all. Adversaries rarely succeed in quite understanding each other; but had Mr. Max Muller made such a statement, we could have cleared up anything in our position which might seem to him obscure.
- keywords: account; action; adversary; african; air; ally; america; analogous; ancestors; ancient; animal; answer; anthropological; anthropology; apollo; application; arcadian; argument; artemis; aryan; athene; attempt; australian; author; authority; bear; beasts; beginning; beings; belief; best; blood; book; bough; brains; brosses; brother; bulgarian; bull; burning; case; ceremony; certain; chapter; character; children; cit; civilised; claim; clan; classical; clear; cloud; cocoanut; codrington; colours; common; comparative; comparisons; condition; connection; contributions; controversy; corn; course; criticism; cronos; culture; curtius; custom; dances; daphne; dark; dawn; day; death; demeter; demonstrated; descent; die; different; difficult; disease; divine; doubt; early; earth; eel; effect; egypt; elemental; england; english; equations; erinnys; essay; essential; etymological; etymologies; etymology; events; evidence; examples; existence; explanation; fables; fact; familiar; fancy; far; feet; fetishism; fiji; fire; folk; folklore; fontenelle; footstep; forgotten; form; frazer; gender; general; god; goddess; gods; golden; good; great; greece; greek; greek myth; guess; habit; hahn; hand; hare; head; heat; heaven; hero; heroes; hirpi; historical; history; holder; home; horse; hot; hottentot; human; hypothesis; ideas; india; indians; inevitable; information; instance; institutions; intelligible; islands; kind; knowledge; known; kuhn; lack; language; large; laurel; laws; leaves; legend; letter; lettish; life; light; lightning; like; likely; little; live; living; local; long; lore; lower; mannhardt; maori; marchen; mare; materials; matter; maui; max muller; mclennan; meaning; means; men; mention; mere; method; mice; mind; missionaries; modern; moon; mother; mouse; mysteries; myth; mythical; mythological; mythologists; mythology; names; natural; nature; need; new; north; note; number; object; obscure; old; oldenberg; opinion; ordinary; origin; original; ouranos; oven; pages; parallel; passage; past; people; personality; persons; phenomena; philological; philologists; philology; phonetic; phrase; pit; place; plant; poetical; poetry; point; popular; poseidon; position; possible; primitive; problem; process; professor; professor tiele; prometheus; proof; proper; psychical; public; question; quotes; races; reader; real; reason; red; reference; religion; religious; remains; remarks; reply; researches; rest; results; return; riddle; rite; ritual; robertson; root; round; rule; sacred; sanskrit; saranyu; savage; saying; scholars; school; science; scientific; sense; set; sex; shape; sign; similar; simple; skins; sky; small; smith; snake; solar; songs; sort; south; spirit; stage; stars; statement; stones; stories; story; study; subject; sun; survival; swallowing; system; tale; taste; terminations; test; theories; theory; things; thought; tiele; time; totem; totemism; totemistic; tree; tribes; true; tuna; tylor; understanding; universal; unknown; use; veda; vedic; view; vol; walk; want; water; way; white; wide; wife; wind; wolf; wolves; woman; wood; words; work; world; worship; writers; writing; xii; yama; years; young; zealand; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 15202
- author: None
- title: Young Folks' Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12) Myths and Legendary Heroes
- date: None
- words: 192672
- flesch: 88
- summary: In those far-off days there was nothing for great men to do but fight. Said he, I am Saint Lazarus, and know that I was a leper to whom thou didst so much good
- keywords: afraid; aietes; alas; anger; angry; answer; apples; armor; arms; army; arrow; arthur; asgard; astonished; athene; bade; bag; baldur; bank; battle; baucis; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beloved; bent; beowulf; best; better; big; birds; black; blind; blood; blow; blue; board; boat; body; bold; bones; bore; bow; box; boy; branches; brave; bread; bride; bright; broken; brother; brunhild; bull; burning; busy; cadmus; camp; captain; care; castle; cat; cause; cave; ceres; certain; chariot; charlemagne; cheiron; chief; children; cid; city; clad; clear; cloak; close; clothes; club; cobra; cold; coming; command; companions; company; comrades; cook; cottage; counsel; country; courage; course; court; cow; creature; cross; crown; cruel; cry; crying; cup; cut; danæ; dark; darkness; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; deaf; deal; dear; death; deeds; deep; desire; dick; dinner; distance; dog; door; dragon; dragon king; dreadful; dream; dressed; drink; duke; dwarf; dwelt; eagle; earl; earth; emperor; enemy; england; epimetheus; escape; europa; evening; evil; eyes; face; fair; fall; fallen; famous; far; farmer; fast; father; fear; fearful; feet; fellow; field; fierce; fiery; fighting; fine; fire; fish; flames; fleece; flesh; flowers; fly; foe; following; food; foot; force; forest; forgot; forth; forward; france; franks; free; friend; frigga; frightened; frithiof; fruit; galahad; ganelon; garden; gates; genii; genius; gentle; gessler; giant; gift; girl; glad; god; godard; goddess; gods; gold; golden; good; grandfather; grass; gray; great; great king; greece; green; grief; grim; guard; gunther; guy; hair; hakon; half; hall; hammer; hand; happy; harald; hard; harisarman; harp; hast; hath; havelok; head; hearing; heart; heathen; heaven; heavy; helen; helmet; help; hercules; hermod; hero; heroes; hiawatha; high; hill; hither; hold; hole; holy; home; honor; hood; hope; horn; horses; host; hot; house; huge; hungry; hurt; husband; idun; ingebjorg; inside; isenland; island; jason; jellyfish; jewels; john; journey; joy; kind; king; king arthur; king gunther; king marsil; king pluto; kingdom; knees; knights; know; kriemhild; labam; labor; lady; lake; land; large; laughing; law; lay; lead; leave; left; length; lie; life; like; lion; lips; little; live; living; loki; long; longer; look; looking; lord; lost; loud; love; lovely; lying; magic; maidens; man; manner; marouckla; married; marsil; mary; master; mazanderan; meal; means; meat; medeia; men; mercury; merry; message; messenger; midas; midst; mighty; milk; mimer; mind; moment; monkey; monster; months; moors; morning; mother; mountain; mouth; muchie; music; myths; nausicaa; nay; near; nearer; neck; need; new; news; night; noble; noise; norway; oars; odin; odysseus; oil; old; old king; old man; oliver; open; order; orpheus; pain; pale; pandora; pass; past; path; pay; pelias; people; perseus; philemon; phyllis; pieces; pine; pitcher; pity; place; plavacek; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; pluto; polyphemus; poor; power; precious; prepared; present; pretty; prince; princess; prison; promise; proserpina; proud; queen; race; rajah; rakshas; ranee; reach; ready; red; rest; return; rich; ring; river; road; robin; rock; roland; rome; room; round; royal; rule; running; rustem; sacred; sad; safe; sail; save; saw; saying; sea; search; second; secret; serpents; servants; set; shame; sheriff; shield; shining; ship; shore; shot; shoulders; siegfried; silence; silent; silver; single; sir; sire; sister; skin; sky; slain; slay; sleep; slew; small; snow; soft; soldiers; son; song; sons; sorrow; sorry; soul; spear; speed; spirit; splendid; spot; spring; staff; stand; steps; stick; stone; stop; story; strange; strangers; stream; strength; strong; summer; sun; sunshine; supper; sweet; sword; table; taking; tales; talk; tall; teeth; tell; temple; terrible; thank; thee; theseus; thialfe; thick; thing; thinking; thor; thou; thought; threw; throne; thrust; thunder; thy; time; tiny; tired; tom; touch; town; traveler; treasure; tree; trembling; trouble; troy; true; truth; ugly; vain; valley; victory; viking; village; voice; wait; walls; want; war; warriors; warwick; water; waves; way; weary; weeping; welcome; west; white; wicked; wide; wife; wild; william; wilt; wind; wine; wings; winter; wise; wish; witch; wolf; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; wounded; wrath; wrong; years; young; ægeus; æneas
- versions: original; plain text
- 1561
- author: Carpenter, Edward
- title: Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
- date: None
- words: 100672
- flesch: 59
- summary: He has some connection with the great god more intimate than that of other men... Women were persuaded that it was an honor and a privilege to be fertilized by a 'holy man' (a priest or other man connected with the rites), and children resulting from such unions were often called Children of God--an appellation which no doubt sometimes led to a legend of miraculous birth!
- keywords: 25th; a.d; able; account; action; activity; actual; adonis; africa; ages; air; altar; america; ancient; animal; answer; antiquity; apollo; appear; appearance; appropriate; argument; arms; astronomical; attention; attis; attitude; australia; aware; aztecs; b.c; bad; baptism; bear; beautiful; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; bible; birds; birth; blood; bodies; body; book; bough; boy; boys; branches; bread; broken; bull; case; cast; catholic; causes; cave; celebrated; central; centre; centuries; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; children; christian; christianity; christmas; church; churches; circle; city; civilization; civilized; clan; clear; close; clouds; coming; commercial; common; common life; communal; communion; community; concerned; conclusion; condition; connection; consciousness; consideration; constellation; continuity; contrary; corn; corresponding; cosmic; country; course; creation; creatures; creeds; crops; crucifixion; cults; curious; customs; cybele; dance; dancing; danger; darkness; date; dawn; day; days; dead; deal; death; december; deep; definite; degree; deities; desire; details; development; die; different; difficult; dionysus; direct; direction; disciples; disease; divine; divinities; divinity; doctrine; domination; doubt; doubtless; drink; earlier; earliest; early; early man; earth; earthly; easy; eating; ecliptic; eden; egyptian; elaborate; elements; emblem; emu; end; enormous; equator; equinox; essence; essential; eternal; eucharist; europe; evidence; evident; evil; evolution; existence; exodus; experience; explanation; expression; extended; extraordinary; extreme; fact; fall; familiar; far; father; favor; fear; feast; feeling; fellows; female; fertility; festival; field; figures; final; fire; flesh; flowers; folk; following; food; force; form; forward; frazer; free; future; garden; general; genesis; girls; glorious; glory; god; goddess; gods; golden; good; gospel; grave; great; great self; great world; greece; greek; group; growing; growth; guilt; half; hand; harmony; harrison; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hercules; hidden; high; historical; history; hold; holy; honor; hope; house; human; human evolution; human life; human mind; human nature; human race; humanity; idea; iii; image; immense; important; impossible; indian; individual; inevitable; influence; initiation; inner; inspiration; instance; instinct; instinctive; intelligence; interesting; intimate; isis; jesus; jewish; john; joy; kind; kingdom; knowledge; known; krishna; lamb; language; large; later; law; leading; learned; left; legends; life; light; like; likely; line; lion; little; living; local; long; longer; lord; lost; love; magic; magical; main; making; male; man; mankind; mark; marriage; mary; mass; material; matter; meaning; means; medicine; members; men; mental; mention; mere; mexico; midnight; midst; milk; mind; mistake; mithra; mithraism; modern; moment; moon; morality; mortal; mother; movement; murray; mysteries; mystery; mystic; myth; mythology; naked; names; nations; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; non; north; note; number; numerous; object; obvious; occasion; offering; old; open; order; origin; original; osiris; outer; outline; outlook; outside; pagan; pain; paradise; particular; parts; passage; passing; past; path; paul; people; perception; perfect; period; persian; person; phenomena; philosophy; physical; pine; place; point; popular; power; practical; practice; presence; present; priest; primitive; primitive man; probable; problem; process; procession; professor; psychological; psychology; public; pure; purpose; qualities; quality; question; race; rain; ram; reaction; real; reason; reasonable; redemption; regard; reinach; related; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remote; respect; rest; result; resurrection; return; rites; ritual; robertson; roman; rome; root; rose; round; rude; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sahagun; salvation; savage; saviour; science; scientific; sea; second; self; sense; senseless; separate; separation; serpent; service; set; sex; sexual; shape; sign; similar; simple; sin; skin; sky; slain; slaughter; small; social; societies; society; solidarity; sort; soul; source; special; spirit; spiritual; spring; stage; stars; step; strange; strength; subconscious; subject; suffering; sufficient; sun; sungod; superstition; supposed; sure; symbol; syria; system; taboos; teaching; temple; tendency; themis; theory; things; thinking; thought; thunder; time; totem; tradition; transparent; tree; tribal; tribe; true; truth; understanding; union; unique; unity; universal; universe; use; value; vast; vegetation; victim; view; viii; virgin; virgo; vision; want; war; warfare; way; ways; wide; widespread; wild; wine; winter; witness; women; wonder; words; work; world; worship; worshipers; xii; year; young; youth; zodiac
- versions: original; plain text
- 2832
- author: Lang, Andrew
- title: Myth, Ritual and Religion, Vol. 1 (of 2)
- date: None
- words: 104430
- flesch: 66
- summary: It was through sheer ignorance and neglect of this direct knowledge how and by what manner of men myths are really made that their simple philosophy has come to be buried under masses of commentator's rubbish...(1) But in Peru we do not find nearly such abundance of other savage origin myths as will be proved to exist in the legends of Greeks and Indo-Aryans.
- keywords: "(2; 2nd; aborigines; accepted; account; actual; advanced; adventures; africa; ages; aglaophamus; ahone; aid; air; aitareya; american; analogous; ancestors; ancestral; ancient; andamanese; animals; animated; animistic; answer; anthropological; anthropomorphic; antiquity; apollo; arber; argument; artemis; aryan; aspect; atahocan; atharva; attempt; attention; attributes; australian; author; authorities; authority; aztecs; backward; baiame; bancroft; barbaric; barbarous; bates; bear; beasts; bed; beginning; beings; belief; beneath; best; bestial; better; big; birds; birraark; birth; black; blood; boar; bodies; body; book; borrowing; brahmanas; brief; briefly; brinton; brothers; brough; bushmen; business; cagn; calls; cannibal; capable; captain; case; cattle; causes; central; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristics; charlevoix; chief; children; christian; christianity; church; cieza; cit; civilisation; civilised; claims; class; classes; clay; clear; clemens; clouds; coast; collection; common; comparative; compare; conception; concerned; condition; conduct; confused; confusion; considerable; contradiction; cosmogonic; cosmogonic myths; country; course; coyote; creation; creative; creator; creatures; credulity; creed; criticism; cronus; crow; cultivated; culture; curiosity; curious; current; custom; dance; daramulun; darkness; darwin; date; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; death; deer; definition; degrees; deities; deity; deluge; demeter; descent; description; developed; development; different; difficulty; dionysus; direct; distant; divine; divine myths; doctrine; dog; dwelling; eagle; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; edition; effect; egg; egypt; egyptians; element; england; english; essential; ethics; etymological; european; eusebius; events; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; exists; experience; explanation; explanatory; extent; eyes; fables; face; fact; faith; fall; familiar; family; fancy; far; fashioned; father; features; feet; female; figures; find; fire; fish; fishes; flesh; folk; following; food; foreign; form; fragments; free; french; friend; frog; garcilasso; general; ghosts; girl; goat; goddess; gods; gold; golden; good; great; greece; greek; greek myths; habits; half; hand; hare; hartland; hawk; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hera; hereditary; heriot; hero; heroes; heroic; hesiod; higher; highest; historical; history; hold; hole; homer; homeric; hostile; hottentots; howitt; human; hurons; hymns; hypothesis; i. p.; ibid; ideas; idols; ignorant; iii; iliad; image; imagination; important; impossible; inanimate; incantations; incas; inclined; indian; indo; indra; influence; information; instances; institutions; intellect; intellectual; intelligible; interest; interpretation; introduction; iroquois; irrational; island; islanders; jel; jesuit; john; journal; kamilaroi; kiehtan; kind; kindred; kinship; knowledge; known; kurnai; lafitau; lake; language; large; later; law; laws; leave; legend; level; life; like; line; lion; literary; literature; little; live; living; lobeck; local; long; lord; lore; lost; love; low; lowest; magic; magical; maker; making; man; mankind; manner; mannhardt; maori; marchen; marriage; material; matter; max; meaning; means; medicine; members; men; mental; mentions; mere; metamorphosis; metaphysical; method; mexican; mexico; mind; missionaries; missionary; mixed; modern; moon; moral; morality; mother; muir; muller; mysteries; mystery; mystic; mythical; mythological; mythologists; mythology; myths; names; narrative; national; native; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; negroes; neighbours; new; night; non; north; note; notion; number; objects; obvious; occurs; odyssey; okee; oki; old; older; oldest; opinion; origin; original; orphic; pacific; page; parallel; parts; passage; past; pausanias; peculiar; pelican; people; pere; perfect; period; personal; persons; peru; phanes; phenomena; philological; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; piece; pindar; pious; place; plain; plants; plato; plays; plutarch; poetry; poets; point; political; popol; popular; portions; position; possess; power; powerful; practical; practice; prajapati; prayer; preface; present; priests; primitive; principles; probable; process; processes; professor; prometheus; proof; property; proved; pund; pure; purpose; purusha; question; races; rain; rank; read; real; reason; recent; recognised; regard; relations; relative; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; remote; reply; rest; rishis; rites; ritual; rivers; rocks; round; rude; rule; sacred; sacrifice; samoa; sanskrit; satapatha; savage; savage myths; savagery; says; schoolcraft; science; scientific; sea; second; sense; series; serpent; set; shape; sheep; similar; singular; sir; skin; sky; small; smith; snake; social; society; solar; songs; sophocles; sorcerers; sort; souls; sources; south; spanish; speaking; special; species; speculation; spencer; spirit; spiritual; sprang; stars; state; statement; stock; stone; stories; story; strachey; strange; study; style; subject; sun; supernatural; superstitions; supposed; supreme; survival; survive; swallowing; swan; system; tales; tell; temple; testimony; text; theories; theory; things; thought; thunder; time; toad; tortoise; totemism; totemistic; totems; trace; tradition; translation; trees; tribal; tribe; true; truth; turn; tylor; universal; universe; unknown; unkulunkulu; uranus; use; usual; vast; veda; vedic; vegetable; version; victim; victoria; view; viii; virginia; vuh; want; war; waters; way; weather; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wizard; wolf; woman; wood; wooden; words; work; world; worship; writers; year; young; zealand; zeus; zulus
- versions: original; plain text
- 30800
- author: Cooke, Flora J. (Flora Juliette)
- title: Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children
- date: None
- words: 16524
- flesch: 95
- summary: For many days and nights he bravely took care of his father and kept the fire burning. When the sun had shone upon it many days and dried and hardened it, people called it pudding stone.
- keywords: apollo; arachne; arms; athena; balder; beautiful; birds; boy; cap; cave; chariot; chief; children; cloud; dark; day; days; demeter; donkey; earth; eyes; fairy; far; father; fire; flowers; food; forest; fox; giants; golden; gone; good; grass; great; hades; hand; happy; head; helios; help; hermes; high; hill; home; horses; illustration; indian; ito; king; land; large; leaves; listen; little; long; love; morning; mother; mountain; near; night; ocean; old; palace; path; people; persephone; phaethon; prometheus; pudding; queen; red; sea; secret; silver; sky; small; son; story; strong; sun; things; thought; time; trees; valley; water; way; white; wind; wise; wish; woman; wonderful; work; world; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 3327
- author: Bulfinch, Thomas
- title: Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable
- date: None
- words: 146923
- flesch: 77
- summary: They were directed where to seek him, and soon found him in a verdant valley, where he was contemplating the ranks of his posterity, their destinies and worthy deeds to be achieved in coming times. While the majority of the Brahmans still profess to recognize the equal divinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, the mass of the people worship Krishna, Rama, the Singam, and many other gods and idols.
- keywords: abode; account; achilles; action; admiration; advanced; adventures; aeneas; aesculapius; agamemnon; age; ages; air; ajax; allusion; altar; amazons; ancient; animal; answer; aphrodite; apollo; appearance; appears; apples; approach; arachne; argus; ariadne; arion; armed; armor; arms; arrow; artists; arts; ashes; assistance; atalanta; athens; atlas; attempt; attention; attitude; aurora; b.c; bacchus; baldur; bank; bark; battle; bear; bearing; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behold; beings; beloved; best; better; birds; birth; black; blind; blood; blow; boar; bodies; body; book; bore; bosom; bow; box; boy; brahma; brahmans; branches; brave; breast; breath; bride; bright; british; brother; brow; bull; burning; burst; byron; cadmus; camp; care; cast; castor; cause; cave; celebrated; centaurs; century; cephalus; ceres; certain; ceyx; change; chapter; chariot; charm; chase; chest; chief; child; children; circe; cities; city; clear; close; clouds; cold; come; coming; command; common; companions; condition; conquered; conquest; consent; consequence; contest; continued; copy; countenance; country; course; court; creation; crew; cries; crime; cruel; cry; cupid; cut; cyclops; danger; dark; darkness; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dear; death; deeds; deep; deities; deity; delay; delight; departure; description; destruction; diana; different; direction; disguise; distance; distant; distinguished; distress; divine; divinity; dog; dogs; door; doubt; dragon; dream; drink; driven; druids; dry; dwelt; earlier; early; earth; eastern; echo; effect; efforts; egyptian; enemies; enemy; english; equal; escape; eurydice; event; evil; existence; expedition; exploits; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fall; fallen; false; fame; family; famous; far; fast; fatal; fate; father; favorite; fear; feel; feeling; feet; female; field; fierce; figures; fire; flames; fleece; flesh; flight; flocks; flowers; fly; foe; followers; following; fond; food; foot; force; forehead; forest; form; fountains; free; friends; frost; fruit; funeral; furies; furnished; future; gain; garden; garments; gates; general; giant; gift; glory; goddess; goddesses; gods; golden; good; graceful; grass; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; grief; group; grove; grown; guard; guests; guide; hair; halcyone; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; harmony; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavy; hector; helen; help; hercules; hero; heroes; hide; high; highest; hills; history; home; honor; hope; horn; horror; horse; hour; huge; human; hung; hunting; husband; idea; image; immortal; india; infant; influence; inhabitants; iona; iron; isis; island; isle; italy; ivory; jason; javelin; jaws; jove; joy; juno; jupiter; kind; king; kingdom; know; knowledge; labor; lance; land; language; laocoon; large; late; latin; latona; law; laws; lay; leaves; left; length; letters; lie; life; lightning; like; limbs; lines; lion; lips; literature; little; live; living; lofty; loki; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; lovely; lovers; lyre; maiden; man; manner; marble; mark; marriage; married; master; means; medea; medusa; meet; meleager; memory; men; menelaus; mercury; midas; middle; midst; mighty; milton; mind; minerva; minos; modern; moment; monster; moon; moore; morning; mortal; mother; mountain; museum; music; mythology; names; narcissus; nations; native; natural; nature; near; neck; neighboring; neptune; nestor; new; night; nile; niobe; nisus; north; northern; number; numerous; nymphs; o'er; oak; oars; object; occasion; ocean; odin; oedipus; offer; old; olympus; open; opposite; oracle; order; orestes; origin; original; orpheus; osiris; ovid; oxen; pale; pallas; paradise; parents; paris; parthenon; pass; passage; passion; past; patroclus; penelope; people; perfection; period; perseus; person; phaeton; pheidias; phoebus; phoenix; pieces; pile; pity; place; plain; pleased; pleasure; plough; pluto; poem; poetry; poets; point; pollux; poor; portion; possession; power; praxiteles; prayer; precious; prepared; present; preserved; priam; priests; prince; prize; prometheus; promise; proserpine; proud; psyche; punishment; purple; purpose; pyramus; pythagoras; queen; race; rage; reach; readers; ready; real; regions; reign; reins; religion; religious; remains; repose; request; rest; return; reward; rich; rise; rites; river; road; robe; rock; romans; rome; roof; rose; round; royal; rude; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safe; safety; sail; saturn; saw; saying; scattered; scene; school; sculptor; sculpture; scylla; sea; search; seat; second; secret; serpent; servants; service; set; shade; shepherd; shield; ships; shore; shot; shoulders; sibyl; silence; silver; sisters; size; skies; skill; skin; sky; slaughter; sleep; slew; small; soft; solemn; son; song; sons; soul; sounds; spear; spirit; spite; splendor; spot; spread; spring; stand; stars; statue; stay; steeds; stone; stories; story; stranger; stream; strength; strong; subject; success; sudden; suitors; summer; sun; supposed; surface; sweet; sword; symbol; table; tail; task; teeth; telemachus; temple; terrible; terror; thebes; thee; theseus; thetis; thine; things; thirst; thisbe; thither; thor; thou; thought; throne; throw; thunder; thy; time; tomb; touch; tradition; tree; triumph; trojans; troy; true; trunk; truth; turnus; ulysses; united; universe; upper; usual; utgard; uttered; vain; vast; vengeance; venus; vessel; victim; victory; view; violence; virgin; vishnu; voice; vulcan; wall; wandering; war; warriors; water; waves; way; weapon; weary; weight; western; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wine; winged; wings; winter; wisdom; wish; wolf; woman; wonder; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wounded; writers; years; young; youth; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 34170
- author: Various
- title: Heathen mythology, Illustrated by extracts from the most celebrated writers, both ancient and modern
- date: None
- words: 98394
- flesch: 75
- summary: Led with unwary step her virgin trains O'er Etna's steeps, and Enna's golden plains; Plucked with fair hand the silver blossomed bower, And purpled mead,--herself a fairer flower; {105} Sudden, unseen amid the twilight glade, Rushed gloomy Dis, and seized the trembling maid. And if it be Prometheus stole from Heaven The fire which we endure, it was repaid By him to whom the energy was given, Which this poetic marble hath arrayed With an eternal glory, which if made By human hands, is not of human thought, And Time himself hath hallowed it, nor laid One ringlet in the dust, nor hath it caught A tinge of years, but breathes the flame with which 'twas wrought.
- keywords: -----the; 8vo; achilles; actions; additional; adventures; affection; agamemnon; age; agony; altar; ancient; answer; anxious; apollo; appearance; argos; ariadne; armed; arms; arrows; astonished; athens; atlas; attempt; author; bacchus; balder; barry; battle; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beloved; beneath; best; better; birth; black; blood; blow; blue; body; bold; book; bore; bosom; boughs; bow; bowers; boy; brazen; breast; breath; breeze; bride; bright; bring; broken; brother; brow; bull; burning; calm; care; cause; cave; celebrated; celestial; centaur; ceres; character; chariot; charms; chase; chief; child; children; circe; city; close; cloth; clouds; coast; cold; come; command; companions; cornwall; countenance; country; courage; course; court; covered; creation; cries; crime; crown; cruel; cupid; cybele; cyclops; cyprus; dance; danger; dark; dart; daughter; day; days; dead; dear; death; deed; deep; deities; deity; delight; demy; depths; descended; designs; desire; despair; destiny; dewy; diana; different; dim; distinguished; divine; divinities; divinity; dog; dost; doth; dragon; dreadful; dreams; drop; dwell; dying; earth; echo; edges; egypt; enamoured; engravings; enormous; ere; escape; eteocles; eternal; ethereal; eurystheus; evil; expedition; eyes; fables; face; fair; faith; fall; false; fame; famous; far; fatal; fate; father; favourite; fear; fearful; feast; feeling; feet; fell; female; festivals; fields; fierce; fiery; figure; find; fine; fire; fit; flames; flesh; flew; flowers; foe; following; fond; foot; force; forehead; forest; form; free; friends; fruit; furies; fury; future; gain; gay; gaze; general; genius; gentle; gift; gilt; glad; gloomy; glorious; glory; god; goddess; goddesses; gods; golden; good; graceful; graces; grasp; grave; great; greatest; greece; greeks; green; grew; grief; guilty; hail; hair; half; hand; happiness; happy; hast; hath; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavy; hell; helmet; hercules; hero; hesiod; high; highest; hills; hippolytus; history; hold; homage; homer; honour; hood; hope; horace; horn; horror; horse; hour; hue; huge; human; hung; husband; hymen; ideas; illustrated; illustration; image; immortal; important; infant; infernal; influence; inhabitants; interest; iphigenia; iron; island; isle; jason; jealous; journey; jove; joy; joys; juno; jupiter; justice; keats; kind; kindness; king; kingdom; kiss; knots; knowledge; known; labours; lake; land; large; late; laurel; laws; lay; leander; leaves; left; length; lies; life; light; like; limbs; lion; lips; little; living; locks; long; longer; look; loose; lord; lost; love; lovely; lovers; lyre; madness; maid; maiden; main; making; man; mankind; manner; marble; marriage; married; mars; master; means; medea; medusa; melancholy; memory; men; mercury; midas; middle; midnight; midst; mighty; mind; minerva; mistress; modern; moment; monarch; monster; months; moon; morning; mortal; mother; mountain; murder; muses; music; myrtle; mysterious; mythology; narcissus; nations; native; nature; near; neas; necessary; neptune; new; noise; notes; number; numerous; nymph; o'er; oak; oath; object; ocean; odin; oedipus; offer; offerings; offspring; olympus; oracle; order; original; orpheus; ovid; page; pain; pale; pallas; pan; paris; passion; past; people; perfect; perpetual; perseus; person; phoebus; phã; pieces; pity; place; plains; play; pleased; pleasing; pleasure; pluto; poetry; poets; poison; poor; possession; power; powerful; prayer; prepared; presence; present; priam; price; priests; principal; proserpine; proud; psyche; punishment; pure; purple; pursue; queen; race; rage; ready; realms; refuge; regions; remainder; remains; rest; retired; return; revenge; rich; rise; river; rock; romans; rome; round; royal; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safety; saturn; satyrs; save; saw; scarce; sceptre; sea; seas; seat; second; secret; sense; serpent; severe; shades; shadows; shape; shelley; shepherd; shield; shore; shoulders; sigh; silence; silent; silver; sister; skies; skill; skin; sky; slain; sleep; sleeping; slew; small; smile; soft; solemn; son; song; sons; sorrow; soul; sounds; spare; spear; spirit; spot; spread; spring; stand; starry; stars; state; statues; steel; steps; stern; stone; strain; stream; strength; strong; subjects; success; sudden; summer; sun; superior; swan; sweet; swift; sword; tale; task; teeth; temple; tender; terrible; terror; thebes; thee; theseus; thetis; thine; things; thou; thought; threw; throne; thunder; thunderbolt; thy; tide; time; tis; toil; tomb; touch; touching; tree; trembling; tresses; triumph; trojan; troy; true; truth; twas; ulysses; unable; unhappy; union; unknown; vain; vast; vengeance; venus; vestal; victim; victory; view; virgin; virtue; visible; voice; vows; vulcan; walls; wanton; war; warm; warrior; water; waves; way; wealth; weary; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wine; winged; wings; winter; wisdom; wish; woe; woman; wood; words; work; world; worship; wrath; writers; years; young; youth; youthful
- versions: original; plain text
- 36794
- author: Lang, Andrew
- title: Myth, Ritual And Religion, Vol. 2 (of 2)
- date: None
- words: 105055
- flesch: 71
- summary: The Huarochiri explained them by a series of _märchen_ about Huthiacuri, Pariaca (culture-heroes), and about friendly animals which aided them in the familiar way. Heaven, earth, Indra, the cow, are all thought of as _personal_ entities, however gigantic and vague.
- keywords: aborigines; abstract; account; actual; aditi; adityas; adonis; adoration; advanced; adventures; africa; ages; agriculture; america; ammon; amours; analogous; ancestors; ancestral; ancient; animal; answer; anthropomorphic; antiquity; aphrodite; apollo; approach; arcadian; archaic; argument; artemis; aryan; aspect; asuras; asvins; athene; attempt; attention; attributes; australian; authorities; authority; aztec; backward; baiame; barbaric; battle; bear; beasts; beautiful; beginning; beings; belief; benfey; bergaigne; bestial; better; bird; birth; bitiou; black; bleek; blood; body; book; bore; borrowing; boys; brahmana; brief; bright; brinton; brother; bull; bushmen; cagn; case; central; centre; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; change; chapter; character; chief; child; children; christian; cit; city; civilisation; civilised; class; classes; clear; cloud; collected; collection; come; common; compare; complete; conception; condition; conduct; confusion; conjecture; connected; contes; corn; correct; cosquin; country; course; cow; creator; creeds; crocodile; cronus; crow; culture; curious; current; custom; dances; daramulun; dark; darkness; date; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; deal; death; decharme; deities; deity; delphi; demeter; departmental; descent; details; developed; development; die; different; difficult; dionysus; direct; divine; divinity; doctrine; dog; dolphin; doubt; doubtless; dwells; dyaus; dynasty; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; egypt; egyptian; eibib; elemental; elements; english; epic; eskimos; essays; etymological; etymology; european; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; explanation; extent; eyes; fable; fact; fair; faith; familiar; family; famous; fancy; far; father; feast; feathers; features; figures; find; fire; fish; flesh; flint; folk; food; forces; foreign; forgotten; form; french; friends; fruits; functions; future; genealogies; general; german; ghosts; girl; goat; goddess; gods; golden; good; great; greece; greek; grimm; guise; habit; hades; hahn; hair; half; hand; hare; harvest; hath; hawk; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; heitsi; hephaestus; hera; hermes; hero; herodotus; heroic; hesiod; hibbert; high; higher; highest; historic; history; hold; holy; homer; homeric; horse; horus; hottentot; howitt; huitzilopochtli; human; humming; husband; hymn; hypothesis; ibid; ideas; idol; iii; iliad; image; immortal; important; impossible; incidents; indian; indra; influence; information; instance; introduction; ioskeha; iroquois; irrational; isis; islands; john; khoi; kind; kindred; king; knowledge; known; kurnai; land; langloh; language; large; later; laws; learned; lectures; left; legend; length; level; lexikon; life; light; lightning; like; likely; literary; literature; little; living; lobeck; local; lofty; london; long; lord; lore; lost; love; lowest; magical; maiden; makes; making; man; manifest; manner; mannhardt; manning; mantis; mariner; marked; marriage; maspero; materials; matter; maui; max; meaning; means; medicine; members; men; mere; metamorphosis; method; mexican; mexico; michabo; mind; missionaries; missionary; mixed; modern; moment; monotheism; monuments; moon; moral; morality; mortals; mother; mrs; muir; mungan; mysteries; mystery; mystic; myth; mythical; mythological; mythology; märchen; müller; names; narrative; national; native; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; noble; non; north; note; notions; number; numerous; nut; objects; obscure; obvious; odyssey; old; older; oldest; olympians; open; opinion; opposite; oracle; origin; original; osiris; page; parents; parker; parts; passage; past; patron; pausanias; peculiar; people; period; persephone; personal; personality; personification; persons; pharaoh; phenomena; philological; physical; picture; pindar; pious; place; plant; plausible; play; plutarch; poetry; poets; point; polytheism; popular; poseidon; possession; power; powerful; practices; prayer; prehistoric; preller; presence; present; priestly; priests; primitive; probable; process; processes; professor; proof; province; pure; purpose; qat; queensland; questions; races; rain; ram; raven; real; reason; records; regard; relations; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; remarks; remote; renouf; reply; report; representations; resemblance; rest; result; return; ridley; righteousness; rigveda; rites; ritual; river; root; roscher; round; royal; rude; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sahagun; samoa; samoans; sanskrit; savage; scholiast; schwartz; science; sea; seb; second; secret; semitic; sense; sentiment; separate; serpent; set; shape; sheep; short; shows; similar; singular; skin; sky; slain; slaying; slew; small; snake; society; solar; soma; son; sons; souls; source; south; space; special; spencer; spirit; spiritual; spoken; spring; stars; state; statement; stock; stone; stories; story; strange; strong; study; subject; sun; supernatural; supreme; survival; surya; symbol; system; tales; temple; tendency; testimony; texts; thebes; thee; theories; theory; things; thought; thunder; tiele; time; titans; totem; totemistic; town; traditions; translation; travellers; tree; tribal; tribes; true; truth; tsui; turn; tvashtri; twilight; tylor; type; typhon; universal; unknown; use; usual; vague; varuna; vast; veda; vedic; version; victim; view; viii; village; virtue; voice; vol; vritra; wandering; war; waters; way; welcker; west; white; wide; wife; wild; wilkinson; wind; winter; witnesses; wolf; wolves; women; woodpecker; words; work; world; worship; worshippers; xii; xiv; years; yehl; young; younger; zagreus; zealand; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 40686
- author: Conway, Moncure Daniel
- title: Demonology and Devil-lore
- date: None
- words: 269095
- flesch: 68
- summary: Shakespeare ascribes to Cæsar a suspicion of leanness-- Yond' Cassius hath a lean and hungry look: He thinks too much: such men are dangerous. Such men have so long left the Church familiar to the French peasantry that any representation of their temptations and trials would be out of place among the marionettes.
- keywords: aaron; able; abode; abraham; abyss; accadian; accent; accompanying; account; accuser; action; acts; actual; adam; adaptation; advance; advantage; adversary; african; aged; agent; ages; agni; agony; ahi; ahriman; air; alcestis; alien; allah; alleged; almighty; altar; america; amrita; ancestors; ancient; angels; animal; animalism; annual; answer; anthony; antichrist; anu; apocalypse; apollo; apophis; apparition; appearance; approach; armed; arms; army; arrow; arthur; artist; aryan; ashes; asmodeus; aspect; association; assyrian; astrological; asuras; atmosphere; attack; attempt; attention; attributes; author; authorities; authority; avesta; awe; azazel; azraël; azru; baal; babylonian; bad; baldur; baptism; barbaric; barrenness; base; basilisk; basis; battle; bear; bearing; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beelzebub; beginning; behemoth; behold; beings; belief; believe; belly; beloved; beneath; beneficent; best; better; bible; biblical; bird; birth; bishop; black; blood; blue; boar; bodies; body; bone; book; bore; bow; boy; branch; break; breast; breath; breathing; bridge; bright; bringing; britain; british; broad; broken; brother; bráhman; buddha; building; bull; burning; calf; capable; care; career; careful; carlyle; carrying; case; castle; cat; cathedral; cats; causes; cave; cavern; celebrated; celestial; centre; centuries; century; ceremonial; certain; ceylon; chain; chandravatí; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; chariot; charms; chief; children; china; chinese; chosen; christendom; christian; christianity; church; churches; circle; circumcision; circumstances; city; civilisation; claim; class; classes; clear; close; clothes; cloud; co.; coast; cock; coiled; coils; cold; college; colour; combat; come; command; common; compact; comparative; compare; complete; conceptions; concerned; conclusion; conditions; conflict; connection; conscience; consideration; consuming; contest; continued; contrary; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; converted; corn; corpse; corresponding; counterpart; countries; country; courage; course; court; covenant; cows; creation; creator; creature; creed; cries; crooked; cross; cruel; cruelty; cry; culture; cunning; cup; curious; cursed; custom; cut; cyprian; daily; damned; dance; dancing; dangerous; dangers; darkness; date; daughter; david; dawn; day; days; dead; deadly; deal; dear; death; decline; deeds; deep; deeper; defiance; degradation; degraded; degree; deities; deity; demand; demoness; demonic; demonology; demons; descendants; descent; description; desert; desire; despair; destroy; destroyer; destruction; details; devas; development; devil; devotion; devouring; diable; diabolical; die; different; difficult; direction; discovered; disease; disguise; distance; distant; distinction; distinguished; district; divided; divine; doctrine; dog; dogma; dogs; domain; doom; door; doubt; doubtful; dove; dragon; drama; dreams; drink; drop; dualism; duke; dust; duty; dwell; dwelling; earlier; earliest; early; earth; earthly; east; eastern; easy; eating; ecclesiastical; eclipse; eden; edom; effect; effort; egg; egypt; egyptian; elements; elias; elohim; emblem; emerson; emperor; empire; endless; ends; enemies; enemy; england; english; entrance; epithet; equal; esau; escape; established; eternal; euphemism; euphemistic; europe; european; eve; evening; everlasting; evidence; evil spirit; evils; evolution; exact; example; excellent; exceptional; execution; existence; existing; exod; exorcism; experience; explanation; expression; extent; extreme; eyed; eyes; fables; face; fact; fair; fairfax; fairies; faith; faithful; fall; fallen; false; fame; familiar; family; famine; famous; far; fashion; fatal; fate; father; faust; faustus; favourite; fear; fearful; features; feeling; feet; fell; fellow; female; ferocious; fever; field; fierce; fiery; fifth; figure; final; find; fine; finest; fire; fish; fishermen; flames; flaming; flesh; floods; flowers; fly; foes; folklore; followers; following; food; foot; forbidden; forces; foreign; forest; form; formidable; fox; fragments; france; free; freedom; french; frequent; friend; friendly; frightful; frost; fruit; fruitful; functions; furies; fury; future; gain; garden; garments; gate; gem; general; generation; genesis; genii; genius; gentle; gentleman; george; german; ghilghit; ghost; giants; gigantic; girl; gives; glam; glory; goat; god; goddess; goddesses; gods; goethe; gog; gold; golden; gone; good; gospel; government; grand; grandeur; grave; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greece; greek; grey; grown; growth; guard; guardian; guide; guilty; hades; hair; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hare; harischandra; harmless; hast; hath; hatred; haunted; head; headed; healing; heart; hearted; heaven; heavenly; heavy; hebrew; hecate; height; heine; helen; hell; help; henry; herakles; hercules; hereditary; heresy; hero; heroes; heroic; hidden; hideous; high; higher; highest; hill; hindu; historic; history; hold; hole; holy; homage; home; honour; hope; horns; horrible; horror; horses; hostile; hostility; hosts; hot; hounds; hour; house; household; howling; huge; human; human nature; humanity; humble; hunger; hungry; hunting; huntsman; husband; hut; hydra; hymns; iblis; idea; ideals; idle; idolatry; idols; ignorance; ignorant; iii; ildabaoth; illusion; illustrations; image; imaginary; imagination; immortality; important; impossible; impressive; incident; india; indians; indications; individual; infant; infernal; influence; ingenious; inhabitants; innumerable; inquiry; inspiration; instance; instinct; intellectual; intelligence; interesting; interests; interpretation; invisible; invoked; iranian; iron; isaac; ishtar; island; israel; jacob; japanese; jaws; jealousy; jehovah; jesus; jewish; jews; job; john; journey; jove; joy; judge; judgment; justice; kali; kansa; key; kill; kind; kindly; king; kingdom; knight; knowing; knowledge; known; koran; lady; lake; lambton; lamp; land; language; large; latin; law; laws; leaf; learned; learning; leave; left; legend; legs; length; leviathan; lies; life; light; lightning; like; lilith; limited; line; lion; little; live; living; locks; loki; london; long; long time; longer; look; looking; lord; lot; love; loyalty; lucifer; lust; luther; lying; madness; magic; magical; magician; magog; maidens; majesty; making; malignant; man; manifold; mankind; manner; mantle; mara; mare; marked; marriage; martin; martyr; mary; mass; master; max; meaning; means; meat; mediæval; meet; melancholy; memory; men; mental; mention; mephistopheles; mercy; mere; merits; merlin; messenger; method; michael; middle; midnight; midst; mighty; miles; milk; millions; milton; mind; mirror; miru; mischief; missionary; mistress; modern; modifications; mohammed; moloch; moment; monarch; money; monk; monster; monstrous; moon; moral; morality; morning; mortals; moses; mother; mountain; mouth; multiplied; museum; music; mussulman; mysterious; mystery; mystical; myth; mythical; mythological; mythology; müller; nagas; naked; names; narrative; national; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; neck; need; negroes; neighbourhood; neighbouring; neighbours; nemesis; nerves; new; new man; nick; nights; nimrod; noah; noble; non; normal; norse; north; northern; notable; note; notion; number; numerous; object; obvious; occasion; occult; ocean; odin; offer; offerings; office; offspring; olaf; old; old man; ones; open; opening; opinion; oracle; ordeal; order; ordinary; oriental; origin; original; ormuzd; orthodoxy; outcome; outward; overthrow; pagan; pain; pale; paradise; parsî; particular; parts; passage; passes; passing; passion; past; path; patron; paul; peasant; people; perfect; perfection; perilous; period; perpetual; persian; personal; personality; personification; personified; persons; perun; peter; phantasms; phantom; pharaoh; phenomena; philosophy; phrase; physical; physician; picture; pieces; pierced; pigeon; pious; pit; place; plague; planet; plato; play; pleasure; poem; poet; point; pointed; poison; political; poor; pope; popular; portrait; position; possesses; possession; potency; potent; power; powerful; praise; prayer; praying; prepared; presence; present; preserve; pretty; previous; prey; pride; priesthood; priestly; priests; primitive; primitive man; prince; princess; principle; probable; process; procession; produce; professor; progress; prometheus; promise; pronounced; proper; prophet; prosaic; proverb; præternatural; public; punishment; pure; purpose; queen; question; rabbinical; rabbins; race; raiment; rain; raising; rare; raven; reach; read; reader; real; reality; realms; reason; recent; records; red; redemption; refuge; regard; regions; reign; rejoice; related; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; reply; report; representation; reptile; reputation; repute; rescue; resemblance; respect; rest; result; resurrection; return; rev; reverence; rich; rise; rites; rival; river; rock; rod; romance; rome; room; root; rose; round; royal; rude; rudra; ruins; rule; ruskin; russia; ráhu; sabbath; sacred; sacrifice; saga; said; saint; saintly; salt; salvation; samaël; sanctity; sang; sanskrit; sara; satan; satisfaction; satisfied; saturn; savage; save; saviour; saxon; saying; says; scandinavian; scene; scheme; scholar; science; scientific; scotch; scotland; scottish; sea; seal; second; secret; secure; seed; seeing; self; semitic; sense; sentence; sentiment; separate; sermon; serpent; servant; service; set; seth; seventh; sex; shadow; shape; sharp; shining; shore; shot; shoulders; shows; sick; sides; sign; significance; silence; similar; simple; sin; singhalese; single; sins; sir; sister; situation; siva; size; skin; sky; slain; slaves; slavonic; slay; slayer; sleep; slew; small; smith; smoke; snake; snow; social; society; soft; solar; solomon; soma; somewhat; son; song; sorcery; sort; soul; sources; southern; space; spear; special; species; speculation; spells; sphinx; spirit; spiritual; spiritualised; splendour; spot; spread; spring; stag; stand; standing; star; state; statement; step; sticks; stone; stories; storms; story; strange; stream; strength; strife; strong; strongest; struggle; study; subject; subtle; success; suffer; suffering; sufficient; suggestion; suicide; summer; sun; superior; supernatural; superstition; supply; support; supposes; supremacy; supreme; survival; swan; sway; swedenborg; sweet; sword; symbol; symbolism; system; tablet; tail; tale; task; teeth; tempest; temple; temptation; tempter; tendency; term; terrestrial; terrible; terror; testament; thee; theologians; theological; theology; theories; theory; thine; things; thinking; thirst; thomas; thou; thought; thousands; throat; throne; thunder; thunderbolt; thy; time; titans; title; tobit; tongue; torches; tortures; touch; town; traceable; traces; traditions; transformation; transformed; translation; travancore; treacherous; treasures; treatment; tree; tremendous; trial; tribe; triumph; trouble; true; truth; turn; turner; tylor; type; typhon; tyrant; ugliness; ugly; unable; unconscious; understanding; understood; underworld; universal; universe; university; unknown; unseen; upper; usual; uttered; vain; valley; valuable; value; vampyre; vanquished; variants; varuna; vast; veda; vedic; veil; veiled; vengeance; venom; venomous; venus; version; vices; victims; victory; view; vii; viii; village; violence; violent; virgin; virtue; vishnu; vision; visit; viswámitra; voice; volume; vritra; walking; wall; wandering; want; war; warriors; wars; waste; watch; water; way; ways; weak; weakness; wealth; weapon; wear; werewolf; west; western; whirlwind; white; wicked; wickedness; wide; wife; wild; wilderness; william; wilt; wind; window; wine; winged; wings; winter; wisdom; wise; wishes; witchcraft; witches; witness; woe; wolf; wolves; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; working; world; worldly; worm; worship; worshippers; worst; worthy; wrath; writer; wrong; xii; xix; xvi; xxii; yama; years; young; zeus; zohák; zoroaster
- versions: original; plain text
- 41350
- author: Spenser, Edmund
- title: Stories from the Faerie Queen, Told to the Children
- date: None
- words: 22724
- flesch: 92
- summary: George made Una go to a high piece of ground, from whence she could see the fight, and where she would be out of danger, and then rode to meet the terrible beast. And when Marinell saw Florimell standing blushing beside him, her hand in his mother's, all his sadness went away and his strength came back, and the pain in his heart was cured.
- keywords: afraid; angry; armour; artegall; baby; beast; beautiful; black; blood; boat; brave; britomart; calidore; cambell; canacee; care; cave; corydon; cross; cut; dark; day; dead; diamond; dragon; eyes; face; faerie; fairy; father; fidessa; fight; florimell; frightened; gentle; george; golden; good; great; green; ground; guyon; hair; hand; head; heart; help; home; horse; king; knight; lady; land; lion; little; long; love; magic; magician; man; marinell; monster; mother; near; nurse; old; palmer; pastorella; people; place; queen; red; robbers; sad; sea; sheep; shepherd; shield; shore; silver; son; spear; strength; strong; sword; things; time; tired; trees; triamond; ugly; una; water; waves; white; wicked; wife; wild; witch; woods; wound; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 44460
- author: None
- title: Carleton's Condensed Classical Dictionary
- date: None
- words: 49200
- flesch: 75
- summary: =A.B.=, Bachelor of Arts. =A.D.= (L. _anno Domini_), in the year of our Lord. =A.M.= (L. _ante meridiem_), before noon.
- keywords: = =; a.d; abilities; absence; account; achilles; actium; africa; agamemnon; age; aid; alcmena; alexander; alexandria; ancient; antiochus; antony; apollo; argos; armed; armies; arms; army; arts; asia; athenians; athens; attica; augustus; aurora; author; b.c; babylon; bacchus; bachelor; battle; beautiful; beauty; bertha; birth; blood; boar; body; boeotia; book; britain; brother; brutus; building; bull; burning; cadmus; capital; care; carleton; carthage; cause; celebrated; celebrated king; celebrated roman; certain; character; chariot; chief; children; christian; cicero; city; civil; clay; cleopatra; clymene; clytemnestra; co.; coelus; college; comic; command; complete; compositions; conquest; conspicuous; conspiracy; consul; consulship; country; courage; court; crete; crown; cruelty; cut; cyrus; cæsar; danaus; daughter; day; days; dead; death; defeat; deities; deity; detectives; diana; different; dionysius; disciple; distinguished; doctor; early; earth; east; egypt; elegance; eloquence; emperor; empire; enamored; enemies; enemy; english; ephesus; example; expedition; extant; fall; familiar; family; famous; fatal; fate; father; fellow; field; fifth; fire; flames; fleece; fleet; flowers; forces; form; fourth; free; friend; general; genius; god; goddess; gods; golden; governor; great; greatest; grecian; greece; greeks; half; hand; hannibal; head; heaven; hector; helen; hell; hercules; hero; hesiod; hippodamia; historian; history; holmes; homer; honors; horse; human; husband; illustrations; illustrious; india; infernal; inhabitants; island; italy; jason; julian; julius; juno; jupiter; king; kingdom; knowledge; known; lady; large; latin; laws; learning; left; length; letters; life; like; lives; love; lyre; macedonia; mankind; marriage; married; mars; master; medea; medusa; meleager; member; men; menelaus; mercury; military; minerva; minos; miscellaneous; mnemosyne; monster; months; mother; mount; mountain; mrs; muses; music; names; native; neptune; nero; new; night; noble; north; novel; number; numerous; nuptials; nymph; oceanus; odious; oedipus; office; old; oracle; order; paris; pelias; pelops; people; perseus; persia; persians; philip; philippi; philosopher; phoenicia; phrygia; pieces; place; pleasure; pluto; poet; poetical; poetry; poison; pompey; popular; power; powerful; present; priam; prince; prisoner; procne; proserpine; proverbial; ptolemy; public; publishers; purple; queen; quest; race; regions; reign; remarkable; rest; return; revenge; river; rock; roman; rome; rose; royal; sacred; salamis; saturn; scene; school; scipio; sea; second; senate; serpent; ships; sicily; siege; sister; slave; small; society; soldiers; son; sons; soul; spain; sparta; square; state; stone; stories; style; subjects; subsequently; success; sun; sword; syracuse; syria; talents; temple; term; terra; thebes; theseus; thessaly; thrace; throne; time; town; tragedies; tragedy; triumph; trojan; trojan war; troy; tyrant; ulysses; valor; venus; victories; victory; virgil; virtues; volumes; war; wars; water; weekly; west; wife; wild; wings; women; wonders; works; world; writers; writings; xerxes; years; york; young; younger; youth; æneas
- versions: original; plain text
- 47127
- author: Arundell of Wardour, John Francis Arundell, Baron
- title: Tradition, Principally with Reference to Mythology and the Law of Nations
- date: None
- words: 166327
- flesch: 64
- summary: Why it was that harmony was not attained seems to be disclosed, if we read the passage in our sense and with a certain transposition of parts, at p. 3--There were at Athens then, as there have been at all times and in all countries, men who had no sense for the miraculous and supernatural, and who, without having the moral courage to deny altogether what they could not bring themselves to believe, endeavoured to find some plausible explanation _by which the sacred legends_ which _tradition_ had _handed down to them_, and which had been _hallowed_ by _religious observances_, and sanctioned by the authority of the law, might be brought _into harmony with_ [119] The most favourable review of Mr B. Gould's work which I have seen says:--In tracing the origin and development of religious belief, the object of Mr Baring Gould is to establish the foundation of _Christian_ doctrine on the nature, the intuitions, and the reason of man, _rather than upon traditionary dogmas_, historical documents, or written inspirations.
- keywords: 110; 134; 139; 189; 203; 250; 297; 8vo; abraham; absence; absolute; accordance; account; action; acts; actual; adam; advance; affair; africa; age; ages; agriculture; allusion; altered; america; amphictyonic; ana; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancestors; ancient; ancient tradition; animals; annals; answer; ante; antediluvian; antiquity; appeal; appearance; appendix; application; arab; archæology; argument; ark; arms; army; article; aryan; asia; asiatic; aspect; association; assumption; assyrian; astral; astronomical; athens; attempt; attention; authority; aware; b.c; babylonian; bacchus; banks; barbarism; baring; basis; baskets; battle; bear; beautiful; beginning; belief; belus; bentham; berosus; best; better; bible; big; birth; black; blackness; boat; bodies; body; book; boulanger; branch; branches; brass; brazen; british; bronze; brother; bryant; bull; bunsen; burton; calf; calmet; canada; canoe; capac; captain; capture; cardinal; case; catholic; catlin; causes; celebrated; celtic; central; centre; centuries; century; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chaldæan; chanaan; change; channel; chaos; chapter; character; characteristics; chief; children; china; chinese; chips; christian; christianity; chronicle; chronology; chronos; church; cicero; circumstances; cities; city; civilisation; civilised; classical; clear; close; cloth; clue; coast; code; coincidences; coleridge; colonel; colour; coming; command; commemorative; commencement; commences; common; communal; communities; community; compact; comparative; compare; comparison; complete; concerned; conclusion; conditions; conduct; confirmed; conflict; conformity; confused; congress; conjecture; connection; conquest; conscience; consent; consequence; consequently; consideration; conspicuous; contact; continent; contrary; contrast; cook; copper; corn; correct; correspondence; corresponding; corruption; cosmogony; council; countries; country; cox; creation; creator; curious; curiously; current; curse; custom; cycle; dahome; dance; danger; dans; darkness; darwin; date; day; days; dead; death; declaration; deep; definite; definition; degeneracy; degradation; degraded; degree; deification; deities; deity; deluge; derivation; des; descendants; descended; descent; description; destruction; deucalion; development; diana; dict; different; difficulties; difficulty; diluvian; direct; discovery; discussion; dispersion; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguished; divergence; divine; division; doctrine; double; doubt; dove; drift; duke; dynasties; dynasty; earliest; early; earth; eastern; easy; edition; effect; egg; egypt; egyptian; elder; element; emblem; emperor; empire; enemy; english; enoch; entitled; epithets; equality; equivalent; escape; essential; established; eternal; ethnology; etymology; europe; european; eusebius; event; evidence; evident; evil; example; exception; existence; existing; exogamous; exogamy; experience; explanation; expression; extended; extent; extract; extraordinary; eyes; face; fact; faith; fall; families; family; father; favour; fear; feast; feathers; features; federation; feeling; feet; females; festival; fiction; field; fifth; figures; final; fine; fire; fish; fixed; flint; flood; following; foot; force; foreign; form; foundation; founder; fourth; fragments; france; french; frequent; fresh; future; gainet; gazette; general; generations; genesis; gentium; geological; geology; george; german; giving; gladstone; god; gods; goguet; golden; good; gould; government; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; grote; ground; groups; growth; half; ham; hamitic; hand; handed; happiness; harmony; hath; head; heaven; heavenly; hebrew; help; henry; hercules; hero; hesiod; high; higher; highest; historical; history; hoa; hoang; hold; holy; homer; homeric; honour; hooker; horns; horrible; horse; human; hunter; husbandman; hypothesis; i. p.; i.e.; idea; identical; identity; idolatry; ignorant; iii; illustration; ils; imagination; immediate; important; independent; indians; indirect; individual; influence; information; infra; inhabitants; inheritance; inquiry; inscriptions; instance; institution; intellect; intellectual; intelligent; interest; interesting; intermediate; international; interpretation; introduction; invention; iron; iroquois; islanders; islands; italy; janus; japan; japanese; japhet; jewish; jews; john; journal; judgment; july; jupiter; jurisprudence; justice; kashmir; kee; kenrick; key; king; kinship; klaproth; knowledge; known; l'homme; lake; lamech; land; language; lapse; large; late; latin; law; law common; laws; lead; league; leave; left; legend; legibus; length; lepchas; les; letters; leur; lewis; lib; life; like; likely; limited; limits; lines; link; literature; little; local; lois; london; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; lowest; lubbock; lyell; m'lennan; macdonell; maine; maistre; major; man; manco; mandan; manetho; mankind; manner; manou; marked; marriage; mars; material; matter; max; maxims; meaning; means; memory; men; menes; mention; mere; metals; mexico; middle; migration; mind; missionaries; modern; moment; monotheism; month; monuments; moon; moral; morality; morocco; moses; mother; mountains; mr max; mysteries; mystery; mythic; mythological; mythology; myths; même; müller; names; narrative; nations; natives; natural; nature; nebo; necessary; necessity; need; negro; neptune; nergal; new; newman; nillson; nimrod; nin; noah; non; north; northern; note; notice; notion; nous; noë; number; oannes; oath; object; obscure; observation; observed; occasion; ocean; oedipus; ogdensburg; ogyges; old; oldest; open; opening; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; origin; original; osiris; outside; page; pair; pall; palmer; parallel; parent; partial; particular; parts; passage; past; pastoral; patriarchal; peculiar; people; perfect; period; persian; persons; peruvian; phenomena; philology; philosophers; philosophy; phoenician; phrase; physical; pinkerton; place; plains; plato; plough; plutarch; point; pointed; political; polyandry; polynesian; polytheism; pongol; population; position; positive; possession; possibility; possible; posterity; pottery; pour; power; powerful; practical; practice; prayer; precedents; preface; prescott; present; presumption; previous; priests; primary; primeval; primitive; primitive tradition; prince; principal; principle; private; probability; probable; process; procession; produce; professor; progress; progressive; prometheus; promiscuity; proof; property; public; pure; purpose; query; question; quote; race; rainbow; rate; rawlinson; read; reader; real; reason; received; recent; recognition; recollection; records; reduplication; reference; refers; regard; regiment; regulated; reign; relations; relationship; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; reminiscence; remote; reply; representation; represents; researches; resemblance; respect; respecting; rest; result; return; rev; revelation; review; right; rites; river; roman; rome; root; royal; rude; rule; run; sacred; sacrifices; saluberry; samoides; sanchoniathon; sanction; sandwich; sanscrit; satisfaction; saturn; savages; saxon; saying; says:-; scene; scheme; schlegel; science; scientific; scripture; sea; second; secondary; semitic; sense; sentiment; separate; series; serpent; set; settlement; shem; significance; similar; simple; sin; single; sir; skin; small; smith; social; society; soil; solar; solemn; solution; sons; sont; sort; sothic; source; south; space; speaking; special; speculation; spirit; spiritual; spite; spread; stages; stand; standard; standing; starting; state; statement; stone; strange; strength; striking; strong; stronger; struggle; subject; subsequent; succession; sufficient; sum; sun; superior; superstition; support; supposed; supposition; supra; supreme; sur; surprise; survivors; symbol; system; taking; tale; temple; tendency; term; testimony; text; themistes; theories; theory; things; thought; time; tortoise; traces; tradition; translation; travels; treaties; treaty; tree; tribes; troops; true; truth; turanian; tylor; une; union; united; unity; universal; unknown; upper; usage; use; utility; valuable; venture; venus; verses; victory; vide; view; viii; village; virtue; viz; vol; war; water; way; weapons; welsh; west; western; white; wife; wild; wilson; wiseman; wish; wives; women; words; work; world; worship; writers; writing; wrong; xiii; xisuthrus; xiv; yao; years; young; zealanders; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 4925
- author: Bulfinch, Thomas
- title: The Age of Fable
- date: None
- words: 143880
- flesch: 73
- summary: Pan, like other gods who dwelt in forests, was dreaded by those whose occupations caused them to pass through the woods by night, for the gloom and loneliness of such scenes dispose the mind to superstitious fears. On that fatal night when the wooden horse disgorged its contents of armed men, and the capture and conflagration of the city were the result, Aeneas made his escape from the scene of destruction, with his father, and his wife, and young son.
- keywords: abode; absence; account; achilles; act; actaeon; admetus; admiration; adonis; advanced; adventures; advice; aeneas; aesculapius; agamemnon; age; ages; air; ajax; alcestis; allusion; altar; ancient; animal; answer; apollo; appearance; apples; approach; arachne; argus; ariadne; arion; aristaeus; armed; armor; arms; arrow; arthur; arts; ashes; asia; assistance; atalanta; athens; atlas; attempt; aurora; author; bacchus; baldur; bank; bark; basilisk; battle; baucis; bear; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; beginning; behold; beings; bellerophon; beloved; best; better; birds; birth; black; blind; blood; blow; boar; bodies; body; book; bore; bosom; bow; box; boy; branches; brave; breast; breath; breathing; bride; bright; britain; british; brother; brunhild; buddha; bull; burning; burst; byron; cadmus; camp; care; cast; castes; castor; cause; cave; celebrated; celestial; centaurs; cephalus; ceres; certain; ceyx; chance; chapter; character; chariot; charlemagne; charms; chase; chest; chief; child; children; circe; city; class; classical; clear; close; clouds; cold; color; coming; command; common; companions; complete; comus; condition; connected; conquered; conquest; consent; consequence; constellation; contest; countenance; country; course; court; creation; crete; crew; crime; crown; cruel; cry; cupid; cut; cyclopes; daedalus; danger; dangerous; darkness; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dear; death; deeds; deep; deities; deity; delay; delight; delphi; destruction; diana; dido; different; disguise; distance; distant; distinguished; distress; divine; divinities; divinity; dog; dogs; door; doubt; dragon; dream; drink; driven; driving; druids; dryope; dwelling; dwelt; early; earth; echo; effect; egyptian; endymion; enemies; enemy; entrance; epic; equal; erisichthon; escape; europe; euryalus; eurydice; eurystheus; event; evil; existence; expedition; exploits; expressions; eyes; face; fact; fair; faithful; fall; fame; family; famous; far; fast; fatal; fate; father; favored; favorite; fear; feet; female; festival; field; fire; flames; fleece; flesh; flight; flocks; flowers; foe; followers; following; fond; food; footnote; force; forehead; forest; forgot; form; fountains; free; freya; friends; frost; fruit; funeral; furies; furnished; future; gain; galatea; games; garden; garments; general; german; giant; gift; glaucus; glory; goddess; goddesses; gods; golden; good; gorgon; grass; great; grecian; greece; greeks; green; grief; grove; guard; guest; guide; hades; hagan; hair; halcyone; half; hall; hand; happy; hard; harmony; harold; head; heart; heaven; heavenly; hector; hela; helen; help; hercules; hero; heroes; high; highest; hindu; history; hold; holy; home; honor; hope; horn; horse; hour; huge; human; hung; hunting; husband; hyacinthus; idea; image; immortal; india; infant; influence; inhabitants; iron; isis; island; isles; italy; ivory; jason; javelin; jaws; jove; joy; juno; jupiter; kind; king; kingdom; knights; know; knowledge; kriemhild; labor; lady; lance; language; large; late; latin; latona; law; lay; leader; leaves; left; legends; length; letters; lie; life; lightning; like; limbs; lines; lion; lips; literature; little; live; living; lofty; loki; long; longer; look; loose; lord; loss; lost; lotus; love; lovely; lovers; lyre; maiden; man; manner; mark; marriage; married; master; means; medea; medusa; meet; meleager; memory; men; menelaus; mercury; messenger; mezentius; midas; middle; midgard; midst; mighty; milton; mind; minerva; minos; modern; moment; monster; moon; moore; morning; mortal; mother; motion; mountain; muses; music; mythology; narcissus; nations; native; nature; near; necessary; neck; neighboring; neptune; nestor; new; nibelungen; night; nile; niobe; nisus; northern; number; numerous; nymphs; o'er; oak; oars; object; occasion; ocean; odin; oedipus; offer; old; olympus; open; opposite; oracle; order; orestes; original; orlando; orpheus; osiris; ovid; pain; pale; pallas; paradise; parents; paris; pass; passage; passion; past; patroclus; pegasus; penelope; people; perseus; person; phaeton; philemon; phoebus; phoenix; pieces; pile; pirithous; pity; place; pleasure; plough; pluto; poem; poet; poetry; point; pollux; pomona; poor; portion; possession; power; prayer; precious; prepared; present; priam; priests; prince; princess; prize; prometheus; promise; proserpine; proud; proverbial; psyche; public; punishment; purple; purpose; pygmalion; pyramus; pythagoras; queen; race; rage; readers; ready; reason; refuge; regions; reign; reins; religion; religious; remains; request; rest; return; reward; rhea; rhine; ring; rise; rites; river; road; robe; rock; roman; rome; roof; rose; round; royal; rude; ruler; sacred; sacrifice; sad; safe; safety; sail; saturn; save; saw; saying; scattered; scene; scylla; sea; search; seat; second; secret; serpent; servants; service; set; shade; shepherd; shield; ship; shore; shoulders; sibyl; siegfried; signs; silver; similar; single; sister; size; skies; skill; skin; skrymir; sky; slain; slaughter; sleep; slew; small; soft; solemn; son; song; sons; soul; sounds; source; spear; spirit; splendor; spot; sprang; spread; stand; stars; statue; stay; steeds; stone; stories; story; strain; stranger; stream; strength; strong; subject; success; sudden; suitors; summer; sun; supposed; surface; sweet; sword; table; tail; tartarus; task; teeth; telemachus; temple; tennyson; terrible; terror; thebes; thee; theseus; thessaly; thetis; things; thirst; thisbe; thither; thor; thou; thought; thrice; throne; throw; thy; time; tomb; touch; town; tradition; treasure; tree; triumph; trojan; troy; true; trunk; truth; turnus; ulysses; unhappy; universe; upper; usual; utgard; uttered; vain; valhalla; vast; vengeance; venus; vessel; victim; victory; view; violence; virgin; vishnu; voice; vulcan; wagner; walls; wandering; war; warrior; water; waves; way; weapons; weary; welsh; western; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wine; winged; wings; winter; wisdom; wish; wolf; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wounded; writers; years; yonder; young; youth; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 4928
- author: Bulfinch, Thomas
- title: Bulfinch's Mythology
- date: None
- words: 332154
- flesch: 76
- summary: Then King Arthur saluted her, and demanded of her wherefore she made such lamentation; to whom she answered: Sir knight, speak low, for yonder is a devil, and if he hear thee speak, he will come and destroy thee. Sir knight, they said, thou must understand thou art our prisoner; and we know thee well, that thou art Sir Launcelot of the Lake, King Ban's son, and that thou art the noblest knight living.
- keywords: abbey; abbot; abode; absence; abundance; account; accustomed; achilles; act; admiration; advanced; advantage; adventures; advice; aeneas; aesculapius; africa; agamemnon; age; aged; ages; agramant; agrican; ajax; alcina; allusion; altar; amaury; ample; ancient; angelica; animal; anon; answer; antagonist; apollo; appearance; apples; approach; approaching; archbishop; ariadne; arion; armed; armies; armor; arms; army; arrayed; arrival; arrow; arthur; arts; ashes; asia; aspect; assistance; assumed; astolpho; astonished; astonishment; athens; atlantes; atlas; attack; attempt; attendants; attention; aurora; avail; aware; axe; bacchus; bade; bag; baldur; bank; banquet; bard; bare; bark; barons; base; battle; bayard; bear; bearing; beasts; beautiful; beauty; bed; bedivere; beginning; behold; beings; beloved; bendigeid; beowulf; best; better; birds; birth; bishop; black; blessed; blind; blood; blow; boar; boat; bodies; body; bohort; bold; book; boon; bordeaux; bore; bosom; bow; bowl; box; boy; bradamante; branches; branwen; brave; bravest; break; breast; breath; bride; bright; brilliant; britain; british; brittany; broken; brother; bruhier; brunhild; brutus; bull; burning; burst; byron; cadmus; caerleon; caesar; camelot; camp; canst; capital; captive; caradoc; carahue; care; castle; castor; cause; cave; cavern; celebrated; century; cephalus; ceres; certain; ceyx; chains; challenge; chamber; champion; chance; chapel; chapter; character; charge; charlemagne; charles; charlot; charm; charming; chase; chest; chief; chieftain; child; children; chivalry; choice; chosen; christian; church; circe; cities; city; clad; claim; class; clear; close; clouds; club; coast; cold; color; combat; come; coming; command; common; companions; company; complete; condition; conduct; conflict; conquered; conqueror; conquest; consent; consequence; constant; constellation; contest; cornwall; council; counsel; countenance; countess; countries; country; courage; course; court; courtesy; cousin; creation; cries; crime; cross; crown; cruel; cry; cuchulain; cup; cupid; cut; dame; damsel; dane; danger; darkness; daughter; dawn; day; days; dead; dear; death; deeds; deep; defence; deities; deity; delay; delight; delighted; demand; denmark; depart; departure; desert; desire; despair; destiny; destruction; determined; devoted; diana; dido; different; difficulty; dignity; direction; disguise; distance; distant; distinguished; distress; divine; dogs; dominions; door; dost; doubt; dragon; draught; dreadful; dream; dress; drink; driven; drove; druids; duke; durindana; duty; dwarf; dwelling; dwelt; dyved; eager; eagle; early; earth; easy; echo; effect; efforts; egypt; egyptian; elphin; embassy; embrace; emperor; enchanter; enchantment; enchantress; encounter; endymion; enemies; enemy; england; english; enid; enormous; enterprise; entrance; entreaties; equal; errand; escape; europe; eurydice; evening; events; evil; existence; expected; expedition; exploits; expressions; eyes; face; fact; fail; fair; fairest; faith; faithful; fall; fallen; false; fame; family; famous; far; fast; fatal; fate; father; fault; favor; favorite; fear; fearful; feeble; feeling; feet; fellows; female; festival; field; fierce; fighting; fine; finger; fire; fit; fixed; flames; fleece; flesh; flight; flocks; flordelis; florismart; flowers; fly; flying; foe; followers; following; fond; food; foot; footnote; force; forehead; forest; forgot; form; fortune; forward; fountain; france; free; french; friends; friendship; funeral; furies; furious; furnished; fury; future; gain; galahad; gallant; gan; garden; garments; gate; gaul; gawain; general; gentle; geraint; german; giant; gift; glad; glaucus; glory; goddess; goddesses; gods; gold; golden; good; governor; graces; gradasso; grass; gratitude; gray; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; grief; guard; guenever; guests; guide; guilty; hades; hair; halcyone; half; hall; hand; happiness; happy; hard; harp; haste; hath; hawk; head; headed; health; heart; heaven; heavenly; heavy; hector; height; helen; helmet; help; hercules; hereward; hermit; hero; heroes; high; highest; hindu; hippogriff; history; hoary; holy; homage; home; honor; hope; horn; horse; host; hour; household; huge; human; hung; hunting; huon; husband; idea; illustrious; immense; immortal; impatient; important; india; infant; influence; inhabitants; inspired; instant; insult; intelligence; intent; invasion; ireland; irish; iron; isabella; island; isle; isoude; issue; italian; italy; ivory; jason; javelin; joined; journey; jove; joy; juno; jupiter; justice; kay; kilwich; kind; kindred; king; king arthur; kingdom; knees; knight; knighthood; know; knowing; knowledge; kynon; labor; ladies; lady; lake; lance; lands; language; large; late; latin; law; laws; lay; leader; learned; learning; leave; left; legends; legs; length; leo; letters; liberty; life; lightning; like; limbs; lines; lion; lionel; lips; literature; little; live; living; lofty; loki; london; long; longer; look; loose; lord; loss; lost; love; lovely; lovers; luned; lyre; magic; magician; maiden; mail; malagigi; man; manawyddan; mandricardo; manner; mantle; marble; mark; marriage; married; marsilius; marvellous; mass; master; matholch; mayest; meadow; meal; meaning; means; measure; meat; medea; medoro; meet; meeting; meleager; melissa; memory; men; menelaus; mercury; mercy; merlin; message; messenger; midas; middle; midst; mighty; milk; milton; mind; minerva; minos; modern; modred; moment; monarch; monster; month; moon; morgana; morning; morrow; mortal; mother; motion; mount; mountains; muses; music; mythology; naked; names; namo; nations; native; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; neck; need; neighboring; nephew; neptune; new; news; nibelungen; nights; nile; niobe; nisus; noble; noise; noon; northern; number; numerous; nymphs; o'er; oak; oath; object; occasion; ocean; odin; offer; offering; ogier; old; old king; oliver; olympus; open; opportunity; opposite; oracle; order; orestes; origin; original; orlando; orpheus; osiris; ovid; owain; pain; paladin; palamedes; pale; pallas; paradise; pardon; parents; paris; parted; party; pass; passage; passing; passion; past; patroclus; pay; peers; pendragon; penelope; penkawr; people; perceval; perfect; peril; perseus; person; phaeton; phoebus; phoenix; pieces; pile; pity; place; plant; play; pleasant; pleased; pleasure; plough; pluto; poem; poetry; poets; point; pointed; pollux; poor; pope; portion; possession; possible; power; powerful; pray; prayers; precious; prepared; presence; present; pretended; prey; priam; priests; prince; princess; principal; prisoner; prize; prometheus; promise; proof; prophet; proserpine; protection; proud; proverbial; prowess; pryderi; psyche; public; punishment; pure; purple; purpose; pursuit; pwyll; quarrel; queen; quest; questions; rabican; race; rage; rank; reach; readers; ready; real; reason; recovered; refuge; regions; reigned; reins; relief; religion; religious; remains; renowned; repair; reply; repose; request; rescue; resort; respect; rest; result; retired; retreat; return; reward; rhea; rhiannon; rich; riding; rinaldo; ring; rise; rites; river; road; robe; rock; rodomont; rogero; romance; romans; rome; roncesvalles; rose; round; royal; rude; ruler; sacred; sacrifice; sacripant; sad; saddle; safe; safety; sails; sake; sangreal; saracen; satisfied; saturn; save; saw; saxons; saying; scarce; scattered; scene; scylla; sea; search; seas; seat; second; secret; secure; sense; serpent; servants; service; set; shalott; shame; shelter; shepherd; sherasmin; shield; ship; shoes; shore; shot; shoulders; sibyl; sick; sides; siege; siegfried; sight; signal; signs; silence; silent; silver; similar; single; sir; sir bedivere; sir bohort; sir galahad; sir gawain; sir hector; sir kay; sir knight; sir launcelot; sir lionel; sir modred; sir palamedes; sir perceval; sir tristram; sister; sitting; size; skies; skill; skin; sky; slain; slaughter; slay; sleep; sleeping; slew; small; smote; snow; society; soldiers; solemn; son; song; sons; sort; soul; source; sovereign; space; spear; speed; spell; spirit; spite; splendid; splendor; spoken; spot; sprang; spread; spurs; squire; stag; stand; stars; state; stay; steeds; stone; stories; story; stranger; stream; strength; stroke; strong; subject; success; sudden; sufficient; suitors; sultan; summer; sun; sung; support; supposed; surface; surprise; sweet; sword; table; tail; tales; taliesin; tall; task; teeth; tell; temple; tender; terms; terrible; terror; thebes; thee; therewith; theseus; thessaly; thetis; thick; thine; things; thinking; thirst; thisbe; thither; thor; thou; thou art; thought; throne; throw; thrust; thunder; thy; tidings; time; tomb; tongue; touch; tournament; town; tradition; train; traitor; treachery; treasure; tree; trembling; tribute; tristram; triumph; trojan; troops; troy; true; trunk; truth; turnus; turpin; ulysses; unable; uncle; unhappy; united; unknown; unto; upper; usual; utgard; uther; utmost; uttered; vain; valhalla; valley; valor; vast; vengeance; venus; verse; vessel; victim; victory; view; violence; violent; virgin; virtue; vishnu; visit; voice; vran; vulcan; wait; walls; wandering; war; warning; warriors; watch; water; waves; way; weapon; weary; weeping; welcome; welsh; west; western; white; wide; wife; wild; willing; wilt; wind; wine; winged; wings; winter; wisdom; wise; wish; witness; woe; woman; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; worship; worthy; wounded; wounds; wrath; wretched; writers; wrong; years; yellow; yonder; young; youth; youthful; yspadaden; zerbino; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 50004
- author: Park, Roswell
- title: The Evil Eye, Thanatology, and Other Essays
- date: None
- words: 93918
- flesch: 57
- summary: They taught that through countless aeons of time men grew always worse, and were born only to suffer and die, or to do penance in the torments of an indescribable Hell. _Study nature for facts; study lives of great men for inspiration how to use them_
- keywords: ability; abraham; absolute; accomplished; account; active; activity; actual; adam; address; advanced; aesculapius; agent; ages; air; alive; altar; amulet; anatomical; anatomy; ancient; anesthetic; animals; appearance; appreciated; aristotle; army; arteries; artery; arts; associated; attack; attention; attributes; authority; bacchus; bacon; bad; barbers; bathkeepers; battle; bear; beautiful; beginning; belief; beneath; best; better; birth; black; blood; bodies; body; book; boston; boy; brief; britain; bruno; building; bull; care; career; case; catholic; celebrated; central; centuries; century; ceremonies; certain; chaldean; change; chapter; character; charles; charms; chemical; children; christian; christianity; church; churches; circulation; circumstances; city; civil; claims; class; classes; clear; clergy; clerical; close; college; common; company; comparative; complete; condition; connection; considerable; consideration; conspicuous; constant; continent; continued; copernicus; corps; cost; council; countries; country; courage; course; court; craft; creation; credit; crime; cross; cult; cure; curious; custom; danger; day; days; dead; death; dedicated; deeds; degree; deities; deity; department; developed; devoted; different; difficult; difficulties; dignity; direction; discovery; disease; distinguished; divine; doctor; doctrine; duties; earlier; early; earth; east; educated; education; effect; egg; egyptian; elements; eleusis; emblem; emperor; empire; end; enemy; england; english; entire; environment; equal; equivalent; escape; established; establishment; ether; europe; events; evidence; evil; evolution; example; existence; experience; experiments; expression; extended; extent; eye; eyes; fact; faculty; faith; fall; familiar; famous; fascination; fashion; fate; father; favor; fear; feature; feet; fellow; female; festivals; field; figure; final; fingers; fire; fish; following; food; force; foreign; form; foundation; founder; fourth; france; frankfort; free; french; frequent; fresh; friend; galen; galileo; galleys; gas; general; generation; german; god; goddess; gods; good; government; grand; great; great men; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; ground; habits; half; hand; hard; harvey; having; head; health; heart; heaven; hebrew; henry; heresy; heretic; high; higher; highest; historical; history; holy; home; honor; hope; horns; hospital; hospitallers; host; hours; house; human; hunter; idea; ignorance; iii; illustration; images; immediate; important; independent; india; individual; influence; inquisition; insensibility; instance; institution; instruction; intellectual; interest; interesting; introduction; isis; island; italian; italy; jackson; jehovah; jerusalem; jesus; jewish; jews; john; judgment; june; jupiter; justice; kind; king; kingdom; knights; knowledge; known; language; large; larrey; later; latin; law; lay; lead; learning; leave; lectures; left; liberal; life; light; like; line; list; literary; literature; little; lives; living; london; long; long time; longer; look; lord; love; lungs; magic; making; malta; man; mankind; manner; marked; mass; masters; material; matter; mcintyre; meaning; means; mediaeval; medical; medicine; mediã; members; memory; men; mental; mention; mere; method; mexico; middle; military; mind; minor; miracles; modern; monastic; money; monks; months; monuments; moon; moral; morton; moses; mother; movement; mundane; mysteries; mystery; mystic; mythology; myths; names; naples; napoleon; nations; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; nile; nitrous; non; note; notion; number; numerous; object; october; officers; old; open; operations; opinion; order; ordinary; original; osiris; outside; oxford; oxide; padua; pagan; pain; papal; paper; paris; particular; parã; pass; past; patent; patients; peculiar; people; period; personal; persons; phallic; phenomena; philosophy; physical; physicians; pictures; pillar; place; point; poor; pope; popular; portion; position; possible; power; powerful; practical; practice; predecessors; prepared; presence; present; prevalent; previous; priests; principal; principle; private; process; product; profession; progress; prominent; properties; property; protection; public; purpose; queen; questions; race; rank; ready; real; reason; reasoning; recent; recognition; reference; regard; regular; relation; religion; religious; remains; remarkable; reputation; respect; result; resurrection; return; rhodes; rites; roman; rome; room; royal; ruins; sacred; sacrifices; said; save; saying; scholars; school; science; scientific; second; secret; secular; self; sense; serpent; servants; service; set; sex; shape; short; sick; siege; significance; signification; silver; similar; simple; simpson; sir; sixteenth; sleep; small; society; soil; soldiers; soul; source; south; spanish; special; spirit; spite; spread; state; statements; stone; strange; strong; students; studies; study; subject; success; suffering; sulphuric; sun; superstition; supreme; surgeons; surgery; surgical; sword; symbol; symbolism; system; teachers; teachings; templars; temples; temporary; term; testament; thanatology; theology; theory; things; think; thought; throne; time; tissue; title; traditions; tree; trinity; true; truth; turkish; turks; union; united; universal; universe; universities; university; unknown; use; usual; value; valves; veins; venice; ventricle; venus; vessels; vienna; views; virgin; virtues; visit; vital; war; way; ways; wells; west; white; william; wine; wise; women; wonder; wonderful; words; work; world; worn; worship; worth; wounded; writers; writings; years; young
- versions: original; plain text
- 52414
- author: Leatherbee, E. B. (Ethel Brigham)
- title: The Christian Mythology
- date: None
- words: 25124
- flesch: 61
- summary: Paul, the real founder of the faith, in his first epistle to Timothy, says: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. ii, 5); and again in his first epistle to John he remarks: No man hath seen God (1 John iv, 12). The expression used in modern orthodox Protestant prayers, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, is merely the concrete expression of the idea of mediation.
- keywords: absurd; actual; air; ancient; angel; antiquity; ascension; atonement; attributes; belief; birth; blood; body; buddha; case; catholics; celestial; centuries; century; certain; character; child; children; christian; christianity; church; common; conception; condition; crime; cross; crucified; crucifixion; custom; david; day; days; dead; death; deities; deity; demons; devil; different; disciples; divine; doctrine; dogma; doubt; early; earth; egyptian; enemies; eternal; eucharist; europe; execution; explanation; fact; faith; father; fear; festival; flesh; form; general; glory; god; goddess; godhead; gods; good; gospels; great; greek; hands; heaven; heavenly; heroes; historical; history; holy; honor; horus; house; human; humanity; idea; immaculate; india; influence; isaiah; israel; jerusalem; jesus; jewish; jews; john; joseph; king; kingdom; known; krishna; law; lazarus; life; light; like; little; london; long; luke; magdalene; male; man; mankind; manner; mark; mary; matt; matter; matthew; men; messiah; method; mexican; mind; miracles; miraculous; mithras; modern; moon; moral; mother; mysteries; mythology; myths; nations; natural; nature; necessary; new; numerous; old; origin; orthodox; osiris; pagan; paul; people; perfect; period; persecuted; person; peter; phenomena; pilate; place; possession; power; powerful; practice; prayer; present; priest; primitive; prophecy; protestant; purification; queen; quetzalcoatl; reason; religion; religious; remarkable; result; resurrection; ridiculous; ring; rites; roman; rome; sacred; sacrifice; saints; salvation; satan; savior; second; set; sign; similar; sins; son; spirits; spread; star; state; strong; sun; supernatural; superstitious; supreme; systems; temple; testament; theological; theology; theories; theory; things; thought; time; tomb; trinity; universal; viii; virgin; vols; water; way; women; words; world; worship; xii; xiii; xix; years; york
- versions: original; plain text
- 7098
- author: Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
- title: Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic
- date: None
- words: 51494
- flesch: 74
- summary: There are also many islands, such as the Azores, which have been supposed at different times to be fragments of Atlantis; and besides all this, the remains of the vanished island have been looked for in all parts of the world. Yet he was very glad when, after passing many islands and narrow straits, the river broadened and they found themselves fairly in the St. Lawrence and past the haunted Bay of Chaleurs.
- keywords: abbey; able; account; alonzo; ancient; answer; antillia; apples; arab; archbishop; armor; arms; army; arrow; arthur; atlantic; avecq; avoit; bade; bag; bare; battle; beach; bear; beautiful; bedivere; best; better; bimini; birds; black; blessed; blue; board; boat; body; book; boy; boys; brandan; brasail; brazil; british; brothers; caldron; captain; castle; cave; centuries; century; certain; champlain; change; chief; children; christian; christmas; church; churches; cities; city; clear; coast; cold; columbus; companions; company; country; court; cross; cut; dark; day; days; death; deep; demons; des; description; different; distance; dogs; door; dragon; dwell; dyn; early; earth; elphin; enchanted; enchantment; england; english; erik; evening; expedition; eyes; face; fair; famous; far; father; feathers; feet; fell; femme; feni; fertile; fire; fish; fishermen; flowers; fog; food; foot; form; foster; fountain; france; french; freydis; friends; fut; galahad; garments; general; giant; gilbert; god; gold; golden; good; great; great island; green; greenland; grew; guest; hair; half; hall; hand; harald; hath; head; heart; heaven; help; hero; high; history; hold; holy; home; horses; hot; hour; house; human; humphrey; husband; ice; imaginary; indians; instance; ireland; irish; iron; island; isle; john; joy; judas; king; king arthur; kingdom; kirwan; knights; knowledge; known; ladies; lady; lake; lancelot; lands; large; lawrence; lay; leave; lectures; left; legend; les; leur; library; life; like; lir; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; look; lord; love; luis; maelduin; magic; maiden; main; man; manawydan; manner; manuscript; maps; marguerite; mary; meaning; means; meet; men; merlin; mighty; mist; modred; moment; monks; months; morning; music; narrative; natives; near; nec; new; niam; night; noble; norsemen; northern; norumbega; nurse; oars; ocean; old; older; open; oppas; original; party; past; patrick; pauvre; people; pieces; place; poem; possible; pour; present; priest; princess; pryderi; queen; qui; race; ready; reason; red; region; rest; return; rhiannon; rich; riding; river; roberval; rock; rose; round; sailing; sailors; saints; satan; sea; search; seas; second; set; sheep; ship; shore; shoulders; sieur; silver; singing; single; sir; sister; skins; skraelings; small; smaller; son; song; sons; spain; spanish; spear; spell; spot; spring; squires; stay; stone; storm; strange; strength; strong; supposed; swans; sweet; sword; tale; taliessin; terrible; thee; thevet; things; thou; thought; time; tradition; translation; tree; turning; usheen; vast; version; vessel; vignan; visit; voice; voyage; voyagers; walls; war; watch; water; waves; way; weak; weir; welsh; wert; west; wheat; white; wide; wife; wild; wind; wings; winsor; winter; women; wonderful; wood; words; work; world; years; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text