item: #1 of 8 id: 14558 author: Wallace, Alfred Russel title: Darwinism (1889) An exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications date: None words: 113975 flesch: 50 summary: Ornamental plumes of considerable size rise from the same part in many other species of paradise birds, sometimes extending laterally in front, so as to form breast shields. Those which are carried by animals have their surfaces, or that of the seed-vessel, armed with minute hooks, or some prickly covering which attaches itself to the hair of mammalia or the feathers of birds, as in the burdock, cleavers, and many other species. keywords: account; action; america; animals; area; birds; black; butterflies; cases; cause; change; characters; coloration; colour; conditions; cross; darwin; development; distribution; effects; eggs; evidence; existence; facts; female; fertilisation; flowers; footnote; forms; genera; genus; green; groups; growth; insects; islands; kind; leaves; life; little; males; man; markings; means; mimicry; nature; new; number; oceanic; origin; parts; period; place; plants; present; professor; protection; recognition; regions; sea; seeds; selection; self; size; south; species; structure; surface; theory; time; tropical; use; variation; white; wind; wings; world cache: 14558.txt plain text: 14558.txt item: #2 of 8 id: 2009 author: Darwin, Charles title: The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 6th Edition date: None words: 208990 flesch: 46 summary: In these works he up holds the doctrine that all species, including man, are descended from other species. XIV, page 283) on the Spongilla, clearly declares his belief that species are descended from other species, and that they become improved in the course of modification. keywords: --on; action; america; animals; beings; birds; breeds; case; change; chapter; characters; class; common; conditions; country; degree; descendants; development; differences; difficulty; distinct; doubt; extinct; facts; flowers; formations; forms; genera; genus; good; groups; habits; hand; having; hybrids; importance; individuals; inhabitants; insects; instance; islands; life; living; manner; means; modification; nature; new; number; offspring; order; organic; organs; parent; parent species; parts; period; plants; pollen; power; present; principle; productions; sea; seeds; selection; slight; species; state; sterility; structure; subject; theory; time; variations; varieties; view; water; world; young cache: 2009.txt plain text: 2009.txt item: #3 of 8 id: 21019 author: Dennert, Eberhard title: At the Deathbed of Darwinism: A Series of Papers date: None words: 33964 flesch: 50 summary: Finally, Wagner briefly indicates that certain new theories necessarily exercised an influence on Darwinism. For my own part I repeat what I said above, that I consider it the most valuable contribution to the characterization of decadent Darwinism that has appeared up to the present time. keywords: book; case; chapter; darwinian; darwinism; descent; development; doctrine; eimer; evolution; fact; forms; haeckel; individual; life; nature; organisms; origin; present; principle; process; science; selection; species; struggle; theory; time; work; years cache: 21019.txt plain text: 21019.txt item: #4 of 8 id: 22428 author: Wallace, Alfred Russel title: Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays date: None words: 103257 flesch: 55 summary: Additional facts as to birds acquiring | | | | the song of other species. This complete renewal of the forms of life also appears to have occurred several times:--That from the last of the geological epochs to the present or historical epoch, the change of organic life has been gradual: the first appearance of animals now existing can in many cases be traced, their numbers gradually increasing in the more recent formations, while other species continually die out and disappear, so that the present condition of the organic world is clearly derived by a natural process of gradual extinction and creation of species from that of the latest geological periods. keywords: action; animals; birds; black; butterflies; cases; celebes; changes; colour; colouring; common; conditions; darwin; development; earth; existence; facts; female; food; form; general; genus; group; habits; individuals; insects; islands; known; law; laws; life; like; man; matter; mimicry; nature; nest; new; nidification; number; origin; papilio; phenomena; place; power; present; protection; races; resemblance; selection; sexes; size; special; species; structure; theory; time; variation; varieties; variety; white; wings; young; | | cache: 22428.txt plain text: 22428.txt item: #5 of 8 id: 22728 author: Darwin, Charles title: The Foundations of the Origin of Species Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844 date: None words: 92591 flesch: 58 summary: {288} The distinction between _faculty_ and _instinct_ corresponds in some degree to that between perception of a stimulus and a specific reaction. If _species_ generate other _species_ keywords: america; animals; author; beings; case; changes; chapter; conditions; degree; distribution; domestic; essay; facts; forms; great; groups; i. p.; instance; islands; life; man; means; nature; new; number; offspring; organic; organisms; organs; origin; parent; parts; period; plants; present; races; selection; species; state; structure; theory; time; variation; varieties; young cache: 22728.txt plain text: 22728.txt item: #6 of 8 id: 22764 author: Darwin, Charles title: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition) date: None words: 158252 flesch: 48 summary: Moreover, as Gärtner during several years repeatedly crossed the primrose and cowslip, which we have such good reason to believe to be varieties, and only once or twice succeeded in getting fertile seed; as he found the common red and blue pimpernels (Anagallis arvensis and coerulea), which the best botanists rank as varieties, absolutely sterile together; and as he came to the same conclusion in several other analogous cases; it seems to me that we may well be permitted to doubt whether many other species are really so sterile, when intercrossed, as Gärtner believes. ----, effect of, under nature, 134. ----, diversified, of same species, 183. Hair and teeth, correlated, keywords: animals; beings; birds; breeds; case; characters; common; conditions; country; degree; differences; distinct; domestic; doubt; extinct; facts; forms; genera; genus; groups; habits; having; hybrids; individuals; inhabitants; instance; islands; life; manner; modification; nature; new; number; organic; organs; parent; parts; period; plants; present; productions; sea; seeds; selection; slight; species; state; structure; theory; time; varieties; view; water; world cache: 22764.txt plain text: 22764.txt item: #7 of 8 id: 30429 author: Mott, Henry A. (Henry Augustus) title: Was Man Created? date: None words: 31527 flesch: 63 summary: Carnivora +-------------+ | | (_Land Animals | | Pterocynes of Prey_). The literal references to the foregoing are: _am_, amnion; _al_, allantois; _v_, vitellus; _h_, encephalon; _i_, eye; _c_, heart; _f_, liver; _g_, gizzard; _ms_, upper, and _mi_, lower member. keywords: animals; apes; beginning; body; cells; development; evolution; existence; fact; fig; force; form; god; heat; idea; illustration; life; living; man; mass; matter; nature; period; phenomena; plants; power; present; protoplasm; science; second; state; theory; thought; time; universe; water; world; | +; | | cache: 30429.txt plain text: 30429.txt item: #8 of 8 id: 5273 author: Gray, Asa title: Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism date: None words: 108328 flesch: 49 summary: He goes farther, and this volume is a protracted argument intended to prove that the species we recognize have not been independently created, as such, but have descended, like varieties, from other species. At each period of growth all the growing twigs have tried to branch out on all sides, and overtop and kill the surrounding twigs and branches, in the same manner as species and groups of species have tried to overmaster other species in the great battle for life. keywords: account; action; american; animals; argument; case; causes; common; conditions; connection; darwin; design; difference; doctrine; evidence; evolution; existence; facts; force; forms; general; good; ground; hand; human; hypothesis; idea; individuals; insects; leaves; life; like; living; man; matter; means; mind; naturalists; nature; new; number; organic; origin; physical; place; plants; power; present; question; races; results; science; selection; sense; series; species; subject; tertiary; theory; thought; time; variation; varieties; view; way; work; world; years cache: 5273.txt plain text: 5273.txt