item: #1 of 6 id: A01881 author: Goodman, Godfrey, 1583-1656. title: The creatures praysing God: or, The religion of dumbe creatures An example and argument for the stirring vp of our deuotion and for the confusion of atheisme. Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino; laudate & superexaltate eum in secula. G.G. date: 1622.0 words: 14396 flesch: 56 summary: The creatures praysing God: or, The religion of dumbe creatures An example and argument for the stirring vp of our deuotion and for the confusion of atheisme. The creatures praysing God: or, The religion of dumbe creatures An example and argument for the stirring vp of our deuotion and for the confusion of atheisme. keywords: aboue; angels; answer; appeares; attributes; beasts; beauty; betweene; bounds; cause; church; common; conceiue; condition; course; creatures; degrees; deity; deuotion; different; diuersity; doe; dumbe creatures; earth; eebo; effect; end; english; euery; example; excellent; faith; farre; generall; giue; glory; god; god himselfe; gods; grace; greater; ground; hath; haue; himselfe; hope; infinit; information; ioyne; kinde; knowledge; law; lesse; like; lord; maker; man; mans; men; miracles; morall; mysteries; naturall; naturall religion; nature; onely; owne; owne nature; parts; power; praise; prayers; proper; prouidence; reason; religion; respect; sacrifice; search; seeme; sence; serue; seruice; set; seuerall; speake; state; subsist; tcp; temple; testifie; testimony; text; themselues; things; true; truth; variety; vertue; vnto; vpon; vse; want; way; wee; wisdome; words; workes; world cache: A01881.xml plain text: A01881.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A16681 author: Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673, attributed name. title: A strange metamorphosis of man, transformed into a vvildernesse Deciphered in characters. date: 1634.0 words: 18533 flesch: 76 summary: Hee will stalke you up and downe as he were some bodie , and so he is , for hee hath a bodie , and that is all . He is tall enough of stature of himselfe , but affects a portlinesse so much , that as others helpe themselves with Corkes and Cheppeens , hee hath his Stilts upon his head , to make him seeme much higher then he is . keywords: alwayes; ape; appeares; armes; ayre; backe; beare; beasts; bed; bee; bels; best; better; birds; bloud; bodie; body; books; catch; cause; certaine; characters; citie; coat; colour; common; companion; company; complexion; constant; cost; court; crab; creature; cut; dance; day; desert; doe; doores; doth; dresse; eares; early; earth; eebo; english; ere; excellent; eyes; face; familie; family; fashion; father; feast; fellow; fine; fire; fit; flesh; foot; forrest; gentle; good; great; ground; guard; habit; hand; handsome; hard; hath; head; heart; hee; hee bee; hee hath; high; himselfe; hold; honest; honour; hornes; horse; hot; houses; ill; keepe; kinde; king; land; language; leaves; life; like; likely; list; little; long; looke; lyons; man; manner; mans; master; measure; men; metamorphosis; moone; musicke; nature; neat; necke; notable; oak; onely; online; owne; passe; place; plaine; play; pleasure; princes; proper; proud; readie; reason; rest; right; sea; seemes; set; sets; shee; shew; shop; silver; speake; sport; state; strange; stuffe; sunne; sure; tcp; teeth; tei; tell; text; thing; time; tongue; tree; true; truth; turne; unlesse; verie; voyce; whit; wildernesse; windowes; wings; winter; wise; works; world; yea cache: A16681.xml plain text: A16681.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A28982 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv'd notion of nature made in an essay address'd to a friend / by R.B., Fellow of the Royal Society. date: None words: 71031 flesch: 41 summary: And you will make no great difficulty to believe me , if you consider , that , whilst Men allow themselves so general and easie a way , or rendring accounts of things that are difficult , as to attribute them to Nature ; shame will not reduce them to a more industrious scrutiny into the Reasons of Things , and curiosity itself will move them to it the more faintly : Of which we have a clear and eminent Example , in the Ascension of Water in Pumps , and in other Phaenomena's of that kind , whose true Physical Causes had never been found out , if the Moderns had acquiesced , as their Predecessors did , in that imaginary one , that the World was Govern'd by a Watchful Being , call'd Nature , and that she abhors a vacuum , and consequently is still in a readiness , to do irresistibly whatever is necessary to prevent it : Nor must we expect any great Progress , in the discovery of the true Causes of natural Effects , whilst we are content to sit down with other , than the particular and immediate ones . For , as is elsewhere noted , if Nature be a Bodily Creature , and acts necessarily , and ( if I may so speak , ) fatally , I see no Cause to look upon It but as a kind of Engine ; and the Difficulty may be as great , to conceive how all the several Parts of this supposed Engine , call'd Nature , are themselves fram'd and mov'd by the Great Author of Things , and how they act upon one another , as well as upon the undoubted Mundane Bodies ; as 't is to conceive how , in the World itself , which is manifestly an admirably contriv'd Automaton , the Phaenomena may , by the same Author , ( who was able to endow Bodies themselves with Active Powers , as well as he could , on other scores , make them Causes , ) be produc'd by Vertue , and in consequence of the Primitive Construction and Motions that He gave it ( and still maintains in it , ) without the Intervention of such a thing , as they call Nature . keywords: able; acceptions; accidents; account; act; acting; acts; admirable; affections; agent; air; ambiguity; ancient; animals; anomalies; answer; appear; appetite; apt; argument; aristotle; artificial; ascrib'd; attempt; author; axiom; ball; beginning; beings; bent; best; better; blood; bodies; body; book; break; brevity; bubble; call'd; cap; care; careful; cases; catholick; cause; centre; certain; change; chief; christians; circumstances; clear; coelestial; cold; common; compendious; compounded; conceive; concerning; concourse; condition; consider'd; considerable; consistent; constitution; contrary; contrivance; convenient; corporeal; creator; creatures; crises; curious; dangerous; day; days; death; declar'd; definition; deity; demand; design; design'd; desire; determin'd; different; difficult; discourse; diseases; disposition; distinct; divers; divine; doctrine; doth; doubt; earth; easie; effect; endeavour; ends; engine; english; enquiry; errors; essay; esse; est; establish'd; evacuations; examples; excellent; existence; expressions; external; eyes; fabrick; faculties; faculty; fall; falling; favour; fifth; figure; fire; fit; fluid; following; foot; force; foregoing; forms; fram'd; frame; free; functions; furnish'd; general; generality; genuine; glass; globe; god; gods; good; grand; gravity; great; greater; ground; hand; hath; having; heat; heathen; heaven; heavy; help; hope; hour; human; hurtful; hypothesis; idea; iii; imaginary; immaterial; imploy'd; improper; inanimate; instances; intelligent; intelligible; internal; kind; knowledge; laws; learned; left; lib; life; light; like; line; liquor; little; living; local; long; main; maker; man; manifest; manner; mass; matter; mean; mechanical; mechanism; medicines; men; mens; mention'd; mind; modern; moon; motion; mundane; mundus; natural; nature; naturists; near; necessary; necessity; need; needle; new; non; notice; objections; oblig'd; occasion; oftentimes; ones; operations; opinion; orbs; order; ordinary; original; paper; particular; parts; pass; passage; patient; peccant; peculiar; perfect; perform'd; peripateticks; persons; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; phrases; physical; physicians; pipe; plac'd; place; plain; planets; point; portions; positive; power; present; preservation; principal; principle; probable; produc'd; production; proof; proper; propos'd; providence; pumps; purpose; qualities; question; quick; quod; rational; reason; receiv'd; received; recourse; reference; regard; regular; religion; remov'd; respect; rest; return; rule; sake; scarce; school; score; scripture; scruple; second; section; self; sense; set; short; sick; silver; skill; small; solid; soul; space; speaking; speech; spirits; spring; stars; state; stomach; stone; strange; structure; subject; subordinate; substance; sufficient; sun; suppos'd; supposition; surface; system; taking; tcp; tendency; term; text; things; thought; time; title; treatise; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; us'd; use; useful; usual; vacuum; vast; violent; visible; vulgar; vulgarly; want; watch; watchful; water; way; ways; weight; welfare; whereof; wisdom; wise; wonderful; word nature; works; world; worship; years; zabians cache: A28982.xml plain text: A28982.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A38619 author: Espagne, Jean d', 1591-1659. title: Enchyridion physicæ restitutæ, or, The summary of physicks recovered wherein the true harmony of nature is explained, and many errours of the ancient philosophers, by canons and certain demonstrations, are clearly evidenced and evinced. date: 1651.0 words: 33084 flesch: 50 summary: Notwithstanding this , he thi● shall grant Nature the honour of being the second universal Cause attending on the first , and as it wer● an instrument moved by it , and 〈◊〉 giving , according to a material order , an immediate motion to ever● thing in the world , will not spe●● what disagrees with the opinion 〈◊〉 Philosophers or Divines , who 〈◊〉 that Natura naturans : i. Nature giving nature : this , Natura naturata , Nature made nature . it is to admit a Principle that shall go counter to her intention , but her end in Generation being to obtain a Form , to which Privation is adverse , certainly this cannot be part of Natures aim : They had spoken more to the purpose , if they had made Love a principle of Nature , for the matter being widowed in its form , covets eagerly the embracing of a new . keywords: abyss; accidents; act; actings; action; air; ancient; beams; beginning; beings; betwixt; birth; bodies; body; bond; cause; celestial; centre; certain; change; clay; close; clouds; cold; common; continual; continued; contraries; contrary; copulation; corporeal; corruption; creation; creatour; creatures; darkness; day; death; degree; distance; distinguished; divers; divine; divine nature; doth; drie; earth; elementary; elements; end; essence; eternal; experience; extreams; faculties; fall; fancy; fiery; fire; flow; flowing; food; force; form; formal; fountain; frame; general; generation; glass; globe; glory; god; good; greater; guess; hath; heat; heaven; heavenly; help; hidden; higher; highest; hot; humour; image; immortal; individual; inferiour; infinite; information; informed; issue; kind; knowledge; large; laws; length; life; light; lightsom; like; long; love; lower; lowest; making; man; manner; mass; material; matrix; matter; middle; middle nature; mixed; mixt; mixture; moisture; motion; multiplication; natural; nature; nature doth; nearest; necessary; new; noble; number; onely; opinion; opposite; order; organs; original; particular; parts; perfect; perfection; philosophers; place; portion; principal; principle; priviledge; proceeds; proper; property; pure; qualities; radical; rays; reason; received; region; respect; rest; root; rule; second; secret; seed; self; senses; sensible; set; smoke; soul; spirit; spiritual; spiritual nature; spring; subject; substance; subtile; sun; superiour; supream; temperature; text; thick; things; times; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; vapour; vegetables; virtue; viz; void; volatile; water; watry; way; whatsoever; wit; womb; work; world; yea cache: A38619.xml plain text: A38619.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A64761 author: Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666. title: Anima magica abscondita or a discourse of the universall spirit of nature, with his strange, abstruse, miraculous ascent, and descent. By Eugenius Philalethes. date: 1650.0 words: 14486 flesch: 61 summary: They shall pardon me for this {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} . Now for his more mysterious Principles , thou hast their Maine in this Discourse , which if thou canst apprehend , I know thou wilt style him in particular , as Trismegistus doth Man in Generall , {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} : or as Panaetius did his Plato , Hominem Divinum , keywords: a64761; abscondita; abstruse; active; agrippa; almighty; amplius; anima; antequam; aristotle; ascends; ascent; atque; aurum; autem; author; benefit; best; better; binarius; body; books; call'd; canst; cause; center; certain; charitable; christian; circumference; clear; coelestiall; coelum; common; complexions; compound; confesse; corporis; corpus; corruption; creatures; cum; day; death; definition; dei; descent; discourse; divine; dog; doth; eam; early; earth; effectum; ego; ejus; elementa; end; english; enim; ergo; errors; esse; est; etiam; eugenius; eyes; facit; faith; father; fiat; fire; flesh; form; free; fuit; generall; generation; glory; god; gold; good; great; greater; ground; habet; haec; hands; hath; heaven; hic; hoc; holy; hominum; hujus; igitur; ignorance; illa; images; impossible; infallible; invisible; inward; ipsum; knowledge; life; light; look; love; lux; magicians; magick; masters; materiall; matter; measure; medicine; men; miraculous; motion; mundi; mysteries; mystery; nam; naturall; nature; nay; nec; nemo; new; nihil; nisi; nobis; non; nos; nunc; obscure; old; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omnium; onely; online; operari; order; outward; particular; parts; passe; passive; paul; paulus; perfect; peripateticks; philalethes; philosophers; philosophie; philosophorum; place; possumus; potest; power; principium; principle; prius; proprium; pure; quae; quaeritis; quam; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quod; quod non; r3720; reader; reason; rerum; rest; riches; roman; saint; sapiens; sayth; scripture; second; secret; sed; seed; self; selves; sense; severall; sic; simple; sine; sit; soul; speake; spirit; spirituall; stars; state; stone; strange; study; subject; substance; sulphur; sunt; super; superiour; supernaturall; supra; symmetrie; tamen; tcp; ternario; ternarius; text; things; thomas; thomason; thorough; thou; touch; trueth; trust; ultra; understanding; universall; uno; unum; use; v142; vaughan; vegetables; verse; virgin; virtus; virtutes; water; way; whiles; wing; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; wyerus; years; yeer cache: A64761.xml plain text: A64761.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A69557 author: Bentley, Richard, 1662-1742. title: A confutation of atheism from the origin and frame of the world. Part II a sermon preached at St. Martin's in the Fields, November the 7th, 1692 : being the seventh of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle ... / by Richard Bentley ... date: 1693.0 words: 9585 flesch: 53 summary: 'T is demonstrated , That the Sun , Moon and all the Planets do reciprocally gravitate one toward another : that the Gravitating power of each of These is exactly proportional to their Matter , and arises from the several Gravitations or Attractions of every individual Particle that compose the whole Mass : that all Matter near the Surface of the Earth , for example , doth not only gravitate downwards , but upwards also and side-ways and toward all imaginable Points ; though the Tendency downwards be praedominant and alone discernible , because of the Greatness and Nearness of the attracting Body , the Earth : that every Particle of the whole System doth attract and is attracted by all the rest , All operating upon All : that this Vniversal Attraction or Gravitation is an incessant , regular and uniform Action by certain and established Laws according to Quantity of Matter and Longitude of Distance : that it cannot be destroyed nor impair'd nor augmented by any thing , neither by Motion nor Rest , nor Situation nor Posture , nor alteration of Form , nor diversity of Medium : that it is not a Magnetical Power , nor the effect of a Vortical Motion ; those common attempts toward the Explication of Gravity : These things , I say , are fully demonstrated , as matters of Fact , by that very ingenious Author , whom we cited before . Because if there were every-where an absolute plenitude and density without any empty pores and interstices between the Particles of Bodies , then all Bodies of equal dimensions would contain an equal Quantity of Matter ; and consequently , as we have shewed before , would be equally ponderous : so that Gold , Copper , Stone , Wood , &c. would have all the same specifick weight ; which Experience assures us they have not : neither would any of them descend in the Air , as we all see they do ; because , if all Space was Full , even the Air would be as dense and specifically as heavy as they . keywords: aether; air; atheism; atheists; atoms; attraction; bodies; body; boyle; center; chaos; common; convene; diameter; diffused; distance; divine; earth; eebo; english; equal; essential; evenly; external; fixt; form; formation; frame; god; gold; gravitation; gravity; great; hath; heaven; hypothesis; impulse; infinite; innate; long; masses; matter; mere; motion; mundane; mutual; nature; orbs; particles; planets; power; present; principle; proportion; quantity; reason; region; rest; revolutions; self; single; space; sphere; starrs; state; sun; supposition; system; tcp; text; texture; things; times; transverse; universe; void; weight; works; world cache: A69557.xml plain text: A69557.txt