item: #1 of 22 id: A03330 author: Graves, Thomas, enginere. title: Nevv-Englands plantation. Or, A short and true description of the commodities and discommodities of that countrey. Written by Mr. Higgeson, a reuerend diuine now there resident. Whereunto is added a letter, sent by Mr. Graues an enginere, out of New-England date: 1630 words: 6146 flesch: 77 summary: In the Winter time I haue seene Flockes of Pidgeons , and haue eaten of them : they doe flye from Tree to Tree as other Birds doe , which our Pidgeons will not do in England : they are of all colours as ours are : but their wings and tayles are farr longer , and therefore it is likely they fly swifter to escape the terrible Hawkes in this Countrey . eng New England -- Description and travel -- To 1775. keywords: corne; countrey; doe; england; english; god; haue; new; places; plantation; tcp; text; time; verie cache: A03330.xml plain text: A03330.txt item: #2 of 22 id: A07832 author: Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659. title: New English Canaan, or New Canaan containing an abstract of New England, composed in three bookes : the first booke setting forth the originall of the natives, their manners and customes, together with their tractable nature and love towards the English : the second booke setting forth the naturall indowments of the countrie, and what staple commodities it yeeldeth : the third booke setting forth what people are planted there, their prosperity, what remarkable accidents have happened since the first planting of it, together with their tenents, and practise of their church / written by Thomas Morton ... date: 1637 words: 49747 flesch: 69 summary: So much these two Sachems stood upon tearme of reputation with each other , the one would not sen● her , & the other would not send for her , least it should be any diminishing of honor on his part , that shoul● seeme to comply , that the Lady ( when I came ou● of the Country ) remained still with her father ; whic● is a thinge worth the noting , that Salvage peopl● should seeke to maintaine their reputation so muc● as they doe . CHAP. One amongst the rest an able bodied man , tha● ranged the woodes , to see what it would afford , lighted by accident on an Indian barne , and from thenc● did take a capp full of corne ; the Salvage owner of it finding by the foote some English had bin there came to the Plantation , and made complaint after thi● manner . keywords: beaver; betweene; bin; booke; canaan; captaine; chap; church; come; commodity; company; corne; country; day; deare; doe; end; england; english; fire; fish; forth; god; good; ground; hand; hath; hee; himselfe; host; howse; kinde; left; man; manner; master; meanes; men; mount; natives; new; new england; owne; parts; people; place; plantation; plimmouth; practise; rest; sachem; salvages; sea; seene; sent; seperatists; set; shee; skinnes; store; things; thought; time; trade; trees; use; water; way; ● ● cache: A07832.xml plain text: A07832.txt item: #3 of 22 id: A08122 author: Council for New England. title: A briefe relation of the discouery and plantation of Nevv England and of sundry accidents therein occurring, from the yeere of our Lord M.DC.VII. to this present M.DC.XXII. Together with the state thereof as now it standeth; the generall forme of gouernment intended; and the diuision of the whole territorie into counties, baronries, &c. date: 1622 words: 10166 flesch: 41 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. EEBO-TCP aimed to produce large quantities of textual data within the usual project restraints of time and funding, and therefore chose to create diplomatic transcriptions (as opposed to critical editions) with light-touch, mainly structural encoding based on the Text Encoding Initiative ( keywords: bee; businesse; captaine; coast; england; good; hath; haue; hee; new; owne; parts; people; themselues; time; vpon; wee cache: A08122.xml plain text: A08122.txt item: #4 of 22 id: A08123 author: Bradford, William, 1588-1657. Relation or journall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English adventurers both merchants and others. Selections. title: An historicall discoverie and relation of the English plantations, in Nevv England Containing their aventurous passages, their happie arivall and comfortable planting, manifesting the goodnesse of God in their preservations from many apparent dangers. With a relation of such religious and ciuill lawes, and customs as are in practise amongst the indians, with their natures and habits. As also a naration of the ayre, earth, water, fish, and fowles of that countrie. continued from the first beginning, in the yeare of our Lord 1607. and so handling all passages of moment successiuely from time to time. date: 1627 words: 11327 flesch: 41 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. and so handling all passages of moment successiuely from time to time. keywords: bee; businesse; captaine; coast; england; god; good; haue; hee; new; owne; parts; people; plantation; themselues; time; vnto; vpon; wee cache: A08123.xml plain text: A08123.txt item: #5 of 22 id: A08125 author: Adventurers. title: A proposition of provisions needfull for such as intend to plant themselves in New England, for one whole yeare. Collected by the adventurers, with the advice of the planters date: 1630 words: 1633 flesch: 73 summary: 2 00 0 § Malt , one Hogshead . * 1 00 0 § Beefe , one hundred waight . keywords: provisions; sort; text; things; want cache: A08125.xml plain text: A08125.txt item: #6 of 22 id: A12458 author: Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647, engraver. title: Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England, or any where. Or, The path-way to experience to erect a plantation With the yearely proceedings of this country in fishing and planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630. and their present estate. Also how to prevent the greatest inconveniences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other plantations, by approved examples. With the countries armes, a description of the coast, harbours, habitations, land-markes, latitude and longitude: with the map, allowed by our royall King Charles. By Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes governour of Virginia, and admirall of Nevv-England. date: 1631 words: 16633 flesch: 54 summary: The map has title New England, imprint London printed by Iames Reeue, and is signed Simon Passæus sculpsit. eng New England -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800. keywords: chap; coast; countries; country; doe; england; english; fish; god; good; great; hath; king; meanes; men; new; owne; people; plantation; salvages; sea; selfe; time; use; virginia; wee; world; yeare cache: A12458.xml plain text: A12458.txt item: #7 of 22 id: A12460 author: Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647, engraver. title: A description of New England: or The obseruations, and discoueries, of Captain Iohn Smith (admirall of that country) in the north of America, in the year of our Lord 1614 with the successe of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre: with the proofe of the present benefit this countrey affoords: whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall. date: 1616 words: 19900 flesch: 61 summary: With an additional leaf of Prince Charles's new names for New England places. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: bee; captaine; coast; countrey; doe; doth; england; english; fish; fishing; french; god; good; great; hath; haue; hee; iles; iohn; man; mee; men; new; parts; people; rest; sea; selfe; ships; smith; sorts; thee; thou; time; vpon; wee cache: A12460.xml plain text: A12460.txt item: #8 of 22 id: A12467 author: Smith, John, 1580-1631. title: Nevv Englands trials Declaring the successe of 26. ships employed thither within these sixe yeares: with the benefit of that countrey by sea and land: and how to build threescore sayle of good ships, to make a little navie royall. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith. date: 1620 words: 5197 flesch: 65 summary: Now seeing all these sorts of fish , or the most part of them , may be had in a land more fertile , temperate , and plentifull of all necessaries for the building of ships , boates and houses ; and the nourishment of man : the seasons are so proper , and the fishings so neare the habitations wee may there make , that New England hath much aduantage of the most of those parts , to serue all Europe farre cheaper then they can , who at home haue neither wood , salt , nor food , but at great rates ; at Sea , nothing but what they carry in their shippes , an hundred or two hundred leagues from their habitation . The Londoners , ere I returned from France , for all their losse by the Turkes , which was valewed about foure thousand pounds , sent two more in Iuly : but such courses they tooke by the Canaries to the west Indies ; it was ten months ere they arriued in New England : wasting in that time , their seasons , victuall , and healths ; yet there they found meanes to refresh themselues , and the one returned , neere fraught with fish and traine , within two moneths after . keywords: england; fish; fiue; good; hath; haue; men; new; pounds; ships; sixe; tcp; text cache: A12467.xml plain text: A12467.txt item: #9 of 22 id: A14203 author: R. H., fl. 1638, engraver. title: Nevves from America; or, A new and experimentall discoverie of New England containing, a true relation of their war-like proceedings these two yeares last past, with a figure of the Indian fort, or palizado. Also a discovery of these places, that as yet have very few or no inhabitants which would yeeld speciall accommodation to such as will plant there, viz. Queenapoik. Agu-wom. Hudsons River. Long Island. Nahanticut. Martins Vinyard. Pequet. Naransett Bay. Elizabeth Islands. Puscat away. Casko with about a hundred islands neere to Casko. By Captaine Iohn Underhill, a commander in the warres there. date: 1638 words: 12627 flesch: 40 summary: This excuse will not serve our turnes , fo● wee haue suffici●nt ●●stim●nie that you know the English from ●●e Dutch we must have the heads of those persons that have slaine ou●s , or else wee will fight with you : He answered ; understanding the ground of your comming , I will intreat you to give me libertie to goe ashore , and I shall informe the body of the people what your intent and resolution is ▪ and if you will stay aboord , I will bring you a sudden answer . able and wel appointed souldiers under the conduct of one Captaine ●●ou●hton , and other inferiour officers ; and in company with them one M. Iohn Wilson , who was sent to in●●●uct the Company ; these falling into Pequeat river , met with many of the distressed Indians , some they 〈◊〉 , others they tooke prisoners . keywords: bee; captaine; doe; english; fort; god; good; indians; men; neere; new; place; river; set; souldiers; wee; ● ● cache: A14203.xml plain text: A14203.txt item: #10 of 22 id: A15685 author: Wood, William, fl. 1629-1635. title: Nevv Englands prospect· A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called Nevv England: discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English planters; and to the old native inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling reader, or benefit the future voyager. By William Wood. date: 1634 words: 40381 flesch: 58 summary: a ( le●t out ; ) l. 30. musketor , m●●keto● . that affr●nting C●rberus , the other to purchase more immense prerogatiues in their Paradise . keywords: appause; bay; bee; blacke; cattle; chap; cold; come; corne; countrey; day; dayes; death; doe; england; english; fish; foote; foure; goe; good; ground; grow; halfe; hath; head; hee; himselfe; home; houses; indians; like; little; long; love; man; manner; men; miles; moneths; new; night; north; owne; page; places; plantation; river; sea; seldome; ships; small; store; summer; things; time; trees; use; water; weather; white; winter; wood; yeare; ● ● cache: A15685.xml plain text: A15685.txt item: #11 of 22 id: A19729 author: Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625. title: A sermon preached at Plimmoth in Nevv-England December 9. 1621 In an assemblie of his Maiesties faithfull subiects, there inhabiting. VVherein is shevved the danger of selfe-loue, and the sweetnesse of true friendship. Together vvith a preface, shewing the state of the country, and condition of the sauages. Written in the yeare 1621. date: 1622 words: 12528 flesch: 74 summary: Is it so that God seeth a proannes in all the sonnes of Adam , to seeke themselues too much , and hath giuen them warnings and watch words thereof , as we haue heard , and doth experience confirme it ? Then hence are reproued a number of men , who thinke they can neuer shew loue enough to themselues , nor seeke their own enough , but thinke all cost , charges , cheerishing , prayse , honour , &c. too little for them , and no man needeth say to them , as Peter did to Christ , fauour thy selfe , but if they doe a little for another man , they account it a great matter , though it be but a morsell of bread , or a single penny ; but no varieties of dainties is too good for them , no silke , purple , cloth , or stuffe is too good to cloth them , the poore mans idlenesse and ill husbandry is oft throwne in his dish , but their owne carnall delights and fleshly wantonnesse is neuer thought vpon : and why ? Againe , see whether thine heart cannot be as merry , and thy mind as ioyfull , and thy countenance as cheerefull , with course fare , with poulse , with bread and water ( if God offer thee no better , nor the times afford other ) as if thou hadst great dainties : So also whether thou canst be content as well with the scornes of men , when thou hast done well , as with their prayses , so if thou canst with comfort and good conscience say , I passe little for mans iudgement , whether thou canst doe thy duety that God requireth , and despise the shame , referring thy selfe vnto God , for if thou be dishartned , discouraged , and weakened in any duety because of mens disprayses , it s a signe thou louest thy selfe too much . keywords: doe; euen; euery; god; goe; good; hath; haue; himselfe; loue; man; men; owne; seeke; selfe; themselues; thou; thy; time; wealth cache: A19729.xml plain text: A19729.txt item: #12 of 22 id: A33345 author: Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. title: A true and faithful account of the four chiefest plantations of the English in America to wit, of Virginia, New-England, Bermudus, Barbados : with the temperature of the air, the nature of the soil, the rivers, mountains, beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, trees, plants, fruits, &c. : as also, of the natives of Virginia, and New-England, their religion, customs, fishing, hunting, &c. / collected by Samuel Clarke ... date: 1670 words: 63613 flesch: 79 summary: A true and faithful account of the four chiefest plantations of the English in America to wit, of Virginia, New-England, Bermudus, Barbados : with the temperature of the air, the nature of the soil, the rivers, mountains, beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, trees, plants, fruits, &c. : as also, of the natives of Virginia, and New-England, their religion, customs, fishing, hunting, &c. / collected by Samuel Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1670 Approx. Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 864:24) A true and faithful account of the four chiefest plantations of the English in America to wit, of Virginia, New-England, Bermudus, Barbados : with the temperature of the air, the nature of the soil, the rivers, mountains, beasts, fowls, birds, fishes, trees, plants, fruits, &c. : as also, of the natives of Virginia, and New-England, their religion, customs, fishing, hunting, &c. / collected by Samuel Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 85 keywords: bay; beasts; birds; black; body; colour; come; corn; country; cut; day; drink; end; england; english; fire; fish; flesh; foot; fruit; good; green; ground; grow; hair; half; hath; head; houses; idem; island; leaves; like; man; meat; men; miles; new; night; pil; place; plenty; red; river; sea; set; skins; small; sorts; stone; sugar; sun; time; town; trees; unto; use; virginia; water; whereof; white; women; wood; work; year; yellow cache: A33345.xml plain text: A33345.txt item: #13 of 22 id: A34020 author: Bradstreet, Simon, 1671-1741. title: Gospel order revived being an answer to a book lately set forth by ... Increase Mather ... entituled, The order of the gospel, &c ... / by sundry ministers of the gospel in New England. date: 1700 words: 20923 flesch: 66 summary: ●t seems that Cicero must be called from the Grave to i●●●●gh against these Raw-Yo●●●s , th●se licentious Ca●al●es . All whi●● th●ws , that not only the ●●●enc● , but the Excellency of the Ministry con●●sts in their Relation to God and our Lord Jesus Christ , and to that seperate and sacred Work that the holy Ghost has called them unto , Acts ●3 2. keywords: answer; author; christ; church; churches; covenant; england; god; good; gospel; men; minister; new; o ●; pag; people; power; reverend; ● e; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A34020.xml plain text: A34020.txt item: #14 of 22 id: A36187 author: Danforth, Samuel, 1626-1674. title: A brief recognition of New-Englands errand into the wilderness made in the audience of the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Colony at Boston in N.E. on the 11th of the third moneth, 1670, being the day of election there / by Samuel Danforth. date: 1671 words: 10819 flesch: 64 summary: When Christ came to Lazarus his grave , and bade them take away the stone , Martha saith , Lord , by this time he stinketh ; for he hath been dead four dayes : But Christ answereth , Said I not unto thee , that if thou wouldest believe , thou shouldest see the glory of God ? The loss of first love , first to Christ , and so to the Subjects , and Order of his Kingdome , being a Radical Disease too tremendously growing upon so great a part of the Body of Professors in this Land , unto a Laodicean lukewarmness in the matters of God , notwithstanding the signal , and unparallel Experiences of the blessing of God upon this people , a people so often saved by the Lord in the way of Moses and Aaron's meeting , and kissing one another in the Mount of God ; and the observation of that Declension justly calling for so meet an Antidote and faithful Caution , as is the ensuing Sermon ( 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) unto such , to review , and consider in earnest their Errand into this Wilderness : and the recovery of their affections to the Name of Christ , in the chastity , vigour , and fervour thereof , by a thorough-Reformation of things in the Matters of his Worship , being a special duty in this hour of Temptation incumbent , as on the Magistracy in their Sphere , so on the Ministry in theirs , whereby they may declare themselves loyal to Christ in their Generation-work , hath no doubt inclined the heart of this Servant of his , to yield unto the Perswasions of divers , that these his Meditations might be published , and so ( through the blessing of God ) advance that desired Reformation . keywords: christ; faith; god; hath; holy; john; kingdome; lord; man; people; prophet; text; wilderness; word; work cache: A36187.xml plain text: A36187.txt item: #15 of 22 id: A49890 author: Lechford, Thomas, ca. 1590-1644? title: Plain dealing, or, Nevves from New-England a short view of New-Englands present government, both ecclesiasticall and civil, compared with the anciently-received and established government of England in some materiall points : fit for the gravest consideratin in these times / by Thomas Lechford ... date: 1642 words: 22450 flesch: 65 summary: Neither have I the least aime to retard or hinder an happy and desired reformation of things amisse either in Church or Common-wealth , but daily and earnestly pray to God Almighty , the God of Wisdome and Counsell , that he please so to direct his Royall Majesty , and his wise and honourable Counsell , the high Court of Parliament , that they may fall upon so due and faire a moderation , as may be for the glory of God , and the peace and safety of his Royall Majesty , and all his Majesties dominions , and good Subjects . But where there is none , there some of their chiefest men , two or three , of good report amongst them , though not of the Ministery , doe , by appointment of the said Church , lay hands upon them . keywords: bay; boston; church; churches; court; divers; doe; elders; england; english; generall; god; good; government; governour; hath; magistrates; man; master; men; ministers; new; officers; pastor; people; power; present; publique; rule; things; time; word cache: A49890.xml plain text: A49890.txt item: #16 of 22 id: A50070 author: Territory and Dominion of New-England. title: A proclamation by the President and Council of His Majestiy's [sic]Territory & Dominion of New-England in America date: 1686 words: 1740 flesch: 55 summary: Announcing that a President and Council had been constituted over New England, and the appointment of Joseph Dudley, governor, following revocation of the Massachusetts Bay charter. The Dominion of New England was in existence only until 1689. keywords: council; england; majesties; president; tcp; text cache: A50070.xml plain text: A50070.txt item: #17 of 22 id: A50202 author: Mather, Increase, 1639-1723. title: An essay for the recording of illustrious providences wherein an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events which have hapned this last age, especially in New-England / by Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. date: 1684 words: 87249 flesch: 69 summary: This also Po●p●natius does by many Instances confirm . E. G. in Mandels●o's Travels , H●ck●uit , and Linshoten's Voyages ; Wanley's Histo●y ; Causin's Holy Court ; Mr. Burton's Treatises lately printed , and in Mr. Ianeway's Sea-Deliverances . keywords: account; bed; boat; body; cause; child; day; dayes; dead; death; devil; earth; end; england; english; fire; foot; god; good; hand; hath; head; house; hurt; indians; instances; lay; lightning; like; lord; man; master; means; men; nature; new; night; persons; place; prayer; providence; reason; relation; remarkable; room; saith; satan; sea; self; set; ship; spirits; stone; storm; things; thought; thunder; time; vessel; water; way; wife; witches; woman; words; world; year; ● ● cache: A50202.xml plain text: A50202.txt item: #18 of 22 id: A54990 author: Evelyn, Robert, 17th cent. title: A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof : with a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each planter, or labourer, there to get his master 50 l. per annum, or more in twelve trades, and at 10 l. charges onely a man. date: 1648 words: 14909 flesch: 37 summary: A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof : with a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each planter, or labourer, there to get his master 50 l. per annum, or more in twelve trades, and at 10 l. charges onely a man. A description of the province of New Albion and a direction for adventurers with small stock to get two for one, and good land freely, and for gentlemen, and all servants, labourers, and artificers to live plentifully : and a former description re-printed of the healthiest, pleasantest, and richest plantation of New Albion in north Virginia, proved by thirteen witnesses : together with a letter from Master Robert Evelin, that lived there many years, shewing the particularities, and excellency thereof : with a briefe of the charge of victuall, and necessaries, to transport and buy stock for each planter, or labourer, there to get his master 50 l. per annum, or more in twelve trades, and at 10 l. charges onely a man. keywords: albion; baron; bay; county; dutch; earl; england; english; fish; good; governour; honour; indians; isle; king; lord; man; maryland; master; men; miles; neer; new; palatine; ployden; province; river; sir; trade; virginia; years cache: A54990.xml plain text: A54990.txt item: #19 of 22 id: A55981 author: Territory and Dominion of New-England. title: A proclamation by the President and Council of His Majesty's Territory and Dominion of New-England in America date: 1686 words: 1552 flesch: 55 summary: New England -- Politics and government -- (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A55981) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 101519) keywords: council; england; new; tcp; text cache: A55981.xml plain text: A55981.txt item: #20 of 22 id: A65392 author: Weld, Thomas, 1590?-1662. title: A short story of the rise, reign, and ruin of the Antinomians, Familists, and libertines that infected the churches of New-England and how they were confuted by the assembly of ministers there as also of the magistrates proceedings in court against them : together with God's strange remarkable judgements from heaven upon some of the chief fomenters of these opinions : and the lamentable death of Mrs. Hutchison : very fit for these times, here being the same errors amongst us, and acted by the same spirit : published at the instant request of sundry, by one that was an eye and ear-witness of the carriage of matters there. date: 1692 words: 44023 flesch: 64 summary: When Mr. Wheelwright appeared , it was declared to him , that whereas he was long since convicted of sedition and contempt of Authority , and time had been given him from Court to Court , to come to the knowledge of his offence , the Court thought it now time to know how his mind stood , whether he would acknowledge his Offence , or abide the Sentence of the Court ? His Answer was to this effect , That he had committed no Sedition nor Contempt , he had delivered nothing but the truth of Christ , and for the application of his Doctrine , it was by others , and not by him , &c. Now , you might have heard one of them Preaching a most dangerous Sermon in a great Assembly ; when he divided the whole Country into two ranks , some ( that were of his opinion ) under a Covenant of Grace , and those were friends to Christ ; others under a Covenant of Works , whom they might know by this , if they evidence their good estate by their Sanctification : those were ( said he ) enemies to Christ , Herods , Pilates , Scribes and Pharisees , yea , Antichrists ; and advised all under a Covenant of Grace , to look upon them as such , and did , with great zeal , stimulate them to deal with them as they would with such : And withal alledging the Story of Moses that killed the Egyptian , barely left it so : I mention not this or any thing , in the least degree , to reflect upon this Man , or any other ; for God hath long since opened his eyes ( I hope ) keywords: christ; church; churches; confutation; contrary; court; covenant; day; error; faith; god; good; grace; hath; law; lord; man; men; ministers; new; opinions; sanctification; scripture; spirit; time; truth; way; works cache: A65392.xml plain text: A65392.txt item: #21 of 22 id: A67528 author: Ward, Edward, 1667-1731. title: A trip to New-England with a character of the country and people, both English and Indians. date: 1699 words: 8796 flesch: 67 summary: eng New England -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 -- Anecdotes 2003-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup 2003-03 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images 2003-04 Jennifer Kietzman Sampled and proofread 2003-04 Jennifer Kietzman Text and markup reviewed and edited 2003-06 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion A TRIP TO NEW-ENGLAND . A trip to New-England with a character of the country and people, both English and Indians. keywords: boston; country; devil; england; english; flesh; good; indians; man; men; money; new; sea; tcp; text; time; town; women; work cache: A67528.xml plain text: A67528.txt item: #22 of 22 id: A70435 author: Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. title: A letter of many ministers in old England requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions written Anno Dom. 1637 : together with their answer thereunto returned, anno 1639 : and the reply made unto the said answer and sent over unto them, anno 1640 / by Simeon Ash, and William Rathband. date: 1643 words: 52159 flesch: 64 summary: All possible care to keep the Ordinances of God from contempt , we allow and commend , provided you go not beyond the Lords warrant , and deny not the priviledges of the Church to them , to whom they are due by divine appointment , nor the name and title of Church to those societies , which God hath plentifully blessed with means of grace , have received the Tables and Seals , and have entred into Covenant with his Highnesse . 4. Church order is necessarie we denie not ; but this order that a man should be a constant and set member of a particular societie by covenant , to make him a true member of the visible Church , or to give him title or interest to the publick order , this is not taught of God. keywords: act; answer; apostles; baptisme; brethren; christ; church; church order; churches; circumcision; congregation; covenant; doe; doth; faith; faithfull; god; hath; holy; lord; members; men; minister; office; order; people; power; prayer; reason; right; sacraments; seales; set; societie; society; things; truth; use; wee; word cache: A70435.xml plain text: A70435.txt