item: #1 of 5 id: A42127 author: Gray, William, fl. 1649. title: Chorographia, or, A survey of Newcastle upon Tine the estate of this country under the Romans : the building of the famous wall of the Piets, by the Romans : the ancient town of Pandon : a briefe description of the town, walls, wards, churches, religious houses, streets, markets, fairs, river and commodities, with the suburbs : the ancient and present government of the town : as also, a relation of the county of Northumberland, which was the bulwark for England, against the introdes of the Scots : their many castles and towers : their ancient Cheviot-Hills, of Tinedale, and Reedsdale, with the inhabitants. date: 1649 words: 10811 flesch: 75 summary: Textual changes and metadata enrichments aim at making the text more computationally tractable, easier to read, and suitable for network-based collaborative curation by amateur and professional end users from many walks of life. IN the Yeare of Vespasian , the great and populous Nation of the Brigantes are warred upon , and in part overcome . keywords: 1649; aldermen; ancient; armes; ballist; barbarous; bridge; britaine; building; burgesses; castles; cheviot; chorographia; church; churches; close; coale; cohort; commodities; conquerour; conquest; countries; country; court; crosse; dayes; doth; durham; earles; east; edward; england; english; estate; faire; families; famous; foure; fryers; gate; gentry; goeth; good; government; gray; great; ground; hath; henry; high; houses; inhabitants; island; key; king; kingdome; lands; late; laws; long; lord; major; market; master; men; merchants; middle; monasteries; names; nation; neer; newcastle; noble; north; northumberland; northumbers; officers; old; pampden; pandon; parts; people; picts; pilgrim; place; priviledges; reigne; religious; river; roger; romans; saint; salt; sandhill; saxons; scotland; scots; sea; ships; silver; south; stately; station; stone; street; strong; suburbs; text; thornton; time; tine; tinedale; tower; town; trade; wall; wards; warres; water; west; white; william; yeares cache: A42127.xml plain text: A42127.txt item: #2 of 5 id: A42371 author: Gardiner, Ralph, b. 1625. title: Englands grievance discovered, in relation to the coal-trade with the map of the river of Tine, and situation of the town and corporation of Newcastle : the tyrannical oppression of those magistrates, their charters and grants, the several tryals, depositions, and judgements obtained against them : with a breviate of several statutes proving repugnant to their actings : with proposals for reducing the excessive rates of coals for the future, and the rise of their grants, appearing in this book / by Ralph Gardiner ... date: 1655 words: 67708 flesch: 74 summary: WHereas the Committee hath been petitioned by Barbery Hilton Window , on the behalf of her self , and divers Masters of Ships , trading to Newcastle , whose names are here subscribed to the said Petition , that the Petitioners may receive the benefit of loading and unloading at the Ballast-wharf , erected at Shields , about seven miles from Newcastle , as tending to the good and preservation of shipping , &c. V. THe said King Edward the Third , by his Letters Pattents dated at Westminster , the tenth day of May in the one and thirtieth yeer of his Reign confirms all former Charters , with an addition of his own , that he for himself , and his Heirs , Granted , Demised , and Confirmed unto his honest men of the Town of the Newcastle upon Tyne , his Town of Newcastle before called Manchester , with all its Appurtenances for a hundred pound per Annum to be paid to the said King , and his Heirs , &c. Which he the said King confirms to the said men , and Burgesses , and to their Heirs for ever . keywords: able; act; action; admiralty; aforesaid; aldermen; annum; answer; appears; arrest; articles; authority; ballast; barons; bayliffs; behalf; belonging; benefit; better; bill; bishop; blood; board; boats; bodies; body; bond; bonner; brethren; burgesses; c. chap; c. fo; care; carpenters; cause; certain; chalder; chaldron; chamber; chap; charge; charles; charter; chief; city; claim; clerk; cliff; coals; command; commissioners; committed; common; commonwealth; company; complaint; condition; consent; consideration; contrary; convenient; corn; corporate; corporation; council; counties; county; court; crown; custome; damages; day; dayes; dead; death; deponent; divers; doth; double; durham; duty; edw; edward; eliz; elizabeth; end; england; english; excessive; exchequer; execution; fair; fall; false; farm; fee; fees; fine; force; forfeiture; franchizes; fraternity; free; gain; gardner; gates; general; george; god; good; government; governor; granteth; grants; great; ground; guilty; half; hand; hath; having; head; hee; heirs; help; hen; henry; high; hoast; hold; holden; honest; house; hurt; imprisonment; information; inhabitants; james; january; john; judgement; judges; june; jurors; justice; keels; keepers; king; knights; known; lands; late; law; laws; lay; lease; letters; liberties; liberty; life; like; little; lives; load; loading; london; lord; losse; lost; low; magistrates; majesty; making; man; manner; market; master; mayor; means; men; merchandizes; merchant; miles; money; monopolies; months; moor; nation; navigation; necessity; neer; newcastle; northumberland; notwithstanding; number; oath; offence; offenders; office; officers; onely; open; oppression; order; ordinances; owners; page; pain; parliament; party; pattents; penalties; pence; people; perjury; person; petition; place; pleasure; poor; pope; port; pounds; power; practice; prejudice; present; preservation; prison; profits; provisions; publick; punishment; queen; ralph; read; realm; reason; record; recorder; reign; relief; rent; repugnant; rich; richard; right; river; road; robert; safety; said; said mayor; said river; said town; sail; salt; sand; save; scots; sea; seal; second; self; selling; servants; service; set; shall; sheriff; shields; shillings; shipping; ships; shoars; sinking; sir; sixth; sparhawk; stat; statute; stewards; stones; streams; subjects; successors; sufficient; suit; sunck; tcp; tenements; text; thereunto; things; thomas; time; town; trade; true; truth; tun; tyne; use; vertue; vessels; void; voyages; want; warrant; water; way; westminster; whereof; white; wife; william; witnesses; women; work; world; writ; year; yeares; yeer cache: A42371.xml plain text: A42371.txt item: #3 of 5 id: A63015 author: Johnson, Nathaniel, Sir, d. 1712. title: The town of New-Castle upon Tine having elected Sir William Blacket, Baronet; and Sir Ralph Carr, Knight. their burgesses, in the late Parliament, dissolved by his Majesties proclamation, bearing date the 18th. day of January 1680. Sir William Blacket had the honour of dying in that service, upon which the said town unanimously chose their present mayor Nathaniel Johnson Esq; who accordingly this last session of Parliament gave his attendance at Westminster, and had the honour of knighthood conferred on him by his Majesty. Sir Nathaniel's residence being at present in London, the said town of New-Castle sent him the following letter date: 1681 words: 1319 flesch: 65 summary: (EEBO-TCP ; phase 1, no. A63015) Transcribed from: (Early English Books Online ; image set 30305) The town of New-Castle upon Tine having elected Sir William Blacket, Baronet; and Sir Ralph Carr, Knight. keywords: blacket; books; carr; castle; early; eebo; english; honour; january; mayor; nathaniel; new; parliament; present; ralph; said; sir; tcp; text; town; william cache: A63015.xml plain text: A63015.txt item: #4 of 5 id: A63726 author: E. M. (Edward Man) title: A True relation of the taking of Newcastle by the Scots by storm, on the 19 of October, 1644 as it was certified to a worthy member of the House of Commons, from one of the commissioners there and from another gentleman, both which were eye-witnesses of it : together with a true relation of the state of Tinmouth Castle, and of the plague in it, and that it is likely shortly to be surrendered. date: 1644 words: 1510 flesch: 63 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A63726 of text R8789 in the English Short Title Catalog (Wing T3052). As it was certified to a worthy member of th [no entry] 1644 1069 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 B The rate of 9 defects per 10,000 words puts this text in the B category of texts with fewer than 10 defects per 10,000 words. keywords: castle; commons; english; generall; god; hath; house; letter; major; member; men; newcastle; october; relation; sir; storm; taking; text; towne; true; true relation cache: A63726.xml plain text: A63726.txt item: #5 of 5 id: A88366 author: Lithgow, William, 1582-1645? title: A true experimentall and exact relation upon that famous and renovvned siege of Nevvcastle, the diverse conflicts and occurrances fell out there during the time of ten weeks and odde dayes: and of that mightie and marveilous storming therof, with power, policie, and prudent plots of warre. Together with a succinct commentarie upon the battell of Bowdon Hill, and that victorious battell of York or Marston Moore, never to be forgotten. / By him who was an eye witnesse to the siege of Nevvcastle, William Lithgovv. date: 1645 words: 9817 flesch: 53 summary: For what seek I ? in what these times afford , But of my Countries praise , a just record , Which God allows ; and what can contraires bring , But man for men , the light of truth may sing , Else after ages would be borne as blinde , As though our time , had come their time behinde : That me thought ( when now seriously pondered ) their reverberating ecchoes piercing the clouds ; that terrible noyse of fyrie incensed Martialists , and that loathsome inspection upon the brazen faces of desperation ; had conjured ( I say ) the Heavens to confound and dissolve the earth ; the earth to overwhelme the infernall Pit , the Carkases of men to lye like dead dogges upon the groaning streets : and man against man to become the object of homicidious and barbarous cruelty ; O! keywords: a88366; armie; battell; batteries; bowdon; bridge; calendar; cannon; commanded; commentarie; common; conflict; courage; crowne; day; dayes; death; destruction; discourse; diverse; earle; earth; enemie; enemy; english; exact; excellence; expedition; experimentall; eye; face; fall; famous; field; fled; foes; fort; foure; gatesyde; generall; good; governour; great; greater; greatest; ground; hand; hearts; heavens; hee; hill; honour; horse; keill; left; lieutennant; life; like; little; lives; long; lord; maine; maior; man; marston; meane; men; mercie; mercy; mightie; moore; musket; mynes; naked; nay; newcastle; night; noble; number; occurrances; odde; officers; onely; order; parts; people; place; pleasure; plots; policie; power; purpose; quarters; regiment; relation; rest; river; sad; sandgate; scots; selfe; set; siege; small; souldiers; stand; storming; strong; succinct; text; thomason; thou; thousands; thy; time; towne; true; truth; tyme; tyne; valour; victorious; walles; warre; way; weeks; whereof; william; witnesse; world; worth; yea; york cache: A88366.xml plain text: A88366.txt