item: #1 of 4 id: 25848 author: Abbott, Jacob title: William the Conqueror Makers of History date: None words: 56024 flesch: 64 summary: At the proper time, Duke Robert came in, dressed in his pilgrim's garb, and leading young William by the hand. King Henry might himself lay claims to the vacant duchy, with a view of bestowing it upon some favorite of his own, in which case he might confine young William in one of his castles, in an honorable, but still rigid and hopeless captivity, or treacherously destroy his life by the secret administration of poison. keywords: a.d; able; accession; accomplished; account; accustomed; advanced; affairs; afterward; aid; alan; alfred; ambition; ancient; armor; arms; army; arques; arrangements; assembly; attack; attempt; attendants; attention; authority; barons; battle; bayeux; beautiful; best; birth; body; boy; brother; camp; canute; care; case; castle; ceremony; certain; channel; chapter; character; charge; charles; chieftains; children; church; circumstances; city; civil; claims; coast; coming; conqueror; conquest; consideration; contest; council; country; course; court; crown; danes; danger; dangerous; daughter; day; days; death; degree; desperate; determined; different; disposed; distance; distant; dominions; duchy; duke; duty; eager; earl; edmund; edward; effect; emma; encampment; enemies; enemy; energy; england; english; enterprise; escape; ethelred; expedition; extraordinary; fact; falaise; family; father; favor; feeling; field; flanders; fleet; followers; following; footnote; force; form; france; french; friends; general; giving; glory; godwin; good; government; grand; great; ground; guard; half; hand; harold; head; heart; heir; henry; high; history; home; hope; horse; horsemen; hostages; husband; ideas; illustration; importance; influence; inhabitants; intelligence; interest; interview; invasion; king; king harold; king william; kingdom; knights; known; large; leading; leave; length; life; like; line; little; london; long; love; manner; map; marriage; married; master; matilda; means; measures; men; mere; messenger; military; mind; modern; monastery; money; morning; mother; near; necessary; negotiations; new; nobles; normandy; normans; number; object; occasion; officers; open; order; parade; paris; parties; party; pay; people; period; personal; philip; pilgrimage; place; plan; pleased; point; political; pope; position; possession; possible; power; powerful; preparations; prepared; presence; present; prince; promises; proposal; public; quarrel; queen; rank; ready; realm; regard; reign; respect; result; return; richard; right; river; road; robert; rollo; rome; rouen; royal; sacred; safety; saxon; scene; sea; second; secret; secure; set; settled; ships; shore; sides; situation; small; soldiers; solemn; son; sons; sort; southern; sovereign; spies; spirit; splendor; state; stone; strength; strong; subject; success; successful; sudden; superior; surrender; tapestry; terrible; thing; thought; throne; tidings; time; tostig; town; treaty; troops; true; universal; vain; vast; view; walls; wars; way; wife; william; william rufus; word; work; years; young; young william cache: 25848.txt plain text: 25848.txt item: #2 of 4 id: 44021 author: Round, John Horace title: Feudal England: Historical Studies on the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries date: None words: 197965 flesch: 72 summary: Edid reginæ'.[48] This is, of course, the same entry, only that here our author changed pounds into houses, and _libras_ into _liberæ_. In his account of the attack on Dover in 1067, Mr Freeman argued, 'from the distinct mention of _oppidum_ and _oppidani_ in Orderic', that it was not the castle, as supposed, but the town that was attacked. keywords: ---william; -the; 129; 156; 157; 1892; 192; 194; 195; 196; 1st; 202; 208; 264; 269; 298; 3/4; 357; 381; abbas; abbate; abbatis de; abbey; abbot; abingdon; absence; absolute; absque; academy; acceptance; accepted; accession; accordance; account; accuracy; accurate; acras de; acres; action; actual; add; addenda; addition; adeliza; adjacent; adjoining; advance; advantage; aged; aggregate; agreement; aid; alan; alan de; alanus de; alexander; alfred; alias; alleged; allusion; amiens; analysis; ancestor; ancient; angevin; anglia; anglo; anglorum; anno; annum; answer; antiquaries; apparent; appeal; appearance; appendix; approach; april; apud; arbitrary; archbishop; archdeacon; archers; archæological; ardres; area; argument; armed; armis; army; arnold; arques; arrangement; array; article; artificial; arundel; assembly; assertion; assessed; assessment; assigns; assumption; attack; attempt; attention; attitude; aubrey de; audelin; august; autem; authorities; authority; auxilium; aware; axe; balance; baldwin; baldwin de; barons; baronum; barricade; basset; bath; battle; baudri; bayeux; bearing; beauchamp; becket; beginning; benefactor; bertram de; best; better; biography; bishop; blocks; blunder; bobus; body; book; bordarii; border; boroughs; bourne; bov; breach; breton; breve; bridport; britain; brito; broken; brother; building; burgi; burrows; burton; c.h; calculations; cambridgeshire; camerarius; campaign; campo; canon; cantabrigiensis; canterbury; capable; capite; car; careful; carta; cartulary; carucates; carucatæ; carucis; case; castellum; castle; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; cestrie; chancellor; change; character; charter; checking; chester; cheveley; chief; chronicle; chronological; church; château; cinque; circ; circumstance; citizens; city; civic; claim; clare; class; clause; clear; clerical; close; clue; collation; collected; com; combined; come; coming; comitatus; comite; comitis; commend; commendatio; commissioners; common; communal; commune; community; commutation; comparison; compilers; complete; compotum de; concerned; conclusion; conduct; confederation; confessor; confirmation; conflict; confused; conjecture; conjunction; connection; conqueror; conquest; considerable; consistent; const; constituents; constitutional; consuetudine; contemporary; contents; contradiction; contrary; contrast; controversy; copy; coram; cornwall; correct; corrupt; cotarii; cott; cottonian; council; countess; counties; counting; county; course; court; coventry; craon; criticism; crowland; crown; croxton; cui; cum; curia; curious; custom; d'abetot; d.b; dalby; danegeld; danger; danish; dans; dapifer; dare; data; date; daughter; david; days; de alben[eio; de albeneio; de albini; de alneto; de bayeux; de beauchamp; de bello; de belvar[o; de bohun; de bolebec; de braose; de buci; de clare; de de; de diceto; de dominio; de ely; de eodem; de feodo; de ferr[ariis; de ferrer[iis; de ferrers; de firma; de gant; de gloucester; de grentmesnil; de i.; de illo; de insula; de la; de laci; de manerio; de melioribus; de monachis; de monmouth; de monte; de montfichet; de moubray; de nevile; de novo; de picot; de port; de promiss[ione; de promissione; de raimbercurt; de redvers; de rege; de rouen; de roumare; de rullos; de sancto; de scalers; de scutagio; de soca; de soch[a; de stafford; de todeni; de toto; de traci; de veci; de verdon; de vere; de veteri; de wal; de x.; dead; dealing; death; debitum; december; dedit; defence; defenders; defendit; definite; dei; demands; demesne; demolition; departure; derby; descent; description; destruction; details; devastation; development; device; devon; devonshire; devoted; dialogus; dictionary; different; difficulties; difficulty; dimidiam; direct; disaster; discharge; discovery; discrepancy; dispensator; dispute; distinct; distinction; distinguished; district; ditch; division; document; dolfin; domesday; domesday book; domesday hide; domesday studies; domesday survey; domesday tenant; dominio; dominio et; dominium; donum; dorset; double; doubt; doubtless; dover; dublin; dugdale; duke; duo; duplicate; durand; durham; eadem; eadric; eam; earl; earldom; earlier; earliest; east; easter; easy; ecclesia; ecclesiastical; edith; edition; editor; edmund; edward; effect; eius; ejus; ejusdem; elaborate; elder; eliensis; ellis; enemy; enfeoffed; engaine; england; english; english historical; englishmen; enim; entries; entry; eorum; eos; episcopo; episcopus; episode; equal; equivalent; erningford; erroneous; error; escuz; essay; essential; essex; est; established; estate; et ad; et alii; et commendatio; et de; et dim; et dimidia; et et; et i.; et iii; et j.; et modo; et seq; et servitium; et soca; et sunt; et una; et v.; et valet; et vendere; et willelmo; et x.; etc; eum; eustace; event; evesham; evidence; evident; exact; exactions; examination; examples; excellent; exception; excess; exchequer; exercitu; exeter; existence; explanation; expressed; extent; extra; extracts; eyes; fact; familiar; family; famous; fatal; father; favour; feature; fecit; fees; feffamento; feigned; feudal; feudo; fief; field; fighting; figures; filio; filius; financial; fine; firma; fist; fitz; fixed; flambard; flight; florence; following; follows; footnote; force; foreign; form; formal; forming; formula; fortress; fosse; foundation; founder; fourth; france; francis; frater; french; fresh; fuerunt; fuit; furent; gaillard; galfridus de; geldum; genealogist; genealogy; general; generation; geoffrey; geoffrey de; gervase; gesta; giffard; gift; gilbert; gilbert de; giraldus; gislebertus; gives; glance; gloucester; gneist; godwine; good; grandfather; grant; great; greater; greatest; green; greenstreet; ground; group; grouping; growth; guy; guy de; habet; habuit; hale; half; hall; hand; hardwin; harold; harrying; hastings; head; hearne; heavy; heir; help; heming; henrici; henricus de; henry; henry de; henry ii; heraut; herbert de; heredibus; herefordshire; hereward; herts; herveius de; hervey; hic; hida; hidam de; hidam et; hidated; hidation; hides; hidis et; hidæ; hidæ de; hidæ et; highest; hill; historians; historical; history; hitherto; hoc; holders; holding; home; homines; hominibus; homo; honore; honour; hope; host; house; hoveden; howlett; hubert; hugh de; hugo; hugonis; hujus; humfrey de; hundredo de; hundreds; huntingdon; hunts; hypothesis; hæc; i. hida; i. virg; i.c.c; i.e.; ibid; ibidem; ibidem de; idea; identical; identification; identity; ignorance; iii; iiii; iiij; iij; illud; illustrated; illustration; imaginary; imagination; immediate; imply; important; impression; incidental; independent; index; individual; infantry; inference; influence; information; infra; ingenious; ingulf; inquest; inquiry; inquisitio; instance; institutions; instructive; interesting; introduction; invasion; investigation; involves; ipse; ireland; irish; issue; item; jacet; january; jocelin de; johanne de; john; john de; judges; judith; july; jumièges; june; juratores; juraverunt; jurors; justices; kent; kentish; key; kind; king; king william; kingdom; knights; knowledge; known; labour; lambert; lands; langham; langton; language; large; later; latest; latin; law; lay; lead; league; leave; left; legend; leicester; leicestershire; length; lercestriæ; les; levies; levy; leyc[estrie; liability; liable; liber; liberties; libras; libris et; licentia; life; like; likely; limit; lincoln; lincolnshire; lindsey; line; list; little; living; local; london; long; longchamp; look; lord; madox; magna; main; maison; maitland; making; malmesbury; mandeville; manerio; manerium; manner; manors; manu; map; march; marmion; married; mass; matilda; matter; maud; meaning; means; measure; mediaeval; mei; meis; members; mention; mere; meschin; method; meulan; michael de; middlesex; mihi; miles; military; milites; militibus; militum; militum de; millia; mind; minus; miss; missing; modern; modo; moment; monasticon; money; monks; months; montmorency; morres; mortain; mother; movements; mowbray; mr a.; mr archer; mr chester; mr de; mr eyton; mr freeman; mr hall; mr hamilton; mr howlett; mr hunt; mr j.; mr p.; mr pell; mr seebohm; mr stevenson; mr waters; mss; multiples; municipal; mysterious; mystery; n.c; names; namesake; narrative; national; natural; nature; near; nec; necessary; necessity; need; nevill; new; nigel; nigel de; nisi; noctis; nomina; non; norfolk; norgate; norman; norman de; normandy; normannus; northamptonshire; northants; northern; nostri; notes; noteworthy; notice; november; number; numerum; object; obscure; obvious; occasion; occurrence; october; office; official; oliver de; omission; omitted; omnes; omnibus; open; opening; opinion; opponents; opposed; orderic; orent; organization; original; osbern; outset; oxford; page; palgrave; palisade; paper; parallel; parentage; partes; particular; party; parvas; passage; passing; paul; payment; peculiar; pedigree; penalty; pence; pentecost; people; perfect; period; personal; persons; peterborough; philip; phrase; picot; pipe; place; placita; placitum; plain; pleas; ploughlands; plus; poem; point; poitiers; poix; policy; portion; ports; position; possession; possible; post; potuerunt; potuit; pounds; pour; power; practice; prati; precedent; precise; predecessors; predictus; preface; presence; present; preserved; presumption; previous; priest; primate; primo; principle; priory; prius; pro; probable; problem; proceeds; process; produce; professor; proof; property; proportion; protest; proved; proving; pseudo; public; purpose; q.r; quam; quando; quantum; quarter; quarterly; quas; queen; question; qui; quia; quibus; quidam; quod; quos; quot; quotes; quæ; radulfi; radulfus de; raimbercurt; ralf; ralf de; ralph; ramsey; randulf de; ranks; ranulf; rate; ravine; read; reading; real; rear; reason; recedere; reckoning; recognized; record; recording; reddidit; reddit; reduction; reference; refers; regenbald; regis; regis de; regni; regular; reign; relation; relative; relief; religious; remains; remanebat; remansit; remarkable; remarks; rendering; renders; reply; report; required; research; resistance; responsible; result; returns; review; rex; ricardi; ricardus; ricardus de; richard; richard de; ridel; right; robert de; robert fitz; roberti; robertus; roger de; rogerus; roll; roman; rouen; royal; rubeus; rufus; rule; runs; rye; s. et; sacam et; salisbury; sancti; sandwich; saxon; scaccario; scale; scene; school; sciatis; scilicet; scotland; scribes; scutage; scutagium; seal; second; secundum; select; semper; senlac; sense; separate; september; series; service; servientium de; servitia; servitium; sets; sexaginta; share; sheer; sheriff; shield; shillings; shires; short; showing; shows; sibi; sic; sicut; siege; sigillo; sigillum; significant; silence; similar; simon; simon de; simple; sine; single; singular; sir; sive; small; smaller; soca; soch[a; sochemanni; society; sokemen; solanda; sole; solidis de; solidos; solution; somerset; somewhat; son; sons; sound; sources; south; speaking; special; spirit; spite; spring; sqq; square; stafford; stage; staines; standard; stapleton; statement; states; stephani; stephen; stevenson; stigand; stow; strange; strength; stress; striking; strong; stubbs; student; studies; study; style; suam; suas; subject; subsequent; substitute; successor; sufficient; suffolk; suggested; suggestion; suis; sulung; sum; summa; sums; sunt; suo; suos; super; support; supposed; supra; supreme; survey; suspicion; sussex; sutton; suum; suus; swegen; swereford; system; t.r.e; tactics; tale; tamen; tantum; tapestry; tavistock; tax; taxation; taylor; tempore; tenant; tendency; tenet; tenet de; tenuerunt; tenuerunt de; tenuit; tenure; terms; terra; terræ et; test; testimony; text; thegn; theobald; theories; theory; thesauro; thierry; thing; thirteenth; thomas; thomas de; thorold; thorpe; thought; thurstan; time; tirel; title; total; totnes; toto; totum; toulouse; tout; towns; townships; trace; tradition; transcriber; transcript; treasury; treatment; triplow; troops; true; trustworthy; truth; tunc; turning; turold; twelfth; typical; uchtred; una; unam; uncle; undoubted; uniform; unique; unit; unius; unknown; unum; urso; usque; usual; vain; valet; valuable; value; variants; vel; vendere; venture; verdict; vero; version; vicecomes; vicecomitis; views; viii; viij; vij; villa; village; villani; vinogradoff; virg; virgam; virgatam; virgate; visit; vobis; volume; w. de; wace; wake; waldric; wall; walter de; walterus; walton; want; wapentake; wara; warwick; waste; waters; way; weapons; webb; welsh; west; western; westminster; whittlesford; widow; wife; wild; willelmo; willelmus de; william de; william fitz; william rufus; wiltshire; winchelsea; winchester; wish; witness; witnesses; wonder; woodstock; worcester; worcestershire; words; work; working; world; worse; worth; writ; writer; writing; written; wrong; wulfstan; xii; xiii; xij; xiv; xvi; xxii; xxx; year; york; yorkshire; young; younger; | |; ædel; æthelred cache: 44021.txt plain text: 44021.txt item: #3 of 4 id: 48602 author: Armitage, Ella S. title: The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles. date: None words: 136498 flesch: 77 summary: For as the instances cited in the Appendix will prove, we constantly find the words _castrum_ and _castellum_ used for the same town, sometimes even in the same paragraph. This case lends some support to the conjecture of Dr Christison, that the Saxons gave the name of _chester_ to towns which they had themselves fortified.[71] The mediæval walls of Worcester were probably more extensive than Ethelfleda's borough, of which no trace remains. keywords: 10th; 11th; 12th; 12th century; 13th; 14th; 15th; a. i.; a.-s; abbey; abbot; aberystwyth; absence; account; acres; addition; advance; alan; alfred; ancestor; ancient; ancient castle; angles; anglia; anglo; annals; anno; antiquaries; appearance; appendix; arch; archbishop; archæological; ardres; area; army; arrangements; artificial; arundel; ashlar; asser; attempt; authorities; authority; b. bailey; b. t.; bailey castle; bailey plan; baileys; bakewell; baldwin; bamborough; bamborough castle; bank; barbican; barnstaple; barony; basement; bayeux; beauties; benson; berkeley castle; bernard; besieged; best; better; bishop; boley; bone; book; border; borough; bramber; breastwork; bretasche; bridge; bridgenorth; bristol castle; britain; british; brother; brut; buckingham; builder; building; burghal; burgus; burh; burton; buttresses; caerleon; cal; camb; cambridge; cambriæ; camden; camp; canterbury; cardiff; cardigan; cardigan castle; careful; carlisle; carmarthen; case; castelli; castellum; castle; castle acre; castle architecture; castle banks; castle ditch; castle dykes; castle earthworks; castle guard; castle hill; castle rough; castle rushen; castri; castrum; caumont; centre; centuries; century; century castle; certain; chamber; chapel; character; charles; charter; chateau; chepstow; cheshire; chief; chieftain; children; christison; chronicle; church; churches; circa; circular; citadel; cities; city; claim; clark; class; clear; clifford; clitheroe; close; colchester castle; coming; committed; common; compare; complete; conclusion; confessor; conjecture; connection; conquered; conqueror; conquest; conquest castle; considerable; construction; contemporary; cooper; corfe castle; corner; cornwall; cost; counterscarp; country; course; court; cross; crossbow; crown; curious; custody; cut; d. b.; danes; danish; date; david; david i.; days; deal; death; deep; defence; defensive; demesne; description; destruction; details; development; devon; dictionary; different; difficult; district; ditch; ditches; documents; domesday; domesday book; domesday castle; domestic; domfront; domus; donjon; double; doubt; doubtful; dover castle; dudley; dugdale; duke; dungeon; durham; earl; earlier; earliest; early norman; earthen; earthen castle; earthworks; east; eastern; edge; edition; edward; edward i.; edwardian castle; empire; enclosing; enclosure; end; england; english; enlart; entrance; entries; entry; erection; essex; estuary; ethelfleda; ethelred; evidence; ewias; exact; example; excavations; excellent; exceptional; exchange; exeter; exeter castle; existence; expedition; extensive; extent; eye; eyton; fact; falaise; fallen; family; father; features; fecit; feet; feudal; feudalism; field; fig; fine; fine motte; fire; fireplaces; fitz; fitzosbern; flat; flodoard; floor; florence; following; foot; forces; form; fortifications; fortified; fortress; forts; foundations; fragments; france; freeman; french; frontier; fulk; gaillard; galloway; gaol; garden; gatehouse; gateway; general; geoffrey; george; german; gesta; geweorc; gilbert; giraldus; glamorgan; gloucester; godwin; good; gors; great; great castle; greater; green; griffith; grose; gundulf; gwynedd; habet; half; hall; hamon; hand; harold; hastings castle; headland; headland castle; height; help; henry; henry i.; henry iii; hereford; herefordshire; herring; herts; hidage; high; high motte; higher; highest; hillock; hills; historians; historical; history; hoc; hold; hope; host; house; hugh; huntingdon; ibid; idea; identification; iii; illustration; important; important castle; indications; individual; information; inner; inner castle; instance; interesting; invasion; ireland; irish; island; isolated; itin; john; journ; jurisdiction; keepless castle; keeps; keltic; kent; kind; king; king edward; kingdom; knowledge; known; köhler; lacy; lambert; lancashire; lands; langeais; language; large; large motte; later; later castle; latin; launceston; laws; lead; leave; left; leland; level; lewes; life; light; like; likely; lincoln; lincoln castle; line; lion; list; little; little castle; lloyd; local; lofty; london; long; look; loopholes; lord; magnificent; maitland; making; malcolm; manor; map; marked; masonry; materials; meaning; means; mediæval; mediæval castle; meeting; mention; mercia; mere; mersey; middle; miles; military; moat; moated; modern; modern castle; modo; money; monks; monmouth; montgomerie; moon; moot; morpeth; mortain; mota; motes; motte; motte castle; mounds; mount; mr clark; mr round; mural; n.w; names; narrow; natural; natural motte; nature; near; necessary; neighbourhood; neilson; nerra; new castle; newcastle; nicholas; noble; norfolk; norman castle; norman conquest; norman motte; norman work; normandy; normans; north; northants; northern; northumberland; norwich castle; note; notice; nottingham; nottingham castle; number; numerous; o.m; oblong; occupies; old castle; older; operatione; opposite; ordericus; original castle; orpen; outer; outline; outside; oval; oval motte; owen; owner; oxford; page; palicium; paper; parish; parts; passage; peak castle; pembroke; pembroke castle; peninsula; penwortham; people; perfect; period; personal; peterborough; pevensey; philip; picture; piece; pipe; pipe rolls; place; plan; platform; ploughs; point; pointed; polygonal; pontefract; portion; position; possession; possible; post; powerful; powys; powys castle; prehistoric; present castle; preston; previous; primitive; prince; priory; private castle; probability; probable; professor; proof; protection; proved; purpose; quarters; quatford; question; qui; quod; quæ; ralph; rampart; rate; rayleigh; reason; rebuilt; recent; records; rectangular; refuge; regard; region; regis; reign; remaining; remains; remarkable; remarks; repair; residence; return; rev; review; rex; rhuddlan; rhyd; rhys; richard; richard i.; richmond; richmond castle; rights; risen; river; road; robert; rochester; rock; roger; rolls; roman; room; roughly; round; round tower; rounded; royal castle; rubble; rufus; ruins; rule; runcorn; sarum; saxon; saxon castle; saxon chronicle; says; scarped; scotland; scottish; seat; second; second castle; sense; separate; series; service; settlement; shape; shell; sheriff; ships; short; shows; shrewsbury; shropshire; sides; siege castle; sign; similar; site; situation; size; skipsea; slightest; small; small motte; smaller; society; soil; soke; solidos; song; sons; south; southern; space; special; speed; spot; spur; square; stafford; stafford castle; staffordshire; standing; statement; states; steenstrup; steep; stephen; stockade; stone castle; stone wall; stones; storey; street; strength; strong; study; style; subject; sufficient; suggest; summit; sums; sunt; survey; sussex; system; tamworth; tapestry; tells; tenant; tenet; tenure; terræ; thelwall; theory; thing; thought; tickhill; timber; time; tomen; topographical; totnes; towcester; tower; town; trace; tradition; trans; trent; triangular; tribal; true; turris; tutbury; type; tywysogion; ulster; unable; unlikely; unusual; upper; usual; valley; vallum; valuable; value; vaulted; vestige; victoria; view; vii; viii; village; visible; visit; vol; wales; wall; walled; wallingford; walter; wards; warwick; wasta; watling; way; welsh; west; western; wide; wife; wigmore; willelmus; william; william i.; winchester; windows; windsor; windsor castle; witham; wooden castle; worcester; word; work; working; wright; writer; xxii; years; york castle; yorks; yorkshire cache: 48602.txt plain text: 48602.txt item: #4 of 4 id: 8745 author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred) title: Wulf the Saxon: A Story of the Norman Conquest date: None words: 131921 flesch: 80 summary: In those days great men were easy accessible, and one of the ushers, on receiving the message from the prior, at once led the boys to an apartment in which the duke was sitting. Or rather, Agnes, her mother put in, they should do so; but in truth, looking round at the cruel wars we have had in Normandy, I do not see that men have been more gentle or courteous than they would have been had they never taken the vows or had knightly spurs buckled on; and in truth it seems to me from the news of what has taken place beyond the sea, that in the civil troubles they have had in England men are much more gentle with each other, and foes are far more easily reconciled than with us in Normandy, who are supposed to be bound by the laws of chivalry. keywords: abbey; able; advantage; afternoon; agnes; aid; alarm; answer; armed; armourer; arms; army; attack; attempt; aught; axe; bad; bank; banner; baron; battle; beorn; best; better; bishop; blood; blow; board; boat; bodies; body; boy; boys; bramber; brave; bretons; bridge; broken; brother; burg; business; camp; care; case; castle; certain; chance; chapter; charge; chief; children; choice; church; city; close; coast; coming; companions; conrad; content; country; course; court; courtyard; crown; cut; danger; day; days; dead; death; deep; difficulty; distance; door; doubtless; duke; duty; earl; earl harold; east; edith; edward; edwin; end; enemy; england; english; englishmen; entrance; escape; estates; evening; eyes; face; fact; fair; fall; family; fast; father; fear; feeling; feet; fellow; field; fighting; fitz; foe; followers; following; food; foot; force; forest; forward; fought; free; friends; gain; gate; general; gentle; glad; godwin; good; great; greater; greatest; guard; guests; gurth; guy; half; hall; hand; happiness; hard; harm; harold; having; head; heart; heavy; helmet; high; hills; hold; home; honour; hope; horses; host; hour; house; housecarls; hunting; journey; king; king harold; kingdom; knights; known; lads; lady; large; later; lay; lead; leave; left; levies; lie; life; like; likely; line; little; lives; llewellyn; london; long; longer; look; lord; loss; lost; love; lying; man; march; marriage; master; master wulf; matters; means; meeting; men; mercia; message; messenger; methinks; miles; mind; minutes; moment; monks; months; morcar; morning; morrow; near; necessary; need; news; night; nightfall; nobles; norman; normandy; norsemen; north; northern; northumbria; norway; number; oath; object; occasion; offer; open; order; osgod; page; party; passage; past; people; place; pleasure; point; ponthieu; poor; position; possible; post; power; powerful; prepared; present; prince; prior; private; promise; question; quiet; rank; rate; readiness; ready; rear; reason; resistance; rest; return; ride; river; road; rock; room; rouen; round; royal; rule; run; safe; sail; save; saxon; saying; scarce; sea; search; secret; send; sentries; service; set; ship; short; slain; sleep; small; soldiers; son; sons; south; speed; spot; stamford; stand; standard; standing; start; stay; steps; steyning; story; strength; strong; struggle; sure; surprise; sword; talk; tall; tenants; tent; terrible; thanes; thank; thing; thought; throne; time; tostig; town; trees; troops; trouble; true; trust; truth; ulred; unable; urse; vain; valley; vessel; victory; village; visit; voice; wales; walk; wall; walter; want; watch; way; week; welsh; wessex; west; westminster; wife; william; wind; wish; witan; women; words; work; wounded; wounds; wulf; years; yesterday; york; young cache: 8745.txt plain text: 8745.txt