item: #1 of 6 id: A25996 author: Amy, Thomas. title: Carolina, or, A description of the present state of that country and the natural excellencies thereof viz. the healthfulness of the air, pleasantness of the place, advantage and usefulness of those rich commodities there plentifully abounding, which much encrease and flourish by the industry of the planters that daily enlarge that colony / published by T.A., Gent ... date: 1682 words: 8209 flesch: 48 summary: Images scanned from microfilm: (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 406:20) Carolina, or, A description of the present state of that country and the natural excellencies thereof viz. Carolina derives her name either from our present Illustrious Monarch , under whose glorious Auspices it was first establisht an English Colony , in the Year One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy , and under whose benign and happy Influence it now prospers and flourishes . keywords: air; carolina; country; england; english; flesh; jamaica; nature; place; planters; sea; tcp; text; time; viz; water; west cache: A25996.xml plain text: A25996.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A32677 author: Carolina (Colony). Charter (1665) title: The two charters granted by King Charles IId to the proprietors of Carolina with the first and last fundamental constitutions of that colony. date: 1698 words: 24027 flesch: 49 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. That the due Number of Landgraves and Cassiques may be always kept up , if upon the Devolution of any Landgraveship or Cassiqueship , the Palatine's Court shall not settle the devolved Dignity , with the Baronies thereunto annexed , before the Second biennial Parliament after such Devolution , the next biennial Parliament but one after such Devolution shall have Power to make any one Landgrave or Cassique in the Room of him , who dying without Heirs , his Dignity and Baronies devolved . keywords: anthony lord; carterett; colleton; court; craven; earl; heirs; john lord; lord; lord ashley; lord berkeley; proprietors; province; sir; sir george; sir john; sir william; successors cache: A32677.xml plain text: A32677.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A43838 author: Fabian, Peter. title: A relation of a discovery lately made on the coast of Florida (from lat. 31 to 33 deg. 45 min. north-lat.) / by William Hilton, Anthony Long and Peter Fabian, in the ship Adventure, which set sayl from Spikes Bay, Aug. 10. 1663. and was set forth by several gentlemen and merchants of the Island of Barbadoes ; giving an account of the nature and temperature of the soyl, the manners and disposition of the natives, and whatsoever else is remarkable therein ; together with proposals made by the commissioners of the lords proprietors to all such persons as shall become the first setlers on the rivers, harbors, and creeks there. date: 1664 words: 9955 flesch: 65 summary: In that time as our businesse called us up and down the River and Branches , we kill'd of wild-fowl , four Swans , ten Geese , twenty nine Cranes , ten Turkies , forty Duck and Mallard , three dozen of Parrakeeto's , and six or seven dozen of other small Fowls , as Curlues and Plovers , &c. VVHereas there was a Writing left in a Post at the Point of Cape-Fair River , by those New-England-men that left Cattel with the Indians there , the Contents whereof tended not only to the disparagement of the Land about the said River , but also to the great discouragement of all those that should hereafter come into those Parts to settle : In Answer to that scandalous writing , We whose names are under-written do affirm , That we have seen facing on both sides of the River , and branches of Cape-Fair aforesaid , as good Land , and as well Timbred , as any we have seen in any other part of the world , sufficient to accommodate thousands of our English Nation , lying commodiously by the said River . Proposals made to all such Persons as shall undertake to become the first Setlers on Rivers , Harbours , or Creeks , whose Mouth or Entrance is Southwards or Westwards of Cape St. Romana in the Province of Carolina , and execute the same at their own hazard and charge of Transportation , Ammunition , and Provision , as is hereafter expressed , &c. I. IMprimis , It is agreed and consented to by us Thomas Mudyford , and Peter Colleton , Esquires , who are impowered by the Lords Proprietors to treat in their behalf ; That in consideration of the good service which Captain Anthony Long , Captain William Hilton , and Mr. Peter Fabian have done in making so clear a Discovery on that Coast , They shall each of them enjoy to them and their Heirs for ever one thousand Acres of Land apiece upon the said River , Harbour , or Creeks , on such places as they shall desire , not taken up before . II. keywords: acres; board; boat; ellens; english; indians; land; leagues; men; place; river; said; ship cache: A43838.xml plain text: A43838.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A48880 author: Locke, John, 1632-1704. title: The fundamental constitutions of Carolina date: 1670 words: 9160 flesch: 52 summary: §. 29 Out of these Colledges shall be chosen at first by the Palatine's Court , six Councellors , to be joyned with each Proprietor in his Court ; of which six one shall be of those who were chosen into any of the Colledges by the Palatine's Court , out of the Landgraves , Cassiques , or eldest Sons of Proprietors , one out of those who were chosen by the Landgraves Chamber , and one out of those who were chosen by the Cassiques Chamber , two out of those who were chosen by the Commons Chamber , and one out of those who were chosen by the Palatine's Court , out of the Proprietors younger Sons , or eldest Sons of Landgraves , Cassiques , or Commons , Qualified as aforesaid . §. 26 Whoever is Lord of Leet-men , shall upon the Marriage of a Leet-man or Leet-woman of his , give them ten Acres of Land for their Lives , they paying to him therefore not more than one eighth part of all the yearly Produce and Growth of the said ten Acres . §. 27 No Landgrave or Cassique shall be Tried for any Criminal Cause , in any but the Chief Iustice's Court , and that by a Jury of his Peers . §. 28 There shall be eight Supreme Courts . keywords: carolina; council; court; landgraves; lords; man; palatine; parliament; power; precinct; proprietors cache: A48880.xml plain text: A48880.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A66356 author: Ferrar, John, d. 1657. title: Virginia, more especially the south part thereof, richly and truly valued viz. the fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent Isle of Roanoak, of latitude from 31 to 37 degr. relating the meanes of raysing infinite profits to the adventurers and planters. date: 1650 words: 55708 flesch: 45 summary: Others would be sowed in a certaine Moneth and Moone● as there must bee sowen in February , the Moone being — New Full Spike Ga●like B●●age Bug●●sse Ch●●use Cori●nder G●urds W●ter ●●esses M●●●●●ne Pa●ma Christi Flower gen●le W●ite Poppy Pu●s●ane Radish R●●ket Rosemary Sorrell Double Marigold Thyme . Old Sow in March the Moone being , New Full Garlick Borage Cher●ile Cori●nder Gourds M●joran● White Poppy Pu●s●in● Radish Sorr●ll Double Marigold Thyme Violets . keywords: aire; b ●; bee; branches; c ●; china; countrey; cut; dayes; dry; earth; equall; excellent; fi ●; foure; fruit; g ●; good; ground; hath; having; l ●; labour; le ●; leaves; lesse; m ●; meanes; mulberry; nature; new; owne; oyle; p ●; perfection; plant; pound; profit; pu ●; quantity; r ●; reason; se ●; seed; selfe; set; silke; south; staple; sunne; th ●; time; trees; u ●; use; v ●; vessell; vine; virginia; w ●; water; way; wee; white; wine; worke; world; wormes; yeare; ● d; ● e; ● ed; ● h; ● ll; ● n; ● nd; ● o; ● s; ● sse; ● st; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A66356.xml plain text: A66356.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A66359 author: Ferrar, John, d. 1657. title: Virgo triumphans, or, Virginia in generall, but the south part therof in particular including the fertile Carolana, and the no lesse excellent island of Roanoak, richly and experimentally valued : humbly presented as the auspice of a beginning yeare, to the Parliament of England, and councell of state / by Edward Williams, Gent. date: 1650 words: 23702 flesch: 39 summary: For Hempe there is a naturall kinde of Hempe , a species of Flagg in that Countrey , from which being boyled you may strippe a long and fine skinne , not onely proper for Cordage● but the ●iner sort singularly usefull for Linnen ; of this two hundred weight hath beene sent into E●gland , of which hath beene made excellent Cordage , and very good Linnen . And by this meanes the Hollander , Spanyard , and Portugall , who ( by the supine negligence of this Nation , and its Merchant Adventurers ) do with insufferable insolence Lord over us in both the Indies , when they shall to the unknitting of their joints perceive by your nursing care ●ver the Infancy of your Colonies , that they are arrived under your au●pice , to cover both the Seas with numerous Navies , and your Honours eye of indulgence and providence waking to their security , will be content laying aside all other passions to wave future affronts and injuries , or fall ● deserved sacrifice to your offended justice . keywords: bee; benefit; china; climate; countrey; england; english; france; good; ground; hath; italy; labour; lesse; meanes; men; mulberry; nation; nature; owne; parts; people; perfection; plenty; pound; profit; publick; reason; selfe; set; silke; south; staple; time; trees; virginia; way; wee; worke; world; ● s; ● ● cache: A66359.xml plain text: A66359.txt