item: #1 of 15 id: 11119 author: Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe title: Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers date: None words: 280853 flesch: 70 summary: I directed my interpreter to tell them that the President had sent me to speak to _sober_ men only.] _20th_. There were just _thirteen_ men, only one of whom was a demagogue, and had gained his election by going about from house to house and asking votes. keywords: 1st; 28th; account; affairs; agency; agent; american; attention; band; bay; board; british; business; canoe; cass; cause; chapter; character; chief; children; chippewa; city; company; copper; council; country; course; day; days; death; department; detroit; distance; english; evening; expedition; fact; falls; family; father; feet; fine; footnote; fort; french; friend; general; good; government; governor; green; half; hands; head; historical; history; home; hope; house; indian; influence; information; interest; island; john; johnston; journal; july; kind; knowledge; lake; language; late; left; letter; life; like; literary; long; mackinack; making; man; manners; march; mary; means; men; michigan; michilimackinack; miles; mind; missionary; mississippi; morning; mrs; native; natural; near; new; night; north; notice; number; o'clock; object; office; old; open; opinion; party; people; persons; place; point; portage; position; post; power; prairie; present; president; public; purpose; question; read; red; respecting; return; rev; river; rock; sault; schoolcraft; season; set; shore; sioux; snow; society; south; species; spirit; spring; state; strong; subject; summer; superior; things; thought; time; trade; treaty; tribes; trip; united; upper; valley; view; village; visit; war; washington; water; way; west; western; white; wind; winter; words; work; world; writes; years; york cache: 11119.txt plain text: 11119.txt item: #2 of 15 id: 11526 author: Fuller, Margaret title: Summer on the Lakes, in 1843 date: None words: 68154 flesch: 73 summary: But as such men come not so often as once an age, their presence should not be absolutely needed to sustain life. I was all Spring, for in my being dwelt Eternal youth, where flowers are the fruit, Full feeling was the thought of what was felt, Its music was the meaning of the lute; But heaven and earth such life will still deny, For earth, divorced from heaven, still asks the question _ keywords: bear; beauty; book; character; children; country; day; days; death; earth; expression; eye; eyes; fair; father; feeling; fine; free; friend; good; hand; head; heart; home; house; indian; kind; lake; left; life; light; look; love; man; mariana; men; mind; moment; morning; nature; new; people; place; power; red; river; scene; spirit; state; thought; time; trees; true; water; way; white; wild; woman; world; years cache: 11526.txt plain text: 11526.txt item: #3 of 15 id: 11941 author: Roosevelt, Theodore title: The Winning of the West, Volume 1 From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 date: None words: 105924 flesch: 68 summary: Haywood, DeHaas, Withers, McClung, and other border annalists, give innumerable anecdotes about these and many other men, illustrating their feats of fierce prowess and, too often, of brutal ferocity. 52. In this year also Clark[30] and Shelby[31] first came to Kentucky; and many other men whose names became famous in frontier story, and whose sufferings and long wanderings, whose strength, hardihood, and fierce daring, whose prowess as Indian fighters and killers of big game, were told by the firesides of Kentucky to generations born when the elk and the buffalo had vanished from her borders as completely as the red Indian himself. keywords: account; american; archives; backwoods; backwoodsmen; battle; blood; boon; border; british; camp; carolina; cherokees; chief; children; col; country; course; cresap; day; dunmore; english; foes; forest; fort; french; frontier; game; good; government; ground; half; history; home; horses; hunters; hunting; indians; john; kentucky; land; left; letter; lewis; life; logan; lord; man; men; mountains; mss; new; north; number; ohio; parties; party; peace; people; race; red; right; river; settlements; settlers; south; speech; state; tennessee; time; towns; tribes; troops; valley; virginia; vol; war; warriors; watauga; way; west; western; whites; wilderness; women; work; wounded; years cache: 11941.txt plain text: 11941.txt item: #4 of 15 id: 11942 author: Roosevelt, Theodore title: The Winning of the West, Volume 2 From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783 date: None words: 130202 flesch: 66 summary: The ruffianly and vicious of course clamored louder than any; the mass of people who are always led by others, chimed in, in a somewhat lower key; and many good men were silent for the reasons given already. Many other men had previously recognized the advantages of the place; hunters and surveyors had gone there, but Clark led thither the first permanent settlers. keywords: account; americans; army; attack; backwoodsmen; battle; body; boon; british; campbell; carolina; chief; children; clark; col; country; course; cumberland; day; days; detroit; expedition; ferguson; foes; footnote; force; fort; french; frontier; good; government; great; haldimand; hamilton; holston; horses; illinois; indians; kentucky; king; land; left; letter; life; loss; man; march; men; miles; militia; mountain; mss; new; north; number; officers; ohio; parties; party; people; place; river; robertson; savages; settlements; settlers; sevier; shelby; small; state; time; tories; towns; troops; vincennes; virginia; war; warriors; way; west; whites; women; years cache: 11942.txt plain text: 11942.txt item: #5 of 15 id: 11943 author: Roosevelt, Theodore title: The Winning of the West, Volume 3 The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790 date: None words: 92226 flesch: 64 summary: Many men of means found that land grants which they had obtained in good faith and for good money were declared void. A small war party could thus work untold harm in a district precisely as a couple of man-eating jaguars may depopulate a forest village in tropical America; and many men and much time had to be spent before they could be beaten into submission, exactly as it needs a great hunting party to drive from their fastness and slay the big man-eating cats, though, if they came to bay in the open, they could readily be killed by a single skilful and resolute hunter. keywords: americans; british; carolina; children; clark; congress; convention; country; course; cumberland; federal; footnote; franklin; french; frontier; frontiersmen; gardoqui; good; government; governor; indians; kentucky; land; leaders; letter; life; man; martin; men; militia; movement; mss; nation; new; north; northwest; officers; ohio; papers; parties; party; people; river; robertson; separatist; settlements; settlers; sevier; spain; spaniards; spanish; state; territory; time; towns; treaty; troops; union; united; virginia; vol; war; way; west; western; white; wilderness; years cache: 11943.txt plain text: 11943.txt item: #6 of 15 id: 11944 author: Roosevelt, Theodore title: The Winning of the West, Volume 4 Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807 date: None words: 100376 flesch: 63 summary: Yet the Creeks and other Indians had the effrontery afterwards to assert that the Cumberland Country had never been ceded at all, and that as the settlers in it were thus outside of the territory properly belonging to the United States, they were not entitled to protection under the treaty entered into with the latter. In March, 1793, Scolacutta's nearest neighbor, an Indian living next door to him in his own town, and other Indians of the nearest towns, joined one of the war parties which attacked the settlements and killed two unarmed lads. keywords: american; army; blount; british; burr; carondelet; cherokees; clair; clark; country; course; creeks; day; footnote; fort; french; frontiersmen; general; good; government; governor; great; horses; indians; jefferson; kentucky; land; letter; life; little; louisiana; man; march; men; militia; mississippi; mss; new; north; officers; ohio; orleans; papers; party; peace; people; power; robertson; savages; settlers; soldiers; south; spain; spaniards; spanish; states; tennessee; territory; time; towns; treaty; tribes; united; united states; war; washington; wayne; west; western; westerners; whites; wilkinson; years cache: 11944.txt plain text: 11944.txt item: #7 of 15 id: 12183 author: Kinzie, John H., Mrs. title: Wau-Bun: The Early Day in the Northwest date: None words: 114696 flesch: 72 summary: Its extent was first brought to our knowledge by those who came in little parties begging for food. Let me tell you, madame, replied he, with great _naïveté_, it is not so easy a thing to cheat the Indians as you imagine. keywords: appearance; arrived; bank; boat; captain; chapter; chicago; chief; children; company; country; course; day; days; family; father; fire; footnote; fort; fox; friends; general; good; green; ground; half; hand; head; home; horses; house; husband; indians; journey; kinzie; lake; leave; length; life; like; little; lodge; man; men; miles; morning; mother; mrs; new; night; officers; old; party; people; place; point; poor; prairie; present; return; river; set; shee; thought; time; village; visit; water; way; white; winnebago; woman; work; years; young cache: 12183.txt plain text: 12183.txt item: #8 of 15 id: 21251 author: MacNaul, Willard C. (Willard Carey) title: The Jefferson-Lemen Compact The Relations of Thomas Jefferson and James Lemen in the Exclusion of Slavery from Illinois and Northern Territory with Related Documents 1781-1818 date: None words: 20973 flesch: 63 summary: True to his promise to Mr. Lemen that slavery should {p.37} never prevail in the Northwestern Territory or any part of it, he quietly directed his leading confidential friends in Congress to steadily defeat Gen. Harrison's pro-slavery petitions for the repeal of the anti-slavery clause in the Ordinance of 1787, and his friendly aid to Rev. James Lemen, Sr., and friends made the anti-slavery contest of Bethel Church a success in saving the state to freedom. Sketch of Rev. James Lemen, Sr., by J. M. Peck........ 52 XVI. keywords: baptist; church; family; father; friends; history; illinois; james lemen; jefferson; lemen; lemen family; new; notes; peck; rev; slavery; state; territory; time; years cache: 21251.txt plain text: 21251.txt item: #9 of 15 id: 27394 author: Peck, John Mason title: A New Guide for Emigrants to the West date: None words: 87559 flesch: 68 summary: | N. | N.W. | E. | W. | CALM. keywords: + =; -----+----------+------------+------------+---------+---------+ |; ------+------+------+------+------+------+ |; = +; = =; = |; acres; arkansas; canal; cincinnati; climate; coal; college; counties; country; creeks; east; eastern; erie; feet; following; french; general; good; government; illinois; indiana; kentucky; lake; land; level; line; little; loam; louis; michigan; miles; mississippi; missouri; new; north; number; ohio; ohio river; parts; people; pittsburg; place; population; portion; prairie; public; region; river; road; rock; salt; sand; school; soil; south; state; streams; surface; territory; timber; time; total; towns; undulating; valley; wabash; water; western; white; years; | +; | -----+----------+------------+------------+---------+---------+; | =; | fort; | page; | |; | |april cache: 27394.txt plain text: 27394.txt item: #10 of 15 id: 30244 author: Barce, Elmore title: The Land of the Miamis An Account of the Struggle to Secure Possession of the North-West from the End of the Revolution until 1812 date: None words: 114563 flesch: 65 summary: In General Harrison's day he was United States Indian agent at Fort Wayne, but was killed in the massacre of Fort Dearborn, in 1812, by the faithless bands of Potawatomi under the chief Blackbird. At that period, 1809, says Dillon, the total quantity of land ceded to the United States, under treaties which were concluded between Governor Harrison and various Indian tribes, amounted to about 29,719,530 acres. keywords: american; army; battle; british; camp; captain; chief; clair; colonel; council; country; day; detroit; fort; french; general; government; governor; great; ground; harmar; harrison; illinois; indian; john; joseph; kentucky; lake; lands; left; line; little; major; man; maumee; men; miamis; miles; militia; new; northwest; officers; ohio; peace; people; potawatomi; prairie; present; prophet; right; river; savages; shawnees; south; states; tecumseh; territory; time; tippecanoe; town; treaty; tribes; troops; united; united states; village; vincennes; wabash; war; warriors; washington; wayne; west; western; white; william; wyandots; years cache: 30244.txt plain text: 30244.txt item: #11 of 15 id: 36698 author: Butterfield, Consul Willshire title: History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet in 1634 With a Sketch of his Life date: None words: 33989 flesch: 74 summary: But the following is the account of Vimont (_Relation_, 1643, p. 3), from the time of Nicolet's departure from the Huron villages to his being met by the young men of the Winnebagoes: Ils [_Nicolet and his seven Hurons_] passerent par quantité de petites nations, en allant et en reuenant; lors qu'ils y arriuoient, ils fichoient deux bastons en terre, auquel ils pendoient des presens, afin d'oster à ces peuples la pensée de les prendre pour ennemis et de les massacrer. Cependant comme son fils tiroit à la mort, ils prierent le sieur Nicolet de faire son possible pour sauuer cette âme: ils s'en vont donc le Pere Quentin et luy en cette maison d'écorce, pressent fortement ce Sauuage de consentir au baptesme de son petit fils. keywords: 12mo; 8vo; algonquins; bay; canada; champlain; country; dans; days; de la; des; footnote; fort; fox; france; french; fut; gens; green; having; history; hurons; indians; iroquois; john; journey; lake; lawrence; les; man; map; men; mer; michigan; miles; nation; new; nicolet; north; ottawa; paper; par; people; place; pour; quebec; qui; relation; return; river; savages; sea; son; time; trade; tribes; water; way; west; winnebagoes; wisconsin; year cache: 36698.txt plain text: 36698.txt item: #12 of 15 id: 41167 author: Hulbert, Archer Butler title: Military Roads of the Mississippi Basin date: None words: 40442 flesch: 70 summary: The winter of 1791-92 likewise witnessed the erection of an intermediary post between Forts Hamilton and Jefferson, most appropriately named Fort St. Clair. On May 12 Sergeant Reuben Reynolds was ordered to desert from Fort St. Clair and also follow St. Clair's route to the Maumee and reside with the Indians until a favorable opportunity to return occurred. keywords: army; butler; camp; campaign; clair; clark; county; creek; day; days; fort; fort washington; general; great; harmar; indians; kaskaskia; left; little; march; maumee; men; miami; miles; militia; ohio; point; prairie; river; road; route; states; trace; troops; vincennes; vol; wabash; war; washington; wayne; west cache: 41167.txt plain text: 41167.txt item: #13 of 15 id: 41349 author: None title: Historic Towns of the Western States date: None words: 113239 flesch: 62 summary: Cincinnati is a city of homes and churches, and singularly free from the crime that prowls in the slums of other cities. The public-school systems are of the same general character and stand well the comparison with those of other cities. keywords: american; angeles; bay; british; building; business; california; capital; centre; chicago; chief; church; cincinnati; cities; citizens; city; city hall; clark; cleveland; company; country; court; day; days; denver; des; detroit; early; east; english; falls; fort; francisco; french; general; george; gold; good; government; governor; great; half; henry; history; home; house; illustration; illustration city; indians; inhabitants; iowa; island; john; kansas city; lake city; land; law; left; library; life; long; los; louis; madison; man; marietta; men; mexico; miles; minneapolis; mission; mississippi; missouri; moines; monterey; new; north; northwest; ohio; omaha; pacific; park; paul; people; place; point; population; portland; post; present; president; public; river; salt; san; santa; school; settlement; settlers; site; soldiers; south; spanish; spokane; state; streets; territory; time; town; trade; tribes; united; university; village; vincennes; war; washington; water; way; west; western; white; work; world; years cache: 41349.txt plain text: 41349.txt item: #14 of 15 id: 43693 author: Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe title: Summary Narrative of an Exploratory Expedition to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in 1820 Resumed and Completed, by the Discovery of its Origin in Itasca Lake, in 1832 date: None words: 221280 flesch: 69 summary: No vegetation fit for animal life could take place until the transition, and most of the next series of _secondary_ or _floetz_ In that paper he mentions that the consolidation of all the hard crust of the globe has been effected by _heat_ and _fusion_, extending it to secondary as well as primitive rocks, and mentioning particularly Spanish marble, shell limestone, oolite, and chalk. keywords: american; appearance; banks; bay; bed; black; canoes; cass lake; character; chief; chippewa; chippewa river; clay; clear; coast; color; common; copper; country; course; croix; day; days; detroit; distance; drift; east; end |; entrance |; expedition; falls; feet; following; foot; form; formation; fort; fox river; french; general; geological; good; green; half; having; head; history; indian; iron; island; itasca lake; lake; lake huron; lake michigan; lake pepin; lake river; lake st; lake superior; language; latitude; lead; leech lake; left; level; light; like; limestone; line; little; long; man; mary; masses; men; michilimackinac; miles; mineral; mississippi river; mississippi |; morning; mouth |; native; new; north; northwest; number; o |; o'clock; objects; observations; p.m. |; party; passing; pavement |; person; place; plural; point; portage; position; present; quartz; rain; rapids; red; red river; region; river st; river |; rock; rock river; sandstone; sandy; schoolcraft; second; series; shore; sioux; soil; sources; species; spot; state; strata; stratum; stream; subject; surface; term; time; trap; tribes; united; upper; use; valley; verb; view; village; war; water; water river; way; west; white; wind; wisconsin; word; | mexico; | prairie; | s.; | st; | summit; | |; | °; ° | cache: 43693.txt plain text: 43693.txt item: #15 of 15 id: 48344 author: Otis, James title: Benjamin of Ohio: A Story of the Settlement of Marietta date: None words: 27143 flesch: 62 summary: [Illustration] Mistress Devoll would have insisted that we turn back and remain at the log shanty until the rain ceased; but both Captain Haskell and Master Rouse put an end to any such proposition by saying that now had come the season when we might rightly expect storms, and if we were to delay our journey save at such times as the weather was fair, winter would overtake us among the mountains where we might find it impossible either to go ahead or to retreat. The most important matter was the preparing of the wagon, where the women would sleep during such nights as we failed to find lodgings in taverns or farmhouses, and it was with infinite care that Master Rouse and Captain Haskell almost rebuilt this cart, which was what I believe is generally called a Conestoga wagon, although why it should be given such a name I do not understand, unless it may have been made in some town by the name of Conestoga. keywords: ben; captain; company; country; daniel; day; devoll; horses; illustration; isaac; journey; master; mistress; night; ohio; putnam; river; rouse; time; town; uncle; way; women cache: 48344.txt plain text: 48344.txt