item: #1 of 18 id: 45983 author: Neally, Amy title: To Nuremberg and Back: A Girl's Holiday date: None words: 14925 flesch: 81 summary: One day in the early spring, Alice Winter came home from school, and, after the usual question at the door, Is mamma at home? rushed upstairs, and found to her great surprise that her papa was at home, talking very earnestly to Mrs. Winter. ' Mrs. Winter and Alice had one room, and Mr. Winter was across the passage with another gentleman. keywords: alice; day; ford; girls; home; hotel; illustration; mrs; nuremberg; party; people; river; steamer; thought; time; way; winter cache: 45983.txt plain text: 45983.txt item: #2 of 18 id: 46401 author: Headlam, Cecil title: The Story of Nuremberg date: None words: 82647 flesch: 73 summary: The Story of_ Nuremberg _by Cecil Headlam with Illustrations by Miss H. M. James and with Woodcuts_ What, then, was the course along which ran this second line of fortifications? Assuming that the reader has accompanied us on our short circuit of the imaginary first town wall--(there is no better way of acquainting oneself with the topography of the place and of coming upon the most picturesque bits of old Nuremberg than to work round the three lines of fortifications sketched here)--we will start again from the Maxthor, the nineteenth-century gateway on the north side of the town. keywords: adam; albert; altar; arms; art; artist; burggraf; case; castle; century; chapel; chapter; chief; choir; christ; church; churches; citizens; city; conrad; council; country; course; cross; day; days; death; durer; east; emperor; empire; end; fact; family; father; feet; figures; form; german; god; good; hall; hand; hans; head; history; holy; house; illustration; jews; john; kaiser; king; krafft; left; life; markgraf; mary; master; maximilian; men; money; museum; north; nuremberg; order; original; painting; people; period; peter; picture; piece; place; present; princes; rathaus; right; room; round; sachs; school; sebald; second; south; story; thor; time; tower; town; trade; vischer; von; wall; war; way; west; window; wolgemut; work; years cache: 46401.txt plain text: 46401.txt item: #3 of 18 id: 5543 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 01 date: None words: 17209 flesch: 71 summary: He? Sir Heinz Schorlin? asked Els in surprise, a look of anxious suspense clouding her pretty, frank face. Sir Heinz Schorlin, the wild butterfly, desired to sip the honey from this sweet, untouched flower, and then probably abandon her like so many before her. keywords: biberli; dance; els; emperor; eva; eyes; father; hall; heart; heinz; house; katterle; knight; long; mother; nuremberg; ortlieb; schorlin; sister; time; wolff cache: 5543.txt plain text: 5543.txt item: #4 of 18 id: 5544 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 02 date: None words: 18103 flesch: 73 summary: Eva asked carelessly who rode with Cordula this time to submit to her whims, but Els perceived by her sister's flushed cheeks and the tone of her voice what she desired to know, and answered as if by accident that Sir Heinz Schorlin certainly was not one of her companions, for he had ridden through the Frauenthor that afternoon in the train of the Emperor Rudolph and his Bohemian daughter-in-law. With a sigh of relief, and a hasty thanksgiving to her patron saint, she at once began to praise the virtue and piety of the servant as well as his lord; but Eva again interrupted, and asked what Sir Heinz Schorlin desired. keywords: biberli; els; eva; father; girl; hand; heart; heinz; house; knight; lady; love; man; mother; ortlieb; schorlin; sir; sister; time; wolff cache: 5544.txt plain text: 5544.txt item: #5 of 18 id: 5545 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 03 date: None words: 19342 flesch: 76 summary: On the morrow all Nuremberg would learn that Herr Casper had broken his son's betrothal pledge, because his bride, for the sake of a tempter, Sir Heinz Schorlin, had failed to keep her troth with him. But Heinz Schorlin had just approached and whispered that, by his knightly honour, Els was a total stranger to him, and he only wished he might find his own dear sister at home as pure and free from any fault. keywords: biberli; cordula; countess; daughter; els; eva; eyes; father; fire; heart; heinz; herr; house; knight; love; man; ortlieb; schorlin; sister; time; wolff cache: 5545.txt plain text: 5545.txt item: #6 of 18 id: 5546 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 04 date: None words: 20379 flesch: 73 summary: And certainly nothing could afford Sir Heinz Schorlin greater pleasure than your speedy departure, Biberli retorted. His purpose was to make some arrangement with Heinz Schorlin about the lost estate and obtain definite knowledge concerning his quarrel with him, of which he remembered nothing except that intoxication and jealousy had carried him further than would have happened otherwise. keywords: biberli; countess; door; eysvogel; father; hand; heinz; house; knight; law; love; man; master; mother; schorlin; seitz; siebenburg; swiss; time; wife; wolff; woman; young cache: 5546.txt plain text: 5546.txt item: #7 of 18 id: 5547 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 05 date: None words: 17893 flesch: 71 summary: Now she dreamed that Heinz Schorlin had borne her in his strong arms out of the burning convent, as Sir Boemund Altrosen had saved the Countess von Montfort, and carried her to the dead woman, who looked as fresh and well as in the days before her sickness. Behind them came several mailed knights, with the emblems of the deepest mourning on their garments and helmets, and among those nearest to the Emperor Eva perceived--her heart almost stood still--the person whom she had least expected to meet here--Heinz Schorlin. keywords: biberli; dead; els; emperor; eva; eyes; father; flowers; hand; heart; heinz; knight; life; love; man; mother; sister; soul; time; young cache: 5547.txt plain text: 5547.txt item: #8 of 18 id: 5548 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 06 date: None words: 18001 flesch: 66 summary: Life was teaching him to welcome a small evil when it barred the way to a greater one, and his master's marriage, even with a girl of far lower station than Eva Ortlieb, would have been sure of his favour, if only it would have deterred him from the purpose of leaving the world to which he belonged. Whoever has expected Eva Ortlieb to shelter herself from malice behind strong walls will be mistaken. keywords: abbess; city; council; els; eva; eyes; eysvogel; father; hand; heart; heinz; herr; house; love; man; mother; nuremberg; ortlieb; sister; soul; time; world cache: 5548.txt plain text: 5548.txt item: #9 of 18 id: 5549 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 07 date: None words: 23730 flesch: 70 summary: Frau Christine drew her compassionately to her heart, pressed the motherless child's head to her bosom, and let her weep her fill there, whilst the magistrate said to Sir Boemund: And Eva Ortlieb also witnessed this hideous scene, yet the delicate young creature endured it? Altrosen nodded assent, adding eagerly, as if some memory rose vividly before him: She often looked distressed by these horrors, but usually-- how shall I express it?--usually calm and content. Frau Christine, the Abbess Kunigunde's sister, aided her in this effort, and the Beguines, to whom the magistrate's wife in no way belonged, but who had given them a home on her own estate, silently rendered her obedience when she wished to see undesirable conditions in their common life removed. keywords: child; children; christine; city; cordula; countess; els; eva; eyes; father; frau; frau christine; girl; hand; heart; herr; hospital; house; husband; magistrate; right; sister; time; wife; woman cache: 5549.txt plain text: 5549.txt item: #10 of 18 id: 5550 author: Ebers, Georg title: In the Fire of the Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg — Volume 08 date: None words: 21235 flesch: 65 summary: This was balm to the convalescent's wounds; for he cherished no wish more ardent than to accompany his master to the marriage altar, where Eva would give her hand to Heinz Schorlin as her faithful husband, and the abbess's last visit seemed to favour this desire. But her kind heart, and the regard which both Eva and Heinz Schorlin had inspired, strengthened her desire to aid, as far as lay in her power, the brave maiden who urged her suit with such honest warmth, and the petitioner's avowal of her intention, as a last resort, of appealing to the Emperor in person showed her how to convert her kind wishes into deeds. keywords: biberli; city; daughter; emperor; eva; eyes; father; hand; heart; heinz; herr; knight; lady; life; love; man; mother; nuremberg; schorlin; sister; time cache: 5550.txt plain text: 5550.txt item: #11 of 18 id: 5552 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 01 date: None words: 24052 flesch: 68 summary: I forthwith hastened to her, pressed the little packet which Mistress Grosz had given me into her hand--for I had it still hidden in my poke--and, whispered to her: I had two of them, little Ann; make haste and pour them on the heap. Thus it was, that, by the time when Herdegen was to go to the high school at Erfurt, Magister Peter was not strangely unlike other learned men of his standing; and when it fell that he had to discourse of the great masters of learning in Italy, or of the glorious Greek writers, I have seen his eye light up like that of a youth. keywords: ann; child; cousin; day; eyes; face; father; forest; good; hand; head; heart; herdegen; home; house; little; love; maid; man; maud; mother; right; school; time; uncle cache: 5552.txt plain text: 5552.txt item: #12 of 18 id: 5553 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 02 date: None words: 17979 flesch: 71 summary: My silly brain, from the first, had been puzzled to think wherefor my brother should have taken that nag to ride to see his guardian, who thought more than other men of a good horse. This day I was certain I had the greater number of birds in my wallet, and I walked in good heart toward the end of the path. keywords: ann; aunt; brother; day; end; eyes; face; father; forest; good; head; heart; herdegen; love; man; master; saw; time; uncle cache: 5553.txt plain text: 5553.txt item: #13 of 18 id: 5554 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 03 date: None words: 19211 flesch: 69 summary: Also we came to Paris in good heart; and safe and sound in body; and this is a city wherein life is far more ravishing than in Nuremberg. I will bear it no more! and hid her face in her hands, I clasped her in my arms, and to soothe her spoke in praise of her stepfather, Master Pernhart, and his high spirit and good heart; then she sobbed aloud and said: Oh, for that matter! keywords: ann; brother; cousin; dance; day; eyes; hand; heart; herdegen; home; house; life; love; man; master; maud; mother; right; time; uncle cache: 5554.txt plain text: 5554.txt item: #14 of 18 id: 5555 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 04 date: None words: 18374 flesch: 71 summary: The great dance, of which I have already made mention, and whither Ann had agreed to come with us, was the first I should go to with my well-beloved Hans. Whereupon Ann smiled on him so graciously that I was in pain for him, and she signed to me, and, I taking the lower part as was our wont, we gave Prince Wizlav's Song to Dame Love. keywords: ann; aunt; end; eyes; hand; heart; herdegen; home; house; junker; lady; long; love; master; mind; nay; right; time; ursula cache: 5555.txt plain text: 5555.txt item: #15 of 18 id: 5556 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 05 date: None words: 19497 flesch: 73 summary: Ann and I went to our chamber greatly comforted, and in such good heart as at that time I could be, and when from thence I heard Uncle Christian's great voice, as full of jollity as ever, I was certain that matters were all for the best for Herdegen. Hereupon their chief made answer roundly that he was here by his Majesty's warrant, and that of the city authorities, to make certain whether Junker Herdegen Schopper, who had fled from the Imperial ban, were in hiding or no in the house of his fathers. keywords: ann; brother; cousin; day; emperor; eyes; good; hand; hans; head; heart; herdegen; junker; king; knight; man; queen; right; time; uncle; ursula cache: 5556.txt plain text: 5556.txt item: #16 of 18 id: 5557 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 06 date: None words: 19566 flesch: 72 summary: Meseemed that pain had loosened the tongue of that hitherto wordless old man, and whereas he had ever held his head high above all men, he would now abase himself before the humblest. Revel and wallow, till you, who have trampled on this heart's true love, are brought low--as loathsome in the eyes of men as a leper and a beggar. keywords: ann; brother; cousin; day; end; eyes; good; hand; heart; herdegen; home; kubbeling; kunz; love; man; master; right; time; uncle; ursula; venice cache: 5557.txt plain text: 5557.txt item: #17 of 18 id: 5558 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 07 date: None words: 20951 flesch: 71 summary: All in good time, said I then, I will dismount that minute when we have found Ann. Whereupon arose his first sharp dispute with his parents, and when my uncle threatened that he would carry him thither by force he had stolen away into the woods, and stayed all night with some bee-keeper folk, and not come home till midday on the morrow, when it was too late to ride to the Castle in good time. keywords: ann; cousin; end; eyes; face; good; hand; heart; herdegen; kubbeling; letter; lord; man; master; nuremberg; ransom; reason; right; set; time; uncle cache: 5558.txt plain text: 5558.txt item: #18 of 18 id: 5559 author: Ebers, Georg title: Margery (Gred): A Tale Of Old Nuremberg — Volume 08 date: None words: 23603 flesch: 68 summary: I was amazed to see her in such good heart, and all the more so when she told me that my lord Cardinal had come home that morning. I mind me likewise that I then beheld fair Waldtrud, the forester's daughter, inasmuch as she full heartily wished me joy; yet I remember even better that I felt no pang of jealousy, and indeed scarce looked at the wench, by reason that there were many other matters of which the sight gave me far greater joy. keywords: ann; brother; cousin; day; end; eyes; good; gotz; hand; heart; herdegen; home; life; long; love; man; margery; master; matters; reason; right; time cache: 5559.txt plain text: 5559.txt