item: #1 of 17 id: 18189 author: Weschcke, Carl title: Growing Nuts in the North A Personal Story of the Author's Experience of 33 Years with Nut Culture in Minnesota and Wisconsin date: None words: 42926 flesch: 70 summary: In an effort to replace these lost trees, I inquired at the University of Minnesota Farm and was given the addresses of several nurserymen who were then selling grafted nut trees. PAUL, MINNESOTA Introduction GROWING NUTS IN THE NORTH Only a few books have been written on the subject of nut trees and their bearing habits, and very little of that material applies to their propagation in cold climates. keywords: bearing; black; butternut; butternut trees; chapter; cut; filberts; good; grafting; grafts; ground; growing; growth; hazel; hickory; hybrid; illustration; nut trees; nuts; pecan; plants; pollen; roots; scions; shagbark; size; soil; stock; time; trees; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; weschcke; wild; winter; years cache: 18189.txt plain text: 18189.txt item: #2 of 17 id: 18288 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915 date: None words: 30183 flesch: 72 summary: It would not be a difficult thing for the Nut Growers Association to interest civic associations or women's clubs in the planting not only of forest trees alone along rural highways but a certain number of nut trees. In many ways the children of this country are educating their parents and it is not an impossible idea to think of the parents of the future being converted by the influence of their children to the desirability if not the necessity of growing trees and nut trees, the fruit of which will give pleasant healthfulness and at the same time aid in the saving of the daily wage and in the support of the commonwealth. keywords: agriculture; association; blight; california; country; crop; forest; growing; hazel; land; meeting; members; morris; new; northern; nut; nut trees; nuts; pecan; pennsylvania; present; president; reed; report; rochester; seedling; species; state; time; trees; varieties; variety; walnut; wood; work; year; york cache: 18288.txt plain text: 18288.txt item: #3 of 17 id: 19050 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the eighth annual meeting Stamford, Connecticut, September 5 and 6, 1917 date: None words: 42667 flesch: 72 summary: Moved by Mr. Littlepage: That the association request the Secretary of Agriculture to include in his estimates of appropriations for the next fiscal year a sum sufficient, in his judgment, to enable the department to carry on a continuous survey of nut culture, including the investigation and study of nut trees throughout the northern states, such nut trees including all the native varieties of nuts, hickories, walnuts, butternuts and any sub-divisions of those varieties, and that a committee of three be appointed to interview the secretary personally to have this amount included in the appropriation. In sections of the country the different kind of nut trees suitable could be selected and, if planted and given proper care, would be a source of large income in the years that are to come. keywords: american; association; attention; bearing; blight; chestnut; connecticut; country; food; fruit; good; growing; growth; hickory; interest; man; members; morris; new; northern; number; nut culture; nut trees; nuts; pecan; people; pine; place; planting; point; present; quality; question; secretary; species; spring; stamford; states; stock; think; time; varieties; walnut; walnut trees; way; work; years; york cache: 19050.txt plain text: 19050.txt item: #4 of 17 id: 19373 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. Battle Creek, Michigan, December 9 and 10, 1919 date: None words: 80009 flesch: 73 summary: | P | Q | R | S | T | U | ======================================================================= |Luther W. Vest | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Blacksburg, Va. |100.0| 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 20| 0 | 4 | 9 | 20| 75| |Vest hickory | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |G. W. Manahan | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Sabillasville. O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | =========================================================================== |D. K. Dunn | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Wynne, Ark. |100.0| 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 20| 0 | 4 | 11| 20| 79| |Pecan No. 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |E. J. Koontz | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Richards, Mo. |100.0| 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 20| 0 | 5 | 11| 17| 78| |---- | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |J. F. Clifford | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Crossville, Ill. | 70.8| 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 12| 2 | 5 | 9| keywords: -----------------------------------------------------------------------|--- |; ---------------------------------------------------------------------|--- |; = =; alley |; beam |; bitternut |; c. |; clark |; clifford |; deming |; eyck |; faust |; g |; glover |; h |; heartnut |; hickory |; jones |; l |; littlepage |; o. |; olcott |; pomeroy |; rothe |; shape |; sturts |; u |; vest |; vollertsen |; walnut |; witte |; y. |; | --------------------------------------------------------------------------|j; | --------------------------------------------------------------------------|mrs; | --------------------------------------------------------------------------|r; | ------------------------------------------------------------------------|---; | -----------------------------------------------------------------------|---; | -----------------------------------------------------------------------|name; | -----------------------------------------------------------------------|s; | ----------------------------------------------------------------------|e; | ---------------------------------------------------------------------|---; | 6|; | =; | b; | n; | p; | pecan; | t; | |; | |---; | |amherst; | |bamberg; | |center; | |hazel; | |jackson; | |lancaster; | |landon; | |middlefield; | |minford; | |morrison; | |mt; | |perrysville; | |port; | |rochester; | |woodbury; | |wynne; |--- |; |description | cache: 19373.txt plain text: 19373.txt item: #5 of 17 id: 19728 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twelfth Annual Meeting Lancaster, Pennsylvania, October 6 and 7, 1921 date: None words: 33151 flesch: 70 summary: It is curious that the biggest development in nut tree planting, for which we are responsible apparently, and practically the only considerable development of the roadside planting of nut trees, about which we have been talking so much, is on the other side of the earth, in China, where Mr. Wang, one of our members, and associated with the Kinsan Arboretum, is planting along the new model highway from Shanghai to Hangkow, a ton of black walnuts bought in this country and shipped to him through Mr. Bixby. I do not want to be understood as disparaging nut tree planting. keywords: association; bixby; city; committee; country; good; growing; highway; line; members; michigan; new; nut; nut trees; nuts; pecan; people; place; planting; plants; president; public; question; road; secretary; state; think; time; trees; walnut; work; years; york; | | cache: 19728.txt plain text: 19728.txt item: #6 of 17 id: 20032 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930 date: None words: 39423 flesch: 75 summary: If we had the whole country hunting for good nut trees we could tell what the country is producing. While it is not likely that North Dakota will be a commercial nut growing state, we can look forward with confidence to the time when a group of nut trees will be included in the grove which will surround each North Dakota home. keywords: association; black; box; chestnut; contest; deming; good; growing; iowa; kernels; large; meat; members; mrs; new; nut; nut trees; nuts; people; plant; points; president; prof; quality; report; scions; size; smith; snyder; species; state; time; trees; use; varieties; walnut; way; wood; work; years; zimmerman cache: 20032.txt plain text: 20032.txt item: #7 of 17 id: 20221 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting Downington, Pennsylvania, September 11 and 12, 1933 date: None words: 29916 flesch: 73 summary: We nut growers have been in the habit of thinking of growing nut trees on land which is good for nothing else, so that it is interesting to find nurseries using this good land and making a success of nut tree growing. It is this class of people that are interested in such things as nut trees as something new and different. keywords: association; ave; black; crop; english; grafting; green; grove; growing; growth; japanese; kernels; mrs; new; nut; nut trees; nuts; orchard; place; president; prof; scions; state; time; trees; varieties; walnut; winter; wood; work; year; york cache: 20221.txt plain text: 20221.txt item: #8 of 17 id: 20903 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting Battle Creek, Michigan, September 10 and 11, 1934 date: None words: 62721 flesch: 72 summary: W. Gibbens 117 Fred Kettler 118 Telegram to Dr. Morris 119 Catalogue of Nut trees in Kellogg Plantings 120 Exhibits at Convention 122 Attendance 124 Books and Bulletins on Northern Nut Growing 126 Advertisement--Hobbies Magazine 127 OFFICERS OF THE ASSOCIATION _President. The result was we began to order nut trees by the carloads. keywords: association; attention; battle; bearing; bixby; black; cent; contest; cracking; creek; crop; deming; english; farm; good; growing; growth; hickory; injury; iowa; kellogg; kernel; meat; members; michigan; mrs; new; northern; number; nut trees; nuts; ohio; orchard; page; paper; pecan; place; plantings; present; prize; prof; quality; reed; report; riehl; shagbark; shell; species; state; time; trees; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; washington; winter; work; year; york; zimmerman cache: 20903.txt plain text: 20903.txt item: #9 of 17 id: 21516 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, August 28, 29 and 30, 1951 date: None words: 52864 flesch: 77 summary: This matter of selecting the best variety of black walnuts for a particular locality has been of interest to me ever since I became interested in the fascinating subject and practice of growing nut trees. The members of the Northern Nut Growers Association are all good people and they are very much interested in nut growing, not so much from the standpoint of making a fabulous income and being able to retire on an unlimited bank account on ten acres of land in nut trees, but they get a lot of pleasure out of fooling with them as a hobby, and in order that they might more or less through their trees respond under God's loving care. keywords: = =; article; association; avenue; bearing; best; black; box; buds; chestnut; chinese; city; colby; cut; disease; feet; fruit; good; grafts; growing; growth; hickory; illinois; indiana; john; leaves; mckay; meeting; member; mrs; new; north; northern; number; nursery; nut; nut trees; nuts; ohio; orchard; pecan; persian; plant; propagation; report; route; seedlings; south; species; state; stock; street; time; trees; university; urbana; use; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; winter; wood; work; years; york cache: 21516.txt plain text: 21516.txt item: #10 of 17 id: 22312 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting Ithaca, New York, December 14 and 15, 1911 date: None words: 57879 flesch: 69 summary: The same methods of searching out the individuals of superior merit to that of the general average for propagation by grafting and budding by which other nut trees are being improved should be followed with the hazels. A list of some of the chief nurserymen carrying nut trees in stock. keywords: agriculture; american; association; bark; bearing; chestnut; committee; craig; disease; good; grafting; growing; growth; hickories; hickory; indiana; lake; littlepage; meeting; morris; new; north; nut; nut trees; nuts; pecan; pecan trees; president; president morris; professor; root; southern; species; state; stock; time; trees; varieties; walnut; way; work; years; york cache: 22312.txt plain text: 22312.txt item: #11 of 17 id: 22587 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943 date: None words: 57488 flesch: 72 summary: This survey of nut tree growing in the United States and Canada is a cross section of the industry and has been conducted through the membership of our Association. In addition to many letters and other valuable sources of information this survey covers reports from more than 150 planters of named varieties of nut trees. keywords: association; ave; average; bearing; black; bnd; box; butternut; cent; chestnuts; cracking; crop; dry; filberts; flavor; good; growers; growing; growth; high; hybrid; john; kernels; late; lime; members; new; northern; number; nursery; nut; nut trees; nuts; ohio; operator; pecans; planting; plants; pollen; qtrs; quality; report; samples; score; seedlings; shell; shr; size; snyder; soil; south; species; spring; state; tests; thomas; time; trees; use; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; weight; winter; work; years cache: 22587.txt plain text: 22587.txt item: #12 of 17 id: 22721 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting Guelph, Ontario, September 3, 4, 5, 1947 date: None words: 61002 flesch: 72 summary: Dr. Shoemaker spoke about the work done on nut trees several years ago by Mr. Neilson in Canada. Nut trees, if you have the facilities and good varieties, are something that will make living more enjoyable and worthwhile. keywords: association; ave; barcelona; bearing; black; box; buds; chestnut; chinese; cold; conditions; crop; cut; early; fall; farm; feet; fruit; good; growers; growing; growth; injury; japanese; john; kernels; late; little; long; members; mrs; new; northern; number; nursery; nut trees; nuts; ontario; percent; period; persian; place; planting; plants; pounds; report; rest; results; rush; seedlings; set; size; smith; soil; spring; state; station; stock; stoke; summer; thomas; time; trees; use; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; winter; wood; work; year cache: 22721.txt plain text: 22721.txt item: #13 of 17 id: 23656 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Third Annual Meeting Lancaster, Pennsylvania, December 18 and 19, 1912 date: None words: 56669 flesch: 73 summary: As my paper happens to be placed first on the list, through the methods of the Secretary, I will ask Mr. Littlepage to kindly take the chair while I present notes on the subject of hybridizing nut trees. In the experimental work of hybridizing nut trees, we soon come to learn that a number of practical points need to be acquired before successful hybridizing can be done. keywords: agriculture; association; ave; bark; blight; care; chairman; chestnut; city; co.; committee; county; cut; flowers; great; growing; growth; hickory; jones; lake; land; littlepage; member; men; new; nut; nut trees; nuts; orchard; paper; pecan; pennsylvania; people; persian; place; plant; pollen; present; prof; reed; root; rush; secretary; smith; sober; soil; state; tap; time; trees; varieties; walnut; water; way; wood; work; year cache: 23656.txt plain text: 23656.txt item: #14 of 17 id: 25831 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Report Wooster, Ohio, September 3, 4, 5, 1946 date: None words: 66172 flesch: 67 summary: A better understanding of the uses and comparative value of nuts is gradually coming about which will result in a tremendous demand on the nut-growing industry, which of course, includes the nurserymen who develop and grow all varieties of nut trees. In addition to the regular routine duties of answering inquiries about the Association, sales of reports, giving information about nut trees, where they may be obtained, and sources of additional reading material and reference material about nut tree work, a large part of the time I could devote to Association affairs this year was in preparation for this meeting. keywords: = =; american; association; ave; bark; bearing; best; black; box; chestnut; chinese; conditions; crop; cut; d. 1; elements; experiment; farm; feet; good; grafting; growers; growing; growth; high; hybrids; inches; john; kernel; large; late; little; long; members; method; mrs; native; new; northern; number; nursery; nut trees; nuts; ohio; pecan; pecan trees; persian; place; planting; plants; pounds; production; quality; r. d.; results; scion; seedlings; size; soil; species; spring; state; station; stock; thomas; time; trees; use; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; west; wood; work; years cache: 25831.txt plain text: 25831.txt item: #15 of 17 id: 25935 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952 date: None words: 86882 flesch: 74 summary: He came into our county and planted a farm to nut trees and nut production. This still remains one of the important areas where we need much more information particularly as to the success or failure of different named clones of nut trees in various regions. keywords: 1952; = =; american; association; ave; bearing; best; black; box; carpathian; chestnut; chinese; city; committee; control; crop; disease; english; fall; farmer; feet; following; fruit; good; graft; grafting; growers; growing; growth; hickories; hickory; home; hybrid; illinois; indiana; john; kernels; late; leaves; lot; macdaniels; mckay; meeting; members; membership; mrs; new; northern; number; nursery; nut growers; nut trees; nuts; oak; ohio; ontario; orchard; pecan; people; period; persian; place; plant; planting; present; president; produce; production; report; research; results; second; seedlings; shagbark; shells; size; soil; south; species; spring; state; stock; stoke; time; trees; use; value; varieties; variety; virginia; walnut; walnut trees; way; winter; wood; work; year; york; young cache: 25935.txt plain text: 25935.txt item: #16 of 17 id: 26013 author: None title: Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950 date: None words: 93680 flesch: 77 summary: I feel that much of the success of our organization in the gathering of nut tree varieties has been due to an honest effort towards reporting only facts and we will do well to enlist the aid of our college trained scientific minds to help us individuals in asking ourselves the necessary questions about our nut tree varieties. SLATE: I want to support Mr. Anthony's remarks that there are too many old men testing nut tree varieties. keywords: area; association; avenue; bearing; bernath; black; box; butternut; carpathian; chase; chestnut; committee; corsan; crane; crop; cut; disease; experiment; farm; feet; filberts; fruit; george; good; graft; grafting; ground; growers; growing; growth; hickory; inches; information; injury; japanese; kernels; lot; macdaniels; meeting; members; mrs; new; northern; number; nursery; nut; nut growers; nut trees; nuts; ohio; pecan; pennsylvania; people; persian; place; planting; president; quality; report; right; route; seedling; set; size; smith; soil; south; species; spring; state; station; street; thing; time; trees; use; varieties; variety; walnut; walnut trees; way; weber; winter; wood; work; years; york; york mr cache: 26013.txt plain text: 26013.txt item: #17 of 17 id: 37968 author: Fuller, Andrew S. (Andrew Samuel) title: The Nut Culturist A Treatise on Propogation, Planting, and Cultivation of Nut Bearing Trees and Shrubs Adapted to the Climate of the United States date: None words: 85257 flesch: 64 summary: I am not attempting to pose as the one wise man engaged in rural affairs, but am merely recounting my personal observation and experience, having in my younger days taken the advice of my elders, and at a time when a hint of the future value of nut trees would have been worth more than a paid-up life insurance policy. But for the present I will omit further reference to the planting of nut trees except on the line of the highways, just where other kinds have long been in vogue and are still being cultivated for shade and ornament,--with no thought, perhaps, on the part of the planter, that both could be obtained in the nut trees, with something of more intrinsic value added. keywords: almond; american; bark; bearing; bud; buds; chestnut; country; cultivation; cut; european; feet; fig; filbert; form; fruit; good; grafting; ground; growing; growth; half; hickories; hickory; husk; illustration; inches; juglans; kernel; kinds; leaves; long; native; new; northern; number; nut trees; nuts; pecan; planting; plants; propagation; roots; season; seedlings; shell; size; smooth; soil; south; southern; species; spring; states; stocks; time; trees; value; varieties; variety; walnut; way; wood; work; years; young cache: 37968.txt plain text: 37968.txt