item: #1 of 26 id: 11633 author: Wagner, Richard title: Parsifal A Mystical Drama by Richard Wagner Retold in the Spirit of the Bayreuth Interpretation date: None words: 16068 flesch: 88 summary: And still impetuous and unreasoning, Fighting the facts of life in rebel mood (A child of sudden temper, guileless heart), He seized her, struggling with a furious might To make her unsay what her lips had told. Long did our King Amfortas kneel before The sanctuary, praying in his pain And seeking for a word of hope from God. keywords: amfortas; god; grail; guileless; gurnemanz; heart; holy; king; knights; kundry; life; love; pain; parsifal; spake; spear; thee; thou cache: 11633.txt plain text: 11633.txt item: #2 of 26 id: 13843 author: Illica, Luigi title: Libretto: La Bohème date: None words: 13697 flesch: 96 summary: (RUDOLPH _makes_ MIMI _sit down. Momus, Momus, Momus! (MIMI _goes nearer the window, so that the moon's rays fall on her while_ RUDOLPH _ keywords: ben; col; colline; door; friends; good; love; mar; marcel; mimi; musetta; rud; rudolph; sch; schaunard; table; tis; work cache: 13843.txt plain text: 13843.txt item: #3 of 26 id: 14968 author: Upton, George P. (George Putnam) title: The Standard Operas: Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers (12th edition) date: None words: 88251 flesch: 70 summary: The remaining numbers are Elvira's appeal to her lover (Vien, diletto), the magnificent duet for basses (Suoni la tromba), known as the Liberty Duet, which in sonorousness, majesty, and dramatic intensity hardly has an equal in the whole range of Italian opera; a tender and plaintive romanza for tenor (A una fonte aflitto e solo); a passionate duet for Arthur and Elvira (Star teco ognor); and an adagio, sung by Arthur in the finale (Ella è tremante). As she kisses his hand he wakes, and in the duet which follows tells her the story of his early life in an exquisite romanza (Di pescatore ignobile), which is one of the most familiar numbers in Italian opera. keywords: accompaniment; act; act opera; action; acts; appearance; aria; beauty; castle; changes; character; chorus; close; closing; composer; count; country; daughter; day; death; der; dialogue; die; don; duet; duke; effect; elvira; english; ensues; enters; father; faust; figaro; finale; following; girl; gods; grail; grand; hand; herr; house; italian; king; lady; leonora; libretto; life; little; lohengrin; london; love; march; marriage; melody; mignon; mme; mother; motive; mozart; music; new; numbers; opera; orchestra; original; overture; paris; passionate; people; performance; place; power; quartet; queen; rienzi; ring; scene; second; set; siegfried; siegmund; singing; song; stage; stirring; story; strains; subject; success; sung; sword; theatre; time; title; trio; verdi; vienna; von; wagner; way; words; work; world; year cache: 14968.txt plain text: 14968.txt item: #4 of 26 id: 15915 author: Offenbach, Jacques title: New version of Les contes d'Hoffmann (The tales of Hoffman) date: None words: 14179 flesch: 91 summary: Tra la la, tra la la, No, 'tis the method. Tra la la, tra la la. keywords: antonia; c'est; choeur; chorus; cochenille; crespel; dans; dapertutto; elle; frantz; giulietta; hoffman; la la; les; love; lui; miracle; moi; mon; nathanael; nicklausse; non; nous; olympia; pas; pour; que; qui; schlemil; spalanzani; tire; tis; toi; vous cache: 15915.txt plain text: 15915.txt item: #5 of 26 id: 16250 author: Wagner, Richard title: Tristan and Isolda: Opera in Three Acts date: None words: 10023 flesch: 95 summary: (_He sets upon_ MARK _and his followers_.) MARK. [KURVENAL, _driven away by_ TRISTAN'S _chidings, descends into the cabin_. keywords: brangæna; death; isolda; king; kurvenal; love; mark; melot; night; ship; thee; thou; thy; tristan cache: 16250.txt plain text: 16250.txt item: #6 of 26 id: 16840 author: Guerber, H. A. (Hélène Adeline) title: Stories of the Wagner Opera date: None words: 37735 flesch: 67 summary: Simultaneously almost with Brangeane's cry, Kurvenal rushes upon the scene with drawn sword, imploring his master to fly; but ere this advice can be followed King Mark and the traitor Melot appear, closely followed by all the royal hunting party. While the lovers, clasped in each other's arms, unite in a duet of passionate love, the vessel is made fast to the shore, where the royal bridegroom is waiting, and it is only when Brangeane throws the royal mantle over Ysolde's shoulders, and when Kurvenal bids them step ashore, that the lovers suddenly realise that their brief dream of love is over. keywords: brunhilde; day; death; elsa; fair; gods; grail; hand; heart; holy; king; life; love; magic; mime; opera; people; rienzi; ring; siegfried; sieglinde; siegmund; song; sword; tannhäuser; thee; thou; thy; time; tristan; wagner; world; wotan; young; ysolde cache: 16840.txt plain text: 16840.txt item: #7 of 26 id: 20264 author: Haweis, H. R. (Hugh Reginald) title: Parsifal: Story and Analysis of Wagner's Great Opera date: None words: 8046 flesch: 76 summary: Sleep, she mutters, I must sleep--sleep! and falls down in one of those long trances which apparently last for months, or years, and form the transition periods between her mood of Grail service and the Klingsor slavery into which she must next relapse in spite of herself. Many knights have already succumbed to the insidious arts of Klingsor; but the tragical turning-point of the _Parsifal_ is that Amfortas, himself the son of Titurel, the official guardian of the Grail, in making war upon the magician, took with him the sacred spear, and _lost_ it to Klingsor. keywords: amfortas; grail; guileless; gurnemanz; holy; king; klingsor; knights; kundry; life; love; music; parsifal; spear; wound cache: 20264.txt plain text: 20264.txt item: #8 of 26 id: 27265 author: Brownell, Gertrude Hall title: The Wagnerian Romances date: None words: 129443 flesch: 82 summary: Radiant life!--the last good words ever exchanged between them!--they tear apart, without sorrow or foreboding. He comes a little more awake to protest that death cannot destroy such love as theirs, that love is stronger than death, is eternally living, that all that could die in death would be the disturbing things which now prevent him from being always with her, whereas were they to die,--inseparable,--to all eternity one,--nevermore to awake,--nevermore to know fear,--nameless, close enfolded in love,--belonging singly to themselves,--they should live wholly for love!... keywords: alberich; arms; beckmesser; brangaene; brünnhilde; child; cries; day; death; dream; earth; elsa; end; eyes; face; father; fear; fire; forth; god; gods; gold; good; gunther; hagen; hand; head; heart; hero; high; home; honour; house; isolde; joy; king; know; life; light; loge; look; love; man; master; mime; moment; mother; music; parsifal; place; point; power; rest; rhine; ring; sachs; ship; siegfried; siegmund; sleep; song; spear; stands; sword; thing; thought; time; tristan; truth; turns; voice; walther; way; words; world; wotan cache: 27265.txt plain text: 27265.txt item: #9 of 26 id: 28711 author: Bacon, Mary Schell Hoke title: Operas Every Child Should Know Descriptions of the Text and Music of Some of the Most Famous Masterpieces date: None words: 119071 flesch: 89 summary: In the early day peasants arrived with their grain sacks, called for entrance, and the doors were opened to them; other men with grain to be milled came and went, and the scene presented a lively appearance. What man has a friend, whose own greatness makes other men feel small? he asked still more sadly. keywords: act; arline; art; brünnhilde; carmen; coming; count; daughter; day; door; duke; elsa; father; fear; girl; good; half; hand; hans; head; heart; help; home; house; john; josé; king; left; life; little; look; love; man; mime; moment; mother; music; near; night; opera; people; place; queen; radames; rigoletto; ring; sang; scene; siegfried; sing; sir; song; sword; thaddeus; thee; things; think; thou; thought; thy; time; voice; walther; way; wife; work; wotan cache: 28711.txt plain text: 28711.txt item: #10 of 26 id: 35699 author: O'Keeffe, John title: Fontainbleau; a comic opera. In three acts date: None words: 18158 flesch: 98 summary: Sir J. B._ _Sir J. B._ Pay you--what the devil, do you think I'll give you fifty pounds, because one horse thrusts his nose out before another? keywords: bull; casey; colonel; dear; dolly; dolly b.; henry; j. b.; john; lack; lackland; lady; lady b.; lord; miss; mrs; rosa; sir; sir j.; tallyho; yes cache: 35699.txt plain text: 35699.txt item: #11 of 26 id: 36651 author: O'Keeffe, John title: The Castle of Andalusia: A Comic Opera, in Three Acts date: None words: 15715 flesch: 98 summary: Mr. Johnstone._ SPADO _Mr. Munden. _ keywords: castle; dear; don; don alph; don cæsar; don fer; don fernando; don juan; don scipio; father; fellow; gentleman; good; hey; love; master; pedrillo; sir; spado; victoria cache: 36651.txt plain text: 36651.txt item: #12 of 26 id: 3770 author: Krehbiel, Henry Edward title: A Second Book of Operas date: None words: 57314 flesch: 64 summary: et seq.--The hiring of wives in Japan, Experiences of Pierre Loti, Geishas and mousmes, A changed denouement, Messager's opera, Madame Chrysantheme, The end of Loti's romance, Japanese melodies in the score, Puccini's method and Wagner's, The Star-Spangled Banner, A tune from The Mikado, Some of the themes of Puccini and William Furst, CHAPTER XIII DER ROSENKAVALIER The opera's predecessors, Guntram, Feuersnot, Salome, Oscar Wilde makes a mistaken appeal to France, His necrophilism welcomed by Richard Strauss and Berlin, Conried's efforts to produce Salome at the Metropolitan Opera Blouse suppressed, Hammerstein produces the work, Elektra, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal and Beaumarchais, Strauss and Mozart, Mozart's themes and Strauss's waltzes, Dancing in Vienna at the time of Maria Theresa, First performance of the opera at New York, Der Rosenkavalier and Le Nozze di Figaro, Criticism of the play and its music, et seq.--Use of a melodic phrase from Die Zauberflote, The language of the libretto, The music, Cast of the first American performance, (footnote) CHAPTER XIV KONIGSKINDER Story of the play, et seq.--First production of Hummerdinck's opera and cast, Earlier performance of the work as a melodrama, Author and composer, Opera and melodrama in Germany, Wagnerian symbolism and music, Die Meistersinger recalled, Hero and Leander, Humperdinck's music, CHAPTER XV BORIS GODOUNOFF First performance of Moussorgsky's opera in New York, Participation of the chorus in the tragedy, Imported French enthusiasm, Vocal melody, textual accents and rhythms, Slavicism expressed in an Italian translation, Moussorgsky and Debussy, Political reasons for French enthusiasm, Rimsky-Korsakoff's revision of the score, Russian operas in America, Nero, Pique Dame, Eugene Onegin, Verstoffeky's Askold's Tomb, The nationalism of Boris Godounoff, The Kolydda song Slava and Beethoven, Lack of the feminine element in the drama, The opera's lack of coherency, Cast of the first American performance, CHAPTER XVI MADAME SANS-GENE AND OTHER OPERAS BY GIORDANO First performance of Madame Sans-Gene, A singing Napoleon, Royalties in opera, Henry the Fowler, King Mark, Verdi's Pharaoh, Herod, Boris Godounoff, Macbeth, Gustavus and some mythical kings and dukes, et seq.--Mattheson's Boris, Peter the Great, Sardou's play and Giordano's opera, Verdi on an operatic Bonaparte, Sardou's characters, Andrea Chenier, French Rhythms, Fedora, Siberia, The historic Chenier, Russian local color, Schone Minka, Slava, Ay ouchnem, French revolutionary airs, La Marseillaise, La Carmagnole, Ca ira, CHAPTER XVII TWO OPERAS BY WOLF-FERRARI The stories of Jephtha and his daughter, Hezekiah, Belshazzar, Abraham and Isaac, Jonah, Job, the Judgment of Solomon, and the Last Judgment became the staple of opera composers in Italy and Germany for more than a century. keywords: act; action; alfio; book; butterfly; cavalleria; chapter; character; come; comedy; composer; dalila; day; death; die; drama; end; excerpt; eyes; fact; father; figure; french; german; hero; history; iris; italian; life; like; lola; long; love; madame; mascagni; melody; metropolitan; mind; moses; music; new; opera; opera house; operatic; oratorio; pagliacci; people; performance; place; play; purpose; rossini; rubinstein; russian; rusticana; samson; scene; score; second; set; signor; song; stage; story; theatre; time; turiddu; wagner; way; wife; woman; words; work; years; york cache: 3770.txt plain text: 3770.txt item: #13 of 26 id: 38153 author: Wagnalls, Mabel title: Stars of the Opera A Description of Operas & a Series of Personal Interviews with Marcela Sembrich, Emma Eames, Emma Calvé, Lillian Nordica, Lilli Lehmann, Geraldine Farrar & Nellie Melba date: None words: 57947 flesch: 76 summary: Madame Butterfly MADAME BUTTERFLY Beauty of plot and great music are to an opera what fair features and a noble soul are to woman. We are now prepared for the legendary character of the opera; such music could not represent things earthly. keywords: accompaniment; act; aida; butterfly; carmen; charlotte; chorus; curtain; day; death; effect; elsa; father; faust; hamlet; harmonies; heart; hero; high; josé; king; lakme; lehmann; life; lohengrin; long; love; madame; melody; moment; music; new; opera; orchestra; people; play; queen; raoul; scene; singing; sings; song; stage; tells; theme; time; tones; valentine; voice; wagner; way; werther; words; work cache: 38153.txt plain text: 38153.txt item: #14 of 26 id: 38597 author: None title: Martha; or, The Fair at Richmond date: None words: 12179 flesch: 100 summary: LADY H. _sinks weeping into the arms of_ NANCY.) PLUN. LIONEL _approach the three and stand at a short distance, gazing at_ LADY H. _and_ NANCY.) PLUN. Jove! keywords: come; girls; heart; lady h.; lio; lionel; love; martha; nancy; plun; plunket; sir; tris; tristan cache: 38597.txt plain text: 38597.txt item: #15 of 26 id: 38654 author: Bender, Millicent Schwab title: Great Opera Stories Taken from Original Sources in Old German date: None words: 28152 flesch: 93 summary: The walls were of sweetest sugar candy, glistening like diamonds in the sun; the roof was of chocolate cake, all soft and creamy; and the gables were ornamented with raisins, like little eyes. He had caught a glimpse of a golden head and a pair of blue eyes at the window; and the sight of one so fair in such a hut told him that there was work for him to do here. keywords: day; elsa; eva; eyes; face; goosegirl; gretel; haensel; hans; head; king; knight; little; master; men; sachs; sir; song; swan; tannhäuser; voice; walter; witch cache: 38654.txt plain text: 38654.txt item: #16 of 26 id: 40540 author: Kobbé, Gustav title: The Complete Opera Book The Stories of the Operas, together with 400 of the Leading Airs and Motives in Musical Notation date: None words: 258301 flesch: 80 summary: _Wotan_ joins _Loge_ in his mockery of _Alberich_. But even _Fricka's_ caresses, as she asks _Wotan_ to lead her into Walhalla, cannot divert the god's mind from dark thoughts, and the Curse Motive accompanies his gloomy reflections--for the ring has passed through his hands. keywords: accompaniment; act; act opera; action; acts; air; alberich; appears; arms; asks; aïda; baritone; bass; beauty; bids; bride; brief; brother; brünnhilde; calls; carmen; caruso; castle; century; characters; chorus; coming; composer; copyright; count; country; course; crowd; dance; daughter; day; dead; death; december; des; die; don; donna; door; drama; duet; duke; effect; elsa; elvira; end; english; enters; eva; expression; eyes; fact; falstaff; fate; father; faust; february; figaro; fire; forest; forth; french; garden; giovanni; girl; gives; gods; good; grail; grand; gunther; hagen; hall; hand; head; heart; house; husband; iii; illustration; isolde; italian; january; john; king; know; lady; left; leonora; librettist; libretto; life; little; lohengrin; london; long; love; magic; makes; man; manon; march; marguerite; marriage; master; melody; metropolitan; mezzo; mime; mme; modern; moment; mother; motive; mozart; music; new; nibelung; night; note; november; number; open; opera; opera house; orchestra; order; overture; paris; passage; passion; people; performance; photo; place; play; point; power; princess; production; queen; return; richard; rigoletto; ring; rises; room; rossini; rôle; sachs; save; scene; score; second; set; siegfried; sieglinde; siegmund; singing; sings; soldiers; song; soprano; stage; stands; story; success; sung; sword; table; tannhäuser; tell; temple; tenor; theatre; time; tosca; tristan; vengeance; verdi; voice; von; wagner; walther; way; wife; wild; women; words; work; wotan; years; york; young; youth cache: 40540.txt plain text: 40540.txt item: #17 of 26 id: 42918 author: Upton, George P. (George Putnam) title: The Standard Light Operas, Their Plots and Their Music date: None words: 48169 flesch: 74 summary: The principal numbers in the first act are Dame Carruthers' song with chorus, When our Gallant Norman Foes; Fairfax's sentimental song, Is Life a Boon; the irresistibly funny chorus, both in music and words, Here's a Man of Jollity, jibe, joke, jollify; give us of your Quality, come, Fool, follify; the extremely melodramatic duet for Elsie and Point, I have a Song to sing; Point's recitative and song, I've Jest and Joke; Elsie's pretty ballad, 'Tis done! The first scene of the second act is a mine of charming songs, including Lazarillo's, Alas! keywords: act; acts; aria; ballad; baron; brother; captain; castle; century; charming; chorus; comique; count; countess; dance; daughter; day; don; duchess; duet; english; father; finale; general; grand; hand; king; lady; life; little; london; lord; love; maid; man; marquis; marriage; music; new; night; numbers; opening; opera; paris; personages; pretty; prince; queen; robin; scene; second; sir; soldiers; song; story; sung; text; theatre; time; trio; wife; work cache: 42918.txt plain text: 42918.txt item: #18 of 26 id: 43289 author: Humperdinck, Engelbert title: Hänsel and Gretel: A Fairy Opera in Three Acts date: None words: 15225 flesch: 92 summary: (_Hänsel streckt die Zunge heraus._) (_Schnalzend._) Tirelireli! HÄNSEL (_der während des Liedes erwacht ist, reibt sich die Augen, gähnt, dehnt sich und stimmt, gleichfalls aufspringend, munter in Gretels Weise ein_). keywords: ach; angels; auch; auf; aus; basket; children; dance; dann; das; dear; dem; den; der; dich; die; doch; ein; father; gingerbread; gretel; hand; head; hexe; house; hänsel; hänsel und; ich; ihr; ist; kinder; mein; mich; mir; mit; mother; mutter; nicht; nun; nur; oven; rallalala; round; scene; sein; sich; sie; tralala; und; und gretel; uns; vater; von; wie; wir; witch; zum cache: 43289.txt plain text: 43289.txt item: #19 of 26 id: 45806 author: Carré, Michel title: Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts date: None words: 17306 flesch: 95 summary: _ (_reposant la coupe_) Bass-Baritone_ VALENTINE, MARGUERITE'S BROTHER _ keywords: acts; c'est; cho; coeur; dans; des; dieu; elle; est; faust; heart; heaven; love; lui; main; marguerite; mart; mep; mephistopheles; moi; mon; nous; pas; plus; pour; que; qui; scène; sie; siebel; son; sur; thee; thou; thy; toi; ton; une; val; vous; wagner cache: 45806.txt plain text: 45806.txt item: #20 of 26 id: 46119 author: Benson, E. F. (Edward Frederic) title: The Valkyries date: None words: 32210 flesch: 88 summary: It is to Hunding's house thou hast come, he said, and under the roof of Hunding thou hast rested. Thou knewest where the sword was; in the presence of Sieglinde thou didst place it there. keywords: brunnhilde; day; eyes; face; father; heart; house; hunding; love; man; men; sieglinde; siegmund; spring; stranger; sword; thee; thou; thy; wotan cache: 46119.txt plain text: 46119.txt item: #21 of 26 id: 48214 author: Wagner, Richard title: The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie The Ring of the Niblung, part 1 date: None words: 25829 flesch: 96 summary: For love art thou pining? Approach and show me Thy face and thy form. Was Wälse thy father, And art thou a Wälsung?-- Stuck was for thee His sword in the stem?-- Then let my love call thee What it has found thee; Siegmund Shall be thy name. keywords: alberich; art; brünnhilde; fafner; freia; fricka; gods; gold; hojotoho; hunding; loge; love; plate; ring; rock; sieglinde; siegmund; sword; thee; thou; thy; woe; wotan cache: 48214.txt plain text: 48214.txt item: #22 of 26 id: 49507 author: Wagner, Richard title: Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods The Ring of the Niblung, part 2 date: None words: 30916 flesch: 97 summary: Brünnhilde throws herself into Siegfried's arms The three Norns The Norns vanish Siegfried leaves Brünnhilde in search of adventure Siegfried hands the drinking-horn back to Gutrune, and gazes at her with sudden passion Brünnhilde kisses the ring that Siegfried has left with her The ravens of Wotan The ring upon thy hand-- ... ah, be implored! [Illustration: Siegfried hands the drinking-horn back to Gutrune, and gazes at her with sudden passion--See p. 119] GUNTHER May Brünnhilde's wooer be. keywords: alberich; art; brünnhilde; fafner; fear; fire; gunther; gutrune; hagen; hero; horn; love; mime; rhine; ring; siegfried; spear; sword; thee; thou; thy; wanderer; world cache: 49507.txt plain text: 49507.txt item: #23 of 26 id: 5724 author: Krehbiel, Henry Edward title: A Book of Operas: Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music date: None words: 84741 flesch: 65 summary: A musical pantomime, Harlequin Faustus, was performed in London as early as 1715, and there were Faust operas long before even the first part of Goethe's poem was printed, which was a hundred and one years ago. He worked with redoubled zeal in behalf of German opera at Prague, and when he was called to be Court Music Director in Dresden in 1817, he entered upon his duties as if consecrated to a holy task. keywords: act; air; beauty; beethoven; beginning; boito; book; century; chapter; children; comes; composer; count; countess; dance; day; death; der; die; don; drama; english; excerpt; fact; faust; figaro; french; german; giovanni; goethe; gounod; grail; hand; heart; house; isolde; italian; king; knight; left; legend; leonore; life; lohengrin; love; march; marguerite; max; mefistofele; mind; moment; mozart; music; musical; new; opera; orchestra; original; overture; people; performance; phrase; place; play; poet; purpose; rosina; rossini; sachs; scene; score; second; set; sing; song; stage; story; subject; susanna; tannhäuser; theatre; theme; time; tristan; und; venus; verdi; voice; von; wagner; way; words; work; world; years; york cache: 5724.txt plain text: 5724.txt item: #24 of 26 id: 6443 author: Frost, William Henry title: The Wagner Story Book: Firelight Tales of the Great Music Dramas date: None words: 56343 flesch: 86 summary: Then he tried to entice good knights to come to his castle, and if any knight came, if any stayed in the enchanted halls to eat or drink or dance or play, that knight was lost forever. For all these many years, while other men were living happy lives and growing old, and their children and their grand-children were growing old too, the angry winds and waves have driven him about and have given him no rest; now this woman could save him, but his love tells him that he ought to save her instead. keywords: daughter; dwarf; father; fire; girl; gods; good; grail; hero; king; knight; love; people; princess; sword; tell; things; time; way; woman cache: 6443.txt plain text: 6443.txt item: #25 of 26 id: 6731 author: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley title: The Duenna: A Comic Opera date: None words: 16883 flesch: 99 summary: DON JEROME _and_ DON FERDINAND _discovered_. _Don. keywords: antonio; clara; don; don ant; don antonio; don car; don ferd; don jer; don jerome; donna; duen; father; friend; isaac; louisa; love; sir cache: 6731.txt plain text: 6731.txt item: #26 of 26 id: 808 author: Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck) title: The Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan date: None words: 168933 flesch: 91 summary: Poor little man! BOTH. When you're summoned, start Like a frightened roe— Flutter, little heart, Colour, come and go! keywords: act; alexis; aline; aye; boy; bride; bunthorne; capt; captain; care; chorus; colonel; come; course; court; cyril; daughter; day; dear; death; die; don; doubt; duke; duty; elsie; enter; exeunt; exit; eyes; face; fairfax; father; florian; frederic; general; girls; giu; good; grand; half; hand; head; heart; high; hilarion; joseph; joy; judge; julia; kind; king; ladies; lady; let; life; little; look; lord; love; lud; maiden; man; mar; marry; matter; men; meryll; mind; mother; nank; nice; patience; phoebe; place; point; pooh; poor; pray; pretty; princess; queen; right; rob; rose; rud; ruth; shall; sing; sir; song; stage; thee; thes; thing; thou; thought; thy; time; way; wife; wilfred; world; years; yes; young; yum; zara cache: 808.txt plain text: 808.txt