item: #1 of 10 id: A26548 author: Aglionby, William, d. 1705. title: Painting illustrated in three diallogues containing some choice observations upon the art together with the lives of the most eminent painters from Cimabue to the time of Raphael and Michael Angelo : with an explanation of the difficult terms. date: 1686 words: 64406 flesch: 48 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Alexander was as often found to be in Apelles's Painting-Room , as in his Pallace ; and to Oblige him , parted with the Beautifullest of all his Mistresses , because he saw she had Wounded Apelles's Heart : Demetrius chose rather to Raise the Siege of Rhodes , than to ruine a Piece of Protogenes's , which was painted upon the place where he could have best Annoyed the Town ; and while his Camp was before it , would often go to see Protogenes at Work , in a little Countrey-House he had within the Precinct of the Camp : And to show the Breeding and Wit of the Painter , as well as the Politeness of the Prince , I cannot omit the Answer Protogenes gave Demetrius , when he asked how he durst continue to Work with so much Tranquility in the midst of the noise of Arms , and the Disorders of a Camp ? keywords: andrea; angelo; art; artists; church; colouring; colours; day; del; design; duke; father; figures; florence; friend; ghiotto; giulio; good; hand; head; house; invention; kind; king; left; leonardo; life; manner; marble; master; men; michael; naked; nature; new; order; painter; painting; pallace; perino; picture; piece; place; pope; raphael; rest; rome; room; saint; stories; story; things; time; titian; traveller; way; work; years cache: A26548.xml plain text: A26548.txt item: #2 of 10 id: A28779 author: Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528. title: A book of dravving, limning, vvashing or colouring of maps and prints: and the art of painting, with the names and mixtures of colours used by the picture-drawers. Or, The young-mans time well spent. In which, he hath the ground-work to make him fit for doing anything by hand, when he is able to draw well. By the use of this work, you may draw all parts of a man, leggs, armes, hands and feet, severally, and together. And directions for birds, beasts, landskips, ships, and the like. Moreover, you may learn by this tract, to make all sorts of colours; and to grinde and lay them: and to make colours out of colours: and to make gold and silver to write with. How also to diaper and shadow things, and to heighthen them, to stand off: to deepen them, and make them glitter. In this book you have the necessary instruments for drawing, and the use of them, and how to make artificiall pastels to draw withall. Very usefull for all handicrafts, and ingenuous gentlemen and youths. By hammer and hand all arts doe stand. date: 1652 words: 15615 flesch: 70 summary: ' The proportion of the Hand 〈◊〉 of 3 measures of the Nose , of 〈◊〉 : you are to make the three equall pricked squares , marked perpendicularly 1. 3. 2. the lowest of which 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 into 2 〈◊〉 parts therby to adIoyne a halfe making a third part unto that base marked also 〈◊〉 . which we give 〈◊〉 the Balle of the Thumb and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 neare unto 〈◊〉 . 〈◊〉 take a ruler and a black-lead plummet made an even square ; now , you must divide 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into divers equal parts with a pair of compasses , and draw lines with a 〈◊〉 and black lead plummet quite over the picture , make also other lines acrosse , so that 〈◊〉 picture may be divided into equall squares , then take a faire paper and make 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 upon it as there is in the picture ; you may make them as little as 〈◊〉 will , but be sure they are equall in number with those in the Picture , having 〈◊〉 drawne 〈◊〉 the picture and paper into squares ; take a black-lead pen and draw the picture by little and little , passing from square to square , and in what part of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 picture lies , in that same square put the drawing , and in the same place of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 upon the paper untill you have finished the whole , then draw it over with a pen , in which second drawing of it over you may easily mend any fault ; when it is 〈◊〉 it over with the crumme of white bread , and it will take off all the black - 〈◊〉 stroakes , and your draft onely will remaine faire upon the paper . keywords: black; blew; body; colour; draw; drawing; face; green; lead; paper; red; use; water; white cache: A28779.xml plain text: A28779.txt item: #3 of 10 id: A31044 author: Barri, Giacomo, ca. 1630-ca. 1690. title: The painters voyage of Italy in which all the famous paintings of the most eminent masters are particularised, as they are preserved in the several cities of Italy ... / written originally in Italian by Giacomo Barri ... ; Englished by W.L. of Lincolns-Inne, Gent. date: 1679 words: 24212 flesch: 83 summary: You will find in this Church an Altar-piece of our Lady with the Child Jesus and S. John , by Hannibal Carache . On the other side of the said Church , in the fifth Chapel there is a Picture , by Paulo , with a Madonna and her Son , S. John , S. Joseph , S. Katherine , and S. Anthony the Abbot . keywords: altar; angels; carache; chapell; christ; church; city; door; hand; left; madonna; paulo; picture; piece; raphael; s. francis; s. girolamo; s. john; s. joseph; s. paul; s. peter; singular; square; tintoret; titian; veronese; virgin; work cache: A31044.xml plain text: A31044.txt item: #4 of 10 id: A31652 author: Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. title: An idea of the perfection of painting demonstrated from the principles of art, and by examples conformable to the observations which Pliny and Quintilian have made upon the most celebrated pieces of the antient painters, parallel'd with some works of the most famous modern painters, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Julio Romano, and N. Poussin / written in French by Roland Freart, sieur de Cambray ; and rendred English by J.E., Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Society. date: 1668 words: 31847 flesch: 36 summary: As for Michael Angelo , wee 'l content our selves with that representation of the Vniversal Iudgement , which has rendered him so famous amongst the Vulgar , and this Work is possibly the most Numerous of Figures that was ever painted ; as it is likewise in my opinion , the most copious subject that can be propos'd to disabuse those who have the Name of this Painter in so great veneration , that they commonly admire whatsoever is his , with so strange a preoccupation of their Iudgements , as to preferr even the very Abuse which is in Vouge , before Reason her self , and dare not examine , that with Candor and Iustice , to which they manifestly incline without her . BUt as the three first Parts are highly necessary for all Painters in general ; this Fourth , which concerns the Expression and Motion of the spirit , excells them all , and is indeed admirable ; for it gives not only life to Figures , by representing their Gestures and Passions ; but seems likewise to make them vocal and to reason with you . keywords: art; che; composition; decorum; expression; figures; genius; good; hand; history; idea; invention; knowing; man; manner; master; men; nature; painters; painting; perfection; persons; perspective; piece; place; plan; point; present; principal; principles; profession; raphael; rest; self; sight; subject; table; things; works; world cache: A31652.xml plain text: A31652.txt item: #5 of 10 id: A41260 author: Browne, Alexander, fl. 1660-1677. title: The whole art of drawing, painting, limning, and etching collected out of the choicest Italian and German authors : to which is added exact rules of proportion for drawing the heads of men, women and children , of what bigness soever / originally invented and written by the famous Italian painter Odoardo Fialetti, painter of Boloign ; published for the benefit of all ingenuous gentlemen and artists by Alexander Brown ... date: 1660 words: 16346 flesch: 62 summary: Dark shades in mens Faces ] India-Lake and Pink mixt . Therefore I say upon such occasions , the Body or part of the Body must be made to decline and foreshorten , according to that proportion that the Eye doth guess of it ; therefore be sure to observe your exact distances one from another , how farre the one is distant from the other ; you must observe also how much one part of the Body sticks out beyond the other ; be carefull when you draw a naked Figure to draw nothing hard , but to shadow it fine and soft as possible you can , and not to draw the out-Circumferences sharp or stiff , but as loose as possible . keywords: aqua; black; colour; draw; drawing; face; fortis; ground; head; plate; use; water; wax; white; work cache: A41260.xml plain text: A41260.txt item: #6 of 10 id: A47168 author: C. K. title: Art's master-piece, or, A companion for the ingenious of either sex ... by C.K. date: 1697 words: 20348 flesch: 58 summary: Drawing and Painting Faces ; Bodies , Garments , Landskip , Preparing and Laying on Colours ; also colouring Mazzotinto Prints , Gilding on Wood , Mettals and Leather . II. The newest Experiment in Japaning , to immitate the Indian way , Plain and in Speckles , Rock-work , Figures , &c. Receipts for making the several sorts of Varnishes , Colours , &c : III. keywords: black; colour; dry; fine; gold; gum; half; lake; mix; oil; ounce; pound; red; silver; use; varnish; water; white; work cache: A47168.xml plain text: A47168.txt item: #7 of 10 id: A60467 author: Smith, John, b. 1648? title: The art of painting wherein is included the whole art of vulgar painting, according to the best and most approved rules for preparing an [sic] laying on of oyl colours : the whole treatise being so full, compleat, and so exactly fitted to the meanest capacity, that all persons whatsoever may by the directions contained therein be sufficiently able to paint in oyl colours, not only sun-dials, but also all manner of timber work ... / composed by John Smith, philomath. date: 1676 words: 12030 flesch: 65 summary: The art of painting wherein is included the whole art of vulgar painting, according to the best and most approved rules for preparing an [sic] laying on of oyl colours : the whole treatise being so full, compleat, and so exactly fitted to the meanest capacity, that all persons whatsoever may by the directions contained therein be sufficiently able to paint in oyl colours, not only sun-dials, but also all manner of timber work ... / composed by John Smith, philomath. The art of painting wherein is included the whole art of vulgar painting, according to the best and most approved rules for preparing an [sic] laying on of oyl colours : the whole treatise being so full, compleat, and so exactly fitted to the meanest capacity, that all persons whatsoever may by the directions contained therein be sufficiently able to paint in oyl colours, not only sun-dials, but also all manner of timber work ... / composed by John Smith, philomath. keywords: chap; colour; dial; fine; gold; ground; lead; oyl; painting; use; way; white; work cache: A60467.xml plain text: A60467.txt item: #8 of 10 id: A60475 author: Smith, John, fl. 1673-1680. title: A short introduction to the art of painting and varnishing date: 1685 words: 2624 flesch: 74 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: black; tcp; text; varnish; white; work cache: A60475.xml plain text: A60475.txt item: #9 of 10 id: A65827 author: Whitehall, Robert, 1625-1685. title: Urania, or A description of the painting of the top of the theater at Oxon as the artist lay'd his design. By Ro. Whitehall, fellow of Merton Colledge. Licensed and entred according to order. date: 1669 words: 2428 flesch: 70 summary: Immense as th' Ocean , rich as th' Indian Fleet , Were Tagus and Pactolus sands in it ; Admir'd more than those Argonauts of Greece When they brought home their weighty golden fleece . Such Actions when they shall be scan'd and read Merit beyond th' Aegyptian Pyramid . keywords: eebo; english; oxford; tcp; text; theater; truth; works cache: A65827.xml plain text: A65827.txt item: #10 of 10 id: A94194 author: Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676. title: Graphice. The use of the pen and pensil. Or, the most excellent art of painting : in two parts. / By William Sanderson, Esq; date: 1658 words: 37423 flesch: 74 summary: Th●odore Gaza caught one of these Nereïdes in Grece ; and in Zeland , was another taught to spinne ; so sayes Alexander of Alexan●●ia , and some others that have seen Monsters , Chimeraes Hippotames , and others such , which Heraulds undertake , to bestow upon Gentlemans Buryings . 68 Etsi Se nescit quod senescit tamen cupit diss●●●i . 1658 GRAPHICE . keywords: art; beauty; black; blew; body; colours; draw; eye; eyes; face; fair; fancie; figures; fine; gold; grace; green; ground; hand; hath; landskip; lead; life; light; man; manner; master; mind; nature; painter; painting; pen; pensill; picture; piece; proportion; red; self; set; shadows; shell; silver; stone; temper; things; time; use; water; way; white; work; working; ● ● cache: A94194.xml plain text: A94194.txt