item: #1 of 6 id: A14210 author: Beringer, Joachim. title: The Romane conclaue VVherein, by way of history, exemplified vpon the liues of the Romane emperours, from Charles the Great, to Rodulph now reigning; the forcible entries, and vsurpations of the Iesuited statists, successiuely practised against the sacred maiestie of the said empire: and so by application, against the residue of the Christian kings, and free-states are liuely acted, and truely reported. By Io. Vrsinus ante-Iesuite. date: 1609 words: 63304 flesch: 64 summary: No maruell : for this is that Boniface the eight , who ( like the Diuell in the Gospell ) censured all principalities and powers to bee in his donation ; who vsurped vpon both swords , and would needs haue inforced the whole world , to haue acknowledged him their Lord Peramount : glorying that to him were committed the keies of Heauen gate : That he ought to be iudged of no man , no though hee carried a million of soules with him to hell for company . being dead , by the right of Election , inuested vpon him by the donation of Leo the viij , to his predecessor Otho the great , hee had chosen Gregorie the v. for Pope ; Crescentius and the people stomacking that a man of the German nation should be aduanced to be their Bishop , and him also chosen by the sole authority of the Emperor , they resolued to depose him ; and in his place they substituted , Iohn the xviij . keywords: abbots; able; aboue; absence; absolution; account; accustomed; acknowledge; actions; admirable; adrian; affaires; againe; age; ages; albert; alexander; alwaies; ambition; anno; answer; ante; apostolique; appeare; apulia; archbishop; armes; armie; army; articles; ashes; assembly; assistance; aswell; auarice; augustus; auignion; auncient; austria; authority; barbarous; base; battell; bauaria; bee; beeing; beleeue; benedict; best; better; betweene; bishop; blood; body; boniface; breues; brother; businesse; caesar; calling; canons; cap; cardinals; carefull; cariage; catholique; cause; certaine; chaire; charles; children; christendome; christian; church; churches; cities; city; ciuill; clement; clergie; commandement; commandeth; comming; commission; common; companies; company; conditions; conference; confesse; confession; confirmation; conrade; conscience; consent; constance; constantinople; continued; contrarie; contrary; controuersie; coronation; councell; country; court; creatures; crosse; crowne; cruell; cunning; curse; cuspinian; daies; dangerous; daughter; day; dead; death; decease; decree; depart; deposed; desire; despight; diadem; dignity; displeasure; disposition; dist; diuell; diuine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duke; dutchy; earle; earth; ecclesiasticall; eebo; effect; election; electors; eleuenth; embassadors; eminent; emperor; emperours; empire; end; enemies; enemy; england; english; euen; euery; euill; example; excellent; excommunication; faction; faith; fall; false; famous; father; fauour; feare; fell; ferdinand; fidelity; fift; fire; fit; fiue; followeth; forces; fore; forthwith; fourth; france; francis; frederick; free; french; friends; fury; future; gates; gaue; gen; generall; gentlemen; germanes; germanie; germany; giue; giueth; glad; glorious; gloss; god; gods; goeth; good; gouernment; great; greater; greatnesse; gregorie; gregory; griefe; habit; hands; hard; hath; haue; hauing; head; hearing; heart; heauen; hee; henrie; henry; high; hildebrand; himselfe; historie; history; hold; holinesse; holy; honest; honor; honorius; honourable; hope; house; humane; humble; humility; humours; ierusalem; imagination; imperiall; impudent; indignity; infinit; inforced; innocent; integrity; intended; inuestiture; iohn; iourney; issue; italian; italie; italy; item; iudgement; iulius; iust; keepe; keies; kind; king; kingdome; know; lamentable; large; late; law; lawfull; lay; league; learned; learning; left; legats; leo; lesse; letters; lewes; lib; liberty; life; like; liking; little; liues; long; longer; lord; lotharius; loue; maiestie; maiesty; maintaine; malice; man; manifest; manner; mans; martin; masse; master; matters; maximilian; meanes; meaning; men; millan; mind; ministers; mischiefes; miserably; mogunce; mony; moreouer; motion; mouth; murder; naples; nations; nature; naucl; neuer; new; nicholas; ninth; nobility; noble; non; note; notice; nouell; oath; oathes; obedience; obserue; occasion; office; onely; open; opinion; oration; order; otho; ouer; owne; ozias; papacie; papacy; papall; paralip; pardon; parties; party; paschal; patience; paul; peace; peaceable; people; perceiuing; perpetuall; persons; peter; philip; pius; places; platina; pleasure; points; pope; popedome; popish; possession; potentates; power; practises; predecessors; preferred; prelates; prepared; presence; present; president; pride; priest; princes; prison; prisoner; priuate; proceedings; proclaimeth; promise; proud; prouince; publique; punishment; purpose; queene; question; quoth; raigne; rebellion; receiue; reconciliation; record; reformation; regard; religion; religious; remembrance; report; request; residue; restitution; returne; reuenge; richard; right; rodulph; roger; romane; romanists; rome; romish; sacred; safe; said; saint; sake; satisfaction; satisfied; saxonie; saying; schisme; scripture; sea; second; seene; sentence; sergius; seruants; seruice; set; seuenth; shee; shew; sicil; siege; sigismund; siluester; sithence; sixt; slaughter; slew; small; soldan; sole; solemne; sonne; sooner; soueraigne; souldiers; soules; space; spaine; speake; spirits; state; stead; strong; subiects; succeeding; successor; sufficient; suffrage; supra; sweuia; sword; sworne; taking; tcp; temple; temporall; tenth; termes; testimony; text; themselues; things; thinke; thirteenth; thou; thrust; time; title; treason; treasure; true; truth; twelfth; twentith; tyrannie; tyranny; valiant; venetians; vertue; victor; vide; vita; viz; vnder; vnderstand; vnderstanding; vnlesse; vntill; vnto; vnto caesar; vpon; vrban; vrsperg; vse; vtmost; warrant; warre; way; wealth; whereof; wherewith; whome; wicked; wife; william; withall; witnesse; wits; words; worke; worketh; world; worldly; worthy; yea; yeares; yeere; zeale cache: A14210.xml plain text: A14210.txt item: #2 of 6 id: A26860 author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. title: An answer to Mr. Dodwell and Dr. Sherlocke, confuting an universal humane church-supremacy aristocratical and monarchical, as church-tyranny and popery : and defending Dr. Isaac Barrow's treatise against it by Richard Baxter ; preparatory to a fuller treatise against such an universal soveraignty as contrary to reason, Christianity, the Protestant profession, and the Church of England, though the corrupters usurp that title. date: 1682 words: 67888 flesch: 66 summary: If God indeed be the Vniversal Soveraign Lawgiver , and the final Iudge ; if God be God , and man be man and not above him , to say that we must not obey him before man , and disobey man that commands what he forbids , or that we must not appeal from mans subordinate Law to his supreme Law , nor from mans judgment to his final judgment ; and to say , ( as he and Thorndike do ) that to do so , and practise accordingly , is inconsistent with all Government , are things that I had hoped my ears or eyes should never have seen or heard delivered by a sober Christian. But saith St. Paul , It is a small thing with me to be judged of man , or at mans day : I have one that judgeth me , even the Lord , ( to whom we will appeal whatever you say against it . ) keywords: absolute; account; act; ages; alexandria; ancient; answer; antioch; apostles; appeal; approbation; articles; assemblies; authority; baptism; baxter; better; bishops; body; books; bound; canons; capable; cases; catholick; cause; cease; certain; change; chap; charter; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; churches; city; civil; clergy; command; commanded; common; communion; compel; concord; conditions; confident; confusion; congregation; conscience; consent; contrary; corporal; councils; covenant; damnation; damned; damning; days; dead; death; desire; difference; diocesan; diocesan church; diocess; discipline; dispute; dissent; divers; divine; doctrine; dodwell; donor; doth; doubt; duty; earth; ecclesiastical; election; empire; end; endeavour; england; english; episcopal; error; essence; essential; excommunicate; excommunications; experience; extent; external; faithful; false; far; fear; flock; force; france; french; general; ghost; god; gods; good; gospel; governing; government; governours; grant; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; guilty; hammond; hands; hard; hath; hearing; heaven; hell; hereticks; history; holy; hope; humane; humble; ignorance; ignorant; iii; infidels; institution; intention; interest; investiture; judg; judgment; keys; kind; king; kingdom; knowledg; known; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; life; like; little; lives; living; london; long; lord; love; magistrates; making; man; matter; means; meer; men; mind; ministerial; ministers; ministry; national; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; new; nonconformists; notice; notorious; number; oath; obedience; obligation; oblige; office; officers; old; opinion; ordainers; order; ordinary; ordination; owner; papists; pardon; parish; parishes; particular; particular church; parts; pastoral; pastors; patriarchs; paul; peace; people; person; personal; peter; piety; places; plain; plead; poor; pope; popery; possession; power; practice; preaching; prelates; presbyters; present; priests; princes; principles; profess; proof; proper; prophets; protestants; publick; qualifications; question; reader; reason; recipient; reformed; regular; religion; repentance; rest; right; rome; rule; rulers; sacraments; said; saith; salvation; satan; saying; schism; schismaticks; scripture; self; selves; sense; servants; set; silence; sin; sinful; single; sinners; sins; skill; sort; souls; species; spirit; state; stillingfleet; subject; succession; sufficient; superior; supper; supreme; sure; sword; tcp; teachers; teaching; terms; text; thing; thought; thousands; time; title; treatise; true; trust; truth; turn; uncapable; uninterrupted; universal; universal church; unlawful; use; visible; visible church; viz; want; way; wicked; willing; woman; words; work; world; worldly; worse; worship; worthy; yea; years; ● ● cache: A26860.xml plain text: A26860.txt item: #3 of 6 id: A31419 author: Cave, William, 1637-1713. title: A dissertation concerning the government of the ancient church by bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs more particularly concerning the ancient power and jurisdiction of the bishops of Rome and the encroachments of that upon other sees, especially the See of Constantinople / by William Cave ... date: 1683 words: 49974 flesch: 71 summary: yet that all the Bishops of the Province should acknowledge the Metropolitan , and attempt nothing of moment without his knowledge and consent ; which they there enact , not as any Novel constitution , but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as they tell us , according to a most ancient Rule and Canon , that had been in force from the times of their fore-fathers . l. 3. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 854. keywords: acacius; account; act; acts; administration; advantages; affairs; african; africk; ages; alexandria; allow'd; ambition; ancient; ancient church; ann; answer; antioch; antiquity; apostles; apostolick; appeals; aquileia; argument; arles; assistance; austin; authority; baronius; belong'd; bishop; bishopricks; boniface; books; bounds; brethren; briefly; burnet; business; c. p.; caesarea; call'd; canon; care; carthage; case; catholick; causes; cave; certain; chalcedon; chap; chief; christian; christian church; christianity; church; churches; cities; city; civil; claim; clergy; col; command; common; communion; conc; conferr'd; confirm'd; confirmation; consent; constantine; constantinople; constitution; continued; contrary; controversie; council; countries; country; custome; cyprian; damasus; days; death; decrees; depos'd; design; determin'd; determination; dignity; diocess; discourse; divine; dominion; doubt; early; eastern; ecclesiastick; egypt; election; eminent; emperour; empire; england; english; ephesus; episcopal; epist; epistle; equal; evident; exercise; extent; extraordinary; faith; fathers; fol; foreign; foundation; fourth; france; general; god; good; government; governours; great; greater; greatest; greatness; greek; gregory; hard; head; heaven; history; holy; honour; honourable; ibid; iii; imperial; important; inferiour; instances; italy; jerusalem; john; judge; judgment; jurisdiction; kind; king; large; late; laws; learned; legates; leo; letter; lib; libya; life; like; limits; little; long; lord; manner; matter; mention'd; metropolis; metropolitan; metropolitical; mighty; milan; miles; nay; necessary; new; nicene; notice; notitia; number; occasion; oecumenical; old; opposition; ordain'd; order; ordination; original; own'd; page; papal; particular; parts; pass'd; passage; patriarch; patriarchate; paul; peculiar; people; persons; peter; place; plain; point; pontica; pope; power; practice; praefect; precedency; prelate; present; pretended; pride; primacy; primitive; private; priviledges; proceedings; proper; proud; provinces; provincial; provincial bishops; provost; purpose; reader; reason; receive; records; regions; religion; reputation; respect; rest; rights; rise; roman; roman bishop; roman church; rome; rufinus; seat; second; sees; self; sence; sentence; sermon; set; short; sir; sixth; state; styl'd; subject; suburbicary; superiority; supremacy; synod; tcp; text; things; think; time; title; true; truth; ubi; universal; use; usurpation; vain; vid; vii; viii; way; west; western; whereof; william; words; world; writers; writing; years; zosimus cache: A31419.xml plain text: A31419.txt item: #4 of 6 id: A31475 author: Davies, John, 1625-1693. title: The ceremonies of the vacant see, or, A true relation of what passes at Rome upon the pope's death with the proceedings in the conclave, for the election of a new pope, according to the constitutions and ceremonials, as also the coronation and cavalcade / out of the French by J. Davies of Kidwelly. date: 1671 words: 18444 flesch: 68 summary: It is also incumbent on the said Cardinal to send notice at the same time to all the Cardinals , the Senate , and people of Rome , of the Pope's death , and the three Chiefs in point of Denomination ( there being three different Classes of Cardinals , according to the difference of their titles ; to wit , six titles of Episcopal Cardinals , fifty of Priesthood , and fourteen Deacon-Cardinals ) send the like notice to all the other Cardinals , to make their appearance in the Hall of the Consistory that very Evening ; or if that cannot be done with convenience the next morning to take order for all the Charges which shall be vacant upon the Pope's death , and to appoint a Governour of the Conclave , and of St. Peter's , which is the most fortify'd Quarter of Rome , and wherein lie the Castle of St. Angelo , the Church of St. Peter , and the Vatican Palace , and where the Conclave is ordinarily kept ; and they all go with the Roquet uncover'd , as a mark that the Sovereign Spiritual Authority is devolv'd into their hands , as having then no Superiours over them . If it happen , in this examination and confrontation of the Suffrages , that two , three , or some greater number of the billets of the Scrutiny , be found to have the same Seals and Signes with some billet of the Access , as it may come to pass , if the person who is chosen be named in one of the said billets of the Scrutiny , and another Cardinal be named in another of the said billets , then the Scrutator ( his Colleagues observing what he does ) is to open the billet of the said Scrutiny , wherin the said elected person is named , together with that of the Access , at the very place where the name of the Elector is set down , to the end a judgement may be made , according to the Gregorian Constitution , of the validity or invalidity of the Access . keywords: access; account; act; acts; affairs; alex; altar; apr; arch; billets; business; cardinals; cells; ceremonies; ceremony; certain; chair; chalice; chamberlain; chapel; chief; choice; church; city; colledge; come; conclave; conclavists; constitution; cover; cross; crowns; day; days; deacon; death; deceas'd; dignity; eebo; election; elevation; embassadors; end; english; entrance; examination; factions; figure; fore; general; gold; great; hands; hath; holy; indispos'd; infirmaries; innoc; jan; john; kind; like; little; long; lord; manner; mar; mary; mass; masters; midst; morning; names; new; number; oath; oblig'd; observ'd; occasion; order; ordinary; papacy; particular; people; person; peter; place; pontifical; pope; post; precedent; present; princes; principal; publication; quality; reason; requisite; roman; rome; sacred; said; scrutators; scrutiny; seals; second; servants; set; sheet; shut; sick; signes; subject; suffrages; taking; tcp; text; thing; thirds; time; title; true; upper; urb; urban; vacancy; vacant; vii; viii; viij; voice; way; whereof; words; writing; year cache: A31475.xml plain text: A31475.txt item: #5 of 6 id: A36261 author: Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711. title: Two short discourses against the Romanists by Henry Dodwell ... date: 1676 words: 28673 flesch: 50 summary: As for the others , it is plain that our Church of England does not think them worth contending for , whilst She admits the several Parties into her Communion ; and if other Protestants think otherwise , yet She is not Responsible for them , because She is not of their mind . That which I had rather insist on at present , is , the indesensibleness ▪ of the abuses of the Court of Rome , which are so gross and provoking , as that generally they are the last things to which Revolters are reconciled ; and usually , when they are so , it is only on pretence that that Church is not concerned for them . keywords: abuses; account; acknowledged; advantage; adversaries; ages; answer; antiquity; apostolical; argument; articles; authority; authors; bishops; capable; case; catholick; catholick church; church; church diffusive; churches; clear; communion; concerned; condition; conscience; consequence; considerable; contrary; controversies; council; credibility; decrees; design; differences; diffusive; disputes; divisions; doctrines; easie; ecclesiastical; england; english; errors; evidence; faith; far; favour; fit; following; fundamental; general; gentlewoman; god; great; greater; hereticks; hold; hypothesis; ignorance; ignorant; impossible; infallibility; infallible; judge; judging; judgment; justice; liberty; likely; little; magistrate; matters; means; nature; nay; necessary; needs; notion; obligation; opinions; opposition; order; ordinary; particular; particular church; peace; persons; pope; positive; power; practice; present; pretence; pretend; primitive; principles; private; proof; prop; propositions; protestants; prudence; prudent; purpose; rational; reason; reformation; right; roman; romanists; rome; salvation; self; sense; separation; sufficient; supremacy; supreme; tcp; terms; text; things; time; title; tradition; true; trust; truth; unity; use; virtual; way; word cache: A36261.xml plain text: A36261.txt item: #6 of 6 id: A50917 author: Milton, John, 1608-1674. title: Of true religion, hæresie, schism, toleration, and what best means may be us'd against the growth of popery the author J.M. date: 1673 words: 5180 flesch: 61 summary: Heresie therefore is a Religion taken up and believ'd from the traditions of men and additions to the word of God. If any man shall add , &c. If any man shall take away from the Words , &c. With good and Religious Reason therefore all Protestant Churches with one consent , and particularly the Church of England in Her thirty nine Articles , Artic. 6th , 19th , 20th , 21st , and elsewhere , maintain these two points , as the main Principles of true Religion : that the Rule of true Religion is the Word of God only : and that their Faith ought not to be an implicit faith , that is , to believe , though as the Church believes , against or without express authority of Scripture . keywords: author; best; books; characters; church; common; conscience; dispute; doctrin; early; eebo; encoding; english; faith; general; god; good; gospel; growth; hath; heart; heresie; holy; idolatry; image; implicit; late; lives; man; means; men; necessary; online; opinions; oxford; papist; partnership; people; phase; popery; principles; protestant; reading; religion; rule; salvation; schism; scripture; tcp; tei; text; things; toleration; true; truth; word; works; xml cache: A50917.xml plain text: A50917.txt