item: #1 of 5 id: A04775 author: Kellicke, Richard. title: Soli deo gloria know all men by these present, that I, Richard Kellicke, professor of physicke and chyrurgery, borne in England, and am now lately come from beyond the seas ... date: 1625 words: 1872 flesch: 73 summary: Secondly , it is maruaillous good for the Wild-fire , a playster 〈◊〉 made , and spread vpon a linnen cloath , or a peece of browne paper and sayd thereto , he●peth and cureth it in short space . ●t yeares , where I haue continu●lly for the sayd terme , practi●ed and studied with my best indeauors to find out the nature and property of many or most kind of Minerals , and other things vsefull for medicine , by the which practise I haue , and through the helpe of God , and my poore industry , done many great Cures , as by good Certificate from diuers Cities and Townes , and from the Lords Grace of Canterbury lisoned to practise in this prof●ssion for the good of the Common-wealth , as vnder his hand and seale , may and doth appeare , as namely the Falling sicknesse , Palsies , Goutes , Dropsies , Lamenesse in any of the limbs , Agues and Consumptions , with a miraculous kind of curing of the disease called the French disease , neuer cured by any that way . keywords: cureth; eebo; hee; tcp; text cache: A04775.xml plain text: A04775.txt item: #2 of 5 id: A08786 author: N. P., Master of Arts, and minister of Gods word. title: The vertue and operation of this balsame date: 1615 words: 1807 flesch: 69 summary: This Balsam, made by N.P. Master of Arts, and Minister of Gods Word, is to be sold in Maiden Lane, at the signe of the Crowne ouer against Goldsmiths Hall, where it hath beene sold, and the premises approued these fourescore yeares. Giue sixe drops of this Balsam in a spoonefull of wine , beere , or ale fasting , to all these that haue no appetite , and it helpeth : also th●se that vse to drinke of it , are long preserued in young liking . keywords: balsam; day; drops; tcp; text cache: A08786.xml plain text: A08786.txt item: #3 of 5 id: A84859 author: Francesse, Peter. title: All gentlemen and others, may be pleased to take notice, that there is a stranger come into these parts, whose name is Peter Francesse that hath brought with him out of the kingdome of Persia, perfect remedy for the gout, the sciatica, the running gout, and all aches in the limbs, ... date: 1656 words: 681 flesch: 75 summary: This text is an enriched version of the TCP digital transcription A84859 of text R211874 in the English Short Title Catalog (Thomason 669.f.20[41]). [London : 1656] Title from first lines of text. keywords: peter; text cache: A84859.xml plain text: A84859.txt item: #4 of 5 id: A93444 author: Snead, Richard, d. 1711. title: Dear Friends all unto whom this may come; date: 1681 words: 1557 flesch: 59 summary: Copies of the texts have been issued variously as SGML (TCP schema; ASCII text with mnemonic sdata character entities); displayable XML (TCP schema; characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or text strings within braces); or lossless XML (TEI P5, characters represented either as UTF-8 Unicode or TEI g elements). Text selection was based on the New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature (NCBEL). keywords: eebo; friends; medicines; tcp; text cache: A93444.xml plain text: A93444.txt item: #5 of 5 id: B00564 author: Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611? title: Certaine philosophical preparations of foode and beverage for sea-men, in their long voyages: with some necessary, approoued, and hermeticall medicines and antidotes, fit to be had in readinesse at sea, for preuention or cure of diuers diseases. date: 1607 words: 2192 flesch: 64 summary: , I may happily be encouraged to prie a little further into Natures Cabinet , and so to disperse some of her most secret Iewels , which she hath long time so carefully kept , onely for the vse of her dearest children : otherwise , finding no speedy or good acceptance of this my proffer ( but rather crossed by malice or incredulity ) I doe here free and enlarge my selfe from raine owne fetters : purposing to content my spirits , with such priuate and pleasing practises , as may better sort with my place and dignitie , and in likelyhood prooue also more profitable in the ende , then if I had thankelesly deuoted my selfe to Bo● Public●● . 7 There is also a specificall powder for Agues Quotidian , and Tertian● and sometimes it helpeth Quartans . keywords: eebo; english; nature; sea; tcp; text cache: B00564.xml plain text: B00564.txt