item: #1 of 32 id: A10327 author: Leycester, John, b. 1598. title: An excellent oration of that late famously learned Iohn Rainolds, D.D. and lecturer of the Greek tongue in Oxford Very usefull for all such as affect the studies of logick and philosophie, and admire profane learning. Translated out of Latine into English by I.L. schoolmaster. date: 1638 words: 14075 flesch: 63 summary: that Chr●stians do 〈…〉 then B●esse●nesse in the knowledge & worship of God ; If wee should deny this , wee should be accounted impious ; Therefore in thy behalf I thus distinguish . But if ever this net was discovered ; and that monstrous Sphynx of corrupted knowledge e●ploded to the World , this our English Oedipus that Atlas of Learning ( as * one stiles him ) Reveren● Rainolds hath ( as I think ) in this most exquisite and pathetical Oration sufficiently and perspicuously effected , insomuch that ( in my opinion ) that * Eulogie may very well suit to this Oration , Huc usque turpi nubilo pressum caput , Inter que cunas artium pect us rude vincti tenemus . keywords: able; absurd; againe; alexander; ambrose; ancient; arguments; aristotle; arts; augustine; bee; better; bishop; blessednesse; body; bonum; books; characters; christians; church; cicero; contrary; councell; credit; dangerous; decree; desire; distinctions; divine; divinity; doe; donatus; doth; doubt; early; eebo; end; english; epicurus; errours; eusebius; excellent; faith; false; farre; fault; felicity; fire; foolish; generall; god; godlinesse; gods; good; great; greek; happy; hath; heathens; heavenly; hee; heed; heresies; himselfe; hold; ignorant; image; iohn; judgement; kinde; knowledge; late; latine; learned; learning; lie; life; light; like; long; love; man; manner; martyr; master; matters; meaning; mee; men; mortall; nature; new; onely; opinions; oration; oxford; philosophers; philosophicall; philosophy; piety; place; plato; points; possible; profane; prophane; purpose; rainolds; reason; religion; reports; rest; saint; scriptures; selves; sense; simple; soule; sound; speake; spring; studies; summum; tcp; tei; text; thee; theologicall; thine; things; thomas; thou; thought; thy; time; tongue; true; truth; unlesse; vives; wee; wheras; wil; wisdome; wise; words; world; worthy; writers; yea; yee; young; zeno; ● e; ● ● cache: A10327.xml plain text: A10327.txt item: #2 of 32 id: A24063 author: Ibn Ṭufayl, Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Malik, d. 1185. title: An account of the Oriental philosophy shewing the wisdom of some renowned men of the East and particularly the profound wisdom of Hai Ebn Yokdan, both in natural and divine things, which he attained without all converse with men, (while he lived in an island a solitary life, remote from all men from his infancy, till he arrived at such perfection) / writ originally in Arabick by Abi Jaaphar, Ebn Tophail ; and out of the Arabick translated into Latine by Edward Pocok ... and now faithfully out of his Latine, translated into English. date: 1674 words: 38176 flesch: 20 summary: And among things of this kind which appeared unto him , it appeared unto him that the animal spirit ( the seat whereof is the heart , and which we have above explained ) necessarily hath some notion superadded unto corporeity , whereby it was fit to do these wonderful works , out of the various manners of sensation , and diverse ways of apprehending , and the diverse kinds of motions , and that that notion was its form and difference , whereby it is distinguished from other bodies , and that is it which the Philosophers call the Animal , i. e. the sensitive soul : and so that thing which supplieth unto Plants , the vice of the radical heat in animals , is somewhat proper unto them , which is their form , and that which the Philosophers call the vegetative soul : And thus ▪ that there is somewhat proper unto all bodies of animat things ( and these are they which are found , beside Animals and Plants , in the world of generation and corruption ) by the power whereof every one of them performeth the action proper thereunto , as various sorts of motions , and kinds of sensible qualities , and that thing is the form of every one of them , ( and is that which Philosophers signifie by the name of Nature . Also thus he did contemplat the other bodies of things , both having and wanting life ; and he saw the true reason of every ones essence to be compounded of a notion of corporeity , and of some other thing superadded unto corporeity : whether that thing was one , or manifold : And so the forms of bodies appeared unto him , according to their diversity . keywords: abu; actions; air; animals; asal; attributes; beasts; beeing; beginning; bodies; bodily; body; book; cause; certain; cold; condition; contemplation; contrary; corporeity; corruption; covered; creatures; death; degree; desire; diverse; divine; doth; doubt; earth; ebn; end; english; equal; essence; excellent; existence; existent; eyes; faculties; figure; fire; fit; form; free; glorious; god; good; great; greater; grief; hai; hand; hath; heart; heavenly; help; hurt; image; island; isle; kind; knowledge; known; latitude; law; left; life; light; like; little; living; long; longitude; manifest; manner; matter; member; men; mind; motions; multiplicity; natural; nature; near; necessary; need; new; notion; opinion; outward; parts; perfection; perpetual; philosophy; place; plants; pleasure; power; present; privation; profundity; proper; properties; reason; respect; return; saith; sea; second; self; sense; sensible; separate; somewhat; sort; speculation; spirit; state; strength; sun; superadded; tcp; text; thee; therefrom; thereunto; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; use; vision; water; way; whereof; wisdom; wit; words; work; world; yokdan cache: A24063.xml plain text: A24063.txt item: #3 of 32 id: A24071 author: Ashwell, George, 1612-1695. title: The history of Hai Eb'n Yockdan, an Indian prince, or, The self-taught philosopher written originally in the Arabick tongue by Abi Jaafar Eb'n Tophail ... ; set forth not long ago in the original Arabick, with the Latin version by Edw. Pocock ... ; and now translated into English. date: 1686 words: 44177 flesch: 50 summary: Fourthly , Whereas he brings in his said Philosopher placing intelligent forms in the heavenly Bodies , which he calls by the name of Essences , and makes them to enjoy the Vision of God in a more eminent manner , as being of a most excellent nature , and placed near to him ; it is somewhat less to be wondred at ; not only because Aristotle held the like intelligences to reside in the Spheres , and move them about ; that Plato also , and his followers ( as is confest ) held the Spheres and Stars to be living Bodies , informed by the like intelligences ; but Philo Judaeus too , and Origen among the ancient Doctors of the Church . He tried also the force and strength thereof upon all manner of Bodies , by casting them into it , by which Experiment he found that it prevailed over all of them sooner or later , according to their several Natures and Dispositions , which rendered them more or less combustible . keywords: actions; age; agent; air; animals; asal; assured; attributes; author; beasts; best; bodies; bodily; body; book; breadth; breast; brute; care; cause; certain; child; clear; cold; common; condition; conformity; consideration; contemplation; continued; contrary; corporeity; corruption; course; cover; creatures; day; death; degrees; design; desire; disposed; diverse; diversity; divine; ears; earth; eb'n; efficient; elements; end; english; essence; excellent; exercise; existence; existent; extension; eyes; faculties; faculty; far; farther; fire; food; form; free; fruits; generation; glorious; god; good; great; greater; hai; hand; hath; heart; heavenly; high; history; humane; image; impossible; infinite; insomuch; island; kind; knowledge; known; law; left; length; liable; life; light; like; little; living; long; looking; manner; matter; means; meet; men; mind; motions; multiplicity; natural; nature; near; necessary; needs; new; notion; number; object; operations; opinion; order; original; parts; perfection; philosopher; place; plants; pleasure; power; present; prince; proper; qualities; ready; reason; regard; religion; respect; rest; return; roe; round; said; sea; search; second; self; sense; sensible; separate; set; shore; sorts; speculation; sphere; spirit; stars; state; subject; substance; sun; superadded; supream; tcp; text; thee; thereto; thickness; thing; thou; thoughts; time; true; truth; understanding; unto; use; utmost; variety; vertue; view; vision; viz; void; water; way; whatsoever; whenas; whereof; wild; works; world; yea; yockdan cache: A24071.xml plain text: A24071.txt item: #4 of 32 id: A26553 author: Abercromby, David, d. 1701 or 2. title: Academia scientiarum, or, The academy of sciences being a short and easie introduction to the knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences, with the names of those famous authors that have written on every particular science : in English and Latine / by D. Abercromby ... date: 1687 words: 24475 flesch: 54 summary: The first signifieth , that whatever 〈◊〉 generally affirmed of any thing , m●… likewise be affirm'd of whatever is contain'd under that thing , as if I s●… Every Animal is a living Creature , th●… it follows , that a Bird is a living Cre●tur● ▪ The second signifieth , that what ever is generally denied of any thing is denied likewise of whatever is contain'd under that thing ; as if I say No Animal is a Stone , then I may , an cught likewise to say , No Bird is Stone , No Man is a Stone , &c. I then b● allowed to say , without the least suspicio● of flattery , that you are not only th● la●ful Successor of the most Ancient , mo● Noble , and Loyal Family of the Thai● of Calder , and of their Estate and For ▪ tune , but also , that you are already possess'd of these good and great Endowments both of Body and Mind , which made them capable of the great Employments they were intrusted with , and enabled them on all occasions to render the Kings of Scotland and Great Britain such signal Services , as can never be forgotten . keywords: abercromby; absque; academia; academy; account; addition; adeo; adhuc; adrianus; adversus; aequales; aerem; africa; age; agit; air; algebra; alia; aliud; alteram; altitudo; alvares; america; angles; anguli; angulus; animal; antimonii; antlia; apparent; aqua; aquarum; arch; argumento; aristotle; arithmetick; army; ars; art; arte; artificial; asia; astronomy; atlantick; atlas; atque; aut; autem; authors; axis; bastion; best; birthwort; bloud; bodies; body; books; boyle; breast; broken; c. sect; c. sectio; calder; campbell; causes; celeberrimus; center; centre; centrum; certain; changes; characters; chief; cicero; circa; circles; circuli; clavius; clock; coelestial; coeli; common; complectitur; composita; compounding; concave; considereth; consists; conspicuum; constat; constellations; constituit; contain'd; contra; convex; convexis; corpora; corporis; corpus; crocus; cujusmodi; cujusque; cum; daniel; debet; decima; degrees; demonstrat; deorsum; deum; dial; diameter; diascordium; dicam; dicitur; dictum; dicuntur; different; distance; distant; distempers; divide; dividitur; division; docet; doctrinam; doctrine; dosis; duae; duas; ducto; ductus; duo; duobus; duodecim; eam; early; earth; easie; east; eclipses; edition; eebo; ejusdem; ejusmodi; elementorum; elements; encoding; enemy; english; enim; eodem; eorum; eos; equal; equator; erant; esse; est; etiam; euclid; euclides; exercitus; exhibet; eye; facta; falling; famed; familiae; family; famous; feet; figure; fire; fit; flores; flowers; folia; form; forte; fournierius; fourth; fuerit; fuit; galilaeus; general; genere; glass; glasses; god; good; gradibus; gradus; graduum; grains; gravitatis; gravity; great; greater; gulf; habet; hac; haec; half; hanc; hand; heads; heavens; height; help; herigone; herigonius; hero; hic; hisce; hoc; home; honour; horas; horizon; horizontem; horologii; hours; hujus; humane; hunc; hypothesis; iis; illius; illud; images; initio; instance; inter; interdum; invenit; inventor; invicem; ipsius; ipsum; islands; ita; italian; itaque; jam; java; johannes; john; jovis; jupiter; juxta; kind; knowledge; known; lat; latine; latitude; learned; leaves; legion; lesser; letter; liceat; light; line; lineae; liquor; little; loci; loco; logick; london; longit; longitude; loquuntur; loyalty; lucas; lunae; magis; magnitudes; making; malapertius; mallow; mankind; manner; mare; mari; marolois; mars; martis; masters; materia; matter; maurolycus; maxime; measure; medica; medium; men; mercury; meridian; methodum; metitur; metius; mihi; militaris; military; minima; minutes; mobile; modo; momenti; moon; morbos; motion; motum; multiplication; mundi; muniendi; nadir; names; natural; nature; nec; necessary; neque; new; nihil; nisi; nobis; noble; nomine; non; north; nos; notae; novam; nulla; nullum; number; numero; numerorum; numerus; object; objectum; occasum; ocean; octo; oculo; oculum; old; omnes; omnibus; omnino; omnium; online; ope; operations; oplites; opticks; orator; order; ordinem; ortelius; ortu; oxford; paralleli; pariter; partibus; particular; partnership; parts; pendula; perfect; peritonaeum; perpendicular; perspective; peter; petrus; phalange; phase; philosophiae; philosophy; pills; pilulis; place; plain; planetarum; planets; plato; pluribus; point; pole; poli; polybius; pomponius; posse; possumus; possunt; potest; practical; praecipui; praesertim; praeter; prima; primum; principia; principles; privation; producitur; product; proponit; proportion; propositions; propugnaculi; psiles; ptolomaeus; pump; puncta; punctum; purgat; purger; quadrant; quae; quaedam; quam; quamvis; quantity; quarta; quas; quatuor; qui; quia; quibus; quicquid; quidem; quidpiam; quinque; quod; quoque; quorum; quos; quoties; quovis; radices; radii; radius; rays; real; recta; rectus; red; reflected; reipsa; rerum; resolution; rest; rhetorick; robert; roots; round; rubrum; rursus; sacrobosco; sal; samuel; saturni; science; scientia; scientiarum; scilicet; sea; seas; second; sectio; secunda; secundum; sed; semi; semper; septentrione; sequentes; set; seu; sex; sexaginta; shew; sheweth; short; sibi; sides; simul; sint; sinus; sir; sit; situation; situm; sive; soever; solem; solidis; solis; sonat; sorts; south; southern; spatio; speak; spectat; speculative; sphaera; sphaerica; sphere; spherical; square; stars; stevinius; streight; strong; style; subject; sublimatum; substraction; sulphur; sumatra; summa; sunt; superficies; supponitur; supra; surface; syllables; tamen; tantum; tcp; tei; terram; tertia; text; things; tibi; time; treatise; treats; tres; triangles; trianguli; tribus; triginta; true; turbith; tycobrahe; ubique; unde; understanding; unity; uno; unum; useful; ut si; utpote; varias; vel; venus; vero; versus; vertue; vigesima; visible; vocant; voces; vocibus; vomitum; vulgo; water; west; white; wood; words; work; world; xml; years; zenith; zodiack cache: A26553.xml plain text: A26553.txt item: #5 of 32 id: A28549 author: Boethius, d. 524. title: Summum bonum, or, An explication of the divine goodness in the words of the most renowned Boetius translated by a lover of truth and virtue. date: 1674 words: 39216 flesch: 74 summary: This State , as we have said , All men desire to Attein unto by Divers wayes or Means : For there is Naturally in the Minds of Men a Desire of the True Good , but Error draws them aside to things that have but the meer Shew , or Appearance of Good. Which being the Highest , and Vtmost Perfection of our Soules ought certainly to awaken our drowsy , and stumbring minds to a vigorous Prosecution of so transcendent a state of life : a life , so full of solid , and substantiall Joy , and Pleasure , that if we did not take false measures , and estimations of things , we could not but think it infinitely beyond the fairest and best of all Sublunary Felicities . keywords: able; accusers; actions; adversity; allwayes; assistance; attein; base; beauty; bliss; body; boetius; books; bring; call'd; canst; care; cause; cease; ceaseth; certain; change; clear; common; conceit; condition; constant; contrary; country; course; creatures; day; dear; death; deep; delight; desir'd; desire; didst; dignities; dignity; discourse; distemper; divers; divine; dost thou; doth; doubt; doubted; earth; earthly; end; english; evill; excellent; exercise; eyes; fain; fair; fall; false; fame; fast; fate; father; fear; felicity; fire; firm; fit; force; forth; fortune; free; friends; glorious; glory; god; gods; good; good men; good things; goodness; govern'd; government; great; greater; greatest; grievous; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hast; hath; having; head; heaven; high; highest; himselfe; hold; honors; house; humane; ignorance; ignorant; intention; joy; judge; judgement; kind; king; knowledge; known; large; law; length; life; like; little; long; looke; lost; love; lye; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mans; matter; men; men thou; mind; miserable; misery; mony; motions; nations; natural; nature; necessity; needs; number; office; order; pains; parts; pass; people; perfect; persons; philosophy; place; plato; pleasure; possession; power; powerful; present; pretious; proper; prose; prosperity; providence; punishment; quoth; reason; renown; respect; rest; return; reward; riches; right; sad; safety; sayes; sea; second; selfe; selves; senate; sense; shew; simplicity; sith; sith thou; small; soule; soveraign; soveraign good; stars; state; strange; strength; subject; sufficiency; sweet; tcp; tears; text; thee; ther; thine; things; thou; thou art; thou mayst; thou wilt; thou wouldest; thought; thy; time; true; true good; true happiness; truth; vain; venerable; verse; vice; vile; virtue; viz; want; wast; way; wealth; wicked; wicked men; wickedness; wife; wilt; wise; wisedome; wit; words; world; worthy; wouldest cache: A28549.xml plain text: A28549.txt item: #6 of 32 id: A28945 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: The Christian virtuoso shewing that by being addicted to experimental philosophy, a man is rather assisted than indisposed to be a good Christian / by T.H.R.B., Fellow of the Royal Society ; to which are subjoyn'd, I. a discourse about the distinction that represents some things as above reason, but not contrary to reason, II. the first chapters of a discourse entituled, Greatness of mind promoted by Christianity, by the same author. date: 1690 words: 38138 flesch: 41 summary: Which I the rather did ; because some Experience has taught me , that such a Way of proposing and elucidating Things , is , either as most clear , or , upon the account of its Novelty , wont to be more acceptable , than any Other , to our Modern Virtuosi ; whom thus to Gratify , is a good Step towards the Persuading of them . But though among these Ingenious Men there are several , whose Expectations from me I am much more disposed to Gratify , than Disappoint ; yet , on such an occasion as this , I must take the liberty to own , That I do not think the Corporeal World , nor the Present State of Things , the Only or the Principal Subjects , that an Inquisitive Man's Pen may be worthily employed about ; and , That there are some Things that are grounded , neither upon Mechanical , nor upon Chymical , Notices or Experiments , that are yet far from deserving to be Neglected , and much less to be Despised , or so much as to be left Uncultivated , especially by such Writers , as being more concerned to act as Christians , than as Virtuosi , must also think , that sometimes they may usefully busy themselves about the Study of Divine Things , as well as at other times employ their Thoughts about the Inspection of Natural Ones . keywords: able; abstracted; abstruse; account; actions; admirable; advantage; ages; animals; answer; apostles; arguments; aristotle; assent; atheists; attributes; author; belief; best; better; bodies; body; capable; causes; christian; christian religion; christianity; clear; coelestial; common; consider'd; consideration; contrary; corporeal; creation; creatures; crown; deep; degrees; design; desire; difference; differing; difficulties; discourse; dispos'd; distinction; divers; divine; doctrine; eebo; effects; employ'd; english; evince; example; excellent; existence; experience; experimental; extent; eye; eyes; fact; faculties; faith; false; fear; fit; following; foretold; free; friends; future; general; god; good; goodness; gospel; grand; great; greater; greatness; grounds; happy; hath; heaven; help; heroick; higher; hope; human; iii; immaterial; immediate; information; instances; intellect; intelligent; intervention; intimated; john; judge; kind; knowledge; later; laws; lay; learned; light; like; little; long; man; manifest; mankind; manner; matter; mean; men; mere; mind; miracles; moon; motives; multitude; mystery; natural; nature; necessary; new; noble; notice; notions; notwithstanding; number; objections; objects; observation; occasion; oftentimes; ones; opinions; order; ordinary; ought; paper; particular; parts; paul; peculiar; perfect; personal; persons; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; power; predictions; present; principles; produc'd; proofs; proper; propos'd; proposition; prove; providence; qualities; rational; reach; readers; real; reason; reference; reflections; religion; revelation; satisfaction; scarce; school; score; scripture; scruple; sea; second; self; sense; sentiments; shew; sir; skilful; skill; soever; sort; soul; stars; state; strange; subjects; substance; sufficient; sun; superficial; supernatural; tcp; testimony; text; theological; theology; things; tho; thoughts; thô; time; treatise; true; truth; understanding; use; virtue; virtuoso; visible; vulgar; want; way; whereof; willing; wisdom; wise; wonderful; works; world; worthy; years cache: A28945.xml plain text: A28945.txt item: #7 of 32 id: A28958 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: A discourse of things above reason· Inquiring whether a philosopher should admit there are any such. By a Fellow of the Royal Society· To which are annexed by the publisher (for the affinity of the subjects) some advices about judging of things said to transcend reason. Written by a Fellow of the same Society. date: 1681 words: 32406 flesch: 43 summary: And 't is by the sense which the mind has of her own l●●mitedness and imperfection on cer●tain occasions , that I think we ma●● estimate what things ought no● and what ought to be looked upo● as Things above Reason ; for by th●● Term , I would not have you thin●● I mean such things as our ration●● faculty cannot at all reach to , So that according to you , Sophronius , it may be said , that by reason we do not properly perceive Things above Reason , but only perceive that they are above Reason , there being a dark and peculiar kind of Impression made upon the understanding , while it sets it self to contemplate such confounding Objects , by which peculiarity of impression , as by a distinct and unwonted kind of internal sensation , the understanding is brought to distinguish this sort of things ( namely ) transcendent or priviledg'd ones from others , and discern them to be disproportionate to the powers with which it uses throughly to penetrate Subjects , that are not impervious to it . keywords: able; abstruse; account; advice; answer; arguments; arnob; arnobius; assent; author; axioms; beings; better; bodies; body; capable; cases; cause; centre; certain; circle; circumference; clear; common; conceive; conceptions; conference; confess; consequences; consideration; dark; demonstrations; desire; diagonal; dictates; differing; difficulties; discourse; distinct; divers; divine; divisible; easie; english; equal; euclid; eugenius; evidence; exercise; experience; extent; eye; faculties; faculty; false; fear; figure; fit; foot; fram'd; frame; free; general; generality; gentlemen; geometricians; god; good; great; greater; hath; help; hope; humane; ideas; inconsistent; infinite; instances; intellect; intellectual; judge; judging; kind; knowledge; known; light; like; limited; line; little; long; man; manifest; matter; mean; measure; men; mind; modus; motion; natural; nature; need; new; notice; notions; number; objection; objects; ones; opinion; order; ought; particular; parts; perfect; philosophers; place; positive; possible; power; present; priviledg'd; priviledg'd things; priviledged; priviledged things; proofs; proper; proportion; propositions; purpose; pyrocles; question; ratiocinations; rational; reach; reason; repugnant; rules; scarce; second; self; selves; sence; soever; sophronius; sort; soul; square; subject; substance; sufficient; sun; tcp; text; things; tho; thoughts; time; timotheus; true; truth; unable; understanding; want; way; ways; words; world; ● ● cache: A28958.xml plain text: A28958.txt item: #8 of 32 id: A29780 author: Browne, Thomas, 1654?-1741. title: Miracles, work's above and contrary to nature, or, An answer to a late translation out of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus, Mr. Hobbs's Leviathan, &c. published to undermine the truth and authority of miracles, Scripture, and religion, in a treatise entituled, Miracles no violation of the laws of nature. date: 1683 words: 21644 flesch: 65 summary: For the Scripture , that it does not appear that they are recorded for Miracles there , because the Scripture immediately refers effects purely Natural to God , and makes no mention of the train of second causes subservient to God in their production : the design of the sacred Writers , when they speak of natural things , being not to instruct us in the knowledg of Nature by giving us a Philosophical account of their mediate causes , but to excite in us Piety and Devotion , by working in our minds a true sense of the Power and Providence of Almighty God , to which all things owe their original . The utmost therefore that Design will oblige them to , in this regard , is to make no mention of the Train of second Causes in the Productions of Nature ( which effectually answers the first part of their Design ) and to ascribe all Effects to God as their Author ( which as fully answers the second ) and nothing of all this amounts to a Relation of the Effects of Nature for Miracles , as will appear immediately . keywords: account; act; answer; argument; authority; authors; belief; bodies; burnett; case; causes; compass; conceive; conclusion; contradiction; contrary; course; decrees; design; divine; divine nature; doctrine; effects; essence; eternal; evidences; existence; extraordinary; false; fixt; force; form; god; gods; great; ground; hand; hobbs; holy; immediate; immutable; infinite; instance; known; laws; like; manner; matter; mention; miracles; miraculous; motion; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; order; particular; person; possibility; possible; power; principles; production; prophet; proposition; providence; qualities; quality; question; reason; related; religion; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; spinoza; sufficient; sun; supernatural; tcp; text; thing; time; train; translator; treatise; true; truth; viz; way; word; word nature; work cache: A29780.xml plain text: A29780.txt item: #9 of 32 id: A29782 author: Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682. title: Nature's cabinet unlock'd wherein is discovered the natural causes of metals, stones, precious earths, juyces, humors, and spirits, the nature of plants in general, their affections, parts, and kinds in particular : together with a description of the individual parts and species of all animate bodies ... : with a compendious anatomy of the body of man, as also the manner of his formation in the womb / by Tho. Browne ... date: 1657 words: 45234 flesch: 70 summary: ( C ) It is disputed by some , whether humours or spirits may be rightly reckoned amongst animal parts ; because they obtain no figure , nor certain mode of increment , like solid and dimense parts : but know , that we take the word part largely in this place , for all that which is necessary to the constitution of an animate body : for whatsoever may not be taken from the whole , without a dissolution of that whole , that may properly be called part of that whole : therefore humors and spirits , because if they be taken away , the animal whole cannot consist ; therefore they are adjudged to pass under the name of parts . Nature's cabinet unlock'd wherein is discovered the natural causes of metals, stones, precious earths, juyces, humors, and spirits, the nature of plants in general, their affections, parts, and kinds in particular : together with a description of the individual parts and species of all animate bodies ... : with a compendious anatomy of the body of man, as also the manner of his formation in the womb / by Tho. keywords: action; air; aliment; animals; animate; answer; anterior; arise; aristotle; arteries; artery; beasts; belly; better; birds; black; bladder; blood; bodies; body; bones; bowels; brain; breath; cardan; carnous; cause; cava; celestial; certain; chap; choler; chyle; clear; cold; colour; commentary; common; concoction; concreted; consist; contrary; corruption; crass; daily; days; definition; dissimilar; distinguished; divers; doth; double; dry; earth; efficient; elements; excrementitious; excrements; exer; exterior; external; eyes; faculty; fat; fibres; fire; firm; fish; fishes; flesh; flow; force; form; fourthly; fruit; galen; gem; gems; generation; genus; globular; gold; great; greater; greeks; gross; hand; hard; hath; head; heat; herbs; hinder; hitherto; hot; humidity; humors; humour; imperfect; impure; inanimate; inferior; insects; insited; internal; intestines; iron; juice; kinde; lead; left; life; like; little; liver; long; longer; lungs; man; manner; marrow; mass; matter; melancholy; members; membrane; metalls; middle; mixed; moist; motion; mouth; muscles; native; natural; nature; necessary; neck; need; nerves; new; nourished; number; nutriment; obscure; onely; opinion; organs; parts; passage; perfect; philosophers; place; plants; plenty; portion; precious; preservation; principal; principle; produce; profitable; proper; pure; quality; quantity; question; quicksilver; rare; reason; red; rest; right; roots; round; saith; salt; scaliger; sea; second; seed; self; sense; similar; similitude; simple; skin; soft; solid; soul; species; spermatick; spirit; stone; strength; substance; subtil; sulphure; sun; superficies; superior; tcp; teeth; tender; terrene; text; things; thorax; time; tree; true; trunk; tunicle; vapour; variety; veins; vena; ventricle; vertue; vessels; vital; want; water; watry; ways; white; wit; woman; womb; work; yellow; yong cache: A29782.xml plain text: A29782.txt item: #10 of 32 id: A30484 author: Burnet, Thomas, 1635?-1715. title: A review of The theory of the earth and of its proofs, especially in reference to Scripture date: 1690 words: 21237 flesch: 69 summary: But before we proceed any further , give me leave to note the impropriety of our Translation , in the 5th . Verse , or latter part of it ; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ( vel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , This we translate standing in the water , and out of the water , which is done manifestly in compliance with the present form of the Earth , and the notions of the Translators : and not according to the natural force and sence of the Greek words . The opposition lies betwixt the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Heavens that were of old , and the Earth , and the present Heavens and Earth , or the two natural Worlds . keywords: abyss; account; answer; ante; apostle; argument; austin; authority; beginning; body; book; causes; change; chaos; chap; chapter; characters; church; coeli; conflagration; constituted; constitution; creation; darkness; david; deluge; describ'd; description; destruction; different; diluvian; diluvian earth; diluvian heavens; discourse; disruption; dissolution; diversity; doctrine; doubt; earth; easie; eebo; effect; english; explication; exposition; express; face; far; fate; fire; flood; force; form; future; general; god; good; great; ground; heavens; history; hypothesis; ignorant; interpretation; job; john; judgment; light; like; literal; lord; mankind; manner; material; matter; moses; mundus; natural; natural world; nature; new earth; new heavens; oct; old; open; particular; parts; past; periisse; perish'd; peter; phaenomena; phrase; places; present; present earth; present heavens; principal; proofs; prophet; providence; psal; purpose; question; qui; reason; renovation; rest; review; sacred; scoffers; scripture; sea; seas; second; self; sence; set; state; subject; tcp; temple; text; theory; things; time; true; truth; universal; verse; vulgar; waters; way; whereof; words; work; world cache: A30484.xml plain text: A30484.txt item: #11 of 32 id: A34265 author: Confucius. title: The morals of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who flourished above five hundred years before the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : being one of the most choicest pieces of learning remaining of that nation. date: 1691 words: 26098 flesch: 66 summary: Is it not well k●own , that there are many Divines , who are of Opinion , That one of the Things which will comple●t the Happin●s● of the Saints in Heaven , will be a great Knowledge of an infinite number of Truth● which are unknown to us upon Earth ? As for the rest , by what we have hithirto said it may be judg'd how exceedingly the Publick is behold●n to the R. F. Incorcetta and Couplet , who have Translated , out of Chinese into Latin , the Three Books of Confucius , from which we have Extracted this Piece of Morality● which is now divulg'd . keywords: account; actions; advanc'd; age; ancient; annals; author; behold; better; birth; books; care; cause; cemçu; certain; characters; children; china; chineses; christ; conduct; confucius; considerable; contrary; country; creation; crime; day; death; defects; design; desire; disciples; discourses; doctrine; duties; duty; earth; eebo; emperor; empire; end; endeavours; english; esteem; exact; example; excellent; extraordinary; eyes; family; father; fine; fohi; follow; fourth; general; god; good; great; greater; happy; heart; heaven; history; honour; idea; illustrious; important; impossible; instructions; interest; jesus; king; kingdom; knowledge; labour; life; little; long; lord; love; m ●; man; manner; master; maxims; mean; men; midst; mind; morals; nation; natural; nature; necessary; new; number; o ●; obedience; object; pains; parents; particular; passions; people; perfect; perfection; persons; philosopher; place; poor; power; practise; present; prince; principal; prudence; publick; qualities; reason; reign; remarkable; render; render'd; respect; rest; riches; right; rules; saith; second; self; selves; single; soever; sorts; spirit; state; subjects; tcp; text; th ●; thee; thine; things; thou; thought; time; true; understanding; unworthy; use; utmost; valour; venvam; virtue; virtuous; viz; volume; way; wicked; wisdom; wise; wise man; words; work; world; worthy; writ; years; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● ● cache: A34265.xml plain text: A34265.txt item: #12 of 32 id: A34395 author: Conway, Anne, 1631-1679. title: The principles of the most ancient and modern philosophy concerning God, Christ and the creatures ... being a little treatise published since the author's death, translated out of the English into Latin, with annotations taken from the ancient philosophy of the Hebrews, and now again made English / by J.C., Medicinæ Professor. date: 1692 words: 34956 flesch: 57 summary: And here is to be noted , when I say the least Particle of Body , or Matter so called , may be always divided into parts , less , ad infinitum ; so that no actual division can be made in any Matter , which is not always farther divisible , or capable to be divided into less parts , and that without end ; yet I would not hereby determine , what the Absolute Power of God will or can do ; as some do vainly and grosly dispute ; but only hint what the Power of God probably may do , or will do , so far as he operates in and with his Creatures , to wit , in as much as in all Productions , and Generations , as also in all Resolutions and Divisions , in the Nature of Bodies , or the Creature , he never divides nor never can divide any Body into such small parts , that each of these is not always capable of a farther division ; for the Body of no Creature can ever be reduced into its least parts ; yea , into such that it cannot be reduced back again , either by the most subtile operation of any Creature , or created Power : And this Answer may suffice to our present purpose : And so likewise , when we remember any Body , we see his Image in us , which is a Spirit that proceeded from him , whilst we beheld him from without ; which Image or Spirit is retained in Some-Body , which is the Seed of our Brain , and thence is made a certain Spiritual Generation in us : And so every Spirit hath its Body , and every Body its Spirit ; and as the Body , sc . of a Man or Beast , is nothing else but an innumerable multitude of Bodies , compacted together into one , and disposed into a certain order ; so likewise the Spirit of a Man , or Beast , is a certain innumerable multitude of Spirits united together in the said Body , which have their Order and Government so , that there is one Captain , or Chief Governor , another a Lieutenant , and another hath a certain kind of Government under him , and so through the whole , as it is wont to be in an Army of Soldiers ; wherefore the Creatures are called Armies , and God the God of Hosts , as the Devil which possessed the Man was called Legion , because there were many of them ; so that every Man ; yea , every Creature , consists of many Spirits and Bodies ; ( many of these Spirits which exist in Man ) are called by the Hebrews , Nizzuzoth , or Sparks . keywords: action; air; ancient; angels; animals; answer; argument; attributes; beast; beginning; begotten; better; bodies; body; cause; centre; certain; changeable; chap; christ; common; consequence; contrary; corporeal; creation; creator; creatures; dead; death; degree; denud; distinct; divers; divided; divine; divisible; division; doth; earth; end; english; equal; essence; essential; eternity; evil; example; excellent; extension; external; far; farther; figure; fire; flesh; form; god; good; goodness; greater; gross; hath; highest; hobbs; horse; idea; image; impenetrability; impenetrable; infinite; infinitum; invisible; justice; kabbal; kind; knowledge; life; light; like; little; living; local; love; man; manifest; manner; matter; mean; measure; mechanical; medium; men; mere; middle; motion; moved; mutability; natural; nature; new; number; operation; order; parts; perfection; philosophy; place; power; present; principles; proceed; proper; punishment; reason; respect; said; self; sense; sin; small; soul; space; species; spirit; state; stones; subject; substance; subtile; tcp; text; things; time; tom; true; united; vital; viz; water; way; whatsoever; wisdom; wit; wood; works; world; yea; years cache: A34395.xml plain text: A34395.txt item: #13 of 32 id: A37496 author: Dell, William, d. 1664. title: A plain and necessary confutation of divers gross and antichristian errors, delivered to the vniversity congregation, the last commencement, anno 1653, by Mr. Sydrach Simpson, master of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge date: 1654 words: 31386 flesch: 62 summary: Berno who lived about the year 1008 , and was a man furnished with all sorts of Learning , saith , That he had for many years rejected a●●ung the figments of the Poets and the Histories of the Heathens , and the study of secular Letters , and had converted the whole intention of his mind in the word of God , and the Divine things contained therein : And accordingly , he taught no other Doctrine to any . Hularicus Zuinglius also Pastor of Z●rich in Helvet●ae , ●man who had been educated in all kind of Learning , and was after through faith and the teaching of God an eminent Instrument in his Church , he saith thus of himself ; When ( saith he ) I being yet a youth , was exercised in all sorts of Learning , I can truly say , that I did not profit less then the rest of my equals : Wherefore I do in all boldness appear for Christ the w●●dom of God , against Humane Learning the wisdom of th●world ; knowing assuredly that he is as very Antichrist who opposes Christ as the Wisdom o●God , as ●e that opposes Him as the Power and Righ●ousness of God : and men may as well bring into the Church of God another Righteousness then Christ , and another Power then Christ , as another Wisdom then Christ . keywords: able; advantage; ages; angel; answer; antichrist; antichristian; apostles; aristotle; authority; believers; blessed; body; books; bottomless; brethren; cambridge; cap; carnal; cause; chief; children; christ; christians; church; clergy; colledges; common; conscience; contrary; corrupt; court; cup; darkness; day; dead; death; degrees; destitute; devil; disciplines; divine; divinity; doctor; doctrine; doth; earth; end; english; error; est; eternal; excellent; face; faithful; false; father; fit; flesh; foolish; free; glorious; glory; god; godly; gods; good; gospel; grace; great; greater; greatest; greek; gross; hand; hath; head; hearts; heathenish; heavenly; hell; help; high; holy; honor; humane; humane learning; hus; ignorance; ignorant; infinite; jesus; jesus christ; john; julian; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; learned; learning; letter; lib; life; light; like; little; living; locusts; long; lord; love; luther; manifest; manner; masters; matter; means; meet; men; mind; ministers; ministry; moral; moses; mysterie; nation; nature; necessary; need; new; non; object; old; onely; open; outer; outward; overcame; paul; people; peter; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; pit; place; plain; power; preaching; present; pretence; pride; princes; profit; prophets; quam; qui; quod; read; reason; reign; religion; rest; righteousness; roman; saints; saith; saith christ; satan; saying; schools; scriptures; sect; secular; self; sense; set; simple; simpson; sin; smoak; son; sons; sorts; spake; speaking; spirit; spiritual; state; stead; strength; strong; studies; study; sun; teachers; teacheth; teaching; testament; testimony; text; things; thou; time; titles; tongues; touching; true; truth; unction; understanding; universities; university; unlearned; use; vain; vertues; want; way; wickedness; wickliff; wisdom; wise; wit; word; works; worldly; yea; years; youth; ● ● cache: A37496.xml plain text: A37496.txt item: #14 of 32 id: A39319 author: Eachard, John, 1636?-1697. title: Some opinions of Mr. Hobbs considered in a second dialogue between Philautus and Timothy by the same author. date: 1673 words: 58374 flesch: 73 summary: Thirdly , That these Creatures , having not ( as man ) the use of reason , do not see , nor think they see any fault , in the administration of their common business : whereas amongst men , there are very many , that think themselves wiser , and abler to govern the publick , better than the rest ; and these strive to reform and innovate , one this way , another that way ; and thereby bring it into distraction and civil War. Again says Mr. Hobbs , that every action that a man does is perfectly unavoidable : to that says our Author , very candidly and ingenuously : that if any one man should be forced willingly , to do any one action ; the Moon would presently tumble into that mans mouth . keywords: able; absolute; absurd; absurdity; accompt; account; actions; algebra; almighty; answer; art; artificial; authority; authors; bad; bees; beginning; ben't; best; better; bible; big; bishop; black; blood; body; book; bread; business; c. phi; call'd; care; cast; cause; certain; chance; chapter; children; christ; christian; church; cive; civil; clergy; close; command; common; company; confess; confident; conscience; consent; consequences; considerable; contra; contrary; corp; country; creation; creatures; credit; day; deal; dear; death; definition; demonstration; desire; dialogue; difference; discourse; divine; doctor; doctrine; dog; dominion; don; dost; doth; doubt; e'en; earth; ecclesiasticks; eebo; elements; end; english; epistle; eternal; euclid; evil; example; fairies; faith; fall; false; famous; fastum; father; fear; fine; finger; fire; fool; free; freewill; friend; fruits; general; gentleman; geometricians; geometry; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grace; grant; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hang'd; hard; hat; head; heart; hell; help; history; hobbs; home; honour; hope; house; humane; idle; immaterial; impossible; instances; jack; justice; kind; kingdom; kings; knowledge; known; language; large; latin; law; lawful; laws; leave; lev; leviathan; liberty; lies; life; like; line; little; logick; long; love; mad; magistrate; majesty; making; man; manner; mans; martyr; mathematicians; mathematicks; matter; mean; meer; men; mens; middle; mind; money; morrow; motion; mouth; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; nigh; non; notwithstanding; number; oblig'd; obligation; oblige; occasion; odd; oft; old; opinion; order; page; particular; parts; people; perceive; person; phansie; phantasm; phi; philautus; philosophical; philosophy; piece; pippin; place; plain; play; poet; point; politicks; poor; power; praise; precepts; present; prethee; pretty; prince; principles; private; profess; promise; proper; proposition; publick; pudding; purpose; quae; question; rain; reader; ready; reason; reasonable; reasoning; religion; rest; right; roman; run; saviour; scarce; second; self; sense; sentence; set; shew; signifie; silly; sir; small; sort; soveraign; speech; spirit; stand; story; strange; subject; substance; sufficient; supream; sure; sword; t ●; t'other; talk; tcp; text; thee; thing; thinking; thou; thought; tim; time; title; tongue; town; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; unjust; use; vain; vast; vertue; viz; want; war; way; ways; wealth; weather; wind; wit; wonder; words; work; world; worse; writings; years cache: A39319.xml plain text: A39319.txt item: #15 of 32 id: A42816 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: Logou thrēskeia, or, A seasonable recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion against infidelity, scepticism, and fanaticisms of all sorts. date: 1670 words: 11907 flesch: 65 summary: And now , to damme up this source of mischiefs , by representing the fair agreement that is between Reason , and Religion , is the most seasonable service that can be done unto both ; since hereby , Religion will be rescued from the impious accusation of its being groundless , and imaginary : And Reason also defended , against the unjust charge of those , that would make this beam of God , prophane , and irreligious . And as it is in this last case , so it is in all the mysteries of Faith , and Religion ; Reason cannot defend them indeed the first way : But then it doth the second by shewing , that the Divine Nature is infinite , and ovr Conceptions very shallow , and finite ; that 't is therefore very unreasonable in us to indeavour to pry into the secrets of his Being , and actions ; and to think that we can measure , and comprehend them : That we know not the Essence , and ways of acting of the most ordinary , and obvious things of Nature , and therefore must not expect throughly to understand the deeper things of God ; That God hath revealed those holy Mysteries unto us ; and that 't is the highest reason in the world to believe , That what He saith is true , though we do not know how these things are . keywords: affairs; agreement; apostle; arguments; article; authority; belief; books; brethren; certain; christ; church; conclusions; creatures; credit; divine; doctrines; doth; doubt; duties; duty; eebo; enemies; english; faith; false; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; ground; hath; holy; imagination; instances; light; like; man; mankind; matter; men; minds; natural; nature; necessary; new; particular; philosophy; principles; propositions; proved; reason; reasonable; religion; revelation; sacred; saviour; scripture; second; self; sense; sober; sort; souls; tcp; testimony; text; things; true; truth; understanding; use; vain; ver; viz; way; ways; wisdom; works; world cache: A42816.xml plain text: A42816.txt item: #16 of 32 id: A42819 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: Philosophia pia, or, A discourse of the religious temper and tendencies of the experimental philosophy which is profest by the Royal Society to which is annext a recommendation and defence of reason in the affairs of religion / by Jos. Glanvill ... date: 1671 words: 30041 flesch: 60 summary: And thus I have sh●…wn under five mat●…rial ●…ads , That the Knowledge of Nature , and the Works of God , promotes the greatest interests of Religion ; and by the three last it appears how Fundamentally opposite it is to all Schism and Fana●… , which are made up and occasioned by Superstition , En●…siasm , and ignorant , perverse disputings . Th●… b●…lief of this i●… 〈◊〉 nec●…ssary to all the par●…s o●… R●…ligion . keywords: account; adde; advantage; affairs; answer; apostle; appear; arguments; articles; atheism; attributes; authority; beings; belief; best; better; bodies; body; bold; books; case; causes; certain; certainty; chap; charity; christ; church; clear; conceit; concerned; conclusions; consideration; contrary; creatures; dangerous; day; deep; defence; degree; design; discourse; discoveries; disparagement; disposed; disputes; distinct; divine; doctrines; doth; doubt; duties; duty; earth; eebo; effects; end; endeavour; enemies; enemy; english; enthusiasm; evidence; evil; excellent; existence; experimental; faith; false; fancy; forms; free; general; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; great; greater; greatest; ground; hath; help; holy; hope; humane; humour; ignorance; iii; images; imagination; immortality; inquiry; instances; interests; jews; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; life; light; like; little; lord; madness; main; man; mankind; manner; material; matter; mean; meaning; men; mens; mention; mind; mischiefs; modern; moon; motion; mysteries; names; natural; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notions; o ●; occasion; opinions; oracles; order; ordinary; particular; peace; people; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; pious; plain; power; praise; prejudice; present; pretended; pretensions; principles; proper; propositions; proved; purposes; real; reason; reasonable; reasoning; religion; religious; revelation; royal; s ●; sacred; sadducism; saviour; scripture; search; second; sect; self; selves; sense; service; set; shewn; sober; sort; souls; spirit; study; superstition; tcp; temper; testimony; text; things; thoughts; times; true; truth; understandings; use; vain; vers; viz; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wonderful; works; world; zeal cache: A42819.xml plain text: A42819.txt item: #17 of 32 id: A42833 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: The vanity of dogmatizing, or, Confidence in opinions manifested in a discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our knowledge, and its causes : with some reflexions on peripateticism, and an apology for philosophy / by Jos. Glanvill ... date: 1661 words: 48341 flesch: 60 summary: The first deception enter'd in at this Postern , and hath ever since kept it open for the entry of Legion : so that we scarse see any thing now but through our Passions , the most blind , and sophisticate things about us . And therefore , as that great man , the Lord Bacon hath observ'd , Time as a River , hath brought down to us what is more light and superficial ; while things more solid and substantial have been immersed . keywords: absurdity; account; act; action; adam; advantage; affected; affections; age; air; angels; animal; anothers; antiquity; apology; appearances; apprehensions; argument; aristotelian; aristotle; assent; attempts; author; authority; beams; bear; beings; belief; best; better; blind; boast; bodies; body; books; brain; capable; capacity; cartes; cases; causality; cause; celestial; censure; centre; certain; certainty; chap; charge; charity; children; circle; circumference; circumstances; clear; close; common; conceit; conceive; conclusion; confidence; conjecture; considerable; considerations; constant; constitution; contrary; controversies; corporal; counter; creation; creatures; credit; cross; custom; darkness; day; deceptions; demonstration; dependence; des; design; desire; desperate; difference; difficult; difficulties; digby; direction; discourse; discoveries; discovery; distance; distant; diversity; divine; divinity; dogmatist; dogmatizing; doth; double; doubt; earth; easie; education; eebo; effect; elements; endeavours; english; enquiry; equal; error; evidence; exact; excellent; eyes; face; faculties; faculty; fall; favour; figure; fire; fixt; form; frame; free; friend; general; generous; glanvill; globe; glorious; glory; god; good; grand; great; greater; greatest; grosser; ground; hand; hard; hath; head; heat; heavens; help; hidden; higher; hope; humane; humanity; hypothesis; idea; ignorance; ignorant; ill; images; imaginary; imagination; immediate; immortality; impertinent; impossibility; impossible; impressions; infant; infinite; ingenious; ingenuity; innocence; insignificant; instances; instruments; intellects; intellectual; intended; interest; inward; judge; judgement; kind; knowledge; known; learned; leave; left; life; light; like; likely; line; little; long; look; love; magnetick; maker; man; manner; mans; material; mathematicks; matter; mechanical; medium; meer; memory; men; mention'd; method; mind; mis; miserable; misery; mistake; moon; motion; moves; multitude; mutual; naked; names; natural; nature; necessary; needle; needs; new; nobler; non; notice; notions; number; object; obscurity; obvious; occult; old; ones; operations; opinionative; opinions; order; ordinary; organs; original; particles; particular; parts; passions; past; perfection; performance; peripateticism; peripatetick; phaenomena; phancies; phancy; philosophick; philosophy; piece; place; plato; play; power; practical; prejudice; present; principles; probability; proper; proportions; propounded; pure; qualities; quality; quantity; question; reach; real; reason; received; remoter; remove; representations; requisite; rest; return; ridiculous; ruines; saith; satisfaction; saying; scarce; school; science; scientifical; second; secret; self; selves; sensations; sense; sensible; sensitive; set; shew; short; shortness; simple; single; sir; site; solution; soul; source; space; sphear; spirits; stars; state; story; strange; strength; strong; subject; substance; successive; sun; supposed; tcp; text; theory; things; thought; time; title; touch; true; truth; understanding; union; united; universal; unknown; vain; vanity; variety; verity; view; visible; viz; volumes; vulgar; water; way; weakness; wheel; wisdom; wit; wonder; works; world; worth; yea; years cache: A42833.xml plain text: A42833.txt item: #18 of 32 id: A44631 author: Howard, Edward. title: Remarks on the new philosophy of Des-Cartes in four parts ... / done by a gentleman. date: 1700 words: 70842 flesch: 28 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. keywords: abilities; absolute; absurd; account; accurate; act; actual; admirable; affirm'd; affirming; affirms; air; allow'd; almighty; alteration; angle; apparent; appearance; appertain; apply'd; apprehension; argument; assurance; astronomical; attributes; author; beings; best; better; betwixt; bodies; bodily; body; brain; breadth; briefly; capacities; capacity; cartes; caus'd; cause; celestial; center; certain; certainty; change; circle; circular; circumference; clear; cogitation; colour; comets; commensurable; common; compar'd; compass; compleat; compos'd; composition; computation; conceit; conceiv'd; conceive; conception; concurrence; conduct; consider'd; considerable; consideration; constituted; contain'd; contemplation; contiguous; continu'd; contradiction; contrary; conviction; copernican; corporeal; corporeal substance; course; creatures; day; definition; deg; deity; deliver'd; depth; des; determin'd; determine; devis'd; different; dignity; direct; discern'd; discussions; dispos'd; distance; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguish'd; diurnal; divers; diversities; divine; doctrine; doubt; duely; earth; effect; effected; elementary; elements; endeavours; english; epithet; equal; essence; essential; evident; example; excellency; existence; experience; extended; extension; extent; eyes; faculty; famous; fancy; far; farther; feet; fiction; figure; fire; fix'd; fluid; force; french; general; geometrical; globuli; god; grants; great; greater; ground; head; heat; heaven; height; humane; humane body; hypothesis; idea; imagin'd; imaginary; imagination; impossible; incident; incomprehensible; inconsistent; individual; inferior; infinite; inherent; innumerable; insomuch; intellect; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; judge; judgment; judicious; knowledge; learned; length; life; light; like; line; little; local; magnetical; magnitude; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; material; mathematical; matter; maxim; means; measure; meer; men; mention'd; method; miles; mind; miraculous; modalities; moisture; monsieur; moon; motion; motional; mov'd; movement; natural; nature; near; nearest; necessary; needle; new; notions; number; object; observ'd; observations; ocean; omnipotent; operations; opinion; order; original; particles; particular; parts; pen; perfect; perfection; period; persons; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; place; plain; planets; point; poles; possibility; power; precedent; present; principles; probable; produc'd; production; progression; proof; proper; proportion; proprieties; propriety; prospect; providence; purpose; qualifications; quantity; rarifaction; rational; reader; reason; reference; refin'd; remarks; remote; remov'd; replenish'd; requisite; resemblance; residence; rest; revolution; room; rule; saies; schemes; science; sea; second; self; senses; sensible; separate; shining; ship; similitude; situation; small; soul; space; speculation; sphere; spiritual; stars; stone; streight; subject; sublime; substance; substantial; sufficient; suitable; summ; sun; superficies; suppos'd; supposition; supreme; system; tcp; tenent; tenuous; term'd; terms; text; things; thinking; thought; time; total; treatise; triangle; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; upwards; useful; utmost; vacuity; variation; vast; visible; vortices; water; way; whatsoever; wonderful; works; world; writer; year cache: A44631.xml plain text: A44631.txt item: #19 of 32 id: A48814 author: Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. title: A chronological account of the life of Pythagoras, and of other famous men his contemporaries with an epistle to the Rd. Dr. Bently, about Porphyry's and Jamblicus's lives of Pythagoras / by the Right Reverand Father in God, William, Ld. Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield. date: 1699 words: 19665 flesch: 84 summary: As to the years of Pythagoras's Life , Jamblichus tells us , that it was much about his XVIII year that he set out to Travel : and that after some time , ( which I take to be IV years ) spent in other Countries , he came into Aegypt , and there he stay'd XXII years . For having told us that Abaris came for improvement in knowledge into Greece ; he saith , that in his way home from thence , being now well stricken in years , he came to see Pythagoras in Italy . keywords: abaris; account; aegypt; age; alex; apollonius; apostles; athens; author; authority; babylon; better; body; books; cambyses; celsus; certain; christ; christian; chron; cic; clem; credit; croton; d. laert; damis; death; design; devil; diog; disciples; doctrine; doth; doubt; eebo; end; english; epistle; eus; famous; father; flourish'd; friend; god; gods; good; great; greater; greece; herod; hierocles; historian; history; italy; jamblichus; jews; king; knowledge; laert; laertius; learning; life; like; living; long; lucian; man; mankind; master; matters; men; mention'd; miracles; mother; names; old; olympiads; opinion; people; phalaris; philosopher; philostratus; polycrates; porphyry; pythagoras; reader; reason; religion; rest; saith; samos; school; set; shewn; short; son; soul; stories; suidas; tcp; text; things; time; travels; true; truth; viii; way; work; world; writ; writers; writing; years; young cache: A48814.xml plain text: A48814.txt item: #20 of 32 id: A48888 author: Locke, John, 1632-1704. title: The reasonableness of Christianity as delivered in the Scriptures date: 1695 words: 62257 flesch: 74 summary: And then tell me whether he can doubt that Messiah and Son of God were Synonymous terms , at that time , amongst the Jews . There is another Difficulty often to be met with , which seems to have something of more weight in it : And that is , that though the Faith of those before Christ ; ( believing that God would send the Messiah , to be a Prince , and a Saviour to his People , as he had promised ; ) And the Faith of those since his time , ( believing Iesus to be that Messiah , promised and sent by God ) shall be accounted to them for Righteousness , Yet what shall become of all the rest of Mankind ; who having never heard of the Promise or News of a Saviour , not a word of a Messiah to be sent , or that was come , have had no thought or belief concerning him ? keywords: account; acts; adam; answer; apostles; art; authority; baptist; belief; believeth; believing; body; brethren; chap; chapter; chief; christ; christian; church; clear; coming; commands; covenant; day; dead; death; deliverer; direct; disciples; discourse; doctrine; doubt; duties; earth; end; epistles; eternal; evident; faith; father; following; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; good; gospel; grace; great; hand; hath; heaven; history; hold; holy; ierusalem; iesus; iews; iii; image; immortality; iohn; israel; jews; john; judge; kingdom; knowledge; known; law; laws; left; life; light; like; little; live; lord; luke; man; mankind; mark; mat; matt; meaning; men; messiah; ministry; miracles; morality; moses; mouth; nation; nature; necessary; new; notice; obedience; occasion; parts; passover; paul; people; person; peter; pharisees; pilate; place; plain; poor; power; preaching; priests; promised; prophets; reason; received; religion; repentance; required; rest; resurrection; revelation; righteousness; rulers; salvation; saviour; saying; scribes; scripture; self; sense; set; shall; short; sin; sins; son; spirit; state; temple; testament; testimony; text; thee; things; thou; thought; time; true; truth; use; vii; viii; virtue; viz; way; whereof; whosoever; witness; words; work; world; worship; writ; xii; xiii; xvi cache: A48888.xml plain text: A48888.txt item: #21 of 32 id: A49317 author: Lowde, James. title: Moral essays wherein some of Mr. Locks and Monsir. Malbranch's opinions are briefly examin'd : together with an answer to some chapters in the oracles of reason concerning deism / by Ja. Lowde ... date: 1699 words: 42694 flesch: 58 summary: But in the 2 d. Paragr : he t●lls us tha● God by a general Law hath ann●xed the presence of Idea's to the attention of our mind , and some few lin●s ●f ●r h●ving an inward sense of his own attention and no knowledge of the operati●n o● God he looks upon the endeavour o● his d●sires ● as the true cause of those Ideas , that accompany that endeavour , What he means by the endeavour of his desires , we shall know , when his Illustrations come out : I suppose he does not make Mens desires and their endeavours the same thing , only because Men desires commonly put 'em upon endeavours . My Lord , I shall not here attempt any thing by way even of your Lordships just Character , because the greatness thereof , and your own native averseness from all such Panegyricks , do wholly discourage me herein , so that this will be the p●culiar C●aracter of this Epistle Dedicatory , that it comes as f●r short of the real worth of its Patron , as others usually exceed ●t . keywords: account; action; advantage; ages; agreeable; answer; apostle; appeal; arguing; argument; assistance; author; authority; bad; baptism; bare; beings; belief; best; better; betwixt; body; book; capable; cause; certain; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; common; conceive; concurrence; conditions; consequence; contrary; cultivation; custom; de ●; defence; deisme; deists; depend; design; desire; different; difficult; discourse; dispute; divine; doctrine; doe; doth; doubt; duty; easy; edition; education; eebo; end; ends; english; eternal; evidence; evill; exercise; explain'd; expression; f ●; fact; faith; fall; false; fancy; far; fashion; fault; favour; force; frame; free; future; general; god; gods; good; gospel; grant; great; greater; ground; hand; happiness; happy; hath; hearts; heathens; honest; honour; hope; humane; hypothesis; ideas; ill; impressions; imprinted; influence; innate; inscription; inward; judge; justice; knowledge; known; law; laws; learned; liberty; life; light; like; little; lock; long; love; m ●; malbranch; man; mankind; manner; matter; meaning; means; measure; mediator; men; mere; method; minds; miracles; mistaken; monsieur; moral; morality; moses; native; natural; natural religion; nature; necessary; necessity; need; new; non; norris; notice; notions; o ●; objection; observation; occasion; old; ones; operations; opinion; oracles; order; ordinary; original; outward; pardon; parents; particular; paul; perfect; persons; philosophers; place; plain; pleasure; point; positive; possible; power; practise; preface; prejudice; present; previous; principles; private; probable; proceeds; proof; proper; propositions; providence; purpose; question; quod; rational; reader; reason; reasonable; reflection; religion; remarks; repentance; reputation; respect; revelation; rule; sacrifices; salvation; saviour; scripture; second; seemes; self; sensation; sense; sensible; short; simple; sin; sorrow; soul; speaking; state; strength; subject; sufficient; tcp; tell; text; th ●; things; thinking; tho; thought; time; true; truth; understanding; universal; use; vertue; vertuous; vice; vicious; viz; want; way; ways; wicked; willing; wisdom; wise; words; work; world; worthy; writ; ● d; ● e; ● hat; ● irst; ● n; ● r; ● s; ● t; ● y; ● ● cache: A49317.xml plain text: A49317.txt item: #22 of 32 id: A53055 author: Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. title: The philosphical and physical opinions written by Her Excellency the Lady Marchionesse of Newcastle. date: 1655 words: 85965 flesch: 46 summary: VVHatsoever hath an innate motion , hath knowledge ; and what matter soever hath this innate motion , is knowing , : but according to the several motions , are several knowledges made ; for knowledge lives in motion , as motion lives in matter : for though the kind of matter never alters , yet the manner of motions alters in that matter : and as motions alter , so knowledge differs , which makes the several motions in several figures to give several knowledge . And where there is a likenesse of motion , there is a likenesse of knowledge : As the Appetite of Sensitive spirits , and the desire of rational spirits are alike motions in several degrees of matter . keywords: absolute; actions; air; alteration; altered; alwayes; animal; answer; apt; attractive; ball; beast; beleeve; better; betwixt; birds; blood; bodies; body; book; brain; break; bright; broken; burning; cast; cause; causeth; center; change; chap; choler; circle; circular; circumference; close; cold; colours; common; company; compasse; concave; contracting; contracting motions; contrary; convex; corrupt; creation; creatures; darknesse; dead; death; degrees; delight; different; different motions; dilating; dilations; discourse; diseases; disorder; disordered motions; dissolves; distempered; distinction; doth; double; drawing; drugs; dry; dull; dull matter; dust; ears; earth; ebbing; effects; elements; ends; equal; eternal; eternal matter; eternity; example; experience; expresse; expulsions; expulsive; expulsive motions; extended; extention; extenuating; exterior; extravagant; eye; eyes; faculty; false; far; fiery; fiery motions; figures; fire; fish; flame; flat; flegme; flesh; flowing; fluid; force; form; fortune; general; god; gold; good; great; greater; grosse; ground; hand; hard; harmony; hate; hath; head; health; heat; help; high; hold; hollow; hope; hot; house; humors; humour; imaginations; infinite; infinite matter; infinite motions; innated; innated matter; interior; interior motions; interior nature; internal; inward; iron; irregular; joyn; joyned; kinde; knowledge; known; lady; language; learned; learning; lesse; liberty; life; light; like; like motions; lines; liquid; little; load; local; long; longer; loose; love; madnesse; making; malignant; malignity; man; manner; materials; matter; mean; measure; medicines; melancholy; memory; men; metal; metamorphosed; millions; minerals; mistake; mixt; moist; moisture; motions; mouth; moves; moving; musick; natural; natural motions; nature; nerves; new; north; nose; notes; number; objects; onely; opinions; opposite; optick; original; outward; oyl; pain; palsies; particular; parts; passage; passions; perchance; perfect; philosophers; philosophy; physitians; pia; piece; place; planets; pleasure; pointed; points; pores; porous; power; present; print; proceeds; profest; proper; quality; quantity; question; quick; rational; rational matter; rational spirits; readers; reason; regular; remembrance; rest; retentive; run; running; runs; salt; self; sense; sensitive; sensitive motions; sensitive spirits; set; shape; sharp; shining; shut; sick; skin; sleep; slow; small; smooth; snow; soft; solid; sorts; sound; spirits; stomach; stone; straight; strength; strings; striving; strong; stronger; study; subject; substance; sun; swift; sympathetical; sympathy; taste; temper; tempered; text; thereon; thereto; thick; thicker; thing; thinking; thoughts; tides; time; touch; triangular; true; truth; turns; understanding; unlesse; unnatural; vapor; variety; vegetables; veins; violent; vital; want; water; watry; wayes; weak; weaker; weight; wet; wood; words; work; working; world; writ; wrought cache: A53055.xml plain text: A53055.txt item: #23 of 32 id: A56399 author: Parker, Samuel, 1640-1688. title: Six philosophical essays upon several subjects ... by S.P. Gent. of Trinity Colledge in Oxford. date: 1700 words: 35456 flesch: 47 summary: Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. As for that , further Speculations may in time bring forth a satisfactory Hypothesis : but if they should not , thus much we know , That the Flood was either the ordinary Effect of second Causes , though the measures of their Operation be hidden from us , or if it could not be such an Effect , that it was the direct and immediate Atchievment of Omnipotence it self , and let that hush all your Scruples . keywords: absurdity; account; acquainted; act; adeò; advantage; aetna; affected; affections; air; ancients; answer; appearance; application; apprehension; apt; argument; aristotle; assent; assenter; atoms; atque; autem; authority; axioms; bare; beauty; behold; beings; best; better; blood; bodies; body; books; broken; bur; burnet; business; capable; carry'd; cases; cause; central; centre; certain; certainty; changes; chaos; characters; cheeks; circumstances; clear; cogitative; cold; colour; common; complexion; composition; conceive; concern; conclusion; conditions; conscious; consequence; consider'd; considerable; contemplation; contradiction; contrary; country; course; creation; crust; cum; day; degree; dei; demonstration; design; deum; different; dimensions; dispos'd; disposition; dispute; distance; distinct; distribution; divine; doubt; dry; early; earth; eebo; effect; elements; eminent; ends; english; enim; esse; essence; est; eternal; eternity; etiam; events; evidence; evident; existence; extended; extension; extent; extraordinary; eyes; face; faculties; faculty; fall; false; fate; figuram; figure; fire; flame; fluid; force; form; form'd; foundation; free; friend; general; general properties; genuine; globe; god; good; great; greater; gross; half; hanc; hand; head; heat; high; hoc; hold; hypothesis; idea; idearum; igneous; ille; imagination; immaterial; impossible; impressions; infinite; influence; instances; instruments; intellect; intelligent; intelligo; interest; intimate; ipse; istam; ita; itaque; jam; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; large; late; laws; learning; length; liberty; life; light; like; line; little; lodg'd; long; longer; lordship; main; man; mankind; manner; mass; masses; matter; means; measure; memory; mere; mihi; mind; mistake; modo; moist; motion; mov'd; multò; natural; nature; nay; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; neighbour; new; nihil; nisi; non; northern; notice; notions; number; nunc; objection; objects; oblig'd; observation; occasion; offer'd; omnia; ones; operation; opinion; order; organs; original; oxford; pardon; particles; particular; parts; pass; past; people; perceptive; perfection; perpetual; person; phil; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; place; plain; pleasure; poor; portion; possibility; power; premisses; present; pretender; pretty; prime; prime cause; principles; proof; properties; proposition; providence; publick; purpose; quae; quam; quantities; question; quid; quin; quod; quàm; quâ; quòd; rain; rational; real; reason; regions; relation; rerum; respect; rest; return; rules; satisfied; second; security; sed; self; selves; senses; sensible; sensitive; separate; set; share; shewn; simple; single; singular; siquidem; sir; sit; site; sive; small; solid; sort; soul; space; species; spirit; state; stone; subject; substances; succession; sudden; suffice; sufficient; sunt; superficies; suppos'd; sure; tamen; tanquam; tcp; tei; terms; text; theorist; theory; thing; thinking; thought; time; title; trouble; true; truth; turn; understanding; union; united; universal; vapours; vast; vel; vertue; verò; videtur; violent; viz; voluntary; want; water; way; weather; whatsoever; wise; wit; wits; words; work; world; worse; years cache: A56399.xml plain text: A56399.txt item: #24 of 32 id: A59808 author: Sherlock, William, 1641?-1707. title: The danger of corrupting the faith by philosophy a sermon preach'd before the Right Honble, the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen at Guildhall-Chappel on Sunday, April 25, 1697 / by William Sherlock. date: 1697 words: 8578 flesch: 42 summary: Now if God ever does reveal such things to us , if we believe upon God's Authority ( which is the strict Notion of a Divine Faith ) , we must believe without any Natural Evidence , merely because God has revealed it ; and then we must believe such things as are not evident to Sense and Reason ; and then it can be no Objection against Revelation , nor against the belief of any such supernatural Truths , that we have no Natural Notion , nor Natural evidence of them , that they are what we cannot conceive and comprehend . I would gladly know of them , Whether they would not believe such supernatural Truths , as are not evident to Reason , were they sure that God had Revealed them ? I guess they will not be so hardy as to say , That they would not believe God himself , should he Reveal such things as their Reason cannot comprehend ; and if they would believe God in such matters , Why will they not believe a Revelation , which they themselves acknowledge to be Divine , in such matters ? keywords: account; authority; books; certain; christ; christian; conceive; deceit; disputes; divine; doctrines; eebo; english; eternal; evident; faith; father; god; great; hereticks; holy; human; incarnation; incomprehensible; knowledge; man; matters; men; mysteries; mystery; natural; natural reason; nature; necessary; notion; objection; philosophical; philosophy; pretences; reason; religion; revelation; scripture; sense; supernatural; tcp; teaches; text; things; true; truths; unconceivable; understand; understanding; use; useful; vain; world cache: A59808.xml plain text: A59808.txt item: #25 of 32 id: A61291 author: Stanley, Thomas, 1625-1678. title: The history of the Chaldaick philosophy by Thomas Stanley. date: 1662 words: 70212 flesch: 83 summary: The name Zoroaster ( to omit those who give it a Greek Etymology from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ) Dinon cited by a Laertius interprets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , rendred by his Translators , a Worshipper of the Stars . Or we may say , that by Antiochus the third from Alexander is meant Antiochus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 , reckoning Alexander himself inclusively for one , Seleucus the second , Antiochus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the third ; to whom from the death of Alexander are but 44 years : And in approving this Accompt we may retain the reading of Eusebius , supposing the first to be Seleucus , the second Antiochus Soter , the third Antiochus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 : neither is this inconsistent with Gesner's Translation of the words of Tatian 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as in Stephens edition , of Eusebius ; or keywords: aben; abraham; accompt; acknowledgeth; action; addicted; aegypt; aegyptians; aether; aetherial; affirms; agathias; air; alcmaeon; alexander; alwayes; amilicti; anaxag; anaximander; anaximenes; angels; animals; anonymus; antient; antiochus; antiquity; apparitions; arabians; arabick; arcesil; archelaus; aries; arist; aristip; aristot; aristotle; armenius; arnobius; ashaphim; aspect; assyrians; astrologers; astrology; astronomy; attribute; author; axioms; babylon; babylonians; bad; beams; beasts; bed; beginning; beings; belong; belus; berosus; better; betwixt; birds; bodies; body; books; bright; c. 2; cancer; capable; capricorn; cause; cavities; celestial; center; certain; chaldaeans; chaldaick; chaldaick sect; chaldee; cham; chap; characters; chasdim; chief; children; cicero; circle; circumlucid; cit; clemens; coeli; common; conceive; considerable; contemplation; contrary; corporeal; counsels; country; course; creatures; cyrus; daemons; darius; dark; day; dayes; dead; decanates; degrees; deliver'd; democr; deny'd; depth; different; diodorus; discourse; distinguished; divination; divine; divinity; doct; doctrine; doth; doubted; doubtlesse; earth; edris; eebo; eleat; elements; empedocles; empedocles ch; empyreal; empyreum; end; english; enim; epic; epicur; erratick; erus; essence; esteem; esteemed; eternal; euclid; eusebius; excellent; expedition; extant; extraordinary; eyes; ezekiel; faculty; father; feminine; fiery; fifth; figure; fire; fixed; flesh; flower; followers; form; fortune; fountain; fountainous; fourth; gemini; general; god; goddesse; gods; gold; good; graecians; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; guides; hand; harmony; hath; heaven; hebrew; hecate; hecatine; hegesias; heraclitus; hermippus; herodotus; high; history; horoscope; hostanes; house; hystaspes; ibid; idaea; idolatrous; idolatry; idols; ignem; ignis; iii; ill; image; immortal; inferiour; institution; intellectual; intelligences; intelligible; interpret; interpretation; invention; irrational; iulian; iuno; iupiter; iynges; kind; king; kircher; knowledge; laertius; language; law; learned; learning; left; lesse; levitical; lib; libra; life; light; like; lion; little; living; loc; long; lord; love; macrobius; magi; magical; magick; magus; maimonides; maker; making; man; manifest; manner; mars; masculine; material; matter; meaning; means; measures; medium; men; mentem; mention'd; mentions; mentis; mercury; middle; midst; mind; mithra; monad; moneth; moon; mortal; motion; multitude; mundum; musick; mylitta; names; namque; nations; natural; nature; necessity; neer; neque; nev; new; nimrod; ninus; noah; non; number; occasion; old; olympiad; omnia; open; operations; opinion; opposite; oracle; orb; order; original; osthanes; p. ch; paradise; parmenides ch; particular; parts; passions; paternal; patricius; patris; peculiar; perfect; period; persian; persons; phantasy; philosophers; philosophy; physick; piety; pla; place; planets; plat; platonick; pletho; pliny; plutarch; porphyrius; power; precipice; priests; principal; principles; probable; proclus; professors; prooem; proper; prophet; proposition; psellus; pure; pyth; pythag; pythagoras; quae; reason; regard; region; reign; religion; religious; remains; rendred; respect; rest; rites; round; sabaeans; sacred; sacrifices; sacrificing; saith; sake; sammael; saturn; sciences; second; sect; sed; seeth; self; sense; sensible; set; sext; shew; sign; signes; signifieth; simple; skilful; socr; socrat; solid; sorts; soul; speaking; species; speech; spirit; spring; stanley; stars; steps; stilpo ch; sto; stone; strabo; strength; strophalus; study; styles; subject; sublunary; substance; suidas; summarist; sun; sunt; superficies; supramundane; supreme; symbols; synoches; table; tatian; taurus; tcp; telesmes; temple; terms; terrestrial; text; thal; thee; theology; theurgick; things; thomas; thou; timaeus; time; timon ch; title; treatise; triad; triplicities; triplicity; true; truth; understanding; unspeakable; unzoned; vast; vel; venus; verses; vertues; verò; vii; virtue; viz; voice; water; way; wise; woman; words; work; world; worship; worshipping; writers; writings; xenophanes; xerxes; years; zeno; zodiack; zoroaster; ● ● cache: A61291.xml plain text: A61291.txt item: #26 of 32 id: A64353 author: Tenison, Thomas, 1636-1715. title: The creed of Mr. Hobbes examined in a feigned conference between him and a student in divinity. date: 1670 words: 77692 flesch: 71 summary: You prove not here , that a man can have no conception , but only that he can have no image of an infinite Cause : whereas it ha's been already shewn , & may hereafter be ev●●ced from the immateriality of Mans Soul , that all conception● and Ideas , are not phantasms , or arise not from them . H●re we must say again , that , A perceiving of an Image , and a perceiving that it still dwells with us ; and a perceiving that we perceive it ; that is to say , a feeling of a motion , and a knowing that we feel it , and in what manner , in the Organs of Sense ; is not the Motion it self which we perceive we feel : and yet , Motion is all that is introduced into the Senseless , Un●ctive , Matter , and not any new Principle capable of perceiving Motion . keywords: abraham; absolute; absurd; account; action; acts; adam; advantage; air; alive; almighty; ancient; angels; answer; apostles; apt; argument; ariseth; aristotle; article; assembly; attempt; attribute; authority; bare; bear; beast; beginning; beings; belief; better; betwixt; bin; bishop; blessed; blood; bodies; bodily; body; book; brain; breath; business; c lev; c. b; c. mr; call'd; canon; capable; cartes; cases; cast; cause; certain; chapter; chief; children; christ; christian; christianity; church; cicero; circumstances; cive; civil; coming; command; commission; common; commonwealth; conceit; conceive; conception; condition; confirmed; conscience; consent; consequence; consisteth; contradiction; contrary; controversie; copies; copy; council; country; covenants; creation; creator; creature; creed; daily; david; day; days; dead; death; degree; deity; des; desire; destruction; dialogue; difference; disciples; discourse; divers; divine; divinity; doctrine; doth; dye; earth; easie; eebo; effect; elements; endeavour; enemies; england; english; epicurus; epistle; equal; error; essence; esteem; eternal; everlasting; evident; evil; excellent; exercise; existence; explication; eye; eyes; faculty; faith; fall; false; family; fancy; far; father; favour; fear; feigned; figure; fire; fit; flesh; follow; followeth; foot; force; form; fourth; free; future; g ●; general; gentiles; ghost; glory; god; gods; good; gospel; government; grant; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; hand; happiness; hard; hath; head; heart; heathens; heaven; hebrew; hell; help; history; hobbes; hold; holy; honour; hope; house; hum; humane; humour; hypothesis; ibid; idea; ierusalem; iews; ignorance; ill; image; imagination; immaterial; immediate; immortal; impossible; impulse; incomprehensible; incorporeal; infinite; injustice; innocent; instance; interest; interpretation; invisible; inward; iohn; irresistible; jesus; jews; judgement; justice; king; kingdom; know; knowledg; language; large; late; law; lawful; laws; lay; leave; lev; leviathan; liberty; life; like; likewise; little; lives; living; london; long; longer; loose; lord; love; m ●; magistrate; main; man; manifest; mankind; manner; martyrs; matter; meaneth; meaning; means; meer; memory; men; mention; messiah; mind; mistake; moral; moses; motion; moved; moving; names; nations; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; nerves; new; note; notice; number; o ●; obedience; object; objection; obligation; obliged; observed; occasion; old; oliver; onely; open; opinion; order; organs; original; outward; particular; parts; pass; passion; paul; people; perceiving; perception; period; permanent; person; peter; phantasm; philosophy; phrase; piece; place; plato; pleased; pleasure; point; possession; power; practice; present; preservation; pressure; priests; prince; principles; private; profession; proper; prophet; punishment; purpose; question; quod; read; reason; reasoning; regard; relation; religion; reproach; rest; resurrection; return; reverence; right; roman; rome; rule; sacred; safety; said; sake; salvation; saviour; saw; saying; scripture; sea; second; sect; secure; self; selves; sensation; sense; sentence; set; short; signification; signifie; sin; single; sins; sir; society; socrates; solomon; soul; soveraign; space; speaketh; speech; spirit; spiritual; state; strange; strength; stud; subject; substance; succession; suffer; sufficient; supposeth; supreme; sword; talk; tcp; temporal; terms; tertullian; testament; testimony; text; things; think; thought; time; title; tongue; torments; touching; trinity; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; unjust; unreasonable; vain; verses; violence; virtue; vision; want; way; wealth; whatsoever; whereof; whilst; wicked; wide; willing; wind; wisdom; wit; witness; words; work; world; worship; worthy; writings; years; ● b; ● d; ● e; ● n; ● s; ● st; ● t; ● ● cache: A64353.xml plain text: A64353.txt item: #27 of 32 id: A64764 author: Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666. title: A brief natural history intermixed with variety of philosophical discourses and refutations of such vulgar errours as our modern authors have hitherto omitted / by Eugenius Philalethes. date: 1669 words: 26241 flesch: 49 summary: And herein , as in many other fabulous Narrations of this Nature , ( in which experience checks report ) may we justly put that of Lucretius , — Qui nobis c●rtius ipsis Se●●●●us esse ●o●● qu● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What can more certain ●●●●● sence ; Discerning truth from false pretence . Homines in Lopos ve●it rur su●ov●●resti●●ti sib● , falsum esse ●●●fidenter existimare deb●mus , aut credere omnia quae fabulosa tot secuis comperimus : That menare changed into Wolves , and again restored to themselves , that is to the shape of men , we ought assuredly to believe false , or give credit to whatsoever we have found fabulous , through the course of so many ages . keywords: action; aetna; ages; air; almighty; ancients; angels; antiquity; approach; aristotle; astronomers; augustine; authors; bartas; beasts; beauty; birth; bodies; body; book; bowels; brain; brass; burning; cap; cause; certain; change; characters; children; christ; christian; circular; coelestial; cold; comets; coming; common; consideration; constant; contrary; corruption; course; creation; creator; creatures; credit; cum; daily; day; death; decrease; degrees; dei; discourse; distance; distinguished; divine; doth; drought; dry; early; earth; east; ecclipse; eebo; effects; elements; english; enim; errours; esse; est; events; evident; ex ●; excellent; experience; face; faculties; false; famous; far; fiery; figure; fire; firmament; flames; force; form; france; generation; gentiles; globe; glorious; god; gods; good; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; hand; hath; heat; heavenly; heavens; hebrew; help; higher; highest; history; hitherto; hope; hot; howbeit; human; ignorance; immortal; inclination; increase; inferiour; infinite; influence; j ●; judge; judgment; jupiter; kind; king; knowledge; l ●; language; latin; laws; learning; left; lib; life; light; lightning; like; little; living; long; lunae; m ●; magnitude; man; manner; matter; means; memory; men; middle; miles; mind; moist; moon; moses; motion; n ●; names; natural; nature; nay; nearer; nec; new; non; notice; number; occasion; omnia; opinion; order; original; parts; pass; pestilence; philosophers; philosophy; pl ●; place; planets; plato; pliny; point; power; pr ●; present; prince; professed; proper; proportion; psalmist; purpose; qu ●; quae; qualities; quality; quam; question; qui; quod; r ●; reader; reason; received; regard; region; religion; reports; resemblance; respect; rest; rise; s ●; saith; saturn; sciences; scripture; sea; second; secret; self; selves; seneca; sense; set; shew; signes; soul; space; speech; sphere; spirit; springs; starrs; state; stones; strange; strength; strong; su ●; subcoelestial; subject; substance; sun; suns; sunt; superiour; supernatural; sweet; tcp; tei; testimony; text; things; thorow; thou; time; true; truth; tum; understanding; universal; vain; vapours; variety; vel; vertue; vulgar; warmth; water; way; weight; west; wisdom; wise; wit; wits; wonder; wonderful; working; works; world; writers; writings; years; young; ● e; ● o; ● st; ● t; ● v; ● y; ● ● cache: A64764.xml plain text: A64764.txt item: #28 of 32 id: A65786 author: White, Thomas, 1593-1676. title: An exclusion of scepticks from all title to dispute being an answer to The vanity of dogmatizing / by Thomas White. date: 1665 words: 22200 flesch: 59 summary: Nature her self , therefore , teaches us , that Man is an Animal endued with Reason , to fit him for governing his Action , and Reason is allowed to be That whereby what before was unknown is rendred known : dayly Experience also convinces that our Action consists for the most part in such things as are subject to an infinite and insuperable mutability and variation : whence it comes to pass , that that Vertue which is immediate to action cannot properly be called Science ( since 't is not infallible , and the effect of demonstrative Discourse ) but a power of conjecturing aptly ; and uses commonly to be term'd Prudence , either properly or derivatively ; properly , if it be concerning the thing to be done , as to its right proceeding from Reason ; analogically , if of the action or thing to be done , as it regards some other inferior Faculty subservient to the dominion of Reason . For , if to Reason be to advance our selves , out of certain and known things , to things before unknown and uncertain ; and nothing be certain : neither is any Reasoning possible ; nor consequently any power of reasoning ; or Animal endowed with it . keywords: able; action; air; animal; aristotle; atoms; author; bodies; body; books; brain; bulk; calumny; cartes; causes; certain; certainty; chapter; circle; clear; common; consequence; demonstrated; demonstration; difficulty; discourse; dispute; doctrine; dogmatizing; doubt; eebo; effect; end; english; equal; error; evidence; evident; example; experience; experiments; eye; faith; false; fancy; farther; fire; force; form; geometricians; geometry; god; great; greater; humane; identical; ignorance; industry; ingenious; judgment; kind; knowledge; known; later; length; life; light; like; line; little; living; long; look; magnetical; man; manifest; manner; matter; memory; men; mercury; metaphysicks; method; mind; motion; mov'd; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; number; objects; ones; page; pains; parts; perfect; peripateticks; person; philosophers; philosophy; physicks; place; plain; plea; points; power; principles; profess; proper; proposition; prudence; quantity; question; rational; reason; rest; scepticks; science; self; sense; soul; spirits; subject; substance; sun; superficies; tcp; tenets; terms; text; things; time; title; true; truth; understanding; unknown; use; vanity; vertue; viz; way; west; wheel; whereof; white; words; work; world cache: A65786.xml plain text: A65786.txt item: #29 of 32 id: A65801 author: White, Thomas, fl. 1605. title: Sciri, sive, Sceptices & scepticorum jure disputationis exclusio authore Thoma Anglo ex Albis East-Saxonum. date: 1663 words: 16813 flesch: 33 summary: Sed Sceptici sunt qui invident hanc hominibus felicitatem , interminatis litibus omnia confundentes , potissimùm communes veritates quas demonstravit Aristoteles ; quales sunt , divisibilitas formalis , quod movetur ab alio moveri , Continuum esse in infinitum divisibile , non dari vacuum , & similes , quae nisi priùs agnoscantur , frustrà experimenta ad scientiā acquirendā adhibentur , ut quae in haec tandem principia resolvenda erunt , aut ad scientiā fine principiis inutiliter semper erit contendendum . Quomodo itaque praeter Mercurius vel formam Mercurii non datur quaedam potentia vel aptitudo ad esse Mercurium , quae neque sit Mercurius actu , neque notio non-Entis vel nihili ? Sin respectu figurae quae Mercurium constituit , est aliqua aptitudo quae neque ipsa sit neque nihili notio , cur non tantundem de ▪ Quanto licebit affirmare , & asserere puerum nondum magnū esse , sed posse esse magnum ? Nam qui hoc asserit , non simul negat Magnitudinem , & tamen clarè nominat Aptitudinē ad magnitudinem ? Neque fortassis alia est de Ente ratio : non veremur enim Sevum vel Oleum pronunciare posse flammam esse , neque tamen dum esse flammam . keywords: abstrahendo; actio; actionem; actioni; actus; ad quod; adeo; adeò; admittant; adversus; aequalem; aequali; aequè; affirmare; agendi; agendum; agit; agnitae; agnoscere; alia; aliis; alio; alioquin; aliorum; aliqua; aliquando; aliquid; aliquot; aliter; aliud; aliâ; altera; ambigere; anglo; animal; animalibus; animo; apparere; apparet; appellamus; appellatione; apud; arduum; arguit; argumentum; aristotelaeos; aristotelis; artibus; artis; asserit; assumit; atomi; atomorum; atque; attamen; autem; author; authorem; available; avertere; axioma; aëre; aëris; books; caetera; caeteris; calumniam; capite; caput; cartesii; causas; caussa; caussarum; cerebri; cerebrum; certitudo; certum; certè; characters; christianae; circa; circularem; circuli; clara; clarissimè; clarum; coelis; coelo; coelum; cognitionem; cognosci; communi; compressio; conantur; conatus; concludendum; consistit; constare; constet; contingere; contingit; continui; continuum; contra; contradictionis; copiâ; corpora; corporis; corporum; corpus; corpus esse; creation; crescere; cui; cum; cur; cur non; cùm; cùm enim; cùm itaque; cùm non; dari; data; debeat; defectus; definitiones; defluat; demonstrandi; demonstrare; demonstrationem; demonstratum; demonstravit; denique; deorsum; desit; desperatio; deum; dicam; dicimus; dicitur; dico; dicta; dictis; differentiae; difficultate; disputationis; distantiâ; distinctio; divisum; docet; doctorum; doctrinam; dogmata; dogmatum; donec; duabus; duae; duas; dubitari; dum; dumtaxat; duo; early; east; edition; educi; eebo; effectum; ego; ejusdem; ejusmodi; elements; elucet; encoding; english; enim; enim est; enim nihil; enim non; ens; eo quod; eodem; eorum; eos; erat; errore; esse; esse animal; esse evidentem; esse ex; esse quae; esse quod; esse quàm; esse ut; esse vel; esse verum; est; est haec; esto; etiam; etsi; evidens; evidentiam; ex quo; ex vi; exclusio; existere; experimentis; explicatum; extra; facile; facultatis; fallat; fas; fateor; fatum; ferantur; ferri; fertur; ferè; fiat; fieri; figuras; finem; fingunt; finis; fit; fluxus; foret; formam; formâ; fortassis; frustrà; fuerit; fuisse; fuit; gassendus; genere; geometrae; geometricis; gratiâ; habere; habet; habitus; haec; hanc; harum; hic; hoc; hominem; hominis; homo; hos; huic; hujus; hujusmodi; humanam; hunc; hydrargyrum; hydrargyrum quod; hâc; hîc; idem; identicae; ignarus; ignem; ignorantiam; ignota; iis; iisdem; illa; ille; illis; illo; illorum; illud; illâ; images; impares; impetu; impossibile; incerta; indoles; industriam; infinitum; ingenio; ingeniosus; inprimis; inquirit; intellectus; inter; intra; invicem; ipsa; ipse; ipsius; ipso; ipsum; ipsâ; itaque; itaque est; itaque ut; jam; judicio; jure; keying; labores; latent; legitimo; libris; liceat; lignum; lineam; lineâ; loco; londini; longitudinem; longum; longè; loquendi; loqui; loquuntur; lucem; lumine; magis; magistri; magneticae; magnum; major; majores; majoribus; majorum; manet; manifestè; markup; materiam; materiei; maximè; mdclxiii; medio; membrum; memoriam; memoriâ; mente; mercurius; meritò; metaphysicam; methodo; methodum; mihi; minorem; minoris; minùs; mobile; moderni; modò; motum; motûs; movente; moveri; movetur; mundo; mundus; mutuò; nata; naturae; naturalium; naturâ; necessaria; necesse; necessitas; necessitatem; negare; negat; negligunt; nemo; nempe; neque; neque sit; nequeat; nequire; nescire; nihil; nihil esse; nihil ex; nisi; nobis; nobis esse; nomen; non; non ad; non aliud; non esse; non ex; non itaque; non possit; non potest; non sine; non sit; non sunt; non tamen; nondum; nonne; nos; noster; nostrae; nostro; nota; notiones; notâ; novi; nugas; nullam; nullus; numerus; nunc; nunquam; objecta; objectum; objicit; occasio; occidentem; occurrit; oculos; olim; omnes; omnia; omnibus; omninò; omnium; online; operam; operationem; oxford; page; palàm; parem; pariter; pars; partes; partium; partnership; patitur; pelvi; perfectam; peripateticis; phaenomena; phantasiae; phase; philosophantium; philosophi; physicis; physicorum; plasticam; plerisque; plerumque; plura; plures; pluribus; posito; posse; possit; possunt; post; posterior; postquam; potentiam; potentiâ; potest; potest esse; potiùs; praesertim; praeter; praeterea; pridem; primum; primò; principia; priorem; priori; priùs; probabilitatem; probabilius; problematis; produci; profitentur; profiteri; proinde; project; propositio; propositiones; propterea; proquest; prorsus; prout; proxima; prudentia; punctis; punctum; puro; purè; putà; quae; quae de; quae ex; quae neque; quae non; quae si; quaecunque; quaerere; quaerunt; quaestio; quales; quam; quandam; quando; quantitatem; quantum; quantumvis; quarta; quasi; quatenus; quatuor; quem; qui; quia; quia ex; quia non; quibus; quicquam; quicquid; quid; quid enim; quidem; quin; quippe; quis; quisquis; quod; quod est; quod non; quod sequitur; quodammodo; quoddam; quodlibet; quomodo; quoniam; quoque; quorum; quos; quot; quàm; quàm ut; quâ; quâlibet; quòd; rationale; ratione; rebus; rectam; recto; rei; reliquae; reliquis; rotae; rotarum; rursus; saltem; satis; saxonum; scepsin; sceptici; scepticorum; scepticos; scholam; scientiam; scientiis; scientiâ; sciri; secunda; secundum; sed; sed ex; sed neque; sed non; sed vel; semper; sensationis; sensibus; sensum; sententiam; sequitur; series; sese; seu; seu esse; seu quod; si autem; si enim; si itaque; si sit; sibi; sic; sicut; sigillato; simile; similibus; similiter; simul; sine; singulis; sint; siquidem; sit; sive; sola; solent; solidi; solis; solutionem; specialis; specie; speculatio; spiritus; spirituum; suam; suas; subjectum; subsistentiâ; substantiam; sufficit; suis; sunt; sunt qui; suo; suos; super; supernè; suprà; sursum; suâ; syllogismo; taedio; tamen; tandem; tantum; tantundem; tantâ; tcp; tei; tempore; temporis; tenebris; terminus; terram; tertia; text; thoma; tibi; torricelliani; tota; toto; totâ; transcribed; tres; tricas; tubo; tubum; ubi; ulteriùs; ultima; ultra; unam; unde; unius; uno; unum; usque; usu; ut cum; ut ex; ut non; ut quae; utramque; utriusque; vacuum; valeat; vanitatis; vel; vel certè; vel non; vel si; velocitate; velut; ventum; vera; verbi; veritas; veritatem; veritatis; vero; verum; verè; verò; vestrae; viam; videmus; videtur; vim; vir; viri; virorum; viros; virtus; vitae; vitium; vivens; viventium; vix; viâ; vnum; vocatur; voces; vocibus; vocum; vox; works; xml cache: A65801.xml plain text: A65801.txt item: #30 of 32 id: A70185 author: Glanvill, Joseph, 1636-1680. title: Scepsis scientifica, or, Confest ignorance, the way to science in an essay of The vanity of dogmatizing, and confident opinion : with a reply to the exceptions of the learned Thomas Albius / by Joseph Glanvill ... date: 1665 words: 27198 flesch: 55 summary: And Aristotle himself 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 . And ( 2. ) his calling God , the Quintessence , Form , the Soul , and Motion , by the common appellative of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To all which might be added , that 't is an argument that the Aristotelean method was not so clear and cautious , as our Author would have it believed ; since his Commentators have been infinitely divided about his meaning : And our Author himself complains , That those of the latter Schools have quite receded from his genuine doctrine , which either accuses their ignorance , or his obscurity . keywords: absurdity; account; acknowledg'd; action; actual; advantage; aegyptians; alwayes; animal; answer; antient; antiquity; appeal; apprehension; argument; aristotelian; aristotle; assailant; asserted; assertion; atomical; author; authority; belief; best; better; bodies; body; books; brain; briefly; business; cartes; cause; centre; certain; certainty; charge; circumstances; clear; common; concern'd; conclusion; confest; confident; conjecture; contradiction; contrary; corporeal; creation; credit; deep; defect; democritus; des; design; different; difficulties; difficulty; digby; direction; discourse; distinct; distinction; diversity; divine; divisibility; division; doctrine; dogmatizing; doth; doubt; earth; easie; eebo; effect; elements; english; enquiry; esse; est; evidence; evident; excellent; experience; experiment; extant; fond; form; free; friend; gassendus; general; gentleman; genuine; god; good; great; greater; greatest; gross; ground; hath; heavens; humane; hypothesis; idea; ignorance; images; impossible; inference; infinite; ingenious; ingenuity; instances; judge; judgment; kind; knowledge; language; learned; learning; library; light; like; likely; little; lord; main; man; manners; material; matter; mechanical; meer; memory; men; mention'd; metaphysical; method; mind; mistaken; modern; motion; natural; nature; necessary; need; neque; new; nihil; noble; non; notions; object; obscurity; occasion; opinion; opposite; order; pag; paragraph; particular; parts; patricius; perfect; period; peripateticks; person; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; plato; possibilities; present; principles; proof; purpose; pythagoras; quae; qualities; quantity; question; quod; real; reason; reflections; religion; saith; sayes; scepticism; sceptick; schools; science; sciri; second; sectators; self; sense; sir; solution; soul; spirit; state; subject; substance; substantial; sufficient; sunt; supposal; supposeth; supposing; tcp; testimony; text; theories; theory; things; thought; time; title; true; truth; understanding; united; universal; universities; vanity; variety; venerable; viz; way; wisdom; wise; wonder; words; world; writings; yea cache: A70185.xml plain text: A70185.txt item: #31 of 32 id: A80720 author: Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667. title: A proposition for the advancement of experimental philosophy. By A. Cowley. date: 1661 words: 6324 flesch: 59 summary: For the supplying of which Defect , it is humbly proposed to his Sacred Majesty , his most Honourable Parliament , and Privy Council , and to all such of his Subjects as are willing and able to contribute any thing towards the advancement of real and useful Learning , that by their Authority , Encouragement , Patronage , and Bounty , a Philosophical Colledge may be erected , after this ensuing , or some such like Model . That the Revenue of this Colledge amount to four thousand pounds a year . keywords: account; advancement; anatomy; animals; assembly; books; care; chamber; chaplain; characters; colledge; cowley; creatures; eebo; english; experimental; god; good; governours; great; hall; house; humane; industry; keeper; latine; learning; library; like; little; manner; masters; natural; nature; necessary; new; page; parts; persons; philosophy; place; plants; pounds; professors; project; proposition; publick; resident; scholars; school; society; sorts; study; table; tcp; tei; text; things; time; true; walk; wit; works; world; year cache: A80720.xml plain text: A80720.txt item: #32 of 32 id: A90323 author: University of Oxford. title: Quæstiones in sacra theologia discutiendæ Oxonii in vesperiis, octavo die mensis Julii, Anno Dom. 1671 date: 1671 words: 1219 flesch: 64 summary: An Liceat praescriptâ formulâ orare ? Aff. An Sacra celebranda sint sermone vernaculo ? Aff. keywords: aff; anno; books; characters; coll; die; discvtiendae; dom; early; eebo; english; inceptoris; julii; mensis; neg; online; oxford; oxonii; partnership; phase; quaestiones; resp; sint; sit; tcp; tei; text; theologia; university; vesperiis cache: A90323.xml plain text: A90323.txt