item: #1 of 16 id: 1181 author: Xenophon title: The Symposium date: None words: 23101 flesch: 90 summary: xi. 831; Hunting, ch. i., as to Cheiron and his scholars, the last of whom is Achilles. (47) {an periepoito}. Cf. Herod. ii. 48; Lucian lxxii., keywords: able; antisthenes; aphrodite; aristoph; aristot; art; athen; autolycus; aware; b.c; battle; beautiful; beauty; beloved; best; better; boast; body; boy; business; callias; care; certain; character; charmides; city; claim; cleinias; clouds; cobet; company; course; critobulus; dance; dancing; day; dinner; dionysus; doubt; drink; ears; econ; exercise; eyes; face; fair; father; feast; fell; fellow; flute; foll; frere; friends; friendship; girl; gods; good; great; half; hand; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; hermogenes; homer; honour; host; house; human; iii; jester; kai; kiss; knowledge; lac; laws; legs; life; light; lips; long; look; love; lucian; lycon; man; master; mem; men; mind; money; nature; nay; need; niceratus; noble; nose; object; party; passion; pay; people; person; phaedr; philippus; plat; pleasure; plut; point; pol; poor; power; present; pride; pros; reading; reason; rep; rest; self; set; sirs; socrates; sort; soul; speech; spirit; state; sweet; symp; syr; syracusan; things; thuc; time; transl; true; turn; viii; virtue; voice; want; wealth; wine; wisdom; wish; words; work; world; worth; xen; xenophon; xiv; zeune cache: 1181.txt plain text: 1181.txt item: #2 of 16 id: 1598 author: Plato title: Euthydemus date: None words: 21080 flesch: 77 summary: And should we be happy by reason of the presence of good things, if they profited us not, or if they profited us? Well, Cleinias, but if you have the use as well as the possession of good things, is that sufficient to confer happiness? keywords: able; ancient; animals; answer; argument; art; better; brother; business; certain; class; cleinias; conclusion; contradiction; crito; ctesippus; desire; dialogue; different; dionysodorus; disciples; euthydemus; evil; fallacies; father; fortune; general; gold; good; good things; great; happiness; happy; heracles; hope; kingly; knowledge; language; learn; learning; letters; life; like; logic; makes; making; man; manner; master; mean; meaning; men; mind; money; nature; new; opinion; person; philosophy; plato; point; possession; power; present; quality; question; rest; right; saying; science; sense; silent; socrates; sophists; sort; speaking; speeches; strangers; study; subject; teachers; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; virtue; vision; way; wisdom; wise; words; young; youth cache: 1598.txt plain text: 1598.txt item: #3 of 16 id: 1600 author: Plato title: Symposium date: None words: 32810 flesch: 66 summary: The value which he attributes to such loves as motives to virtue and philosophy is at variance with modern and Christian notions, but is in accordance with Hellenic sentiment. Pausanias is very earnest in the defence of such loves; and he speaks of them as generally approved among Hellenes and disapproved by barbarians. keywords: actions; affection; agathon; age; alcibiades; animals; answer; aphrodite; apollodorus; aristodemus; aristophanes; art; ashamed; attendant; banquet; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beloved; best; better; birth; body; cause; certain; character; children; common; company; compare; conversation; custom; day; days; desire; different; diotima; discourse; dishonour; divine; drink; drinking; earth; elements; eryximachus; eternal; everlasting; evil; existence; fair; fairest; father; feet; flute; form; friend; friendship; future; general; god love; gods; good; great; greatest; greek; half; hands; happiness; harmony; head; heavenly; hiccough; highest; homer; honour; honourable; human; ignorance; immortality; knowledge; laugh; left; life; like; long; love; lovers; making; male; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; medicine; men; mind; mortal; mother; music; nature; new; noble; old; open; order; original; parents; pausanias; person; phaedrus; philosophy; physician; place; plato; poetry; poets; possession; power; praise; present; principle; question; ready; reason; right; round; sacrifices; sake; sense; similar; socrates; sort; soul; speech; speeches; state; symposium; tale; things; thought; time; true; true love; truth; turn; union; virtue; want; way; wisdom; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; yesterday; young; youth; zeus cache: 1600.txt plain text: 1600.txt item: #4 of 16 id: 1642 author: Plato title: Euthyphro date: None words: 9242 flesch: 78 summary: In other words, says Socrates, piety is 'a science of asking and giving'--asking what we want and giving what they want; in short, a mode of doing business between gods and men. He brings a wonderful accusation against me, which at first hearing excites surprise: he says that I am a poet or maker of gods, and that I invent new gods and deny the existence of old ones; this is the ground of his indictment. keywords: act; action; art; attention; better; dear; definition; differences; euthyphro; father; fear; friend; gods; good; great; holiness; holy; impiety; impious; justice; like; man; meletus; men; murder; murderer; nature; piety; pious; question; reason; religion; reverence; socrates; sort; state; things; time; true; truth; way; words cache: 1642.txt plain text: 1642.txt item: #5 of 16 id: 1673 author: Plato (spurious and doubtful works) title: Lesser Hippias date: None words: 9440 flesch: 67 summary: SOCRATES: You see, Hippias, as I have already told you, how pertinacious I am in asking questions of wise men. (Compare Gorgias; Republic.) SOCRATES: Excellent Hippias, I do not do so intentionally (if I did, it would show me to be a wise man and a master of wiles, as you would argue), but unintentionally, and therefore you must pardon me; for, as you say, he who is unintentionally dishonest should be pardoned. keywords: able; achilles; alcibiades; answer; argument; aristotle; art; bad; best; better; calculation; character; compare; dialogues; earlier; eudicus; evidence; evil; excellence; false; falsehood; funeral; genuineness; good; great; greater; hippias; homer; justice; later; lesser hippias; man; men; mind; odysseus; opinion; oration; plato; platonic; power; protagoras; question; republic; socrates; soul; spirit; spurious; tell; things; true; truth; wily; wisdom; wise; works; worse; writings; wrong cache: 1673.txt plain text: 1673.txt item: #6 of 16 id: 1681 author: Plato (spurious and doubtful works) title: Eryxias date: None words: 7121 flesch: 75 summary: It appears to be clear that whatever constitutes wealth must be useful, and that wealth is one class of useful things; and now we have to enquire, What is the use of those useful things which constitute wealth? And do you think, said the youth, that doing good things is like building a house,--the work of human agency; or do things remain what they were at first, good or bad, for all time? keywords: argument; art; bad; best; body; case; critias; disease; erasistratus; eryxias; evil; gold; good; greatest; house; instruments; life; like; man; means; modern; money; need; opinion; plato; possession; procure; prodicus; purpose; question; riches; silver; socrates; things; thought; true; useful; useless; value; virtue; want; way; wealth; wisdom cache: 1681.txt plain text: 1681.txt item: #7 of 16 id: 1687 author: Plato title: Parmenides date: None words: 36230 flesch: 75 summary: But tell me, is your meaning that things become like by partaking of likeness, great by partaking of greatness, just and beautiful by partaking of justice and beauty, and so of other ideas?' Yet the fact of their being parts furnishes the others with a limit towards other parts and towards the whole; they are finite and also infinite: finite through participation in the one, infinite in their own nature. keywords: absolute; abstract; affected; age; answer; argument; beginning; case; certain; change; compare; conception; consequences; contact; contradiction; course; dialectic; dialogue; different; difficulty; doctrine; eleatic; end; equal; equality; existence; form; god; good; greater; greatness; human; hypothesis; ideas; impossible; inasmuch; individuals; infinite; kind; knowledge; like; likeness; longer; manner; mean; meaning; measures; mere; method; middle; mind; modern; motion; nature; number; objects; older; opinion; opposite; parmenides; partake; partaking; participation; parts; philosophy; place; plato; platonic; point; present; process; pythodorus; question; relation; relative; rest; right; round; saying; second; similar; smallness; socrates; sort; state; substance; terms; things; thought; time; touch; true; truth; unity; unlike; view; virtue; way; words; world; younger; zeno cache: 1687.txt plain text: 1687.txt item: #8 of 16 id: 20500 author: Marshall, J. (John) title: A Short History of Greek Philosophy date: None words: 60788 flesch: 58 summary: And the world is full of men who are asking to be taught and willing to be ruled, and of other men who are willing to rule and teach them. That only the good man is truly wise or free or happy; that vice, however lavishly it surround itself with luxury and ease and power, is inherently wretched and foolish and slavish;--these are things which are worth saying and worth believing, things, indeed, which the world dare not and cannot permanently disbelieve, however difficult or even impossible it may be to mark men off into two classes, the good and the bad, however strange the irony of circumstance which so often shows the wicked who 'are not troubled as other men, neither are they plagued like other men; they have more than their heart could wish,' while good men battle with adversity, often in vain. keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; activity; acts; actual; aether; age; air; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; animals; answer; antisthenes; apprehension; argument; aristippus; aristotle; aspect; athens; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beauty; beginning; best; better; birth; birthplace; bodies; bodily; body; book; cause; centre; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; chief; children; city; civic; cold; coming; common; community; complete; conceived; conception; conditions; consciousness; content; contrary; course; creation; creature; criticism; day; death; definite; definition; democritus; desire; developed; development; dialectic; dialogue; different; distinction; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; earth; education; effect; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; entelechy; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; eternal; evil; excellence; existence; existent; existing; experience; expression; eye; fact; fair; familiar; father; final; fire; follows; force; form; free; friend; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; growth; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; heavenly; heavens; heraclitus; higher; highest; hold; hope; human; humanity; ideas; identical; iii; image; immortal; immortality; individual; infinite; influence; interesting; joy; justice; kind; knowable; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; library; life; like; lines; little; living; logic; logical; long; lost; love; lucretius; main; man; manner; material; mathematics; matter; mean; meaning; measure; melissus; members; men; mental; mere; method; miletus; mind; modern; moment; moon; moral; motion; motive; movement; mystery; native; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; note; notions; number; objects; old; opinion; order; ordinary; origin; original; pain; parmenides; particular; parts; passage; people; perception; perfect; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physics; place; plato; platonic; pleasure; point; political; politics; position; possible; potentiality; power; practical; practice; principle; prior; process; protagoras; pupil; purpose; pythagoras; question; rational; ready; realisation; realities; reality; reason; reference; regard; relation; respect; rest; result; right; rule; scepticism; school; science; search; second; seeds; self; sensation; sense; separate; short; similar; sin; skill; socrates; sophists; soul; source; space; speech; sphere; spirit; state; stoic; story; strange; structure; student; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; sun; supposed; system; taught; teachers; teaching; thales; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; underlying; union; universal; universe; utility; view; virtue; visible; vision; vital; void; way; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; working; world; xenophanes; years; zeno cache: 20500.txt plain text: 20500.txt item: #9 of 16 id: 2412 author: Aristotle title: The Categories date: None words: 14520 flesch: 64 summary: Some intermediate qualities have names, such as grey and sallow and all the other colours that come between white and black; in other cases, however, it is not easy to name the intermediate, but we must define it as that which is not either extreme, as in the case of that which is neither good nor bad, neither just nor unjust. (iii) 'privatives' and 'positives' have reference to the same subject. Other things, again, are both predicable of a subject and present in a subject. keywords: animal; body; case; common; contraries; contrary; definition; degree; double; false; genus; good; hand; individual; instance; knowledge; man; necessary; parts; perception; place; predicable; present; primary; prior; qualities; quality; quantity; reference; relative; said; sense; sight; species; state; subject; substance; terms; things; time; true; virtue; way; white; word cache: 2412.txt plain text: 2412.txt item: #10 of 16 id: 33411 author: Stace, W. T. (Walter Terence) title: A Critical History of Greek Philosophy date: None words: 114597 flesch: 72 summary: It is one and the same reason in me and in other men. He does not see the phenomenon with the eyes of other men, but penetrates the sensuous envelope and exhibits the Idea shining through the veils of sense. keywords: 8vo; able; absolute; abstract; academy; account; action; activity; actual; advance; age; air; alexander; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; animals; answer; appearance; argument; aristotle; artist; athens; atomists; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; birth; bodies; body; book; causation; cause; central; centre; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chief; child; class; clear; cold; colour; common; complete; concept; conception; conclusion; consciousness; consists; contradiction; contrary; control; copies; copy; correct; course; critical; criticism; crito; custom; day; death; definite; definition; democracy; democritus; desire; details; determined; developed; development; dialectic; dialogues; differences; different; difficulty; discussion; distinction; distinguished; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; dualism; early; earth; education; effect; efficient; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; ends; entire; epicureans; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; ethical; ethics; evil; evolution; example; existence; existent; experience; explanation; expression; external; fact; fall; false; family; far; fear; feeling; final; fire; follows; footnote; force; form; formal; formless; foundation; founder; free; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; gold; good; goodness; gorgias; governed; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; greek philosophy; ground; half; hand; happiness; harmony; heracleitus; higher; highest; historical; history; horse; human; idealism; ideas; identical; illusion; images; important; impressions; incorporeal; independent; individual; indivisible; infinite; influence; inorganic; intellectual; iron; isolated; justice; kind; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; left; level; lies; life; like; limit; line; little; living; logical; long; longer; look; love; lower; magnitude; main; making; man; manner; material; materialism; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; mechanism; members; memory; men; mere; metaphysics; mind; mistake; modern; moment; moon; morality; motion; movement; multiplicity; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; negative; neo; new; non; nous; number; objective; objects; obvious; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organism; origin; original; outside; pain; paper; parmenides; particles; particular; parts; pass; passes; passions; people; perception; perfect; period; personal; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; piece; place; plants; plato; platonism; pleasure; plotinus; poetry; point; political; politics; popular; position; positive; possible; practical; practice; present; previous; principle; problem; process; professor; proper; proposition; protagoras; pure; pythagoreans; qualities; quality; quantity; question; race; rational; reality; reason; reasoning; recollection; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; republic; rest; result; return; right; rise; rule; sake; saying; scale; scepticism; school; science; scientific; second; self; sensation; sense; sensuous; separate; set; shape; shows; similar; simple; single; small; socrates; socratic; sole; solution; sophists; sort; soul; source; space; special; sphere; spirit; spiritual; standard; stars; state; stoics; straight; study; subject; substance; sun; supreme; system; talk; teaching; tendency; terms; thales; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; total; treatise; true; truth; turn; ultimate; unity; universal; universe; unreal; value; view; virtue; water; way; weight; whiteness; wisdom; wise; wood; words; work; world; writings; wrong; xenophanes; years; young; zeno cache: 33411.txt plain text: 33411.txt item: #11 of 16 id: 39065 author: Hyde, William De Witt title: The Five Great Philosophies of Life date: None words: 66190 flesch: 64 summary: Adversity is the better for us all, for it is God's mercy to show the world their errors, and that the things they fear and covet are neither good nor evil, being the common and promiscuous lot of good men and bad. Yet such charitableness does not forbid our practical judgment of the difference between sheep and wolves, good men and bad, when important issues are involved. keywords: able; account; act; action; acts; aims; air; answer; anxious; appeal; appetite; aristotelian; aristotle; attempt; attitude; bad; ball; base; basis; beautiful; beauty; beneficent; best; better; blessed; blessedness; body; book; bound; brave; breakfast; broad; brother; business; capable; care; case; certain; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; citizen; city; class; clear; cold; common; community; complete; conception; condition; conduct; consistent; consists; contrary; control; cost; courage; course; criticism; cut; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; deed; deeper; defects; definition; democracy; desire; development; devoted; devotion; different; dignity; disciples; disease; distinction; divine; divorce; doctrine; duty; early; earth; easy; education; effective; elements; end; ends; energy; enter; epictetus; epicurean; epicureanism; epicurus; essential; evil; example; exercise; experience; expression; external; eye; eyes; face; fact; fall; false; family; father; fault; fear; feelings; fellows; fill; follow; food; foolish; form; fortitude; fortune; free; freedom; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; general; generous; glory; god; gods; gold; good; good man; good things; goodness; government; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; health; heart; heaven; higher; highest; hold; home; honest; honour; hours; house; human; husband; ideal; iii; important; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; institutions; instruments; intellectual; interests; jesus; joy; joys; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; large; later; law; laws; life; light; like; literature; little; lives; living; logical; long; longer; look; lord; love; man; manner; master; material; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; miserable; modern; moment; money; moral; morrow; murder; music; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; new; noble; note; object; office; opinion; order; outward; pain; particular; parts; passions; past; penalties; people; perfect; perfection; permanent; personal; personality; persons; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plan; plato; platonic; play; pleasant; pleasure; point; political; politics; poor; possible; poverty; power; practical; prayer; precious; present; pride; principle; private; problem; property; proportion; prudence; public; pure; purpose; question; race; real; reason; reasonable; recognise; regard; relations; religion; republic; result; reverence; rich; riches; righteousness; ring; rise; roll; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sake; save; school; science; second; secret; seeking; seen; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; service; set; share; short; shows; simple; single; slavery; sleep; small; social; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; spite; stand; state; statement; stoic; stoicism; strain; strength; strenuous; strong; study; subordination; suffering; superior; support; supreme; sweet; sympathy; systems; talk; teaching; temperance; terms; thee; thine; things; thinking; thou; thought; thy; time; tito; toil; total; touch; training; trouble; true; truth; turn; union; universal; universe; unrighteous; use; value; vast; view; virtue; wants; way; ways; welfare; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; working; world; worry; worst; worth; wrong; years; youth cache: 39065.txt plain text: 39065.txt item: #12 of 16 id: 40435 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1 date: None words: 230430 flesch: 64 summary: [Greek: Oi)=da ga\r o(/ti o)li/gois tisi\ tau=ta kai\ dokei= kai\ do/xei; O(=is ou)=n ou(/tô de/doktai kai\ oi(=s mê/, _tou/tois ou)k e)/sti koinê\ boulê/, a)ll' a)na/gkê tou/tous a)llê/lôn kataphronei=n, o(rôntas ta\ a)llê/lôn bouleu/mata_. ei)=nai kai\ mano\n kai\ ta\s keywords: 104; 107; 131; 2nd; 314; = chthai; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = ntas; = nti; = oi; = phos; = r; = ron; = ros; = s; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = thos; = ton; = tos; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/peiron; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)nthrô; a)nthrôpi; a)po\; a)rchai; a)rchê =; a)ristote; a)thênai; a. p.; a. plato; ability; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; abundance; abundant; academic; academy; accomplishments; account; acknowledged; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; acute; acuteness; admiration; adv; advanced; advantage; adverse; advice; affairs; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agesilaus; aggregate; agreement; aid; ainsi; air; alexander; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; ancient; anecdote; animals; animâ; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anytus; aphorismes; apolloniate; apologia; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appendix; appetite; applicable; application; appreciated; appreciation; apprehension; aptitude; apud; architect; argument; aristeides; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotelian; aristotle; aristoxenus; arithmetic; army; arrangement; artistic; ascendancy; ascetic; asia; assertion; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athenæus; atomic; atoms; atque; attachment; attack; attainable; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; autem; authenticity; authoritative; authorities; authority; authors; aux; aware; b.c; bacon; bad; base; basis; battle; bearing; beautiful; beginning; belief; belong; benefit; berlin; best; better; bien; biography; birth; black; blood; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bone; bonitz; bonum; books; boys; branch; brandis; brother; bryson; bulk; c'est; c. 2; calls; canon; canonical; capable; capital; care; career; careful; case; catalogue; cato; causes; celebrated; celebrity; celestial; censure; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; cette; champion; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chief; children; chro; chronological; chrysippus; chrê =; cicero; circle; circulation; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; clinton; close; coelo; cold; collected; collection; colloquial; colour; combination; comic; command; commencement; commentary; commentators; comments; commerce; common; communication; community; companions; compare; compare plato; comparison; competent; complete; composing; compositions; compound; comprehensive; conception; concepts; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; conjectures; conjunction; connected; conscience; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; considerable; consideration; consistent; conspicuous; constant; constituent; constituted; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contraries; contrary; contrast; controversy; conversation; copies; copious; copy; corinth; correct; corresponding; corrupt; cosmical; counter; country; countrymen; courage; course; covered; credit; creed; critical; criticisms; critics; cross; curiosity; curious; current; custom; cycle; cynics; cyropædia; cyrus; d'un; danger; dangerous; dans; dark; das; dass; date; day; days; de coelo; de la; de sensu; deal; death; debate; deceased; decided; declaration; declared; defective; defence; definite; definition; degree; dei=; delphian; demetrius; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demosthenes; departure; describes; description; desire; despise; despot; destruction; detail; determined; determining; development; devoted; dia\; dialectic; dialecticians; dialogues; didaskalei =; die; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; dikastery; dikasts; dindorf; dio\; diodorus; diogenes; dionysius; direct; disciples; discipline; discontinuous; discord; discourse; discredit; discussion; displeasure; dispositions; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; donc; dou =; doubt; doubtful; dramas; dramatic; dry; dunato\n; duoi =; duration; duties; duty; dwells; dwelt; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(no\s; e(tai =; e)/chein; e)/phê; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)mpedoklê =; e)mô =; e)n; e)nanti; e)o; e)pi\; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; early greek; earnest; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effluvia; egypt; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; ejus; elaborate; elder; eleatic; eleian; elementary; elements; elenchus; eminent; emotional; emotions; empedokles; emphatic; empire; empiric; empiricus; employment; endurance; enduring; enemies; energy; enim; enjoyment; enmity; enquiry; entire; epiktêtus; epikurus; epinomis; epist; epistles; epistolæ; epithets; equal; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; establishment; esteemed; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etiam; eu)=; eubulides; eudoxus; eukleides; euripides; euseb; eusebium; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evang; event; evidence; evil; exact; examination; examining; example; exception; exclusive; exercise; exhibits; exigencies; exile; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; exposition; expository; express; extended; extension; extent; exterior; extracts; extreme; eye; eyes; fact; fait; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; faut; favour; favourable; fear; feature; feelings; fellow; female; fifth; figure; final; financial; find; fine; fire; fixed; flat; flesh; following; footnote; force; forcible; foreign; form; formal; formidable; forward; foundation; founder; fourth; fragments; frame; free; freedom; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; für; ga\r; galen; gein; general; generation; genius; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gesch; geschichte; giving; glaukon; glô =; gnô; gods; goi; gon; gone; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; gra; grains; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; greek mind; greek philosophy; griech; griechen; ground; groups; growth; guarantee; gymnosophists; gê =; gôn; habits; half; halikarnassus; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; head; hearers; heat; heavy; hegesias; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermodôrus; herodotus; hesiod; hieron; higher; highest; hipparchus; hippias; historians; historical; history; hobbes; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; home; homoeomeries; honourable; hope; horses; hot; house; human; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)diô =; i. 1; i. 2; i. 3; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illud; illustrate; illustration; illustrious; images; imagination; immediate; imperfect; impiety; important; impressed; impression; improved; improvement; impulse; inadmissible; inconsistency; independent; indeterminate; indian; indictment; indirect; indispensable; individual; individuality; indivisible; indulgence; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; influx; information; informed; ingenious; inherent; injustice; institutions; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intentional; interdependence; interesting; interlocutors; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intervening; intimate; invention; investigation; involved; ionic; irregular; ischomachus; items; john; judge; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kai\ de; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kakô =; kalliklês; kallimachus; kalô =; kapila; karsten; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kinê; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; kriton; kronus; ku =; kyrenaic; kyrênê; l. ii; laborious; labour; lachês; laert; laertius; language; large; lassalle; latent; law; laws; leading; learner; learning; leave; lectures; leges; legg; length; les; lessons; letters; leukippus; leur; liberty; libraries; library; life; lifetime; like; likely; limits; list; literary; literature; little; llei; logical; lois; long; longer; loss; lost; love; lucian; lucretius; lui; lykurgus; lysis; ma =; magnitude; main; mais; making; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; manuscripts; marbach; march; marked; mass; mata; material; mathem; mathemat; matter; me\n; meaning; means; measure; megara; megarics; melissus; melêtus; memor; memorabilia; memorable; men; menedêmus; menexenus; menon; mental; mentions; mere; merit; metaphors; metaphys; metaphysical; meteorology; metha; method; middle; military; mill; mind; ministration; minos; mission; mistake; mixture; modern; modes; modifications; moi; moins; moment; money; moon; morality; motion; motive; mousei =; movement; mss; mullach; multitude; munk; museum; mê\; mêde\n; même; mên; môn; n de\; n e)n; n kai\; n te; n tô; n'est; names; namin; narrative; native; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nein; neque; nesthai; new; nicht; noei =; nomos; non; nos; notice; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntos; ntôn; nu =; nubes; number; numerous; nên; nês; nêsin; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/ti; o(\; o(moi; o)/nta; o)/ntôn; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obscure; observation; observed; obstetric; occasion; occupation; occupied; oekonomikus; official; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; old; onesikritus; ontology; open; opening; operative; opinion; opponents; opposing; opposite; oracle; oral; orat; oration; orator; order; ordinary; origen; original; orthodox; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)de\n; ou)k; ou)si; pa =; painful; pains; panætius; para\; parakalou =; parmenides; partial; particles; particular; parts; passage; past; patient; pay; peculiar; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; pergamus; peri\; perikles; period; peripatetic; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phalereus; phasin; phenomenal; philadelphus; philolaus; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; phêsi; picture; pindar; place; placit; plain; plants; plato; plato de; platonic; platonic apology; platonic compositions; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonic works; platonischen; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plenary; plotinus; plurality; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poets; poiei =; point; pois; pole; political; politics; politikus; polloi =; pollê =; poor; popular; pores; portion; positive; possession; possible; pote; potential; pour; poverty; power; powerful; pra =; practical; practice; precepts; preconceived; predecessors; predicate; predication; preface; preller; premisses; preparatory; prepared; preponderance; presence; present; preservation; preserved; pressure; presumption; pretensions; prevalent; previous; primary; primordial; prince; principal; principle; prior; private; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceeding; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; production; professes; professing; professional; professor; progress; proklus; proleg; prominent; proof; properties; property; proposition; propounded; propriety; protagoras; proved; prudence; præp; prô =; pseudo; psuchê =; ptolemy; pu =; public; pupils; pure; purpose; puthago; putting; pythagoreans; pô =; pôn; qu'elle; qu'il; qualities; quam; quand; quantity; quasi; que; question; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; r(êtorikê =; rapid; rare; rational; reach; reader; ready; real; real plato; real sokrates; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; rebus; received; recent; recognition; reference; refutative; regard; region; regular; rein; reiske; reject; relation; relative; religion; religious; remaining; remains; remarkable; remarks; replies; reply; reports; reproach; republic; repugnance; reputation; rerum; residence; respecting; respects; respiration; respondent; rest; result; return; review; rhetor; rhetoric; rich; right; road; rome; rotation; rotatory; rule; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saw; saying; scanty; scene; schaub; schaubach; scheme; schleiermacher; scholarch; scholars; scholia; school; schriften; science; scientific; scope; scrutiny; search; searcher; searching; second; sect; security; sed; seis; select; self; seneca; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; seq; seqq; sequel; sequence; series; service; set; setting; seventh; severe; sextus; seôs; similar; simonides; simple; simplikius; sir; situation; sixth; sketches; skopei =; slaves; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; sokratic dialogues; solid; solution; sont; sophists; sophokles; sort; soter; soul; sound; soûtras; space; sparta; speaker; speaking; special; speculations; speculative; speech; speusippus; spheres; spherical; spirit; spite; spokesman; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stands; stars; state; statement; stationary; steinhart; step; stilpon; stimulating; stimulus; stobæus; stoic; stoichei =; strabo; stranger; straton; strength; striking; strong; structure; students; study; style; su\; subject; subordinates; subsequent; substance; substratum; succeeding; successive; successors; suffering; sufficient; suitable; summary; sun; sunt; superior; support; supposition; surface; surprise; susemihl; symbolical; sympathy; symposion; syracuse; system; systematic; système; sânkhya; sêmei =; sôkra; ta\s; tables; tai =; talk; task; taste; tau =; teacher; teaching; tennemann; terms; teron; testimony; testing; tetralogies; tetta; text; thales; theagês; thei; themistius; theogony; theophrastus; theopompus; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; theô =; theôrei =; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllean; thrasyllus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tortoise; total; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; toutes; traditional; training; transcendental; transformation; transient; transition; treatise; trial; trilogies; true; trust; trustworthy; truth; tu =; turannei =; tusc; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; tônos; u(ma =; u(mei =; u(mô =; u(pe\r; u(po\; ueber plato; ueberweg; ultra; unable; unanimity; understanding; une; unequal; unfinished; uniform; unity; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmeaning; unum; unwilling; unworthy; useful; useless; v. p.; vacua; vacuum; valuable; value; varied; varieties; variety; varro; vast; vehement; vein; verdict; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; visit; vit; vital; vol; volume; von; want; wanting; warm; water; way; ways; wealth; white; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; working; works; world; worse; worthy; writers; writings; wrong; xenokrates; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xenophontic sokrates; xiii; xiv; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zenonian; zetai; zeus; zum; zur; zêtou =; zôn; æschines; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê(ra; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40435.txt plain text: 40435.txt item: #13 of 16 id: 40436 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2 date: None words: 208893 flesch: 69 summary: [Greek: oi(=os de\ ou(tosi\ ge/gone tê\n _a)topi/an_ a)/nthrôpos, kai\ au)to\s kai\ oi( lo/goi au)tou=, ou)d' e)ggu\s a)\n eu(/roi tis zêtô=n], &c. [Greek: katêgorête/on ei)/ê kai\ au(tou= kai\ ui(e/os kai\ e(tai/ron, e)a/n ti a)dikê=|], &c. Plato might have put this argument into the mouth of Euthyphron as a reason for indicting his own father on the charge of murder: as I have already observed in reviewing the Euthyphron, which see above, vol. keywords: 114; 127; 135; = en; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = o; = oi; = ron; = s; = sai; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = tai; = te; = ton; = zon; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)ll; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)ndrei; a)nthrô; a)retê; absence; abstract; absurd; abundant; accomplished; accomplishments; account; achilles; acknowledged; acquisition; acting; active; acts; actual; address; administered; admiration; admirers; advanced; adverse; advice; adviser; affairs; affection; affirmative; affirming; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; agreeable; ai)ti; aim; alk._--i; alkibiades; allusion; amabile; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; anytus; apology; apparent; appeal; appendix; applicable; application; approach; appropriate; archelaus; argument; aristeides; aristophanes; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; art; artists; arts; ascribes; ashamed; aspects; assembly; assent; assertion; assign; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; attached; attainment; attempt; attention; attribute; au)=; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; authority; aversion; aware; b.c; bad; bad man; bain; base; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; belti; beneficial; benefit; best; better; blame; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; book; bou; branch; brave; business; c. p.; calculation; calling; calls; capable; capacity; capital; care; case; causation; causes; certain; chai; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; charmidês; chei =; chiefly; children; choice; chro; chrê =; cicero; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; class; classification; clear; close; cognition; collocutor; colour; comic; command; commentators; comments; common; communion; community; comp._--i; comp._--yes; companion; company; comparative; compare plato; competent; compositions; comprehensive; conception; concluding; conclusions; concrete; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; confusion; conjunction; conscious; consciousness; consent; consequences; considerable; consistent; consists; conspicuous; constant; contemporary; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; conversation; cookery; corps; correct; corresponding; counsel; courage; courageous; court; craft; credit; creed; critical; critics; cross; crowd; cure; customs; daimo; danger; dans; day; de\; deal; dear; death; debate; declaration; defective; defence; definition; degree; dei =; deinô =; description; design; desire; despot; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dionysodorus; direct; direction; discipline; discourse; discussion; disease; disgraceful; dishonourable; dispositions; dispute; dissent; distant; distemper; distinction; distinguished; divine; doctrine; doer; dokou =; double; doubt; doubtless; dramatic; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(autoi =; e(ka; e)/chei; e)/phê; e)a\n; e)gô\; e)kei =; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)pistêmô =; e)pô =; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earnest; earth; easy; education; effect; effective; efforts; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)de; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; elaborate; elements; elenchus; eloquent; embarrassment; eminent; emotional; emotions; end; ends; endurance; enemies; enemy; enforce; enim; enjoyment; enquiry; entire; epithets; equal; equivalent; equivocal; erastes; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimate; ethical; ethics; eu(rei =; eu)=; euthydêmus; evidence; evident; evil; examination; example; excellent; exception; exercise; exhibits; existence; existent; expedient; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; fail; failure; fallacies; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; fathers; favour; fear; feature; feeling; felt; figure; find; finding; fine; following; food; footnote; force; foreign; form; formal; free; freedom; frequent; friend; friendship; function; fundamental; future; ga\r; gain; galen; gein; geis; general; generality; generic; genuine; genuineness; genus; geometrical; geometry; gesch; gifts; giving; gods; goi; gold; gon; good; good definition; good gain; good general; good health; good man; good opinion; good things; goodness; gorgias; gos; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; grecian; greece; greek; ground; guard; guidance; gymnastic; gôn; habit; half; hand; handling; happiness; happy; harmony; harp; head; health; hearers; hearing; heindorf; help; hermann; high; highest; hip._--i; hipparchus; hippias; hippokrates; historical sokrates; history; hold; holiness; holy; homer; honourable; horses; house; human; humiliation; hurtful; hypothesis; i(/na; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; immediate; immortality; important; improvement; inadmissible; independent; indispensable; individual; inference; inferior; influence; injustice; inspiration; inspired; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; interest; interesting; intermediate; interpretation; interrogation; introduction; investigation; irregular; issue; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ mê\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ tou; kako; kakô =; kalei =; kalliklês; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kebês; kings; kleinias; knowing; knowledge; known; krete; kritias; kriton; ktesippus; lachês; ladle; language; large; largest; later; law; lawful; lawgiver; laws; leading; learning; leave; lectures; leges; lego; length; lesser; lessons; let; letters; liberty; life; like; list; literary; little; lives; logical; long; loss; love; lovers; lysis; ma =; madness; main; maj; major; majority; making; man; manifestation; mankind; manner; marked; master; mata; material; matters; maxims; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; medicine; mei =; members; memorabilia; memorable; memory; men; mena; mendacious; menexenus; menon; mental; mention; mere; metaphys; metha; method; military; mill; mind; minos; mischief; mischievous; miserable; misery; mission; mistake; moderation; modern; moi; moment; money; moral; morality; mos; mother; mou; multiplication; multiplied; multitude; mythe; mê\; mên; mês; n kai\; n te; n ti; names; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; nei; nein; new; nikias; nikom; nomi; nomizo; notice; nou =; nous; ntas; ntes; ntoi; ntos; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nên; nês; nôn; o(/pôs; o(/stis; o(/ti; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)/ntes; o)rthô =; object; objections; occasions; odysseus; oi(=o; oi(=s; oi)=mai; open; opinion; opponent; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)=sa; ou)ch; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)kou =; outlay; pa =; pain; painful; particular; passage; past; pay; peculiar; peculiarity; people; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexity; personages; personal; persons; persuasion; pertinent; phai; phenomena; phili; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phronei =; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; picture; pilot; place; plato; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonis; playing; pleasurable; pleasures; plei; pleonektei =; plutarch; poetical; poetry; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; poison; political; politicians; politics; politikus; pollachô =; polloi =; pollô =; polus; poor; portion; position; positive; possession; possible; post; postulate; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; practised; practitioner; praise; precautions; preceding; preliminary; premisses; prepared; presence; present; prevalent; previous; primum; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; professes; professional; professor; profitable; progress; proleg; prolixity; prometheus; proof; proper; property; proposition; protagoras; province; prô =; psuchê =; public; punishment; pupils; pure; purpose; pursuits; puzzled; pô =; pôn; qualities; quam; quantity; question; questioning; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; rational; reader; ready; real; real sokrates; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; received; reciprocal; reference; refers; regard; regular; rein; relation; relative; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replies; replies sokrates; reply; republic; reputation; research; respecting; respondent; result; revelations; rhapsode; rhetoric; rhetors; rich; ridiculous; right; rule; ruling; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sake; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; second; sect; security; sei; seis; self; semi; sensations; sense; sentence; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; setai; sets; seôs; shame; showing; shows; sick; sign; silly; similar; simmias; simonides; simple; single; situation; skilful; skill; skopei =; slave; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokr._--but; sokr._--do; sokr._--i; sokr._--now; sokr._--perhaps; sokr._--the; sokr._--well; sokr._--what; sokr._--you; sokrates; sokrates cross; sokrates questions; sokratic; solution; song; sophistical; sophistry; sophists; sophô =; sort; soul; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; speeches; spirit; spurious; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesmen; steinhart; strength; stress; striking; strong; stuart; study; stupid; style; su\; subject; subsequent; substantive; success; successful; successive; suffering; sufficient; suggestive; suitable; superior; superiority; supply; supposed; supposition; surprise; symposion; system; systematic; sôkra; sôphrosu; talk; talking; task; taste; tau =; te kai\; teachable; teachers; teaching; temperance; tendency; terms; teron; terrible; text; theagês; thei; theo\s; theories; theory; theætêtus; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tou =; tou\s; tous; tout; trainer; training; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; trial; true; trust; truth; ttein; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; ugly; ulterior; unable; unanimity; understood; une; universal; unjust; unknown; unpunished; untaught; untrue; unwise; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; valuable; value; varieties; variety; veracious; verbal; view; viii; virtue; virtuous; visit; viz; vol; volition; vulgar; want; war; warnings; way; ways; wide; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wishes; words; work; working; world; worse; worthless; writings; wrong; xenophontic sokrates; years; young; youth; youthful; zein; zesthai; zeus; zum; zêtei =; zô =; ê(gou =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40436.txt plain text: 40436.txt item: #14 of 16 id: 40437 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 3 date: None words: 217537 flesch: 65 summary: u(pokei=tai mê\ ei)=nai, kai\ tou= _e)kei/nou_ kai\ a)/llôn pollô=n a)na/gkê au)tô=| metei=nai.]] =n kai\ _poi= keywords: 143; = llon; = lon; = ma; = men; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = nti; = s; = sa; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = ton; = xai; a(/ma; a(plou =; a)/llêla; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/nthrôpos; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho; a)lla\; a)lêthei; a)lêthou =; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)nagkai =; a)nthrô; a)po\; a)pori; a. p.; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; absurdity; accompanying; accomplished; account; acting; action; active; acts; actual; acute; adaptation; admiration; admissible; admits; advanced; adverts; affinity; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; agathon; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; ai)/sthêsis; ai)sthê; alkibiades; allusion; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancient; angler; animals; answer; antecedent; antinomies; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aptitude; ardour; argument; arises; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotelian; aristotle; arithmetic; art; artist; artistic; ashamed; aspasia; aspect; aspirant; assemblage; assertion; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; athenæus; attachment; attainable; attempt; attention; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tou\s; au)tê\n; au)tô =; audience; auditors; authority; auxiliary; avoidance; aware; b.c; bad; basis; battle; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behalf; bekk; belief; believer; believing; belong; benefit; best; better; bodies; bodily; body; bonum; book; bou; brandis; business; c'est; c. plato; calls; campbell; canon; capable; capacity; care; caricature; case; categories; category; causes; century; certain; certainty; cette; changes; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; child; chnê; choice; chro; chrô =; cicero; circle; circumstances; citizens; city; claim; classes; classification; clear; close; cogitant; cognition; coincides; cold; colour; combination; command; commentary; commentators; common; communion; community; companions; company; compare plato; compares; comparison; competent; complete; complicated; composition; compound; comprehending; comprehensive; computation; conceivable; conceive; conceiving; conception; concepts; concerned; concipient; concluding; conclusion; concrete; condition; conjecture; conjunction; conscience; consciousness; consent; consequences; consistent; constant; constituent; construction; contemplation; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; contrast; conversation; copula; correct; correlative; corresponding; cosmical; counter; courage; criticism; critics; cross; curious; customs; cutting; cætera; dans; das; date; day; death; debate; declaration; defect; defective; definite; definition; degree; dei =; demonstration; denial; denies; department; der; descending; description; designate; desire; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; dictum; didactic; die; differences; different; different men; difficulties; difficulty; dikai; dikasts; dilemma; dionysius; diotima; direction; disbelief; discourse; discriminating; discussion; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; divergence; diversified; diversity; diversum; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doctrine plato; dog; dogmatical; dokei =; double; doubt; doubtful; doxa; dunato\n; duscherei =; dê\; dêlou =; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(ka; e(no\s; e)/chei; e)/chon; e)/rôs; e)/stin; e)/ti; e)kei =; e)le; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)nergei =; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti\n; e)x; e)ô =; earlier; early; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=dos; ei)=nai; ei)dô =; ei)pei =; ei)s; eighth; einleitung; elaborate; eleate; eleatic; elements; elenchus; eloquent; eminent; emotional; emotions; employ; enigma; enjoyment; enquiry; ens; entire; epikurus; equal; equivalent; equivocal; eros; erotic; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; estimate; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etymological; etymologies; etymology; eukleides; euthydêmus; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellent; exclusive; exercise; exhortation; exigencies; existence; existent; expected; experience; explanation; exposition; express; extent; extra; extreme; eyes; fact; factors; fair; false; false opinion; falsehood; familiar; fancy; farther; favour; fear; features; feeling; fiction; fifth; figure; fit; fixed; flux; follow; following; footnote; force; forcible; formal; formation; forms; formula; forward; fourth; fragment; free; frequent; friends; function; fundamental; funeral; future; ga\r; gein; general; generalisation; generation; generic; gentle; genuine; genus; geometry; gesch; gignô; giver; giving; gkê; gnesthai; gnetai; gods; gois; gomen; gon; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; governor; gradations; gradual; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; growth; guidance; gôn; habit; half; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; haters; health; hearers; heat; hedonists; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermogenes; higher; highest; hippias; historical; history; hoc; hold; holding; homer; homo; honourable; horse; hot; human; hunters; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)de; i. p.; idealists; ideas; idem; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortality; imperfect; important; impression; improvement; impugns; impulse; incompatible; inconsistency; incorporeal; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; indivisible; infallibility; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; ingenious; ingenuity; inherent; inspiration; instructive; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercommunion; interesting; intermediate; internal; intimates; introduction; involved; items; jamais; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kalei =; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; knê =; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; language; large; lassalle; later; lawgiver; laws; learners; legibus; legitimate; lego; legome; length; les; lesson; letters; liable; life; like; likely; likeness; limit; line; lista; little; logical; long; longer; look; lost; lous; love; lusitelou =; lysias; madness; main; maintaining; mais; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; mantikê =; marked; master; mata; materialists; matos; matters; maxim; me\n; meaning; means; measure; measuring; medical; megaric; megi; memorab; memory; menexenus; menon; mensura; mensuration; mental; mere; meta\; metaphys; mete; method; middle; mill; mind; mistake; mixture; mockery; modern; modes; moi; moment; money; motion; movement; multa; multifarious; multiplied; multitude; music; mythe; mê\; même; mên; mês; môn; n a)/llôn; n de\; n ei)=nai; n kai\; n lo; n o)/ntôn; n te; n tô; n'est; names; naming; narrow; nas; naton; natural; nature; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nei; nein; new; nikom; ninth; noei =; nois; non; nos; notice; notre; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nun; nên; nêsis; nôn; nô|; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(poianou =; o(rô =; o(tiou =; o)/nta; o)/ntos; o)/ntôn; o)\n; o)noma; o)rthô =; object; objections; objective; obscure; observations; observed; occasion; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; omnia; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; orator; order; ordinary; organ; original; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)kou =; ou)si; pa =; pain; painful; panegyric; para\; parmenides; partakes; partial; participation; particular; partnership; parts; passage; passion; past; pasô =; pathei =; patient; pausanias; peculiar; people; perception; percipient; peremptory; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexing; perplexities; personal; persons; persuasion; peut; phai; phaino; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phro; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; place; plants; plato; plato non; plato proceeds; platonic; platonic dialogues; platonic parmenides; platonic sokrates; platonic theory; plausible; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plus; plutarch; plê; poetical; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; points plato; poiou =; political; politikus; pollô =; portion; positive; possession; possibility; possible; pote; potential; potentiality; pour; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; praise; preceding; precepts; predicate; predication; pregnant; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; presence; present; previous; pri\n; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privileged; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; prodikus; professes; professional; professor; profit; progress; proklus; proleg; pronounced; proof; proper; properties; property; proposition; propriety; proseipei =; protagoras; protagorean doctrine; protarchus; province; prô =; pseu =; pseudei =; psuchê =; psuchê\n; psychological; pulchrum; pupils; pure; purpose; puzzle; pôn; qu'il; qualification; quality; quam; quand; question; qui; quid; quod; r(ou =; ratiocinative; rational; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; rectitude; reference; reflection; refutation; regard; region; rein; relation; relative; relativity; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; renan; replies; reply; reproach; republic; research; resemblance; respecting; respondent; rest; result; review; rhetoric; rhetors; ridicule; ridiculous; right; road; rotation; rules; s te; sai; sake; sameness; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saying; scale; scheme; schleiermacher; schol; scholia; schriften; schwegler; science; scientific; search; second; sect; seeing; sei; sein; seis; select; self; sensations; sense; sensible; sensual; sentiment; separate; separation; seq; series; set; sets; seventh; sextus; seôs; shows; sides; significant; signification; similar; simple; simplikius; single; singular; sitting; sixth; skill; skopei =; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; solution; sont; sophist; sophistês; sort; soul; sounds; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; spirit; spoken; spontaneous; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesman; steersman; steinhart; step; stimulating; stimulus; stoichei =; strange; striking; strong; stuart; study; stô|; subdivision; subject; subordinate; subsequent; substance; substantive; subtle; subtleties; subtlety; successive; sudden; suffering; suffers; sufficient; suitable; sujet; summum; sunt; superior; superiority; supposes; supposition; sweet; syllables; symposion; system; systematic; sô =; sôkra; tai =; taking; talk; task; taste; tau =; tau)to\n; teachers; teaching; technô =; temperance; terms; teron; testimony; testing; text; thei; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; thing; thinking; thos; thought; thrasymachus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; tina\; title; to\; to\ mê\; to\n; toi =; toiau; tois; topics; total; totum; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; tout; toutes; trace; traditional; training; transcendental; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; true; true opinion; truth; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; têtos; tô =; tôn; u(po\; ueber; ueberweg; ulterior; ultimate; unanimity; unchangeable; understanding; une; unity; universal; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmixed; unsolved; unum; unum non; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variable; variance; varieties; variety; vehement; vein; verb; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vol; vulgar; want; way; ways; white; william; wine; wisdom; wise; wishes; words; work; working; world; worst; writer; writing; written; wrong; xenophon; xenophontic; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zesthai; zum; zê =; zêtei =; zêtô =; zôn; ê(dona\s; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)/dê; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40437.txt plain text: 40437.txt item: #15 of 16 id: 40438 author: Grote, George title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 4 date: None words: 255044 flesch: 64 summary: Demiurgus, opposed to [Greek: i)diô/tês], ii. 272 _n._; of kosmos, iii. 265 _n._; postulated, iv. 220; is not a creator, _ib._; produces kosmos, by persuading Necessity, _ib._, 222; on pattern of ideas, 227; evolved the four elements from primordial chaos, 240; addresses generated gods, 233; prepares for man's construction, places a soul in each star, _ib._; conjoins three souls and one body, 234; how conceived by other philosophers of same century, 254; little noticed in Aristotle, 255; degeneracy of man originally intended by, 263. Demochares, law against philosophers, i. 111 _n._ Democracy, least bad of unscientific governments, iii. 270, 278; origin, iv. 80; monarchy and, the _mother-polities_, 312; dissent of Aristotle, _ib._ _n._; Plato's second ideal state a compromise of oligarchy and, 333, 337. Demokritus, life and travels, i. 65; Plato's antipathy to, 66 _n._, 82 _n._, ii. 118, iv. 355 _n._; often mentioned in Aristotle, _ib._; opinions of ancients on, i. 82 _n._; his universality, 82; relation to Parmenidean theory, 66; plena and vacua, ens and non-ens, 67, iii. 243 _n._; his absolute and relative, i. 71, 80; atoms differ only in magnitude, figure, position, and arrangement, 69; different from Plato's Idea, and Aristotle's _materia prima_, 72; not really objects of sense, _ib._ _n._; inherent force, 73; his ultimatum, the course of nature, _ib._; primary and secondary qualities, iv. ; early relations with Sokrates, 248; service as a citizen and soldier, 249; political life, 251; political changes in Greece during life, 1; travels alter death of Sokrates, 253; permanently established at Athens, 254; teaches at the Academy, _ib._; received presents, not fees, iii. 218 _n._; his pupils, numerous, wealthy, and from different cities, i. 255; many subsequently politicians, 261 _n._; Eudoxus, 255; Aristotle, 260; Demosthenes, 261 _n._; visits the younger Dionysius, 258, 351, 194 _n._; relations with Dionysius, 255; disappointments, 280; varying relations with Isokrates, ii. 331 _n._, iii. 35; his jealousy and love of supremacy, i. 117 _n._, 153 _n._; alleged ill-nature, 117 _n._; antipathy to Antisthenes, 151, 152 _n._, 165; alleged enmity between Xenophon and, iii. 22 _n._, iv. 146 _n._, 312 _n._; rivalry with Lysias, iii. 408, 410 _n._, 411 _n._; death, i. 200; Plato and Aristotle represent pure Hellenic philosophy, _xiv_; St. Jerome on, _xv_; criticism on early Greek philosophy, 87 _n._; relation to predecessors, 91; theories in circulation in his time, _ib._; Parmenidês and Pythagoras supplied basis for, 89; relation to Sokrates, 344 _n._, ii. 303; Pythagoreanism, i. 10 _n._, 15 _n._, 87, 344 _n._, 346 _n._, 347, 349 _n._, ii. 426 _n._, iii. 368, iv. 424 _n._; Herakleitus, i. 27, ii. 30; Demokritus, i. 66 _n._, 82 _n._, iv. 355 _ keywords: 107; 111; 112; 118; 119; 127; 128; 138; 143; 151; 157; 168; 173; 178; 181; 189; 195; 197; 198; 202; 237; 263; 268; 276; 304; 305; 307; 308; 311; 313; 316; 325; 335; 338; 343; 353; 359; 367; 378; 382; 383; 386; 387; 404; 417; 429; 432; 433; = llon; = nai; = ntai; = s; = sa; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = thos; = ton; a(/ma; a(martê; a)/llôn; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)dikê; a)ei\; a)gathou=; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)ndrô =; a)nthrô; a)rchê =; a)retê; a)ri; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; abuse; accomplished; account; accredited; acquisition; acting; action; active; acts; actual; address; adeimantus; admiration; admission; admits; advanced; advantages; advice; affairs; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agreeable; agreement; ai)ti; aid; aim; air; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; anterior; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; apollo; apollonia; apology; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; appropriate; approved; aptitude; argos; argument; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; arrangements; article; artisans; assertion; assumed; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athênê; attainment; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tô =; audience; authenticity; authorities; authority; authors; auxiliaries; aversion; bad; basis; battle; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behaviour; belief; belong; beneficial; benefit; best; better; birds; births; blame; blood; board; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bonum; book; boys; branch; business; c. plato; canon; capable; capital; care; carrying; case; causes; cave; celestial; censorship; censure; central; centre; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chiefs; childhood; children; choice; choric; chorus; chrê\; cicero; circle; circular; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; civil; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; close; cognition; coincidence; coincides; collective; colony; combination; combined; comfort; command; commentators; common; commonwealth; communion; communism; communities; community; companions; comparative; compare plato; compared; comparison; competent; complete; compositions; conception; conclusion; concrete; condition; conduct; conjunction; connected; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; consequent; considerable; constant; constituent; constituted; constitution; construction; consummation; contemplated; contemplation; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; controul; convinced; copy; correct; correlation; corresponding; corruption; council; counter; countrymen; couples; courage; course; court; craftsman; cranium; creed; crimes; criticism; critics; cross; curious; current; customs; cyropædia; cyrus; damage; dancing; danger; dangerous; das; date; day; daylight; days; dealing; death; debate; declaration; declared; defect; defective; defence; definite; definition; degenerate; degree; dei=; delight; delphian; demiurgus; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demos; demosthenes; department; derivation; description; desires; despot; despotic; despotism; detail; determine; determining; developed; development; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogues; didactic; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; dignified; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dikasts; diogenes; direct; direction; discharge; discipline; discord; discourse; discussion; diseases; displeasure; dispositions; disputes; dissent; dissenter; distemper; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; double; doubt; dramatic; dreams; drill; drink; drunkenness; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(ka; e)a; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti; e)the; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effort; egyptian; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)ko; ei)pei =; ei)s; ein; elaborate; elders; elements; elenchus; emotional; emotions; empedokles; end; endurance; enemies; energetic; energy; enters; entire; epic; epikurus; epinomis; equal; equivalent; eros; erroneous; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; eu)=; euripides; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellence; excess; exclusive; exercise; exhibit; exhibitions; exhortation; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; failure; faith; fallacies; false; falsehood; families; family; fancy; farther; fathers; fault; favour; fear; feature; feeling; fellow; female; festivals; fictions; fifth; figures; final; fine; fire; fit; fixed; following; follows; food; footnote; forbidden; forbids; force; foreign; form; formal; forward; foundation; fourth; fractions; fragment; free; freedom; freeman; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; galen; gein; general; generated; generation; generic; genesis; genius; gentle; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gignome; girls; giving; gkê; glaukon; gnetai; gods; gold; gone; good; good man; goodness; gorgias; gos; governing; government; grades; grave; gravest; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; ground; growth; guardians; guilty; gunai =; gunaikô =; gymnastic; gôn; habits; hades; half; hand; happiest; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; hatred; head; health; hearing; heart; hellenic; herakleitus; heresy; heretics; hermann; herodotus; heroes; hesiod; higher; highest; hippias; hippokrates; hippolytus; historical; history; hobbes; hold; homer; homicide; homilies; homo; honourable; house; human; hunting; hurt; hymns; hypothesis; i)de; i)di; i. 2; i. p.; i. pp; ideas; identical; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; iliad; illustrated; illustration; images; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortal; immortality; imperfect; impiety; important; impulse; inconsistent; increase; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; individual man; indivisible; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; information; inherent; injustice; insists; inspiration; instance; institutions; instructive; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercourse; interest; interesting; interference; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intimates; intrinsic; introduction; invasion; ionic; irregular; irresistible; issue; jealousy; jews; judges; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kakô =; kalô =; kata\; kath; kings; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmical; kosmos; kratylus; kretan; krete; kritias; kronus; kühn; labei =; labour; lachês; land; language; large; lawgiver; laws; leading; leave; lectures; left; legal; legends; leges; legg; legibus; legislation; legitimate; length; letters; leôs; liable; liberty; library; life; like; likely; limited; limits; lista; literary; little; lives; logical; long; longer; lost; lot; lots; lous; love; lowest; lucretius; lykurgus; lysias; ma =; magistrates; magnêtic; main; maintenance; majority; making; males; malthus; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; marked; marriage; married; martin; masters; mata; material; matter; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; megarics; megi; melêtus; members; memorab; memory; men; mena; menexenus; menon; mensura; mental; mention; mere; merit; mess; messênê; metaphor; metempsychosis; metha; method; metics; military; mill; mind; minimum; mischief; mischievous; misconduct; miserable; misery; mistake; mixture; moderate; modern; modes; moi; money; month; moon; moral; mother; motive; movements; mu =; multitude; music; musical; mutual; mythe; mê\; mê\n; môn; n kai\; n te; n. i.; n. index; names; narratives; narrow; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neglect; nein; new; nocturnal; nois; nomophylakes; non; nos; notice; nou =; nourishment; nous; noway; ntas; ntes; ntôn; ntôs; nu =; number; numerous; nurses; nên; nês; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(\; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obligation; observation; occasions; occupations; offence; offspring; oi(=on; old; oligarchical; oligarchy; onerous; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; oracle; order; ordinary; organism; organs; origin; original; orthodoxy; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)k; ou)kou =; ou)si; outer; outline; pa =; pain; painful; para\; parallel; paramount; parents; parmenidês; partial; particular; parties; parts; passage; passion; past; peculiar; penalties; penalty; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; performance; peri\; period; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physician; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; picture; place; planets; plato; platonic; platonic republic; platonic sokrates; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poetry; poets; poiei =; point; point plato; politei; political; politics; politikus; polity; pollô =; poor; popular; population; portions; position; positive; possess; possible; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; prayer; precautions; precepts; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; present; president; prevalent; previous; priests; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; prizes; pro\s; probability; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; procreation; produce; professes; professional; profitable; prohibition; project; prologues; pronounced; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; prose; protagoras; proved; provision; proëm; prudence; prô =; psuchê =; punishment; pure; purity; purpose; pythagorean; pôn; qualified; qualities; quam; quarrel; question; qui; quod; quæ; race; rational; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; receiving; reciprocity; recognise; rectitude; reference; regard; region; regular; regularity; regulated; regulations; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replenishment; replies; reply; representations; republic; repugnance; repulsive; reputation; respecting; rest; restrictions; results; return; revolution; rhetoric; rhythm; rich; right; rotations; rotatory; rulers; ruling; rôn; s te; s.v; sacred; sacrifice; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scale; scenery; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; seat; second; secondary; sections; security; sei; seis; select; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; service; set; sets; severe; sexes; sexual; seôn; seôs; shadows; showing; sickness; silver; similar; simonides; simple; single; slave; slavery; small; sober; social; societies; society; sokrates; sokratic; soldiers; solid; solon; solution; songs; sophists; sort; soul; sound; source; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; speculative; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stars; state; statement; steersman; steps; stimulus; stories; strabo; strangers; strength; strict; striking; strong; stronger; structure; studies; study; style; su\; subject; subordinate; subordination; subsequent; substance; succession; suffering; sufficient; suitable; sun; superintendence; superior; supervision; supply; support; supposed; supreme; sympathy; symposion; syssitia; system; systematic; sês; sôkra; ta\; ta\s; tai =; task; taste; tata; tau =; te kai\; teachers; teaching; temperance; temples; temporary; temptations; tendency; tender; tenth; tera; terms; teron; terrible; territory; testimony; theft; thei; theo\s; theological; theology; theophrastus; theories; theory; theætêtus; theô =; things; thought; thrasymachus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; total; tou =; tou\s; tous; tradition; training; treatise; treatment; trial; triangles; tribe; tripartite; triple; true; trust; truth; ttein; tugcha; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; u(pothe; ulterior; unchangeable; understand; unfit; uniform; universal; universe; unjust; unjust man; unknown; unsolved; unworthy; useful; usefulness; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variance; varieties; variety; vast; vein; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vision; voice; vol; voluntary; votes; wants; war; watch; water; way; ways; weak; wicked; wife; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; witnesses; women; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthless; wounds; wrong; x. p.; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xii; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zeus; zê =; zêtei =; zô =; æschylus; æsthetical; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)= cache: 40438.txt plain text: 40438.txt item: #16 of 16 id: 785 author: Lucretius Carus, Titus title: On the Nature of Things date: None words: 75181 flesch: 70 summary: Thus, too, in other things, Whilst many germs common to many things There are, yet they, combined among themselves, Can form new wholes to others quite unlike. Thus easier 'tis to hold that many things Have primal bodies in common (as we see The single letters common to many words) keywords: abide; able; accord; account; acheron; aeons; afar; affairs; air; alien; amain; anew; arms; athrough; atoms; bane; battle; beams; beasts; begot; beneath; big; billows; birds; birth; bitter; black; blood; blows; bodies; body; bones; borne; brass; breast; breathing; breed; bright; bulk; burst; canst; care; cause; centre; certain; change; chief; children; clear; clouds; coasts; cold; colour; common; confess; constellations; corporeal; course; create; creatures; dark; day; days; death; deep; degree; delight; depart; desire; disease; divers; divine; dominion; doth; doubt; downward; draws; dread; drops; eager; ears; earth; easy; elements; end; energy; entire; equal; ere; eternal; ether; everlasting; evermore; exhalations; eyes; face; fact; fall; far; fashioned; fear; feel; feeling; feet; feign; fields; fierce; fiery; films; find; fire; fit; fixed; flames; flee; flesh; flocks; flow; flower; flying; folk; food; foot; force; form; forsooth; forth; forthwith; forward; foul; frame; free; fury; gaze; gendered; generations; germs; glass; glory; gods; going; gold; gone; good; goodly; great; half; hand; haply; hard; hast; hath; head; headlong; heat; heaven; heavy; high; hills; hold; hollow; holy; hot; hour; house; hue; huge; human; icy; idol; images; immortal; inane; increase; infinite; innumerable; inside; instant; intellect; iron; joy; keen; kind; know; lands; large; law; lead; leap; leaves; left; length; lest; level; life; light; like; limbs; lips; liquid; little; live; living; lofty; long; longer; look; love; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mark; marvel; mass; matter; mayst; means; meet; members; memmius; men; mere; mighty; mind; mirror; modes; moisture; moment; moon; mortal; mortality; mother; motions; mountain; mouth; nature; naught; nay; ne'er; need; new; nigh; nostrils; note; nowise; number; o'er; objects; ocean; odour; oft; old; onward; open; order; outside; outward; pain; particles; parts; pass; paths; percase; perceive; perchance; perish; place; plains; point; poison; pores; pour; power; primal; primordial; proof; proper; race; rains; ramparts; rays; ready; realms; reason; regions; religion; remains; rest; return; river; rocks; roll; room; roots; round; roused; salt; savage; save; saw; scarce; sea; seas; seasons; seeds; self; sensation; sense; serene; set; shaken; shapes; shores; shut; sides; signs; single; skiey; sky; sleep; small; smite; smoke; smooth; soever; soft; solid; sort; soul; sounds; space; speed; spot; spread; spring; stands; stars; state; step; stock; stone; straight; strange; streams; strength; stroke; strong; strook; stuff; subtle; sudden; sum; sun; supreme; sure; sweet; swift; tale; teeth; terror; thas; thee; thews; thine; things; thither; thou; thought; throat; throng; thunderbolt; thuswise; time; tis; toil; tongue; touch; trees; true; truth; turn; twain; twas; union; unlike; vain; varied; vast; vaults; veins; venus; view; viewless; vision; vital; voice; void; walls; waste; water; waves; wax; way; ways; weight; wet; whate'er; whatso; whirl; white; wide; wild; wilt; winds; winged; wise; withdrawn; woman; wood; words; work; world; wrath; year; yield; yonder; young cache: 785.txt plain text: 785.txt