This is an automatically generated bibliography describing the content of this study carrel.
- 1181
- author: Xenophon
- title: The Symposium
- date: None
- words: 23101
- flesch: 90
- summary: xi. 831; Hunting, ch. i., as to Cheiron and his scholars, the last of whom is Achilles. (47) {an periepoito}. Cf. Herod. ii. 48; Lucian lxxii.,
- keywords: able; antisthenes; aphrodite; aristoph; aristot; art; athen; autolycus; aware; b.c; battle; beautiful; beauty; beloved; best; better; boast; body; boy; business; callias; care; certain; character; charmides; city; claim; cleinias; clouds; cobet; company; course; critobulus; dance; dancing; day; dinner; dionysus; doubt; drink; ears; econ; exercise; eyes; face; fair; father; feast; fell; fellow; flute; foll; frere; friends; friendship; girl; gods; good; great; half; hand; head; heart; heaven; hell; help; hermogenes; homer; honour; host; house; human; iii; jester; kai; kiss; knowledge; lac; laws; legs; life; light; lips; long; look; love; lucian; lycon; man; master; mem; men; mind; money; nature; nay; need; niceratus; noble; nose; object; party; passion; pay; people; person; phaedr; philippus; plat; pleasure; plut; point; pol; poor; power; present; pride; pros; reading; reason; rep; rest; self; set; sirs; socrates; sort; soul; speech; spirit; state; sweet; symp; syr; syracusan; things; thuc; time; transl; true; turn; viii; virtue; voice; want; wealth; wine; wisdom; wish; words; work; world; worth; xen; xenophon; xiv; zeune
- versions: original; plain text
- 1598
- author: Plato
- title: Euthydemus
- date: None
- words: 21080
- flesch: 77
- summary: And should we be happy by reason of the presence of good things, if they profited us not, or if they profited us? Well, Cleinias, but if you have the use as well as the possession of good things, is that sufficient to confer happiness?
- keywords: able; ancient; animals; answer; argument; art; better; brother; business; certain; class; cleinias; conclusion; contradiction; crito; ctesippus; desire; dialogue; different; dionysodorus; disciples; euthydemus; evil; fallacies; father; fortune; general; gold; good; good things; great; happiness; happy; heracles; hope; kingly; knowledge; language; learn; learning; letters; life; like; logic; makes; making; man; manner; master; mean; meaning; men; mind; money; nature; new; opinion; person; philosophy; plato; point; possession; power; present; quality; question; rest; right; saying; science; sense; silent; socrates; sophists; sort; speaking; speeches; strangers; study; subject; teachers; things; thought; time; true; truth; use; virtue; vision; way; wisdom; wise; words; young; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 1600
- author: Plato
- title: Symposium
- date: None
- words: 32810
- flesch: 66
- summary: The value which he attributes to such loves as motives to virtue and philosophy is at variance with modern and Christian notions, but is in accordance with Hellenic sentiment. Pausanias is very earnest in the defence of such loves; and he speaks of them as generally approved among Hellenes and disapproved by barbarians.
- keywords: actions; affection; agathon; age; alcibiades; animals; answer; aphrodite; apollodorus; aristodemus; aristophanes; art; ashamed; attendant; banquet; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beloved; best; better; birth; body; cause; certain; character; children; common; company; compare; conversation; custom; day; days; desire; different; diotima; discourse; dishonour; divine; drink; drinking; earth; elements; eryximachus; eternal; everlasting; evil; existence; fair; fairest; father; feet; flute; form; friend; friendship; future; general; god love; gods; good; great; greatest; greek; half; hands; happiness; harmony; head; heavenly; hiccough; highest; homer; honour; honourable; human; ignorance; immortality; knowledge; laugh; left; life; like; long; love; lovers; making; male; man; mankind; manner; matter; mean; medicine; men; mind; mortal; mother; music; nature; new; noble; old; open; order; original; parents; pausanias; person; phaedrus; philosophy; physician; place; plato; poetry; poets; possession; power; praise; present; principle; question; ready; reason; right; round; sacrifices; sake; sense; similar; socrates; sort; soul; speech; speeches; state; symposium; tale; things; thought; time; true; true love; truth; turn; union; virtue; want; way; wisdom; wise; woman; wonderful; words; work; world; yesterday; young; youth; zeus
- versions: original; plain text
- 1642
- author: Plato
- title: Euthyphro
- date: None
- words: 9242
- flesch: 78
- summary: In other words, says Socrates, piety is 'a science of asking and giving'--asking what we want and giving what they want; in short, a mode of doing business between gods and men. He brings a wonderful accusation against me, which at first hearing excites surprise: he says that I am a poet or maker of gods, and that I invent new gods and deny the existence of old ones; this is the ground of his indictment.
- keywords: act; action; art; attention; better; dear; definition; differences; euthyphro; father; fear; friend; gods; good; great; holiness; holy; impiety; impious; justice; like; man; meletus; men; murder; murderer; nature; piety; pious; question; reason; religion; reverence; socrates; sort; state; things; time; true; truth; way; words
- versions: original; plain text
- 1673
- author: Plato (spurious and doubtful works)
- title: Lesser Hippias
- date: None
- words: 9440
- flesch: 67
- summary: SOCRATES: You see, Hippias, as I have already told you, how pertinacious I am in asking questions of wise men. (Compare Gorgias; Republic.) SOCRATES: Excellent Hippias, I do not do so intentionally (if I did, it would show me to be a wise man and a master of wiles, as you would argue), but unintentionally, and therefore you must pardon me; for, as you say, he who is unintentionally dishonest should be pardoned.
- keywords: able; achilles; alcibiades; answer; argument; aristotle; art; bad; best; better; calculation; character; compare; dialogues; earlier; eudicus; evidence; evil; excellence; false; falsehood; funeral; genuineness; good; great; greater; hippias; homer; justice; later; lesser hippias; man; men; mind; odysseus; opinion; oration; plato; platonic; power; protagoras; question; republic; socrates; soul; spirit; spurious; tell; things; true; truth; wily; wisdom; wise; works; worse; writings; wrong
- versions: original; plain text
- 1681
- author: Plato (spurious and doubtful works)
- title: Eryxias
- date: None
- words: 7121
- flesch: 75
- summary: It appears to be clear that whatever constitutes wealth must be useful, and that wealth is one class of useful things; and now we have to enquire, What is the use of those useful things which constitute wealth? And do you think, said the youth, that doing good things is like building a house,--the work of human agency; or do things remain what they were at first, good or bad, for all time?
- keywords: argument; art; bad; best; body; case; critias; disease; erasistratus; eryxias; evil; gold; good; greatest; house; instruments; life; like; man; means; modern; money; need; opinion; plato; possession; procure; prodicus; purpose; question; riches; silver; socrates; things; thought; true; useful; useless; value; virtue; want; way; wealth; wisdom
- versions: original; plain text
- 1687
- author: Plato
- title: Parmenides
- date: None
- words: 36230
- flesch: 75
- summary: But tell me, is your meaning that things become like by partaking of likeness, great by partaking of greatness, just and beautiful by partaking of justice and beauty, and so of other ideas?' Yet the fact of their being parts furnishes the others with a limit towards other parts and towards the whole; they are finite and also infinite: finite through participation in the one, infinite in their own nature.
- keywords: absolute; abstract; affected; age; answer; argument; beginning; case; certain; change; compare; conception; consequences; contact; contradiction; course; dialectic; dialogue; different; difficulty; doctrine; eleatic; end; equal; equality; existence; form; god; good; greater; greatness; human; hypothesis; ideas; impossible; inasmuch; individuals; infinite; kind; knowledge; like; likeness; longer; manner; mean; meaning; measures; mere; method; middle; mind; modern; motion; nature; number; objects; older; opinion; opposite; parmenides; partake; partaking; participation; parts; philosophy; place; plato; platonic; point; present; process; pythodorus; question; relation; relative; rest; right; round; saying; second; similar; smallness; socrates; sort; state; substance; terms; things; thought; time; touch; true; truth; unity; unlike; view; virtue; way; words; world; younger; zeno
- versions: original; plain text
- 20500
- author: Marshall, J. (John)
- title: A Short History of Greek Philosophy
- date: None
- words: 60788
- flesch: 58
- summary: And the world is full of men who are asking to be taught and willing to be ruled, and of other men who are willing to rule and teach them. That only the good man is truly wise or free or happy; that vice, however lavishly it surround itself with luxury and ease and power, is inherently wretched and foolish and slavish;--these are things which are worth saying and worth believing, things, indeed, which the world dare not and cannot permanently disbelieve, however difficult or even impossible it may be to mark men off into two classes, the good and the bad, however strange the irony of circumstance which so often shows the wicked who 'are not troubled as other men, neither are they plagued like other men; they have more than their heart could wish,' while good men battle with adversity, often in vain.
- keywords: absolute; abstract; account; action; activity; acts; actual; aether; age; air; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; animals; answer; antisthenes; apprehension; argument; aristippus; aristotle; aspect; athens; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beauty; beginning; best; better; birth; birthplace; bodies; bodily; body; book; cause; centre; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; chief; children; city; civic; cold; coming; common; community; complete; conceived; conception; conditions; consciousness; content; contrary; course; creation; creature; criticism; day; death; definite; definition; democritus; desire; developed; development; dialectic; dialogue; different; distinction; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; earth; education; effect; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; entelechy; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; eternal; evil; excellence; existence; existent; existing; experience; expression; eye; fact; fair; familiar; father; final; fire; follows; force; form; free; friend; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; good; goodness; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; growth; hand; happiness; happy; harmony; heart; heavenly; heavens; heraclitus; higher; highest; hold; hope; human; humanity; ideas; identical; iii; image; immortal; immortality; individual; infinite; influence; interesting; joy; justice; kind; knowable; knowledge; known; later; law; laws; library; life; like; lines; little; living; logic; logical; long; lost; love; lucretius; main; man; manner; material; mathematics; matter; mean; meaning; measure; melissus; members; men; mental; mere; method; miletus; mind; modern; moment; moon; moral; motion; motive; movement; mystery; native; natural; nature; nay; necessary; necessity; need; new; noble; note; notions; number; objects; old; opinion; order; ordinary; origin; original; pain; parmenides; particular; parts; passage; people; perception; perfect; personal; phenomena; philosophers; philosophy; physical; physics; place; plato; platonic; pleasure; point; political; politics; position; possible; potentiality; power; practical; practice; principle; prior; process; protagoras; pupil; purpose; pythagoras; question; rational; ready; realisation; realities; reality; reason; reference; regard; relation; respect; rest; result; right; rule; scepticism; school; science; search; second; seeds; self; sensation; sense; separate; short; similar; sin; skill; socrates; sophists; soul; source; space; speech; sphere; spirit; state; stoic; story; strange; structure; student; subject; substance; succession; sufficient; sun; supposed; system; taught; teachers; teaching; thales; theory; things; thought; time; true; truth; ultimate; underlying; union; universal; universe; utility; view; virtue; visible; vision; vital; void; way; ways; wisdom; wise; words; work; working; world; xenophanes; years; zeno
- versions: original; plain text
- 2412
- author: Aristotle
- title: The Categories
- date: None
- words: 14520
- flesch: 64
- summary: Some intermediate qualities have names, such as grey and sallow and all the other colours that come between white and black; in other cases, however, it is not easy to name the intermediate, but we must define it as that which is not either extreme, as in the case of that which is neither good nor bad, neither just nor unjust. (iii) 'privatives' and 'positives' have reference to the same subject. Other things, again, are both predicable of a subject and present in a subject.
- keywords: animal; body; case; common; contraries; contrary; definition; degree; double; false; genus; good; hand; individual; instance; knowledge; man; necessary; parts; perception; place; predicable; present; primary; prior; qualities; quality; quantity; reference; relative; said; sense; sight; species; state; subject; substance; terms; things; time; true; virtue; way; white; word
- versions: original; plain text
- 33411
- author: Stace, W. T. (Walter Terence)
- title: A Critical History of Greek Philosophy
- date: None
- words: 114597
- flesch: 72
- summary: It is one and the same reason in me and in other men. He does not see the phenomenon with the eyes of other men, but penetrates the sensuous envelope and exhibits the Idea shining through the veils of sense.
- keywords: 8vo; able; absolute; abstract; academy; account; action; activity; actual; advance; age; air; alexander; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; animals; answer; appearance; argument; aristotle; artist; athens; atomists; atoms; attempt; b.c; basis; beautiful; beauty; beginning; beings; belief; best; better; birth; bodies; body; book; causation; cause; central; centre; certain; change; chapter; character; characteristic; chief; child; class; clear; cold; colour; common; complete; concept; conception; conclusion; consciousness; consists; contradiction; contrary; control; copies; copy; correct; course; critical; criticism; crito; custom; day; death; definite; definition; democracy; democritus; desire; details; determined; developed; development; dialectic; dialogues; differences; different; difficulty; discussion; distinction; distinguished; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doubt; dualism; early; earth; education; effect; efficient; eleatics; elements; empedocles; end; ends; entire; epicureans; epicurus; equal; essence; essential; ethical; ethics; evil; evolution; example; existence; existent; experience; explanation; expression; external; fact; fall; false; family; far; fear; feeling; final; fire; follows; footnote; force; form; formal; formless; foundation; founder; free; function; fundamental; general; god; gods; gold; good; goodness; gorgias; governed; great; greater; greatest; greece; greek; greek philosophy; ground; half; hand; happiness; harmony; heracleitus; higher; highest; historical; history; horse; human; idealism; ideas; identical; illusion; images; important; impressions; incorporeal; independent; individual; indivisible; infinite; influence; inorganic; intellectual; iron; isolated; justice; kind; knowledge; language; large; law; laws; left; level; lies; life; like; limit; line; little; living; logical; long; longer; look; love; lower; magnitude; main; making; man; manner; material; materialism; mathematics; matter; meaning; means; mechanical; mechanism; members; memory; men; mere; metaphysics; mind; mistake; modern; moment; moon; morality; motion; movement; multiplicity; names; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; needs; negative; neo; new; non; nous; number; objective; objects; obvious; opinion; opposite; order; ordinary; organism; origin; original; outside; pain; paper; parmenides; particles; particular; parts; pass; passes; passions; people; perception; perfect; period; personal; personality; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physics; piece; place; plants; plato; platonism; pleasure; plotinus; poetry; point; political; politics; popular; position; positive; possible; practical; practice; present; previous; principle; problem; process; professor; proper; proposition; protagoras; pure; pythagoreans; qualities; quality; quantity; question; race; rational; reality; reason; reasoning; recollection; regard; relation; religion; religious; remains; republic; rest; result; return; right; rise; rule; sake; saying; scale; scepticism; school; science; scientific; second; self; sensation; sense; sensuous; separate; set; shape; shows; similar; simple; single; small; socrates; socratic; sole; solution; sophists; sort; soul; source; space; special; sphere; spirit; spiritual; standard; stars; state; stoics; straight; study; subject; substance; sun; supreme; system; talk; teaching; tendency; terms; thales; theories; theory; things; thinkers; thinking; thought; time; total; treatise; true; truth; turn; ultimate; unity; universal; universe; unreal; value; view; virtue; water; way; weight; whiteness; wisdom; wise; wood; words; work; world; writings; wrong; xenophanes; years; young; zeno
- versions: original; plain text
- 39065
- author: Hyde, William De Witt
- title: The Five Great Philosophies of Life
- date: None
- words: 66190
- flesch: 64
- summary: Adversity is the better for us all, for it is God's mercy to show the world their errors, and that the things they fear and covet are neither good nor evil, being the common and promiscuous lot of good men and bad. Yet such charitableness does not forbid our practical judgment of the difference between sheep and wolves, good men and bad, when important issues are involved.
- keywords: able; account; act; action; acts; aims; air; answer; anxious; appeal; appetite; aristotelian; aristotle; attempt; attitude; bad; ball; base; basis; beautiful; beauty; beneficent; best; better; blessed; blessedness; body; book; bound; brave; breakfast; broad; brother; business; capable; care; case; certain; chapter; character; children; christian; christianity; church; circumstances; citizen; city; class; clear; cold; common; community; complete; conception; condition; conduct; consistent; consists; contrary; control; cost; courage; course; criticism; cut; danger; day; days; dead; dear; death; deed; deeper; defects; definition; democracy; desire; development; devoted; devotion; different; dignity; disciples; disease; distinction; divine; divorce; doctrine; duty; early; earth; easy; education; effective; elements; end; ends; energy; enter; epictetus; epicurean; epicureanism; epicurus; essential; evil; example; exercise; experience; expression; external; eye; eyes; face; fact; fall; false; family; father; fault; fear; feelings; fellows; fill; follow; food; foolish; form; fortitude; fortune; free; freedom; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; general; generous; glory; god; gods; gold; good; good man; good things; goodness; government; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; happiness; happy; hard; hate; health; heart; heaven; higher; highest; hold; home; honest; honour; hours; house; human; husband; ideal; iii; important; individual; inevitable; infinite; influence; institutions; instruments; intellectual; interests; jesus; joy; joys; judge; judgment; kind; kingdom; large; later; law; laws; life; light; like; literature; little; lives; living; logical; long; longer; look; lord; love; man; manner; master; material; means; measure; members; men; mental; mere; mill; mind; miserable; modern; moment; money; moral; morrow; murder; music; natural; nature; necessary; need; neighbour; new; noble; note; object; office; opinion; order; outward; pain; particular; parts; passions; past; penalties; people; perfect; perfection; permanent; personal; personality; persons; philosophy; physical; picture; place; plan; plato; platonic; play; pleasant; pleasure; point; political; politics; poor; possible; poverty; power; practical; prayer; precious; present; pride; principle; private; problem; property; proportion; prudence; public; pure; purpose; question; race; real; reason; reasonable; recognise; regard; relations; religion; republic; result; reverence; rich; riches; righteousness; ring; rise; roll; rule; sacred; sacrifice; sake; save; school; science; second; secret; seeking; seen; self; selfish; selfishness; sense; service; set; share; short; shows; simple; single; slavery; sleep; small; social; society; soul; spirit; spiritual; spite; stand; state; statement; stoic; stoicism; strain; strength; strenuous; strong; study; subordination; suffering; superior; support; supreme; sweet; sympathy; systems; talk; teaching; temperance; terms; thee; thine; things; thinking; thou; thought; thy; time; tito; toil; total; touch; training; trouble; true; truth; turn; union; universal; universe; unrighteous; use; value; vast; view; virtue; wants; way; ways; welfare; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; woman; words; work; working; world; worry; worst; worth; wrong; years; youth
- versions: original; plain text
- 40435
- author: Grote, George
- title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 1
- date: None
- words: 230430
- flesch: 64
- summary: [Greek: Oi)=da ga\r o(/ti o)li/gois tisi\ tau=ta kai\ dokei= kai\ do/xei; O(=is ou)=n ou(/tô de/doktai kai\ oi(=s mê/, _tou/tois ou)k e)/sti koinê\ boulê/, a)ll' a)na/gkê tou/tous a)llê/lôn kataphronei=n, o(rôntas ta\ a)llê/lôn bouleu/mata_. ei)=nai kai\ mano\n kai\ ta\s
- keywords: 104; 107; 131; 2nd; 314; = chthai; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = ntas; = nti; = oi; = phos; = r; = ron; = ros; = s; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = thos; = ton; = tos; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/peiron; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)nthrô; a)nthrôpi; a)po\; a)rchai; a)rchê =; a)ristote; a)thênai; a. p.; a. plato; ability; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; abundance; abundant; academic; academy; accomplishments; account; acknowledged; acting; action; active; activity; acts; actual; acute; acuteness; admiration; adv; advanced; advantage; adverse; advice; affairs; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agesilaus; aggregate; agreement; aid; ainsi; air; alexander; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; anaximander; anaximenes; ancient; anecdote; animals; animâ; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anytus; aphorismes; apolloniate; apologia; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appendix; appetite; applicable; application; appreciated; appreciation; apprehension; aptitude; apud; architect; argument; aristeides; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotelian; aristotle; aristoxenus; arithmetic; army; arrangement; artistic; ascendancy; ascetic; asia; assertion; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athenæus; atomic; atoms; atque; attachment; attack; attainable; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; autem; authenticity; authoritative; authorities; authority; authors; aux; aware; b.c; bacon; bad; base; basis; battle; bearing; beautiful; beginning; belief; belong; benefit; berlin; best; better; bien; biography; birth; black; blood; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bone; bonitz; bonum; books; boys; branch; brandis; brother; bryson; bulk; c'est; c. 2; calls; canon; canonical; capable; capital; care; career; careful; case; catalogue; cato; causes; celebrated; celebrity; celestial; censure; central; centre; centuries; century; certain; cette; champion; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chief; children; chro; chronological; chrysippus; chrê =; cicero; circle; circulation; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; clinton; close; coelo; cold; collected; collection; colloquial; colour; combination; comic; command; commencement; commentary; commentators; comments; commerce; common; communication; community; companions; compare; compare plato; comparison; competent; complete; composing; compositions; compound; comprehensive; conception; concepts; conclusion; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; conjectures; conjunction; connected; conscience; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; considerable; consideration; consistent; conspicuous; constant; constituent; constituted; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuity; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contraries; contrary; contrast; controversy; conversation; copies; copious; copy; corinth; correct; corresponding; corrupt; cosmical; counter; country; countrymen; courage; course; covered; credit; creed; critical; criticisms; critics; cross; curiosity; curious; current; custom; cycle; cynics; cyropædia; cyrus; d'un; danger; dangerous; dans; dark; das; dass; date; day; days; de coelo; de la; de sensu; deal; death; debate; deceased; decided; declaration; declared; defective; defence; definite; definition; degree; dei=; delphian; demetrius; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demosthenes; departure; describes; description; desire; despise; despot; destruction; detail; determined; determining; development; devoted; dia\; dialectic; dialecticians; dialogues; didaskalei =; die; differences; different; difficulties; difficulty; dikastery; dikasts; dindorf; dio\; diodorus; diogenes; dionysius; direct; disciples; discipline; discontinuous; discord; discourse; discredit; discussion; displeasure; dispositions; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distant; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; donc; dou =; doubt; doubtful; dramas; dramatic; dry; dunato\n; duoi =; duration; duties; duty; dwells; dwelt; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(no\s; e(tai =; e)/chein; e)/phê; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)mpedoklê =; e)mô =; e)n; e)nanti; e)o; e)pi\; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; early greek; earnest; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effluvia; egypt; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; ejus; elaborate; elder; eleatic; eleian; elementary; elements; elenchus; eminent; emotional; emotions; empedokles; emphatic; empire; empiric; empiricus; employment; endurance; enduring; enemies; energy; enim; enjoyment; enmity; enquiry; entire; epiktêtus; epikurus; epinomis; epist; epistles; epistolæ; epithets; equal; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; establishment; esteemed; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etiam; eu)=; eubulides; eudoxus; eukleides; euripides; euseb; eusebium; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evang; event; evidence; evil; exact; examination; examining; example; exception; exclusive; exercise; exhibits; exigencies; exile; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; exposition; expository; express; extended; extension; extent; exterior; extracts; extreme; eye; eyes; fact; fait; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; faut; favour; favourable; fear; feature; feelings; fellow; female; fifth; figure; final; financial; find; fine; fire; fixed; flat; flesh; following; footnote; force; forcible; foreign; form; formal; formidable; forward; foundation; founder; fourth; fragments; frame; free; freedom; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; für; ga\r; galen; gein; general; generation; genius; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gesch; geschichte; giving; glaukon; glô =; gnô; gods; goi; gon; gone; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; gra; grains; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; greek mind; greek philosophy; griech; griechen; ground; groups; growth; guarantee; gymnosophists; gê =; gôn; habits; half; halikarnassus; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; head; hearers; heat; heavy; hegesias; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermodôrus; herodotus; hesiod; hieron; higher; highest; hipparchus; hippias; historians; historical; history; hobbes; hoc; hold; holiness; holy; home; homoeomeries; honourable; hope; horses; hot; house; human; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)diô =; i. 1; i. 2; i. 3; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illud; illustrate; illustration; illustrious; images; imagination; immediate; imperfect; impiety; important; impressed; impression; improved; improvement; impulse; inadmissible; inconsistency; independent; indeterminate; indian; indictment; indirect; indispensable; individual; individuality; indivisible; indulgence; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; influx; information; informed; ingenious; inherent; injustice; institutions; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intentional; interdependence; interesting; interlocutors; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intervening; intimate; invention; investigation; involved; ionic; irregular; ischomachus; items; john; judge; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kai\ de; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kakô =; kalliklês; kallimachus; kalô =; kapila; karsten; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kinê; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; kriton; kronus; ku =; kyrenaic; kyrênê; l. ii; laborious; labour; lachês; laert; laertius; language; large; lassalle; latent; law; laws; leading; learner; learning; leave; lectures; leges; legg; length; les; lessons; letters; leukippus; leur; liberty; libraries; library; life; lifetime; like; likely; limits; list; literary; literature; little; llei; logical; lois; long; longer; loss; lost; love; lucian; lucretius; lui; lykurgus; lysis; ma =; magnitude; main; mais; making; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; manuscripts; marbach; march; marked; mass; mata; material; mathem; mathemat; matter; me\n; meaning; means; measure; megara; megarics; melissus; melêtus; memor; memorabilia; memorable; men; menedêmus; menexenus; menon; mental; mentions; mere; merit; metaphors; metaphys; metaphysical; meteorology; metha; method; middle; military; mill; mind; ministration; minos; mission; mistake; mixture; modern; modes; modifications; moi; moins; moment; money; moon; morality; motion; motive; mousei =; movement; mss; mullach; multitude; munk; museum; mê\; mêde\n; même; mên; môn; n de\; n e)n; n kai\; n te; n tô; n'est; names; namin; narrative; native; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nein; neque; nesthai; new; nicht; noei =; nomos; non; nos; notice; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntos; ntôn; nu =; nubes; number; numerous; nên; nês; nêsin; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/ti; o(\; o(moi; o)/nta; o)/ntôn; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obscure; observation; observed; obstetric; occasion; occupation; occupied; oekonomikus; official; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; old; onesikritus; ontology; open; opening; operative; opinion; opponents; opposing; opposite; oracle; oral; orat; oration; orator; order; ordinary; origen; original; orthodox; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)de\n; ou)k; ou)si; pa =; painful; pains; panætius; para\; parakalou =; parmenides; partial; particles; particular; parts; passage; past; patient; pay; peculiar; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; pergamus; peri\; perikles; period; peripatetic; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phalereus; phasin; phenomenal; philadelphus; philolaus; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; phêsi; picture; pindar; place; placit; plain; plants; plato; plato de; platonic; platonic apology; platonic compositions; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonic works; platonischen; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plenary; plotinus; plurality; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poets; poiei =; point; pois; pole; political; politics; politikus; polloi =; pollê =; poor; popular; pores; portion; positive; possession; possible; pote; potential; pour; poverty; power; powerful; pra =; practical; practice; precepts; preconceived; predecessors; predicate; predication; preface; preller; premisses; preparatory; prepared; preponderance; presence; present; preservation; preserved; pressure; presumption; pretensions; prevalent; previous; primary; primordial; prince; principal; principle; prior; private; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceeding; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; production; professes; professing; professional; professor; progress; proklus; proleg; prominent; proof; properties; property; proposition; propounded; propriety; protagoras; proved; prudence; præp; prô =; pseudo; psuchê =; ptolemy; pu =; public; pupils; pure; purpose; puthago; putting; pythagoreans; pô =; pôn; qu'elle; qu'il; qualities; quam; quand; quantity; quasi; que; question; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; r(êtorikê =; rapid; rare; rational; reach; reader; ready; real; real plato; real sokrates; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; rebus; received; recent; recognition; reference; refutative; regard; region; regular; rein; reiske; reject; relation; relative; religion; religious; remaining; remains; remarkable; remarks; replies; reply; reports; reproach; republic; repugnance; reputation; rerum; residence; respecting; respects; respiration; respondent; rest; result; return; review; rhetor; rhetoric; rich; right; road; rome; rotation; rotatory; rule; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saw; saying; scanty; scene; schaub; schaubach; scheme; schleiermacher; scholarch; scholars; scholia; school; schriften; science; scientific; scope; scrutiny; search; searcher; searching; second; sect; security; sed; seis; select; self; seneca; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; seq; seqq; sequel; sequence; series; service; set; setting; seventh; severe; sextus; seôs; similar; simonides; simple; simplikius; sir; situation; sixth; sketches; skopei =; slaves; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; sokratic dialogues; solid; solution; sont; sophists; sophokles; sort; soter; soul; sound; soûtras; space; sparta; speaker; speaking; special; speculations; speculative; speech; speusippus; spheres; spherical; spirit; spite; spokesman; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stands; stars; state; statement; stationary; steinhart; step; stilpon; stimulating; stimulus; stobæus; stoic; stoichei =; strabo; stranger; straton; strength; striking; strong; structure; students; study; style; su\; subject; subordinates; subsequent; substance; substratum; succeeding; successive; successors; suffering; sufficient; suitable; summary; sun; sunt; superior; support; supposition; surface; surprise; susemihl; symbolical; sympathy; symposion; syracuse; system; systematic; système; sânkhya; sêmei =; sôkra; ta\s; tables; tai =; talk; task; taste; tau =; teacher; teaching; tennemann; terms; teron; testimony; testing; tetralogies; tetta; text; thales; theagês; thei; themistius; theogony; theophrastus; theopompus; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; theô =; theôrei =; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllean; thrasyllus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tortoise; total; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; toutes; traditional; training; transcendental; transformation; transient; transition; treatise; trial; trilogies; true; trust; trustworthy; truth; tu =; turannei =; tusc; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; tônos; u(ma =; u(mei =; u(mô =; u(pe\r; u(po\; ueber plato; ueberweg; ultra; unable; unanimity; understanding; une; unequal; unfinished; uniform; unity; universal; universe; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmeaning; unum; unwilling; unworthy; useful; useless; v. p.; vacua; vacuum; valuable; value; varied; varieties; variety; varro; vast; vehement; vein; verdict; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; visit; vit; vital; vol; volume; von; want; wanting; warm; water; way; ways; wealth; white; wife; wisdom; wise; wish; working; works; world; worse; worthy; writers; writings; wrong; xenokrates; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xenophontic sokrates; xiii; xiv; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zenonian; zetai; zeus; zum; zur; zêtou =; zôn; æschines; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê(ra; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)=
- versions: original; plain text
- 40436
- author: Grote, George
- title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 2
- date: None
- words: 208893
- flesch: 69
- summary: [Greek: oi(=os de\ ou(tosi\ ge/gone tê\n _a)topi/an_ a)/nthrôpos, kai\ au)to\s kai\ oi( lo/goi au)tou=, ou)d' e)ggu\s a)\n eu(/roi tis zêtô=n], &c. [Greek: katêgorête/on ei)/ê kai\ au(tou= kai\ ui(e/os kai\ e(tai/ron, e)a/n ti a)dikê=|], &c. Plato might have put this argument into the mouth of Euthyphron as a reason for indicting his own father on the charge of murder: as I have already observed in reviewing the Euthyphron, which see above, vol.
- keywords: 114; 127; 135; = en; = gma; = llon; = lon; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = o; = oi; = ron; = s; = sai; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = tai; = te; = ton; = zon; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)ei\; a)gatho\n; a)gathô =; a)ll; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)ndrei; a)nthrô; a)retê; absence; abstract; absurd; abundant; accomplished; accomplishments; account; achilles; acknowledged; acquisition; acting; active; acts; actual; address; administered; admiration; admirers; advanced; adverse; advice; adviser; affairs; affection; affirmative; affirming; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; agreeable; ai)ti; aim; alk._--i; alkibiades; allusion; amabile; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; antipathy; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; anytus; apology; apparent; appeal; appendix; applicable; application; approach; appropriate; archelaus; argument; aristeides; aristophanes; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; art; artists; arts; ascribes; ashamed; aspects; assembly; assent; assertion; assign; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; attached; attainment; attempt; attention; attribute; au)=; au)to\n; au)toi =; au)tô =; auditors; authority; aversion; aware; b.c; bad; bad man; bain; base; beautiful; beauty; beginning; belief; belti; beneficial; benefit; best; better; blame; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; book; bou; branch; brave; business; c. p.; calculation; calling; calls; capable; capacity; capital; care; case; causation; causes; certain; chai; change; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; charmidês; chei =; chiefly; children; choice; chro; chrê =; cicero; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; class; classification; clear; close; cognition; collocutor; colour; comic; command; commentators; comments; common; communion; community; comp._--i; comp._--yes; companion; company; comparative; compare plato; competent; compositions; comprehensive; conception; concluding; conclusions; concrete; condition; conduct; confidence; confused; confusion; conjunction; conscious; consciousness; consent; consequences; considerable; consistent; consists; conspicuous; constant; contemporary; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; conversation; cookery; corps; correct; corresponding; counsel; courage; courageous; court; craft; credit; creed; critical; critics; cross; crowd; cure; customs; daimo; danger; dans; day; de\; deal; dear; death; debate; declaration; defective; defence; definition; degree; dei =; deinô =; description; design; desire; despot; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; die; different; difficulties; difficulty; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dionysodorus; direct; direction; discipline; discourse; discussion; disease; disgraceful; dishonourable; dispositions; dispute; dissent; distant; distemper; distinction; distinguished; divine; doctrine; doer; dokou =; double; doubt; doubtless; dramatic; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(autoi =; e(ka; e)/chei; e)/phê; e)a\n; e)gô\; e)kei =; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)pistêmô =; e)pô =; e)sti; e)sti\n; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earnest; earth; easy; education; effect; effective; efforts; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)=nai kai\; ei)de; ei)pei =; ei)s; einleitung; elaborate; elements; elenchus; eloquent; embarrassment; eminent; emotional; emotions; end; ends; endurance; enemies; enemy; enforce; enim; enjoyment; enquiry; entire; epithets; equal; equivalent; equivocal; erastes; erastæ; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimate; ethical; ethics; eu(rei =; eu)=; euthydêmus; evidence; evident; evil; examination; example; excellent; exception; exercise; exhibits; existence; existent; expedient; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; fail; failure; fallacies; fallacy; false; falsehood; familiar; family; far; farther; fathers; favour; fear; feature; feeling; felt; figure; find; finding; fine; following; food; footnote; force; foreign; form; formal; free; freedom; frequent; friend; friendship; function; fundamental; future; ga\r; gain; galen; gein; geis; general; generality; generic; genuine; genuineness; genus; geometrical; geometry; gesch; gifts; giving; gods; goi; gold; gon; good; good definition; good gain; good general; good health; good man; good opinion; good things; goodness; gorgias; gos; government; great; greater; greatest; greatness; grecian; greece; greek; ground; guard; guidance; gymnastic; gôn; habit; half; hand; handling; happiness; happy; harmony; harp; head; health; hearers; hearing; heindorf; help; hermann; high; highest; hip._--i; hipparchus; hippias; hippokrates; historical sokrates; history; hold; holiness; holy; homer; honourable; horses; house; human; humiliation; hurtful; hypothesis; i(/na; i. p.; i.e.; ideas; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; immediate; immortality; important; improvement; inadmissible; independent; indispensable; individual; inference; inferior; influence; injustice; inspiration; inspired; instructive; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; interest; interesting; intermediate; interpretation; interrogation; introduction; investigation; irregular; issue; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ mê\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ tou; kako; kakô =; kalei =; kalliklês; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kebês; kings; kleinias; knowing; knowledge; known; krete; kritias; kriton; ktesippus; lachês; ladle; language; large; largest; later; law; lawful; lawgiver; laws; leading; learning; leave; lectures; leges; lego; length; lesser; lessons; let; letters; liberty; life; like; list; literary; little; lives; logical; long; loss; love; lovers; lysis; ma =; madness; main; maj; major; majority; making; man; manifestation; mankind; manner; marked; master; mata; material; matters; maxims; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; medicine; mei =; members; memorabilia; memorable; memory; men; mena; mendacious; menexenus; menon; mental; mention; mere; metaphys; metha; method; military; mill; mind; minos; mischief; mischievous; miserable; misery; mission; mistake; moderation; modern; moi; moment; money; moral; morality; mos; mother; mou; multiplication; multiplied; multitude; mythe; mê\; mên; mês; n kai\; n te; n ti; names; naton; natural; nature; nay; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; nei; nein; new; nikias; nikom; nomi; nomizo; notice; nou =; nous; ntas; ntes; ntoi; ntos; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nên; nês; nôn; o(/pôs; o(/stis; o(/ti; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)/ntes; o)rthô =; object; objections; occasions; odysseus; oi(=o; oi(=s; oi)=mai; open; opinion; opponent; opposed; opposite; order; ordinary; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)=sa; ou)ch; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)kou =; outlay; pa =; pain; painful; particular; passage; past; pay; peculiar; peculiarity; people; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexity; personages; personal; persons; persuasion; pertinent; phai; phenomena; phili; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phronei =; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; picture; pilot; place; plato; platonic dialogues; platonic sokrates; platonis; playing; pleasurable; pleasures; plei; pleonektei =; plutarch; poetical; poetry; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; poison; political; politicians; politics; politikus; pollachô =; polloi =; pollô =; polus; poor; portion; position; positive; possession; possible; post; postulate; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; practised; practitioner; praise; precautions; preceding; preliminary; premisses; prepared; presence; present; prevalent; previous; primum; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; prodikus; produce; professes; professional; professor; profitable; progress; proleg; prolixity; prometheus; proof; proper; property; proposition; protagoras; province; prô =; psuchê =; public; punishment; pupils; pure; purpose; pursuits; puzzled; pô =; pôn; qualities; quam; quantity; question; questioning; qui; quidem; quod; quæ; rational; reader; ready; real; real sokrates; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoned; reasoning; received; reciprocal; reference; refers; regard; regular; rein; relation; relative; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replies; replies sokrates; reply; republic; reputation; research; respecting; respondent; result; revelations; rhapsode; rhetoric; rhetors; rich; ridiculous; right; rule; ruling; rôn; s te; sacrifice; sake; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; second; sect; security; sei; seis; self; semi; sensations; sense; sentence; sentiment; separate; series; service; set; setai; sets; seôs; shame; showing; shows; sick; sign; silly; similar; simmias; simonides; simple; single; situation; skilful; skill; skopei =; slave; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokr._--but; sokr._--do; sokr._--i; sokr._--now; sokr._--perhaps; sokr._--the; sokr._--well; sokr._--what; sokr._--you; sokrates; sokrates cross; sokrates questions; sokratic; solution; song; sophistical; sophistry; sophists; sophô =; sort; soul; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; speeches; spirit; spurious; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesmen; steinhart; strength; stress; striking; strong; stuart; study; stupid; style; su\; subject; subsequent; substantive; success; successful; successive; suffering; sufficient; suggestive; suitable; superior; superiority; supply; supposed; supposition; surprise; symposion; system; systematic; sôkra; sôphrosu; talk; talking; task; taste; tau =; te kai\; teachable; teachers; teaching; temperance; tendency; terms; teron; terrible; text; theagês; thei; theo\s; theories; theory; theætêtus; things; thinking; thought; thrasyllus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; tou =; tou\s; tous; tout; trainer; training; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; trial; true; trust; truth; ttein; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; ugly; ulterior; unable; unanimity; understood; une; universal; unjust; unknown; unpunished; untaught; untrue; unwise; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; valuable; value; varieties; variety; veracious; verbal; view; viii; virtue; virtuous; visit; viz; vol; volition; vulgar; want; war; warnings; way; ways; wide; wisdom; wise; wise man; wish; wishes; words; work; working; world; worse; worthless; writings; wrong; xenophontic sokrates; years; young; youth; youthful; zein; zesthai; zeus; zum; zêtei =; zô =; ê(gou =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)=
- versions: original; plain text
- 40437
- author: Grote, George
- title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 3
- date: None
- words: 217537
- flesch: 65
- summary: u(pokei=tai mê\ ei)=nai, kai\ tou= _e)kei/nou_ kai\ a)/llôn pollô=n a)na/gkê au)tô=| metei=nai.]] =n kai\ _poi=
- keywords: 143; = llon; = lon; = ma; = men; = n; = nai; = nta; = ntai; = nti; = s; = sa; = san; = sin; = sthai; = ta; = ton; = xai; a(/ma; a(plou =; a)/llêla; a)/llôn; a)/neu; a)/nthrôpos; a)/ra; a)=r; a)\n; a)du; a)ei\; a)gatho; a)lla\; a)lêthei; a)lêthou =; a)lêthô =; a)na; a)nagkai =; a)nthrô; a)po\; a)pori; a. p.; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; absurd; absurdity; accompanying; accomplished; account; acting; action; active; acts; actual; acute; adaptation; admiration; admissible; admits; advanced; adverts; affinity; affirmations; affirmative; affirms; agathon; agencies; agency; agent; aggregate; ai)/sthêsis; ai)sthê; alkibiades; allusion; analogous; analogy; analysis; ancient; angler; animals; answer; antecedent; antinomies; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; apology; apparent; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aptitude; ardour; argument; arises; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotelian; aristotle; arithmetic; art; artist; artistic; ashamed; aspasia; aspect; aspirant; assemblage; assertion; association; assumed; assumption; athenian; athens; athenæus; attachment; attainable; attempt; attention; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tou\s; au)tê\n; au)tô =; audience; auditors; authority; auxiliary; avoidance; aware; b.c; bad; basis; battle; bear; bearing; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behalf; bekk; belief; believer; believing; belong; benefit; best; better; bodies; bodily; body; bonum; book; bou; brandis; business; c'est; c. plato; calls; campbell; canon; capable; capacity; care; caricature; case; categories; category; causes; century; certain; certainty; cette; changes; chapter; character; characteristic; charm; child; chnê; choice; chro; chrô =; cicero; circle; circumstances; citizens; city; claim; classes; classification; clear; close; cogitant; cognition; coincides; cold; colour; combination; command; commentary; commentators; common; communion; community; companions; company; compare plato; compares; comparison; competent; complete; complicated; composition; compound; comprehending; comprehensive; computation; conceivable; conceive; conceiving; conception; concepts; concerned; concipient; concluding; conclusion; concrete; condition; conjecture; conjunction; conscience; consciousness; consent; consequences; consistent; constant; constituent; construction; contemplation; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contradictory; contrary; contrast; conversation; copula; correct; correlative; corresponding; cosmical; counter; courage; criticism; critics; cross; curious; customs; cutting; cætera; dans; das; date; day; death; debate; declaration; defect; defective; definite; definition; degree; dei =; demonstration; denial; denies; department; der; descending; description; designate; desire; determined; determining; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogue; dictum; didactic; die; differences; different; different men; difficulties; difficulty; dikai; dikasts; dilemma; dionysius; diotima; direction; disbelief; discourse; discriminating; discussion; dispute; dissent; dissentient; dissertation; distinct; distinction; distinguishable; distinguished; distribution; divergence; diversified; diversity; diversum; divided; divine; division; doctrine; doctrine plato; dog; dogmatical; dokei =; double; doubt; doubtful; doxa; dunato\n; duscherei =; dê\; dêlou =; e(/kaston; e(/teron; e(ka; e(no\s; e)/chei; e)/chon; e)/rôs; e)/stin; e)/ti; e)kei =; e)le; e)moi\; e)n; e)nanti; e)nergei =; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti\n; e)x; e)ô =; earlier; early; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=dos; ei)=nai; ei)dô =; ei)pei =; ei)s; eighth; einleitung; elaborate; eleate; eleatic; elements; elenchus; eloquent; eminent; emotional; emotions; employ; enigma; enjoyment; enquiry; ens; entire; epikurus; equal; equivalent; equivocal; eros; erotic; erroneous; error; escape; essence; essential; established; estimate; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; etymological; etymologies; etymology; eukleides; euthydêmus; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellent; exclusive; exercise; exhortation; exigencies; existence; existent; expected; experience; explanation; exposition; express; extent; extra; extreme; eyes; fact; factors; fair; false; false opinion; falsehood; familiar; fancy; farther; favour; fear; features; feeling; fiction; fifth; figure; fit; fixed; flux; follow; following; footnote; force; forcible; formal; formation; forms; formula; forward; fourth; fragment; free; frequent; friends; function; fundamental; funeral; future; ga\r; gein; general; generalisation; generation; generic; gentle; genuine; genus; geometry; gesch; gignô; giver; giving; gkê; gnesthai; gnetai; gods; gois; gomen; gon; good; gorgias; gos; governing; government; governor; gradations; gradual; grand; grave; great; greater; greatest; greek; ground; growth; guidance; gôn; habit; half; hamilton; hand; handling; happiness; harangue; hard; harmony; haters; health; hearers; heat; hedonists; hellenic; herakleitean; herakleitus; hermann; hermogenes; higher; highest; hippias; historical; history; hoc; hold; holding; homer; homo; honourable; horse; hot; human; hunters; hypothesis; hypothetical; i)de; i. p.; idealists; ideas; idem; identical; identity; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; illustration; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortality; imperfect; important; impression; improvement; impugns; impulse; incompatible; inconsistency; incorporeal; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; indivisible; infallibility; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; ingenious; ingenuity; inherent; inspiration; instructive; instrument; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercommunion; interesting; intermediate; internal; intimates; introduction; involved; items; jamais; john; judge; judgment; justice; kai\; kai\ pa; kai\ peri\; kai\ to\; kalei =; kalo\n; kalô =; kata\; kath; kinei =; king; kleitophon; knowable; knowing; knowledge; known; knê =; kosmos; kratylus; kritias; language; large; lassalle; later; lawgiver; laws; learners; legibus; legitimate; lego; legome; length; les; lesson; letters; liable; life; like; likely; likeness; limit; line; lista; little; logical; long; longer; look; lost; lous; love; lusitelou =; lysias; madness; main; maintaining; mais; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; mantikê =; marked; master; mata; materialists; matos; matters; maxim; me\n; meaning; means; measure; measuring; medical; megaric; megi; memorab; memory; menexenus; menon; mensura; mensuration; mental; mere; meta\; metaphys; mete; method; middle; mill; mind; mistake; mixture; mockery; modern; modes; moi; moment; money; motion; movement; multa; multifarious; multiplied; multitude; music; mythe; mê\; même; mên; mês; môn; n a)/llôn; n de\; n ei)=nai; n kai\; n lo; n o)/ntôn; n te; n tô; n'est; names; naming; narrow; nas; naton; natural; nature; near; nearer; necessary; necessity; need; negation; negative; nei; nein; new; nikom; ninth; noei =; nois; non; nos; notice; notre; nou =; nous; noway; ntes; ntôn; nu =; number; numerous; nun; nên; nêsis; nôn; nô|; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(poianou =; o(rô =; o(tiou =; o)/nta; o)/ntos; o)/ntôn; o)\n; o)noma; o)rthô =; object; objections; objective; obscure; observations; observed; occasion; oi(=on; oi(=s; oi)kei =; omnia; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; orator; order; ordinary; organ; original; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)kou =; ou)si; pa =; pain; painful; panegyric; para\; parmenides; partakes; partial; participation; particular; partnership; parts; passage; passion; past; pasô =; pathei =; patient; pausanias; peculiar; people; perception; percipient; peremptory; perfect; peri\; perikles; period; permanent; perpetual; perplexing; perplexities; personal; persons; persuasion; peut; phai; phaino; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phro; phu; physical; physician; phædon; phædrus; place; plants; plato; plato non; plato proceeds; platonic; platonic dialogues; platonic parmenides; platonic sokrates; platonic theory; plausible; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plus; plutarch; plê; poetical; poets; poi =; poiei =; point; pointed; points plato; poiou =; political; politikus; pollô =; portion; positive; possession; possibility; possible; pote; potential; potentiality; pour; power; powerful; pra; practical; practice; praise; preceding; precepts; predicate; predication; pregnant; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; presence; present; previous; pri\n; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privileged; pro\s; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; prodikus; professes; professional; professor; profit; progress; proklus; proleg; pronounced; proof; proper; properties; property; proposition; propriety; proseipei =; protagoras; protagorean doctrine; protarchus; province; prô =; pseu =; pseudei =; psuchê =; psuchê\n; psychological; pulchrum; pupils; pure; purpose; puzzle; pôn; qu'il; qualification; quality; quam; quand; question; qui; quid; quod; r(ou =; ratiocinative; rational; reach; reader; reading; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; rectitude; reference; reflection; refutation; regard; region; rein; relation; relative; relativity; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; renan; replies; reply; reproach; republic; research; resemblance; respecting; respondent; rest; result; review; rhetoric; rhetors; ridicule; ridiculous; right; road; rotation; rules; s te; sai; sake; sameness; sans; sas; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; saying; scale; scheme; schleiermacher; schol; scholia; schriften; schwegler; science; scientific; search; second; sect; seeing; sei; sein; seis; select; self; sensations; sense; sensible; sensual; sentiment; separate; separation; seq; series; set; sets; seventh; sextus; seôs; shows; sides; significant; signification; similar; simple; simplikius; single; singular; sitting; sixth; skill; skopei =; small; socher; social; society; soi; sokrates; sokratic; solution; sont; sophist; sophistês; sort; soul; sounds; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; specimen; speculative; speech; spirit; spoken; spontaneous; spurious; stages; stallbaum; standard; stands; state; statement; statesman; steersman; steinhart; step; stimulating; stimulus; stoichei =; strange; striking; strong; stuart; study; stô|; subdivision; subject; subordinate; subsequent; substance; substantive; subtle; subtleties; subtlety; successive; sudden; suffering; suffers; sufficient; suitable; sujet; summum; sunt; superior; superiority; supposes; supposition; sweet; syllables; symposion; system; systematic; sô =; sôkra; tai =; taking; talk; task; taste; tau =; tau)to\n; teachers; teaching; technô =; temperance; terms; teron; testimony; testing; text; thei; theories; theorising; theorists; theory; theætêtus; thing; thinking; thos; thought; thrasymachus; thucydides; ti/; time; timæus; tina\; title; to\; to\ mê\; to\n; toi =; toiau; tois; topics; total; totum; tou =; tou\s; touch; toujours; tous; tout; toutes; trace; traditional; training; transcendental; transient; transition; treatise; treatment; true; true opinion; truth; turn; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; têtos; tô =; tôn; u(po\; ueber; ueberweg; ulterior; ultimate; unanimity; unchangeable; understanding; une; unity; universal; unjust; unknown; unlike; unmixed; unsolved; unum; unum non; unworthy; useful; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variable; variance; varieties; variety; vehement; vein; verb; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vol; vulgar; want; way; ways; white; william; wine; wisdom; wise; wishes; words; work; working; world; worst; writer; writing; written; wrong; xenophon; xenophontic; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zesthai; zum; zê =; zêtei =; zêtô =; zôn; ê(dona\s; ê(donê =; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê(mô =; ê)/dê; ê)=n; ê)\; être; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)=
- versions: original; plain text
- 40438
- author: Grote, George
- title: Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates, 3rd ed. Volume 4
- date: None
- words: 255044
- flesch: 64
- summary: Demiurgus, opposed to [Greek: i)diô/tês], ii. 272 _n._; of kosmos, iii. 265 _n._; postulated, iv. 220; is not a creator, _ib._; produces kosmos, by persuading Necessity, _ib._, 222; on pattern of ideas, 227; evolved the four elements from primordial chaos, 240; addresses generated gods, 233; prepares for man's construction, places a soul in each star, _ib._; conjoins three souls and one body, 234; how conceived by other philosophers of same century, 254; little noticed in Aristotle, 255; degeneracy of man originally intended by, 263. Demochares, law against philosophers, i. 111 _n._ Democracy, least bad of unscientific governments, iii. 270, 278; origin, iv. 80; monarchy and, the _mother-polities_, 312; dissent of Aristotle, _ib._ _n._; Plato's second ideal state a compromise of oligarchy and, 333, 337. Demokritus, life and travels, i. 65; Plato's antipathy to, 66 _n._, 82 _n._, ii. 118, iv. 355 _n._; often mentioned in Aristotle, _ib._; opinions of ancients on, i. 82 _n._; his universality, 82; relation to Parmenidean theory, 66; plena and vacua, ens and non-ens, 67, iii. 243 _n._; his absolute and relative, i. 71, 80; atoms differ only in magnitude, figure, position, and arrangement, 69; different from Plato's Idea, and Aristotle's _materia prima_, 72; not really objects of sense, _ib._ _n._; inherent force, 73; his ultimatum, the course of nature, _ib._; primary and secondary qualities, iv. ; early relations with Sokrates, 248; service as a citizen and soldier, 249; political life, 251; political changes in Greece during life, 1; travels alter death of Sokrates, 253; permanently established at Athens, 254; teaches at the Academy, _ib._; received presents, not fees, iii. 218 _n._; his pupils, numerous, wealthy, and from different cities, i. 255; many subsequently politicians, 261 _n._; Eudoxus, 255; Aristotle, 260; Demosthenes, 261 _n._; visits the younger Dionysius, 258, 351, 194 _n._; relations with Dionysius, 255; disappointments, 280; varying relations with Isokrates, ii. 331 _n._, iii. 35; his jealousy and love of supremacy, i. 117 _n._, 153 _n._; alleged ill-nature, 117 _n._; antipathy to Antisthenes, 151, 152 _n._, 165; alleged enmity between Xenophon and, iii. 22 _n._, iv. 146 _n._, 312 _n._; rivalry with Lysias, iii. 408, 410 _n._, 411 _n._; death, i. 200; Plato and Aristotle represent pure Hellenic philosophy, _xiv_; St. Jerome on, _xv_; criticism on early Greek philosophy, 87 _n._; relation to predecessors, 91; theories in circulation in his time, _ib._; Parmenidês and Pythagoras supplied basis for, 89; relation to Sokrates, 344 _n._, ii. 303; Pythagoreanism, i. 10 _n._, 15 _n._, 87, 344 _n._, 346 _n._, 347, 349 _n._, ii. 426 _n._, iii. 368, iv. 424 _n._; Herakleitus, i. 27, ii. 30; Demokritus, i. 66 _n._, 82 _n._, iv. 355 _
- keywords: 107; 111; 112; 118; 119; 127; 128; 138; 143; 151; 157; 168; 173; 178; 181; 189; 195; 197; 198; 202; 237; 263; 268; 276; 304; 305; 307; 308; 311; 313; 316; 325; 335; 338; 343; 353; 359; 367; 378; 382; 383; 386; 387; 404; 417; 429; 432; 433; = llon; = nai; = ntai; = s; = sa; = sai; = san; = sin; = sthai; = thos; = ton; a(/ma; a(martê; a)/llôn; a)/ra; a)\n; a)dikei =; a)dikê; a)ei\; a)gathou=; a)gathô =; a)kou; a)ll; a)na; a)ndrô =; a)nthrô; a)rchê =; a)retê; a)ri; absence; absolute; abstract; abstraction; abuse; accomplished; account; accredited; acquisition; acting; action; active; acts; actual; address; adeimantus; admiration; admission; admits; advanced; advantages; advice; affairs; affirmative; affirms; age; agencies; agency; agent; agreeable; agreement; ai)ti; aid; aim; air; alexandrine; alkibiadês; alleged; ambition; ambitious; analogies; analogous; analogy; analysis; anaxagoras; ancient; animals; answer; antecedent; anterior; antipathy; antiquity; antisthenes; antithesis; anxiety; anxious; apollo; apollonia; apology; appeal; appearance; appetite; applicable; application; applied; appropriate; approved; aptitude; argos; argument; aristippus; aristophanes; aristotel; aristotle; arithmetic; arms; arrangements; article; artisans; assertion; assumed; assumption; astronomical; astronomy; athenian; athens; athênê; attainment; attempt; attention; attic; attributes; au)=; au)toi =; au)tô =; audience; authenticity; authorities; authority; authors; auxiliaries; aversion; bad; basis; battle; beautiful; beauty; beginning; behaviour; belief; belong; beneficial; benefit; best; better; birds; births; blame; blood; board; bodies; bodily; body; boeckh; bonum; book; boys; branch; business; c. plato; canon; capable; capital; care; carrying; case; causes; cave; celestial; censorship; censure; central; centre; century; ceremonies; certain; change; chaos; chapter; character; characteristic; charmidês; chiefs; childhood; children; choice; choric; chorus; chrê\; cicero; circle; circular; circumstances; cities; citizens; city; civil; claims; class; classes; classification; clear; close; cognition; coincidence; coincides; collective; colony; combination; combined; comfort; command; commentators; common; commonwealth; communion; communism; communities; community; companions; comparative; compare plato; compared; comparison; competent; complete; compositions; conception; conclusion; concrete; condition; conduct; conjunction; connected; consciousness; consecrated; consequences; consequent; considerable; constant; constituent; constituted; constitution; construction; consummation; contemplated; contemplation; contemporaries; contemporary; contempt; continued; continuous; contradiction; contrary; contrast; controul; convinced; copy; correct; correlation; corresponding; corruption; council; counter; countrymen; couples; courage; course; court; craftsman; cranium; creed; crimes; criticism; critics; cross; curious; current; customs; cyropædia; cyrus; damage; dancing; danger; dangerous; das; date; day; daylight; days; dealing; death; debate; declaration; declared; defect; defective; defence; definite; definition; degenerate; degree; dei=; delight; delphian; demiurgus; democracy; democratical; demokritus; demos; demosthenes; department; derivation; description; desires; despot; despotic; despotism; detail; determine; determining; developed; development; dia\; dialectic; dialectician; dialogues; didactic; differences; different; difficult; difficulties; dignified; dignity; dikaiosu; dikastery; dikasts; diogenes; direct; direction; discharge; discipline; discord; discourse; discussion; diseases; displeasure; dispositions; disputes; dissent; dissenter; distemper; distinct; distinction; distinguished; distribution; diverse; diversity; divine; division; doctrine; dogmas; dokei =; double; doubt; dramatic; dreams; drill; drink; drunkenness; duties; duty; dæmon; dê\; e(/kaston; e(/neka; e(ka; e)a; e)gô\; e)k; e)kei; e)n; e)nanti; e)pi\; e)pistê; e)sti; e)the; e)x; earlier; earliest; early; earth; easy; edition; education; effect; efficacy; effort; egyptian; ei)/te; ei)/ê; ei)=nai; ei)ko; ei)pei =; ei)s; ein; elaborate; elders; elements; elenchus; emotional; emotions; empedokles; end; endurance; enemies; energetic; energy; enters; entire; epic; epikurus; epinomis; equal; equivalent; eros; erroneous; essence; essential; established; esteem; estimation; eternal; ethical; ethics; eu)=; euripides; euthydêmus; euthyphron; evidence; evil; exact; exalted; examination; example; excellence; excess; exclusive; exercise; exhibit; exhibitions; exhortation; existence; existent; existing; experience; expert; explanation; express; extent; extreme; eyes; fact; failure; faith; fallacies; false; falsehood; families; family; fancy; farther; fathers; fault; favour; fear; feature; feeling; fellow; female; festivals; fictions; fifth; figures; final; fine; fire; fit; fixed; following; follows; food; footnote; forbidden; forbids; force; foreign; form; formal; forward; foundation; fourth; fractions; fragment; free; freedom; freeman; frequent; friends; friendship; function; fundamental; future; gain; galen; gein; general; generated; generation; generic; genesis; genius; gentle; genuine; geometrical; geometry; gignome; girls; giving; gkê; glaukon; gnetai; gods; gold; gone; good; good man; goodness; gorgias; gos; governing; government; grades; grave; gravest; great; greater; greatest; grecian; greece; greek; ground; growth; guardians; guilty; gunai =; gunaikô =; gymnastic; gôn; habits; hades; half; hand; happiest; happiness; happy; hard; harmony; hatred; head; health; hearing; heart; hellenic; herakleitus; heresy; heretics; hermann; herodotus; heroes; hesiod; higher; highest; hippias; hippokrates; hippolytus; historical; history; hobbes; hold; homer; homicide; homilies; homo; honourable; house; human; hunting; hurt; hymns; hypothesis; i)de; i)di; i. 2; i. p.; i. pp; ideas; identical; idéal; ignorance; ignorant; iii; iliad; illustrated; illustration; images; imagination; imitation; immediate; immortal; immortality; imperfect; impiety; important; impulse; inconsistent; increase; independent; indeterminate; indispensable; individual; individual man; indivisible; infallible; inference; inferior; infinite; influence; information; inherent; injustice; insists; inspiration; instance; institutions; instructive; instruments; intellectual; intelligence; intelligible; intended; intense; intercourse; interest; interesting; interference; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intimates; intrinsic; introduction; invasion; ionic; irregular; irresistible; issue; jealousy; jews; judges; judgment; judicial; justice; kai\; kakô =; kalô =; kata\; kath; kings; knowing; knowledge; known; kosmical; kosmos; kratylus; kretan; krete; kritias; kronus; kühn; labei =; labour; lachês; land; language; large; lawgiver; laws; leading; leave; lectures; left; legal; legends; leges; legg; legibus; legislation; legitimate; length; letters; leôs; liable; liberty; library; life; like; likely; limited; limits; lista; literary; little; lives; logical; long; longer; lost; lot; lots; lous; love; lowest; lucretius; lykurgus; lysias; ma =; magistrates; magnêtic; main; maintenance; majority; making; males; malthus; man; manifestations; mankind; manner; marked; marriage; married; martin; masters; mata; material; matter; maximum; me\n; meaning; means; measure; medical; megarics; megi; melêtus; members; memorab; memory; men; mena; menexenus; menon; mensura; mental; mention; mere; merit; mess; messênê; metaphor; metempsychosis; metha; method; metics; military; mill; mind; minimum; mischief; mischievous; misconduct; miserable; misery; mistake; mixture; moderate; modern; modes; moi; money; month; moon; moral; mother; motive; movements; mu =; multitude; music; musical; mutual; mythe; mê\; mê\n; môn; n kai\; n te; n. i.; n. index; names; narratives; narrow; natural; nature; near; necessary; necessity; need; negative; neglect; nein; new; nocturnal; nois; nomophylakes; non; nos; notice; nou =; nourishment; nous; noway; ntas; ntes; ntôn; ntôs; nu =; number; numerous; nurses; nên; nês; nôn; nô|; o(/pôs; o(/sa; o(/tan; o(/ti; o(\; o(rô =; o)/nta; o)rthô =; obedience; object; objections; objective; obligation; observation; occasions; occupations; offence; offspring; oi(=on; old; oligarchical; oligarchy; onerous; open; opinion; opponents; opposed; opposite; oracle; order; ordinary; organism; organs; origin; original; orthodoxy; ou(/tôs; ou)/te; ou)=n; ou)ch; ou)damô =; ou)de\n; ou)dei\s; ou)k; ou)kou =; ou)si; outer; outline; pa =; pain; painful; para\; parallel; paramount; parents; parmenidês; partial; particular; parties; parts; passage; passion; past; peculiar; penalties; penalty; people; peremptory; perfect; perfection; performance; peri\; period; permanent; perpetual; persian; personal; persons; persuasion; phai; phenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; philêbus; phrase; phu; physical; physician; physics; physiology; phædon; phædrus; picture; place; planets; plato; platonic; platonic republic; platonic sokrates; pleasurable; pleasure; plei; plutarch; plê =; poetical; poetry; poets; poiei =; point; point plato; politei; political; politics; politikus; polity; pollô =; poor; popular; population; portions; position; positive; possess; possible; pote; pou; poverty; power; powerful; practical; practice; praise; prayer; precautions; precepts; preliminary; premisses; prescribed; present; president; prevalent; previous; priests; primary; primitive; primordial; principal; principle; prior; private; privilege; prizes; pro\s; probability; probable; problem; procedure; proceedings; proceeds; process; proclaimed; procreation; produce; professes; professional; profitable; prohibition; project; prologues; pronounced; proof; properties; property; proportion; propositions; prose; protagoras; proved; provision; proëm; prudence; prô =; psuchê =; punishment; pure; purity; purpose; pythagorean; pôn; qualified; qualities; quam; quarrel; question; qui; quod; quæ; race; rational; ready; real; realities; reality; reason; reasonable; reasoning; received; receiving; reciprocity; recognise; rectitude; reference; regard; region; regular; regularity; regulated; regulations; relation; relative; relativity; religion; religious; remarkable; remarks; reminiscence; replenishment; replies; reply; representations; republic; repugnance; repulsive; reputation; respecting; rest; restrictions; results; return; revolution; rhetoric; rhythm; rich; right; rotations; rotatory; rulers; ruling; rôn; s te; s.v; sacred; sacrifice; satisfaction; satisfactory; satisfied; scale; scenery; scheme; schleiermacher; school; science; scientific; search; seat; second; secondary; sections; security; sei; seis; select; self; sensation; sense; sensible; sentence; sentiment; separate; service; set; sets; severe; sexes; sexual; seôn; seôs; shadows; showing; sickness; silver; similar; simonides; simple; single; slave; slavery; small; sober; social; societies; society; sokrates; sokratic; soldiers; solid; solon; solution; songs; sophists; sort; soul; sound; source; sparta; spartans; speaker; speaking; special; species; specific; speculative; speech; sphere; spirit; spiritual; spite; stages; stallbaum; standard; standing; stars; state; statement; steersman; steps; stimulus; stories; strabo; strangers; strength; strict; striking; strong; stronger; structure; studies; study; style; su\; subject; subordinate; subordination; subsequent; substance; succession; suffering; sufficient; suitable; sun; superintendence; superior; supervision; supply; support; supposed; supreme; sympathy; symposion; syssitia; system; systematic; sês; sôkra; ta\; ta\s; tai =; task; taste; tata; tau =; te kai\; teachers; teaching; temperance; temples; temporary; temptations; tendency; tender; tenth; tera; terms; teron; terrible; territory; testimony; theft; thei; theo\s; theological; theology; theophrastus; theories; theory; theætêtus; theô =; things; thought; thrasymachus; thê; ti/; time; timæus; title; to\; to\n; toi =; toiou =; tois; tone; topics; total; tou =; tou\s; tous; tradition; training; treatise; treatment; trial; triangles; tribe; tripartite; triple; true; trust; truth; ttein; tugcha; type; tê =; tê\n; tên; tês; tô =; tôn; u(mi =; u(po\; u(pothe; ulterior; unchangeable; understand; unfit; uniform; universal; universe; unjust; unjust man; unknown; unsolved; unworthy; useful; usefulness; useless; usual; v. p.; valuable; value; variance; varieties; variety; vast; vein; view; vii; viii; violent; virtue; virtuous; visible; vision; voice; vol; voluntary; votes; wants; war; watch; water; way; ways; weak; wicked; wife; wine; wisdom; wise; wish; witnesses; women; words; work; working; world; worse; worship; worthless; wounds; wrong; x. p.; xenophanes; xenophon; xenophontic; xii; years; young; younger; youth; youthful; zein; zeller; zeno; zeus; zê =; zêtei =; zô =; æschylus; æsthetical; ê(ma =; ê(mi =; ê)=n; ê)\; ô(/sper; ô(/ste; ô(=n; ô(s; ô)=
- versions: original; plain text
- 785
- author: Lucretius Carus, Titus
- title: On the Nature of Things
- date: None
- words: 75181
- flesch: 70
- summary: Thus, too, in other things, Whilst many germs common to many things There are, yet they, combined among themselves, Can form new wholes to others quite unlike. Thus easier 'tis to hold that many things Have primal bodies in common (as we see The single letters common to many words)
- keywords: abide; able; accord; account; acheron; aeons; afar; affairs; air; alien; amain; anew; arms; athrough; atoms; bane; battle; beams; beasts; begot; beneath; big; billows; birds; birth; bitter; black; blood; blows; bodies; body; bones; borne; brass; breast; breathing; breed; bright; bulk; burst; canst; care; cause; centre; certain; change; chief; children; clear; clouds; coasts; cold; colour; common; confess; constellations; corporeal; course; create; creatures; dark; day; days; death; deep; degree; delight; depart; desire; disease; divers; divine; dominion; doth; doubt; downward; draws; dread; drops; eager; ears; earth; easy; elements; end; energy; entire; equal; ere; eternal; ether; everlasting; evermore; exhalations; eyes; face; fact; fall; far; fashioned; fear; feel; feeling; feet; feign; fields; fierce; fiery; films; find; fire; fit; fixed; flames; flee; flesh; flocks; flow; flower; flying; folk; food; foot; force; form; forsooth; forth; forthwith; forward; foul; frame; free; fury; gaze; gendered; generations; germs; glass; glory; gods; going; gold; gone; good; goodly; great; half; hand; haply; hard; hast; hath; head; headlong; heat; heaven; heavy; high; hills; hold; hollow; holy; hot; hour; house; hue; huge; human; icy; idol; images; immortal; inane; increase; infinite; innumerable; inside; instant; intellect; iron; joy; keen; kind; know; lands; large; law; lead; leap; leaves; left; length; lest; level; life; light; like; limbs; lips; liquid; little; live; living; lofty; long; longer; look; love; man; manifest; mankind; manner; mark; marvel; mass; matter; mayst; means; meet; members; memmius; men; mere; mighty; mind; mirror; modes; moisture; moment; moon; mortal; mortality; mother; motions; mountain; mouth; nature; naught; nay; ne'er; need; new; nigh; nostrils; note; nowise; number; o'er; objects; ocean; odour; oft; old; onward; open; order; outside; outward; pain; particles; parts; pass; paths; percase; perceive; perchance; perish; place; plains; point; poison; pores; pour; power; primal; primordial; proof; proper; race; rains; ramparts; rays; ready; realms; reason; regions; religion; remains; rest; return; river; rocks; roll; room; roots; round; roused; salt; savage; save; saw; scarce; sea; seas; seasons; seeds; self; sensation; sense; serene; set; shaken; shapes; shores; shut; sides; signs; single; skiey; sky; sleep; small; smite; smoke; smooth; soever; soft; solid; sort; soul; sounds; space; speed; spot; spread; spring; stands; stars; state; step; stock; stone; straight; strange; streams; strength; stroke; strong; strook; stuff; subtle; sudden; sum; sun; supreme; sure; sweet; swift; tale; teeth; terror; thas; thee; thews; thine; things; thither; thou; thought; throat; throng; thunderbolt; thuswise; time; tis; toil; tongue; touch; trees; true; truth; turn; twain; twas; union; unlike; vain; varied; vast; vaults; veins; venus; view; viewless; vision; vital; voice; void; walls; waste; water; waves; wax; way; ways; weight; wet; whate'er; whatso; whirl; white; wide; wild; wilt; winds; winged; wise; withdrawn; woman; wood; words; work; world; wrath; year; yield; yonder; young
- versions: original; plain text