item: #1 of 14 id: A24159 author: Accademia del cimento (Florence, Italy) title: Essayes of natural experiments made in the Academie del cimento, under the protection of the Most Serene Prince Leopold of Tuscany / written in Italian by the secretary of that academy ; Englished by Richard Waller ... date: 1684 words: 51973 flesch: 54 summary: Of Freezing the Dew upon the outsides of Glasses 102 Of Reflected Cold 103 Experiments about the alteration of the size of Vessels , &c. by heat & cold , 104 That the Vessel alters before the Liquor contained 105 Of the Alteration of a Brass Ring by heating in the fire 107 Of Bodies dilated by imbibing Moisture 108 Of the Dilating and Contracting of Glass by heat and cold 109 Of the same in Tinn 110 In Brass Wires 111 The same proved by a different Observable 112 That a Vessel also may be distended by Weight 113 Experiments about the Compression of Water 114 &c. Experiments against positive Levity . Experiments To know , if Water dilates it self in Freezing . keywords: a24159; abatement; abc; able; academy; accidents; air; air p.; airs; alteration; amber; animals; armoniac; artificial; ball; beak; best; bladder; bodies; body; box; brac; brass; broken; bubbles; bulk; burst; cane; capable; capacity; cause; cement; certain; cilinder; clear; close; cold; common; compression; concave; contact; contrary; cover; covered; cristal; curious; dead; deg; degree; diff; different; distance; divers; divided; drops; earth; effect; end; equal; exact; experiment; external; external air; eye; fall; fig; figure; fill'd; filling; fine; finger; fire; fish; flame; fluids; foot; force; freeze; freezing; frozen; galileo; glaciat; glass; glass cane; glass vessel; glasses; gold; great; greater; greatest; half; hand; hard; heat; heated; higher; highness; hole; hollow; hot; hot water; hour; ice; immers; immersion; inches; instrument; iron; known; large; lead; length; lens; lesser; level; levity; light; lighter; like; liquors; little; little air; long; lower; magnet; making; manifest; manner; mark; means; measure; mercurial; mercury; metal; mind; minutes; mixture; moisture; motion; mouth; natural; nature; near; neck; needle; new; notes; observable; observation; onely; open; oyl; parts; passage; pendulum; perpendicular; piece; place; point; possible; powder; pressure; probable; proportion; quantity; quick; raising; rarefaction; reason; remounting; respect; rest; return; rise; rose; round; said; salt; scarce; screw; sealed; second; self; sensible; set; shew; short; sides; silver; simple; size; small; snow; sounds; space; spirit; spring; stagnant; state; steel; stone; stop; strange; strong; subside; superficies; tab; tartar; tcp; temperament; text; thereof; thereto; thermometer; thickness; thin; things; thought; thread; time; tincture; touch; true; truth; tryed; tube; unable; upper; use; usual; vacuo; vacuum; velocity; vessel; vibrations; vinegar; virtue; vitriol; void; water; way; weight; white; wind; wine; work cache: A24159.xml plain text: A24159.txt item: #2 of 14 id: A28949 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and weight of the air and their effects. The I. part whereto is annext a short discourse of the atmospheres of consistent bodies / written by way of letter to the right honourable the Lord Clifford and Dungarvan by the honourable Robert Boyle ... date: 1669 words: 79546 flesch: 36 summary: All these things being done , and the handle of the Rammer being tied to the Turning-key of a capp'd Receiver , the Syringe and its Pedestal were inclosed in a capacious Receiver , ( for none but such a one could contain them , and give scope for the Rammers motions , ) and the Pump being set on worke , we did , after some quantity of Air was drawn out , raise the Sucker a litle by the help of the Turning-key , and then turning the same Key the contrary way we suffer'd the Weight to depress the Sucker , that we might see at what rate the Feather would be blown up ; and finding that it was impell'd forceably enough , we caus'd the pumping to be so continued , that a pretty many pauses were made , during each of which we rais'd and depress'd the Sucker as before , and had the opportunity to observe , That as the Receiver was more and more exhausted of the Air , so the Feather was less and less briskly driven up , till at length , when the Receiver was well emptied , the usual elevations and depressions of the Sucker would not blow it up at all that I could perceive , though they were far more frequently repeated than ever before ; nor was I content to look heedfully my self , but I made one whom I had often imploy'd about Pneumatical Experiments to watch attentively , whilst I drew up , and let down the Sucker , but he affirm'd that he could not discern the least beginning of Ascension in the Feather . I hope , that to such Readers as the following Papers are principally intended for , I shall not need to make an Apology either for the Plainenesse of my Style , ( wherein I aim'd at Perspicuity , not Eloquence , ) or for my not having adorn'd or stufft this Treatise with Authorities or Sentences of Classick Authors , which I had neither the leisure to seek , nor thought I had any great need to imploy , though it had been far more easie then perhaps it would have proved , to borrow from them things that would have been very proper to a Treatise where my main Design was , to make out by practicable Experiments divers things among other that have not hitherto been advantaged by that way of Probation , nor perchance thought very capable of it ; so that I shall have obtained a great part of what I aim'd at , if I have shewn , that those very Phaenomena , which the School-Philosophers , and their party urge , and sometimes triumph in , as clear Proofs of Natures abhorrency of a Vacuum , may be not onely explicated , but actually exhibited , some by the Gravity , and some also by the bare Spring of the Air. Which Latter I now mention as a distinct thing from the other , not that I think it is actually separated in these Tryals , ( since the Weight of the upper parts of the Air does , if I may so speak , bend the Springs of the lower , ) but because that having in the already published Experiments , and even in some of These , manifested the Efficacy of the Airs gravitation on Bodies , I thought fit to make it my Task in many of These , to shew , that most of the same things that are done by the Pressure of all the superincumbent Atmosphere acting as a VVeight , may be likewise performed by the Pressure of a small portion of Air , included indeed ( but without any new Compression ) acting as a Spring . keywords: able; account; aerial; air; appear'd; ascension; atmosphere; attempt; bare; barometer; baroscope; barrel; basis; bellows; better; betwixt; bigness; bladder; blown; bodies; body; bottle; brass; breaking; broad; broken; bubbles; capable; care; cases; caus'd; cause; cavity; cement; certain; circumstances; close; cock; common; common air; conjecture; considerable; continuation; continued; contrivance; convenient; corpuscles; cover; cupping; curiosity; cylinder; cylindrical; degrees; deprest; design'd; diameter; difference; differing; difficult; distance; divers; doctrine; easie; electrical; elevated; ends; engine; equal; estimate; exhausted; exhausted receiver; expansion; experiment; external air; exuction; fall; fasten'd; feather; figure; fill'd; fire; fit; flame; flat; following; foot; force; foregoing; free; fuga; gage; glass; glasses; good; grains; gravities; gravity; great; greater; half; hand; hard; heat; heavy; heights; help; higher; hill; hitherto; hold; hole; hoop; hypothesis; imploy'd; inches; ingenious; insert; inside; instrument; internal; iron; key; kind; large; leak; learned; left; leg; length; lesser; light; like; liquor; litle; litle air; long; longer; loose; lordship; lower; making; manifest; manner; mark; matter; means; measure; mechanical; mention; mention'd; mercurial; mercury; metal; metalline; miles; motion; mountains; nature; near; necessary; neck; need; new; notes; notice; number; observations; occasion; onely; ones; open; operation; opinion; opportunity; order; ordinary; orifice; ounces; outward air; pair; particles; particular; parts; passage; phaenomenon; piece; pillar; pipe; plac'd; places; plate; plug; ponderous; pound; present; pressure; pretty; produc'd; proportion; propos'd; pump; pump'd; pumping; purpose; quantity; quick; rais'd; raise; raising; rarified; reason; receiver; related; requisite; resistance; rest; room; salt; scarce; sea; second; self; sensible; set; shap'd; shape; shewing; shorter; sides; silver; siphon; slender; small; solid; sort; specifick; spirit; spring; square; stagnant; stagnant mercury; stanch; stead; steams; stop; strong; success; sucker; suction; sufficient; superficies; surface; sustain'd; syringe; thick; thing; time; torricellian; torricellian experiment; trial; true; tryals; tube; turning; upper; use; vacui; vacuum; vessel; viol; vvas; vve; vvhich; want; water; way; wayes; weight; whereof; withdrawn; wood; work cache: A28949.xml plain text: A28949.txt item: #3 of 14 id: A28956 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: A defence of the doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air propos'd by Mr. R. Boyle in his new physico-mechanical experiments, against the objections of Franciscus Linus ; wherewith the objector's funicular hypothesis is also examin'd, by the author of those experiments. date: 1662 words: 47729 flesch: 49 summary: Air -- Early works to 1800. And this Explication may be confirm'd by this trial that I have purposely made , namely , that if in stead of Quicksilver you employ Water , and leave as before in the Tube an Inch of Air , and then inverting it , open it under Water , you will perceive the included Inch of Air not to dilate it selfe any thing near ( for I need not here define the Proportion ) keywords: able; account; adhesion; adversaries; adversary; aequilibrium; air; ambient air; answer; aqua; argento; argentum; argument; aristotelean; atmosphere; atmospherical; author; aër; aëre; aëris; better; betwixt; bladder; bodies; body; book; boyle; breaking; broken; bubbles; capable; case; cavity; certain; chapter; circle; clear; close; cold; common; comprest; comprest air; condensation; considerable; contiguous; contraction; contrary; controversie; corporeal; corpuscles; cum; cylinder; debilitated; defence; demand; deorsum; descending; descent; deserted; diameter; differing; difficulties; difficulty; dilatation; dimensions; discourse; distended; divers; doctrine; doth; doubt; draw; easie; effect; elaterium; endeavour; english; enim; eodem; equal; etiam; examin'd; examiner; exhausted; exhaustion; expansion; experiment; explication; extended; extension; external air; fall; far; fill; finger; fit; flame; fluid; following; foot; force; forcibly; fourth; franciscus; free air; funicular; funiculus; glass; globe; good; great; greater; gun; half; hath; having; heat; high; higher; hill; hinc; hoc; hold; hujusmodi; hypothesis; ibid; ibidem; illam; ille; illud; impossible; inches; included; included air; incumbent air; indivisible; ingenious; instance; intelligible; internal; inward; jam; kind; leads; learned; leg; length; light; like; line; linus; liquor; little; loco; long; longer; lower; making; manifest; manner; marbles; matter; means; mechanical; mention; mention'd; mercurial; mercury; modo; monsieur; motion; nam; nature; necessary; need; new; non; notice; number; objected; objections; observations; occasion; onely; open; opinion; orifice; ought; outward air; pag; page; parcel; particles; particular; parts; passages; peculiar; phaenomena; piece; pillar; pipe; place; point; pores; powder; present; pressure; principles; prius; probable; propos'd; pulp; purpose; quam; quicksilver; quod; quoque; rarefaction; rarefi'd air; rarefied; rarefied air; reader; reason; receiver; recourse; reduc'd; resistance; restagnant; room; said; sayes; scarce; second; sed; seeing; self; sense; set; shew; shorter; shut; sic; sides; sit; slender; small; space; spring; station; stick; strange; strings; strong; subject; substance; suck'd; sucker; sufficient; superficies; surface; tam; tcp; text; thing; thrust; time; torricellian; torricellian experiment; touch; treatise; true; truth; tryals; tube; tubo; upper; use; uti; vacuists; vacuities; vacuum; vessel; vial; violently; viz; water; way; weather; weight; willing; wonder; wonted; words; writings cache: A28956.xml plain text: A28956.txt item: #4 of 14 id: A28966 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: The excellency of theology compar'd with natural philosophy (as both are objects of men's study) / discours'd of in a letter to a friend by T.H.R.B.E. ... ; to which are annex'd some occasional thouhts about the excellency and grounds of the mechanical hypothesis / by the same author. date: 1674 words: 55401 flesch: 43 summary: And though the Investigation and clear establishment of the true Principles of Philosophy , and the devising the Instruments of Knowledge , be things that may be allowed to be the proper work of sublimer Wits ; yet , if a man be furnish'd with such assistances , 't is not every Discourse that he makes , or thing which he does by the help of them , that is difficult enough to raise him to that illustrious rank . And , upon the same score , it ought not to seem strange , that he has not mention'd some late Discoveries and Books that might have been pertinently taken notice of , and would well have accommodated some parts of his Discourse ; since things that may thus seem to have been omitted , are of too recent a Date to have been known to him when He writ . keywords: able; account; admirable; advantage; affections; agents; ages; angels; animals; answer; appear; aristotle; articles; astronomers; attributes; author; bare; beginning; beings; benefits; best; better; betwixt; bodies; body; book; bulk; capable; cartes; cases; cause; celestial; certainty; chief; christians; chymists; circumstances; clearness; common; comparison; concern; condition; consider'd; considerable; consideration; contemplation; content; corporeal; corpuscles; creatures; credit; critical; curiosity; curious; day; deal; death; deity; delightfulness; des; design; desire; differing; difficult; discourse; discover'd; discoveries; discovery; distinct; divers; divine; divinity; doctrine; doubt; duration; duty; earth; easie; effects; eminent; employ'd; english; epicurus; esteem; excellencies; excellent; exercise; experience; experiments; eyes; faculties; famous; far; farther; favour; fear; felicity; fire; fit; following; forms; frame; free; friend; general; globe; glory; god; gods; good; goodness; gospel; grant; gratitude; great; greater; greatest; hand; happiness; happy; hath; heaven; help; high; higher; honour; hope; humane; hypothesis; iij; imagine; immortal; important; inconveniences; industry; inferiour; ingenious; ingredients; inquisitive; instance; instruments; intellectual; interest; intimated; joh; judgment; kind; knowing; knowledge; laws; learned; learning; leave; left; liable; life; like; little; local; long; love; luke; maker; making; man; manifest; mankind; manner; material; matter; matth; means; measure; mechanical; meer; men; mention; mention'd; mind; modern; moral; motion; mysteries; natural; naturalist; nature; near; necessary; need; new; noble; noblest; notice; number; obedience; objects; observe; occasion; oftentimes; old; onely; ones; operations; opinion; order; ordinary; ought; papers; particular; parts; pass; passages; paul; peculiar; perfections; persons; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; physical; physicks; piece; place; pleased; pleasure; point; power; praise; present; principles; probable; produc'd; productions; proper; prophet; propos'd; providence; purpose; qualities; question; rational; reason; reduc'd; religion; remember; reputation; request; requisite; rest; revelation; right; satisfaction; saviour; scarce; schools; score; scripture; second; section; self; selves; sense; set; shape; shew; single; sir; skill; small; solomon; somewhat; sort; soul; spirits; stars; state; strange; studies; study; subject; substance; sun; sure; tcp; text; theological; theology; things; think; thoughts; time; true; truths; understanding; union; united; universal; universe; use; useful; usual; variety; vast; want; water; way; ways; wisdom; wise; wonder; works; world; worthy; writers; writings; years cache: A28966.xml plain text: A28966.txt item: #5 of 14 id: A28968 author: Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. title: Experimenta & observationes physicæ wherein are briefly treated of several subjects relating to natural philosophy in an experimental way : to which is added, a small collection of strange reports / by the Honourable Robert Boyle ... date: 1691 words: 30895 flesch: 46 summary: And first , several of the ensuing Particulars that I met with among my Papers , being parts of Essays of other Discourses , and being for hast Transcribed for the most part Verbatim , as they were couched there ; I dare hope for your excuse , if among such Transcripts you now and then meet with things , which , how pertinent soever to the Tracts they first belong'd to , might have been spared as needless , if not sometimes Forein ; also , in the new Form the Discourses are now put into ; since I could not leave out such unnecessary Clauses ( whereof yet I hope you will not find many ) without too much mutilating the coherence , or obscuring the sense of what is delivered ; and I could not alter them , and adapt others to supply their places without spending more time , and taking more Pains , than in the condition I am now in , I suppose you would be willing to condemn me to . It strongly relish'd of Iron , and a little of it being dropp'd into Infusion of Galls , it turn'd it immediately into an Inky Liquor ; part of this Solution being gently Evaporate ● , grew thick like an Extract , but did not seem dispos'd to shoot into Chrystals ; yet another part of it did precipitate with Salt of Tartar , much like a Solution of Vitriol ; and another with Spirit of fermented Urine gave a plentiful , but yellowish red , Praecipitate . keywords: account; advertisement; affirm'd; air; answer'd; appear'd; aqua; ask'd; assur'd; better; bigness; blew; bodies; body; books; broken; bulk; case; certain; change; chapters; chymical; chymists; circumstances; clear; cold; collection; colour; common; considerable; curiosity; cut; dark; days; deep; degrees; design'd; desire; diamonds; differing; dissolv'd; dissolve; divers; drops; end; english; experiment; eye; fair; fall; filings; fine; fire; fit; following; form; gems; gentleman; glass; gold; good; grain; great; greater; green; half; hand; head; heat; help; history; hot; hours; ignited; iii; imploy'd; ingenious; iron; judg'd; kind; known; large; learned; leave; left; light; like; liquor; little; loadstone; long; look'd; magnetical; manifest; mars; matter; means; medicine; menstruum; mention'd; mercury; metal; method; mineral; mixture; moon; natural; nature; necessary; needle; new; notice; number; observations; obtain'd; occasion; ones; operation; oyl; papers; particulars; parts; patients; person; philosophy; physicians; physick; pieces; place; pole; pour'd; powder; precipitate; prepar'd; preparations; present; pretty; produc'd; purpose; quantity; reason; red; reduc'd; relation; relator; reports; rest; rough; saline; salt; scholium; sea; second; self; set; silver; simple; small; solid; solution; sort; spirit; steel; stone; strange; strong; subject; substance; sulphur; tcp; text; things; tho; thought; time; tincture; title; true; try'd; tryals; turn'd; uncommon; us'd; use; useful; usual; vertue; vessel; vial; virtuoso; vitriol; want; water; way; ways; weight; whereof; white; wine; work; writings; years; yellow cache: A28968.xml plain text: A28968.txt item: #6 of 14 id: A34110 author: Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670. title: Naturall philosophie reformed by divine light, or, A synopsis of physicks by J.A. Comenius ... ; with a briefe appendix touching the diseases of the body, mind, and soul, with their generall remedies, by the same author. date: 1651 words: 58821 flesch: 70 summary: And though something of new observation be offered , yet to what purpose is it , that whole Books should therefore be written , and those new things found out so buried in things ordinary , that either a man hath no mind to enquire , what of new observation is in them , or cannot do it without tediousness of spirit and loss of time . For few Writers ( says hee ) bring any thing of their own : but onely steal , things and words , of which they make Books , &c. Which they know to be most truly spoken , who are to peruse that farrago of Books , wherewith we are yearly little less then overwhelmed . keywords: actions; air; aire; alwayes; angels; animall; animall spirit; apt; aristotle; atomes; attenuated; beginning; better; betwixt; birds; black; bladder; bloud; bodies; body; bones; books; bowels; brain; breath; burning; cause; cease; center; certain; certainty; chap; choler; clear; clouds; cold; colour; coloured; common; compound; concoction; concrete; contrary; corruption; creation; creatures; cut; day; dayes; deep; degree; density; diffused; diseases; divers; divine; doth; doubt; drops; dry; dust; earth; elements; elevated; end; english; example; exhalations; experience; eye; eyes; face; faculty; falling; fat; feaver; fiery; fire; fishes; fixed; flame; flegme; flesh; flow; flying; follow; food; force; form; formes; forth; free; generall; generation; glasse; god; good; great; greater; greatest; grosse; ground; hand; hath; head; heat; heaven; hee; herbs; highest; himselfe; holy; hot; humane; humour; ice; iii; image; imagination; inferiour; infinite; invisible; inward; iron; job; kind; knowledge; known; lastly; leaves; left; length; lesse; life; light; like; liquid; little; liver; living; living creatures; long; lower; lungs; man; manifest; manner; mans; matter; mean; melancholy; members; mercury; metals; meteors; middle; mind; minerals; mixt; moist; moment; moon; moses; motion; mountains; mouth; moving; naturall; nature; near; necessity; need; nerves; new; nourishment; number; object; occasion; oft; onely; open; opposite; order; organs; particular; parts; passage; perfect; perpetuall; philosophers; philosophy; physicks; place; plain; plants; pores; present; principles; psal; pure; qualities; quality; rainbow; rarity; reason; respect; rest; return; rough; running; said; salt; savour; scripture; sea; second; seed; seeing; self; sense; set; severall; sharp; shew; sides; skie; skin; small; soft; solid; sort; soul; sound; space; speak; species; sphear; spirit; spring; starres; stars; stones; strength; strong; stronger; substance; subterrane; subtile; sulphur; summer; sun; superficies; tcp; text; thick; things; thinner; thou; time; touch; touching; trees; true; truth; turns; understanding; universe; unlesse; vain; vapours; veins; vessels; vii; viii; virtue; visible; vitall; vitall spirit; void; vve; vvhich; vvith; water; way; wee; whatsoever; wherewith; wil; wind; wine; winter; wisdome; wood; words; work; world; xii; xiii; xiv; yea; year; yellow; ● ● cache: A34110.xml plain text: A34110.txt item: #7 of 14 id: A38619 author: Espagne, Jean d', 1591-1659. title: Enchyridion physicæ restitutæ, or, The summary of physicks recovered wherein the true harmony of nature is explained, and many errours of the ancient philosophers, by canons and certain demonstrations, are clearly evidenced and evinced. date: 1651 words: 33084 flesch: 50 summary: Notwithstanding this , he thi● shall grant Nature the honour of being the second universal Cause attending on the first , and as it wer● an instrument moved by it , and 〈◊〉 giving , according to a material order , an immediate motion to ever● thing in the world , will not spe●● what disagrees with the opinion 〈◊〉 Philosophers or Divines , who 〈◊〉 that Natura naturans : i. Nature giving nature : this , Natura naturata , Nature made nature . it is to admit a Principle that shall go counter to her intention , but her end in Generation being to obtain a Form , to which Privation is adverse , certainly this cannot be part of Natures aim : They had spoken more to the purpose , if they had made Love a principle of Nature , for the matter being widowed in its form , covets eagerly the embracing of a new . keywords: abyss; accidents; act; actings; action; air; ancient; beams; beginning; beings; betwixt; birth; bodies; body; bond; cause; celestial; centre; certain; change; clay; close; clouds; cold; common; continual; continued; contraries; contrary; copulation; corporeal; corruption; creation; creatour; creatures; darkness; day; death; degree; distance; distinguished; divers; divine; divine nature; doth; drie; earth; elementary; elements; end; essence; eternal; experience; extreams; faculties; fall; fancy; fiery; fire; flow; flowing; food; force; form; formal; fountain; frame; general; generation; glass; globe; glory; god; good; greater; guess; hath; heat; heaven; heavenly; help; hidden; higher; highest; hot; humour; image; immortal; individual; inferiour; infinite; information; informed; issue; kind; knowledge; large; laws; length; life; light; lightsom; like; long; love; lower; lowest; making; man; manner; mass; material; matrix; matter; middle; middle nature; mixed; mixt; mixture; moisture; motion; multiplication; natural; nature; nature doth; nearest; necessary; new; noble; number; onely; opinion; opposite; order; organs; original; particular; parts; perfect; perfection; philosophers; place; portion; principal; principle; priviledge; proceeds; proper; property; pure; qualities; radical; rays; reason; received; region; respect; rest; root; rule; second; secret; seed; self; senses; sensible; set; smoke; soul; spirit; spiritual; spiritual nature; spring; subject; substance; subtile; sun; superiour; supream; temperature; text; thick; things; times; true; truth; understanding; universal; universe; vapour; vegetables; virtue; viz; void; volatile; water; watry; way; whatsoever; wit; womb; work; world; yea cache: A38619.xml plain text: A38619.txt item: #8 of 14 id: A43983 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Decameron physiologicum, or, Ten dialogues of natural philosophy by Thomas Hobbes ... ; to which is added The proportion of a straight line to half the arc of a quadrant, by the same author. date: 1678 words: 32550 flesch: 76 summary: But I grant , that in a space filled every where with Body , though never so Fluid , if you give Motion to any part thereof , that Motion will by resistance of the parts moved , grow less and less , and at last cease ; but if you suppose the space utterly void , and nothing in it , then whatsoever is once moved shall go on eternally : Or else that which you have granted is not true , viz. For Bodies that are but Contiguous , with any little force are parted ; but by this compounded Motion ( because every point of the body makes an equal Line in equal time , and every Line crosses all the rest ) one part cannot be separated from another , without disturbing the Motion of all the other parts at once . keywords: a. a.; aequinoctial; air; angle; annual; annual motion; arc; arch; author; bason; bodies; body; cap; cause; centre; certain; circle; cold; common; compounded; contrary; copernicus; creatures; deg; degree; diameter; difference; distance; doubt; downward; draw; earth; east; ecliptick; effect; endeavour; equal; evident; experience; experiment; fall; fancy; figure; fire; fluid; force; glass; globe; god; gravity; great; greater; half; hard; hardness; hath; heat; heavie; heavy; horizontal; hot; ice; impossible; iron; light; like; line; little; living; loadstone; london; long; magnet; magnetical; man; manifest; mean; men; min; moon; motion; movent; natural; nature; needle; north; onely; opinion; parallel; parts; philosophers; philosophy; place; plain; point; poles; question; quicksilver; reason; refraction; resistance; rise; saith; sea; self; set; shall; sides; soft; south; sphere; spherical; stars; straight; stream; substance; sun; suns; superficies; suppose; tcp; text; thing; time; touch; transparent; true; turn; vacuum; variation; vertue; vessel; water; way; weight; west; whereof; wind; wonder; wood; work; world; year cache: A43983.xml plain text: A43983.txt item: #9 of 14 id: A44011 author: Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679. title: Seven philosophical problems and two propositions of geometry by Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury ; with an apology for himself and his writings. date: 1682 words: 20057 flesch: 77 summary: B. Because as it descends , and is already in motion , it receiveth a new impression from the same cause , which is the Air , whereof as part mounteth , part also must descend , supposing as we have done the plenitude of the world . B. Suppose there be Vacuum in that Air into which the Marble you pull off is to succeed , shall there be no Vacuum in the Air that was round about the two Marbles when they touched ? Why cannot that Vacuum come into the place between ? Air cannot succeed in an instant , because a body ; and consequently cannot be moved through the least space in an instant . keywords: action; aequinoctial; air; angle; bent; bodies; body; bow; bullet; cause; center; circle; clouds; cube; cylinder; degrees; difficulty; double; earth; effect; endeavour; english; equal; fall; fire; force; geometry; glass; great; greater; gun; hard; hardness; hath; heat; hot; ice; internal; iron; light; like; line; little; load; makes; man; moon; motion; natural; nature; needs; number; oblique; parts; perpendicular; place; point; poles; problems; quick; reason; reflection; resistance; root; sea; self; set; ship; sides; silver; small; soever; south; space; square; stone; stream; sun; superficies; swiftness; tcp; text; thing; time; touch; true; vacuum; wall; water; way; weight; whereof; wind; wood; world cache: A44011.xml plain text: A44011.txt item: #10 of 14 id: A44315 author: Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703. title: An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations made by Robert Hooke ... date: 1674 words: 13956 flesch: 35 summary: An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations made by Robert Hooke ... Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703. 1674 Approx. An attempt to prove the motion of the earth from observations made by Robert Hooke ... Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703. keywords: accurateness; air; altitude; alwayes; angle; arguments; best; better; bigger; body; cell; circle; colledge; considerable; copernican; day; design; diameter; distances; doth; draco; earth; easie; ecliptick; eebo; english; eye; figure; fixt; fixt stars; foot; frame; glass; great; greater; gresham; hath; head; hitherto; inch; instruments; large; like; line; lyable; magnitude; making; means; mensurator; meridian; middle; minute; motion; naked; nature; near; necessary; north; object; observation; observed; occasion; orb; parallax; parts; perpendiculars; place; plain; point; pole; possible; refraction; riccioli; rule; said; seconds; self; sensible; small; star; subject; sun; tcp; telescope; text; things; ticho; time; true; tube; use; way; world; zenith cache: A44315.xml plain text: A44315.txt item: #11 of 14 id: A50778 author: Midgley, Robert, 1655?-1723. title: A new treatise of natural philosophy, free'd from the intricacies of the schools adorned with many curious experiments both medicinal and chymical : as also with several observations useful for the health of the body. date: 1687 words: 69812 flesch: 49 summary: Therefore , the motions of Atoms , are neither equal nor every where alike , but they do vary according to the diversity of Bodies whereby they are driven , or as the figures of them are more or less fitted for motion , or otherwise , according to the proportion of Vacuities , which are dispersed in bodies ; So that some Atoms are moved quicker , and others slower , not because some are heavier than others , but because they are driven backwards and forwards , or are stopped by others which do fix them , with the greater or less violence . CHAP. Of Special Qualities which arise from the Composition of Bodies . CHAP. keywords: able; accidental; action; addition; air; angel; animals; answer; antidotes; antimony; antipathy; aqua; aristotle; atoms; basilisk; beginning; better; betwixt; blood; bodies; body; bolt; brain; cause; centre; certain; chap; chapter; circle; circulation; circumference; clear; clouds; coelestial; cold; colours; common; composition; compound; condensed; continual; contrary; copper; corpuscles; corrupted; corruption; day; dead; death; dew; difference; difficulty; digestion; diseases; dispersed; disposition; dissolution; distance; distinct; divers; diversity; divided; division; doctrine; dog; doth; doubt; earth; effect; elements; end; endeavour; essence; example; existence; experience; experiment; extension; external; eye; eyes; falls; far; figure; fire; fit; fixed; flowing; fluid; force; foreign; form; formation; free; gassendus; general; generation; glass; god; gold; good; great; greater; hand; hard; hath; head; health; heart; heavens; help; hot; humours; idea; immoveable; impossible; indivisible; infinite; internal; inward; iron; kind; lead; left; lesser; letters; liberty; life; light; like; line; little; liver; living; load; long; magnitude; manner; material; matter; means; membranes; mercury; mettals; mineral; moon; motion; natural; nature; necessary; necessity; new; nitre; noise; number; object; occasion; occult; opinion; opposite; order; organ; particles; particular; parts; penetrate; perfect; person; philosophers; physical; physick; place; plague; planets; point; poison; pores; powder; principle; proceeding; proceeds; proper; qualities; quality; quantity; quick; rarified; rational; reason; received; remedies; remedy; respect; rest; return; ridiculous; round; said; salt; sea; second; seed; self; seminal; senses; separated; set; sharp; silver; simple; small; solar; sole; solid; sorts; soul; space; spirits; stars; state; stomach; stone; strange; subject; sublimate; substance; subtile; sufficient; sulphur; sun; sweet; sympathy; tcp; terrestrial; text; thick; things; thunder; time; toxicks; true; truth; universal; vacuities; vacuum; vapours; vessel; violence; violent; vital; vitriol; viz; vortex; water; way; ways; weight; whereof; white; winds; wine; wit; wonderful; work; world cache: A50778.xml plain text: A50778.txt item: #12 of 14 id: A54611 author: Petty, William, Sir, 1623-1687. title: The discourse made before the Royal Society the 26. of November, 1674, concerning the use of duplicate proportion in sundry important particulars together with a new hypothesis of springing or elastique motions / by Sir William Petty, Kt. ... date: 1674 words: 11643 flesch: 64 summary: In general, first editions of a works in English were prioritized, although there are a number of works in other languages, notably Latin and Welsh, included and sometimes a second or later edition of a work was chosen if there was a compelling reason to do so. Users should bear in mind that in all likelihood such instances will never have been looked at by a TCP editor. keywords: age; atoms; bigger; bodies; body; case; consideration; different; discourse; distance; doth; double; duplicate; earth; eebo; effects; elasticity; english; equal; example; exercise; figure; fire; foot; force; good; grace; great; gun; half; head; hour; inches; instance; length; like; long; lord; man; masts; matter; men; miles; motion; near; new; number; old; parts; petty; place; points; powder; principles; proportion; quadruple; quantity; reason; roots; royal; said; sails; sea; ship; sir; small; society; space; spirit; square; strength; strong; substance; suppose; swiftness; tcp; text; timber; time; tun; use; velocities; velocity; vessel; viz; water; way; weight; whereof; william; words; worth; years cache: A54611.xml plain text: A54611.txt item: #13 of 14 id: A55584 author: Power, Henry, 1623-1668. title: Experimental philosophy, in three books containing new experiments microscopical, mercurial, magnetical : with some deductions, and probable hypotheses, raised from them, in avouchment and illustration of the now famous atomical hypothesis / by Henry Power ... date: 1664 words: 48500 flesch: 56 summary: Such things as are requisite for the triall of these Experiments , are 1. A Quart at least of ( ☿ ) Quicksilver . I. Experiment 1. TAke a Glass-Tube of above 29 inches in length , as AB , closed at the end B , and open at A : fill it full of Quicksilver , and so close the end A , exactly with the thumb ( as with a stoppel ; ) then reverse it , and putting it and your finger together into the wooden vessel D , fill'd about two inches deep with Quicksilver , erect it perpendicularly therein ; then drawing away your finger from the orifice , your shall see a great part of the Quicksilver in the Tube to make a quick and smart descent into the external Quicksilver in the vessel ; and after it hath , by several vibrations up and down , found out a certain point or degree , there to stand still and immoveable : so that all the upper part of the Tube ( which the Mercury has deserted ) viz. keywords: able; aetherial; aforesaid; air; altitude; alwayes; angle; animal; argument; artifice; atomical; atoms; auricle; ayr; bare; bee; best; better; bigger; black; bladder; bloud; bodies; body; bore; boyle; brain; bristles; bulk; cap; cartes; cause; cavity; certain; change; channel; chap; circle; circulation; clear; close; cole; colour; common; considerable; constant; contrary; crystal; curious; current; cylinder; damp; day; deep; descent; deserted; determinate; diaphanous; different; distance; divisions; doctor; draw; drop; dust; earth; eebo; eels; effect; effluviums; elasticity; elastick; eminent; end; ends; engine; english; equal; excellent; experiment; extension; external; eye; eyes; fabrick; fair; fall; famous; far; fermentation; figure; fill'd; film; finger; fire; fluid; fly; flyes; foot; foraminulous; free; glass; glasses; globular; good; gravitation; great; greater; greatest; green; grosser; hairs; half; hand; hath; head; heart; height; help; henry; higher; hill; hold; holes; hollow; horns; hot; hypothesis; inches; inclination; incomparable; ingenious; innumerable; insect; internal; iron; kind; large; leaf; leaves; left; legs; length; lesser; liberty; light; like; linus; liquor; little; loadstone; locust; long; longer; looks; louse; lower; luminous; magnetical; man; manifest; matter; mechanical; mercurial; mercury; meridian; microscope; middle; milk; mineral; minute; mites; motion; mountain; mouth; muffet; natural; nature; nay; neck; needle; nerves; new; noble; non; object; observable; observat; observations; observed; onely; open; operations; ordinary; orifice; oyl; pag; pair; parallel; particles; parts; pass; pendent; perchance; perfect; perpendicular; phaenomena; philosophers; philosophy; piece; pipe; pit; pitch; pits; place; plain; plants; pleasant; point; pores; powder; present; pressure; pretty; principles; probable; probe; proper; protuberant; pure; quantity; quicksilver; reach; reason; red; region; removal; rest; restagnant; return; rise; rose; round; running; said; saith; saw; second; seeds; self; sensation; sense; set; shank; short; shorter; sides; skin; small; smallest; snout; soever; sorts; soul; space; spectacle; sphaere; spider; spirits; spots; standard; stone; stream; strike; strong; substance; sun; superficies; sure; surface; syphon; tail; tartar; tayl; tcp; text; thing; time; tincture; torricellian; transparent; true; truth; tube; turn; twixt; use; vacuity; variation; veins; vent; vessel; vessel'd; vessel'd quicksilver; view; vineger; virtue; vitriol; viz; water; way; weather; white; wings; wonted; wood; work; world; yards; years; yellow cache: A55584.xml plain text: A55584.txt item: #14 of 14 id: A67384 author: Royal Society (Great Britain) title: A discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on experimental observations, presented to the Royal Society, November 12. 1674 by John Wallis ... date: 1675 words: 13765 flesch: 62 summary: First , Why it weighs less in Water than in Air ? And Secondly , Why it weighs alike at several depths in Water ? Why it should weigh less in Water than in Air , he ascribes to the Resistance and Crassitude of the Water : And he tells us elsewhere , that , if we strike with our hand the surface of Water , we shall find its Resistance not much less than if we struck a Board . keywords: air; bodies; body; case; contrary; depth; descent; doth; equal; equivalent; experiment; fig; fluid; foot; force; fuga; gravitate; gravitation; gravity; greater; hand; heavier; heavy; higher; inches; incumbent; lateral; level; levity; lighter; like; liquor; little; lower; man; motion; nature; onely; oyl; parts; perpendicular; pipe; place; positive; pressed; pressure; propension; quick; reason; rest; royal; self; silver; sink; society; spring; strength; strong; surface; syphon; tcp; text; vacui; vessel; water; way; weight; wood cache: A67384.xml plain text: A67384.txt