item: #1 of 11 id: 29141 author: Montague, H. Gordon title: Two New Pocket Gophers from Wyoming and Colorado date: None words: 2432 flesch: 70 summary: Although large, this skull has the slender proportions of _attenuatus_ to which the specimen is tentatively referred. W Pine Bluffs) to the eastward, _T. t. attenuatus_ differs in smaller size throughout and more slender skull. keywords: attenuatus; co.; colorado; column; county; creek; geographic; hall; history; horse; kansas; laramie; length; longer; museum; park; peak; range; rostralis; rostrum; size; skull; smaller; specimens; subspecies; t. t.; talpoides; thomomys; university; wyoming; |male cache: 29141.txt plain text: 29141.txt item: #2 of 11 id: 31025 author: Russell, Robert J. title: A New Species of Pocket Gopher (Genus Pappogeomys) From Jalisco, México date: None words: 1137 flesch: 56 summary: In view of the absolute quality of the differences between _P. alcorni_ and _P. bulleri_, it seems best to regard the former as a species, rather than as a subspecies of _P. bulleri_. The conspicuous nasal patch of _P. alcorni_ is large and bright cinnamon or buffy, and, although the nasal patch may be large in some subspecies of _P. bulleri_, in each specimen possessing the patch the hairs are whitish with little or no trace of pigmentation. keywords: alcorni; bulleri; cinnamon; enamel; genus; jalisco; kansas; length; pappogeomys; patch; pocket; posterior; sierra; species; tooth; university; wall cache: 31025.txt plain text: 31025.txt item: #3 of 11 id: 31141 author: Russell, Robert J. title: Four New Pocket Gophers of the Genus Cratogeomys from Jalisco, Mexico date: None words: 2628 flesch: 49 summary: Among named subspecies of _C. gymnurus_, the skull of _tellus_ most closely resembles that of _atratus_, and, although they differ greatly in size, _C. g. tellus_ seems to be the closest relative of _C. g. atratus_. Previously _C. gymnurus_ was known only from southern Jalisco and _C. zinseri_ only from extreme eastern Jalisco, but through the efforts of J. R. Alcorn specimens were obtained of both species in the central part of the state. keywords: breadth; color; females; foot; gymnurus; hind; jalisco; larger; length; mastoid; maxillary; measurements; nasals; processes; rostrum; skull; smaller; squamosal; subspecies; tail; teeth; upper; zinseri; zygomatic cache: 31141.txt plain text: 31141.txt item: #4 of 11 id: 32623 author: Baker, Rollin H. (Rollin Harold) title: Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Cratogeomys castanops, in Coahuila, México date: None words: 6862 flesch: 67 summary: Compared with topotypes of _C. c. goldmani_, found to the south, _excelsus_ differs in: Body larger; hind foot smaller; upper parts in winter pelage paler, more buffy and less rufous; skull larger; zygomata more widely flaring; rostrum broader; nasals shorter; tympanic bullae larger and more inflated; maxillary teeth larger. Cratogeomys_ and decided that six subspecies of _C. castanops_ occurred in Coahuila. keywords: = =; body; breadth; buffy; bullae; bullatus; c. c.; castanops; coahuila; column; consitus; convexus; cratogeomys; cratogeomys castanops; darker; east; excelsus; flaring; foot; goldman; grande; hind; incisors; inflated; jucundus; larger; length; mastoid; maxillary; narrower; nasals; nelson; north; ochraceous; palate; paler; parts; pelage; rostrum; rufous; río; shorter; size; skull; smaller; south; specimens; subnubilus; subsimus; subspecies; tail; teeth; tympanic; upper; zygomata cache: 32623.txt plain text: 32623.txt item: #5 of 11 id: 33653 author: Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) title: A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys) From Wyoming and Colorado date: None words: 740 flesch: 71 summary: T. t. meritus_ differs in: Lesser size, darker color, smaller and slenderer skull. T. t. meritus_ is based were obtained by Mr. E. Lendell Cockrum and his associates with the thought that intergradation might be shown between _T. t. rostralis_ to the east and _ keywords: color; history; kansas; length; natural; skull; subspecies; thomomys; university; wyoming cache: 33653.txt plain text: 33653.txt item: #6 of 11 id: 34314 author: Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) title: A New Pocket Gopher (Thomomys) and A New Spiny Pocket Mouse (Liomys) from Michoacán, Mexico date: None words: 1736 flesch: 59 summary: The field notes of the collector of the type of _T. u. pullus_ record that when he was making a shallow excavation to reveal the gopher burrow in which he trapped the holotype, he found the burrow approximately five inches below the surface of the ground and that in digging deeper than was necessary he accidentally broke into the burrow of a _Cratogeomys_. Thomomys umbrinus_ obtained in 1943 from points 3, 4 and 5 miles south of Pátzcuaro proves upon comparison to be an hitherto unrecognized subspecies which is described and named as follows: #Thomomys umbrinus pullus#, new subspecies _Type._--Male, adult, skin and skull; No. 100151, Univ. California Mus. keywords: acutus; breadth; bullae; burrow; hall; interparietal; irroratus; kansas; length; liomys; measurements; michoacán; nasals; new; pocket; posterior; pátzcuaro; skull; specimen; subspecies; tail; thomomys; tympanic; umbrinus; upper cache: 34314.txt plain text: 34314.txt item: #7 of 11 id: 34836 author: Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) title: A New Pocket Gopher (Genus Thomomys), from Eastern Colorado date: None words: 1098 flesch: 64 summary: T. t. rostralis_, which occur farther west, selected differences of _T. t. retrorsus_ are: lighter color; larger skull; more inflated tympanic bullae; greater relative (to length of skull) breadth across upper incisors, rostrum, and zygomata. T. t. retrorsus_ is indistinguishable in color, length of tail, and length of tooth-row, but averages smaller in all other measurements. keywords: breadth; clusius; colorado; hist; kansas; length; mus; nasals; nat; retrorsus; rostrum; skull; specimens; subspecies; t. t.; talpoides; thomomys; university cache: 34836.txt plain text: 34836.txt item: #8 of 11 id: 36653 author: Hall, E. Raymond (Eugene Raymond) title: Subspeciation in Pocket Gophers of Kansas, [KU. Vol. 1 No. 11] date: None words: 6502 flesch: 70 summary: Therefore, the color and size probably are indicative of intergradation between _jugossicularis_ and _major_. W Elkader, 3; no locality more precise than county, 1. _Trego County_: keywords: + =; = +; = =; acad; adult; agric; barber; basilar; border; brown; bull; bursarius; characters; city; co.; color; county; crest; darker; distribution; fauna; females; foot; geomys; geomys bursarius; gophers; hamilton; hibbard; hind; inclined; industrius; intergradation; intermediate; jugossicularis; kansas; lawrence; length; locality; lutescens; major; majusculus; males; mammals; meade; merriam; nasals; nebraska; number; occiput; parts; pocket; precise; rostrum; sagittal; sci; size; skull; specimens; state; subspecies; swenk; total; trans; type; upper; west; width; zygomatic; | | cache: 36653.txt plain text: 36653.txt item: #9 of 11 id: 37317 author: Youngman, Phillip M. title: Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomomys bottae, in Colorado date: None words: 6329 flesch: 73 summary: Thomomys bottae howelli_, holotype ---+---------+---+---+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+--- F | 75684[1]| | | | | | | | | | | | sad. +---+---+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+--- F | 2982[2] |217| 59| 31|40.4|13.8|24.3|20.6|16.7| 8.6|9.2|6.8 F | 3013[2] |210| keywords: ---+---+---+----+----+----+----+----+----+---+--; = =; amer; aureus; b. aureus; bailey; bottae; bullae; cañon; city; co.; colorado; cultellus; dark; dorsal; fauna; fig; geographic; goldman; great; howelli; internatus; kansas; length; mammals; measurements; mesa; mexico; mountains; museum; nasals; new; november; number; pervagus; plains; plateau; posterior; premaxillae; province; rubidus; san; skull; smaller; specimens; springs; state; subspecies; t. b.; thomomys; thomomys bottae; topotypes; university; usnm; variation; warren; washington; zygomatic; | +; | m; | min; | | cache: 37317.txt plain text: 37317.txt item: #10 of 11 id: 39164 author: Durrant, Stephen David title: The Pocket Gophers (Genus Thomomys) of Utah University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, Vol. 1 No. 1 date: None words: 33220 flesch: 68 summary: Remarks._--The range of _albicaudatus_ is larger than that of any other race of _ Judging from the nature of the terrain, the range of _gracilis_ does not extend eastward much beyond the Raft River Mountains. keywords: = =; = thomomys; adult; albicaudatus; angular; animals; april; arches; area; aureiventris; aureus; bailey; biol; birdseyei; black; bonnevillei; breadth |; brown; buff; bullae; california; canyon; centralis; characters; cinnamon; color; comparisons; contractus; convex; county; creek; darker; diagnosis._--size; differs; distal; distinguished; dorsal; durrant; east; examined._--total; feet; foot |; forms; george; goldman; gophers; grayish; greater; hall; head; heavier; heavy; hind; incisors; inflated; intergradation; intergrades; interparietal; interpterygoid; island; journ; june; kansas; lake; larger; length |; lighter; locality; longer; measurements; medium; min; molariform; moorei; mountains; museum; narrower; nasals |; national; near; new; north; nose; november; number; october; original; parts; patches; pinkish; planirostris; pocket; postauricular; posterior; premax |; premaxillae; processes; range; region; ridged; river; robustus; rounded; salt; series |; shaped; shorter; sides; size; skin; skull; slender; smaller; soc; south; space; specimens; spreading; state; subspecies; t. b.; t. t.; tail |; talpoides; teeth; text; thomomys bottae; thomomys talpoides; topotypes; tympanic; type._--male; uinta; underparts; univ; university; utah; valley; wasatchensis; washington; weaker; west; white; wider; zygomatic arches; | alveolar; | basilar; | extension; | interorbital; | mastoid; | post; | rostrum; | upper; | zygomatic; | | cache: 39164.txt plain text: 39164.txt item: #11 of 11 id: 40282 author: Russell, Robert J. title: Evolution and Classification of the Pocket Gophers of the Subfamily Geomyinae date: None words: 42408 flesch: 65 summary: The dentition of _G. quinni_ is essentially the same as in the living species except that open lateral re-entrant angles are retained in the premolars. See Gazin (1942:481-484), Wilson (1937:39-40), Hibbard (1958:25), and Hibbard _et al._ keywords: = =; acad; account; adult; advanced; amer; america; ancestor; ancestral; angles; angular; anterior; arizona; basitemporal; beds; bicolumnar; biprismatic; border; breadth; broad; bull; bursarius; california; carnegie; cave; central; characters; cheek; chronologic; cit; classification; co.; columns; common; complete; county; cratogeomys; crest; crown; deep; dentine; dentition; deposits; description; developed; development; different; dikkomyini; dikkomys; distinct; dolichocephalic; earlier; early; early pleistocene; edge; enamel; enamel plate; entoptychinae; entrant; evolution; extinct; fauna; features; fig; figs; final; florida; fold; formation; fossa; fossette; fossil; fossorial; gazin; genera; generalized; genus; geol; geomyids; geomyinae; geomyines; geomyini; geomys; gidley; gophers; grandis; great; grooves; grooving; group; hay; hibbard; hist; illinoian; incisor; individuals; inflection; inner; inst; irvingtonian; isolated; january; jour; july; june; kansas; known; labial; lacking; late; late pleistocene; lateral; left; length; life; lineage; lingual; living; local; local fauna; long; loph; loss; lower; major; mammals; mandible; masseteric; material; meade; merriam; michigan; middle; miocene; modern; molariform; molars; morphotype; mus; narrow; nat; near; nebraska; nerterogeomys; new; north; occlusal; oligocene; oregon; orthogeomys; outer; pappogeomys; pattern; phyletic; plains; plates; platycephalic; pleistocene; pleurolicus; pliocene; pliogeomys; pliosaccomys; pls; pocket; points; posterior; posterior enamel; premolar; present; primitive; process; protomeres; publ; quinni; radiation; ranch; range; recent; record; reduction; referable; region; remains; rexroad; ridge; right; river; rodents; san; sangamon; schultz; sci; second; separated; sequence; shallow; shaped; short; sides; simpson; single; size; skull; slight; small; soc; south; southwestern; specializations; specialized; species; specimens; springs; stages; stock; stout; structure; subfamily; subgenera; subgenus; surface; teeth; tertiary; texas; thomomyini; thomomys; time; tobinensis; tooth; transverse; trend; tribe; type; union; united; univ; unknown; upper; valley; wall; washington; wear; western; wilson; wisconsin; wood; xico; zygogeomys; zygomatic; | | cache: 40282.txt plain text: 40282.txt